![Skiba Seeks Reelectio] Niemiec, Baumgartne Candidates for Council](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Ml An* Be* 8o» «*•* L The Aw« Are Ow Afortkcn, fetratfat 1M CARTERET, N J. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1948 PfclCBTHRB \XVI- -NO. 49 . £ PteAre (foot Sa/rfy AMI* gear's Pay f e'd Rather Skiba Seeks Reelectio] Home Authorized To Goodell Niemiec, Baumgartne Suit Dropped ami « „„, „* the .-- (.(aims of Tenure Candidates for Council Arc Given Up \ ,,,is borough riWuW ^'^^rted support and CARTERET The controversy MC "- between the Board of Education ,,nr ,n particular we and George 8. Goodell, former su- In Carteret Race for Assessor pervising principal Is nott »t an end. Jpavins tho board free to Hi» Opponent Escape Contest name a nuccfssoi1, The settlement which was pre- dicted In the CARTERET PRES8 April 20 Prii sevevnl weeks HRO. was r.otisumated • ,;„,• and comfort nt the. meetins n! the board Wed- CARTERET — As both completed their slates of ^•"" . slcK it u the nesday nlsht l,o takes oy Jne ctAt.cs indications pointed to 1 w And here is the way it was cione: 111!!' ' spirited election campaign in ~ „ >ick chUd from a The board received a letter from ember Last night wts the d Mr. Qoodell asking a leave of ab- me for the filing ol petitions. CARTERET—WlllUm Wilson, instant super the right Of the commissioner I* L W. Wiihnrrtftit. sence until June 18,1948, when his director »f safety and health at the plant. T« the school year term expires. This was Democrats persuaded 1 Intendent of the Silver Refinery In pictured above Stephen Sklba to run again receiving the vifety award for the Cartwet plant of lAft of Wilton IK W. F. I.swinr. assistant myertnltn granted Then » resolution was * series of conferences. It '' qim|! nune. Uie V. 8. MrUls Refining Company, from Hurry ( drnt of the yard and on his right Is John tanker, Introduced, authorising the pay- ehllrman of the safety committee, IxK.al 837. C.I.O. wme ronvinclnit talking, since ,„,, ,.re and wen grate- Harper, »t»W labor eommlssionrr, at thr annual ment of 15,300 to Mr Goodell, safety swarfs dinner held at the Hotel Pli.ru. To and S. Workers. which .iiim represents a year's mayor had wanted to step aside. salary This also was approved v.m BOIM j As Hkiba's running mates, tfci with Commissioner Ciko voting in Democrats selected Walter Mi* . , M(,,y down thto the negative. ,:u, listen her wort, Thm Carteret Plants Win Safety Awards; mice, president of the Board o| t The terms ol the resolution pro- Education, and School Commit*., vided that Mr Goodell drops his storm Andrew Baumgartner tot1"-. suit brought before the State council. Niemiec polled the larg*et; Th(MN!,I1(! nurse help* those Copper Works Captures Four of the Prizes Board of Education and also drops votr nt any candidate at the law W«i for her services Md The Tank llou«r rrrrlvrd a merit award in all claims for tenure, as well as school election. James J. Lukaw aftord It. CARTFRET—Industrie* of thk borough rap- tured «ven prlie* (er jafrt.v. Thr awards wrrr. Class L Thr Silver and White MrUls Division any and all claims he may have. is the party candidate for nave time. OIVE Judge Milton A. Feller, of Eliza- Villl m»4e by the MlddlMei County ( ommlttec of the received a jrmn winner award In Class II and the sor, an office he Is now holding. beth, counsel for Goodell said his New Jeney SUtr Induntrial Safety Committee Aluminum and Store* a. merit award in the samr Earlier In the week the Repttb*| *Bd the New Jrrvy Departmrnt of Ubor. client now has a teaching position cliM, The Yard division was a group winner and llcan leaders endorsed ,HII1> «r »re going to gi»e a r *n»e winners were honored st a dinner, marking in Williamsport, Pa thatwentteth cUto-wldr InUrplant Mfety rontmt. the Scrap Plant and Patrol won a merit award. Commissioner John J. Ciko [,, 'in' plumber. Merit awards also wrrr given to Jame* A. Berry Mr. Qoodell was ousted June 20 candidate for mayor. WU Four of the prlie* were captured by the U. S. of last year. Efforts made by the Legion Initiation Assessor Battle , ,,,, home of a Mend of. A *>m. Inc. and thr New Roosevelt Laundry, Inc. Greenwald, former council! Metali Reflnlnc Company. National Education Association to , i),, imt water fauert In the was endorsed In the race for _ have him reinstated failed T :pq I,,!],!! »iis running a wattr- Drawing Interest sessor. Councilman John A. TiaA|i Mr. Ooodell brought suit claim- Set for Tuesday n,, i he one In the bath- j and Frank Sleklerka were ag*Jjk| ing tenure. He claimed that he m A:I, dripping. All those endorsed by the party and Carteret's Fire Losses During Past Year was given tenure in June 1948 Impressive Program Gretmwald vs. Lukach luirt, ,,1'Ni. he told his wile, seek their third three-year » washers. Any fool can when he was appointed at the nf Will Mark Semiou Race Expected lo Leaders of both parties" iir said. With the aid conclusion of his second year. t t!ia! At an All-time Low, Potocnig Report Says pressed gratification over the faeV kcv wrench and hammer Action on appointing a successor Stir Warm Campaign destruction of a new home nl companies at the Borough Hull that there will be no contests tit$ i«-(i pulling and pound* CARTSKET — You have less has not been taken as yet. It is Linden and Matthew Avenues Like other communities, he the primary to be held April M,^ it lit cot rusty to hit elbows. to fear from fire if you live in understood that the position will CARTERET Carteret Post 263, CARTERET—Rntry of William said. Carteret was bothered last Whenever there are such conte«t|»i|| Carteret than anywhere else. at 1 A M, October 21. and three be given to E. S. Quln, a member The Ameican Legion, will meet Qrcenwald Into the race for as- kf|ji nt the Job for note year by many woods, field and ThUii the belief of PlreCom- fires at the Armour plant, Janu- of the klgh School faculty as soon Tuesday evening, when it will In- leaders must secure a battery of turn iliifc hours, strugfUng In lot 11 res and there were a few sessor on the Republican ticket to nrloloner Patrick Potocnlg, who ary 6. and two on February 8. he obtains the necessary certi- itiate Into Its ranks the 1948 can- workers In order to get out the ii'iiion and then In U- automobile fires. oppose James J. Lukach, incum- revelled today that thin bor- Potocnig said that flre losses fication. didates for the American Legion, vote. Getting votes out at primary ihr iiini-ofl gadget wu Kerosene stoves and lamps ough'i fire loat for 1947 was ona are down because Carteret In- School facilities were granted with oficers of Uie post conducting bent, promises Carteret a battle elections has always been a diffi- [ill linn ,iinl the fauctt WU accounted for some fires, detec- of the lowest on record. dustries are safety conscious. Uie.. following: MdModere n School of the ceremonies. of more than passing interest. cult task. ; till • Finally he fixed Twice a year, he said, Captains tive chimneys, stoves, furnaces Although Carteret's fixe de- Dancing, recital. HigHihh SchoolShl . MaMay Joining the post in celebration The popularity of both men is A better - than - average vote, incompetent way, Roy Dunn and Patrick Donovan and oil burners lor others. partment responded to fifty- 7;, Boy Scouts, court of honor, of this event will be the Ladles' however, is expected by the R '. .,!.,• > .,; better than they inspect plants, school* and Potocnig declared that last Both aAool, April 39; Ptre Conv undisputed, with the result that tour fine, twenty-four still Auxiliary. Familiemiiieus anda tnenafriendes omf i publicans at the primary b !'• tlirh theaters. year's report ia very irtUfyie*. tUrau, pDtocnlg mid. the flre vM*tn« Xegkttwttteft-Uibe auni»ifft witt be worth watch of the State contests. Dm im. i he three hoUtvhe He added: lou wai very km. In only three In most of the house fires, Aprl) 4. will also be welcomed. inii. Meanwhile chiefs of both pw» r ;v. imtiung more than a Potocnig aald, lost Was kept "We're lucky that we had no Principal Herman Horn sub- The meeting and initiation cere- Mr. Lukach was born In Car- ties are boasting that they have or four fires during the year, tires of conflagration propor- .,;;.. : nark, skinned hUdtV down to a minimum because of mitted the following dates for monies, whidh will Include the im- teret and attended the public strong tickets. Hopes of the Re* wu there a definite loss. tions. i> iiKuMrrs and to* last of Major flre losses Included the the quick response of both flre commencement which were ap- pressive American Legion Ritual, schools in the borough. He Is a publicans are bright because of* .:: : hnllls Ul ft IgW tiftyi * will be conducted In the council the Presidential election. :, proved: baccalaureate, June 13, 2 graduate of the Agricultural i, i ., ".'.niy well again. chambers, Refreshments will be P. M., commencement, June 18, School, Rutgers University. i i,;:,> he told us, "are 6:30 in Stadium. served In the Legion meeting room. VFW fill Elect He served as member of the : ,, • riiiiiiKii, the way I see On motion of Commissioner A prize will be offered during Teachers Petition Arriving m Borough Borough Council for six years and li;i l, ,iii Fedlam, District Clerk Morris was the evening.
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