AND REMlND YOU, Mercury Of Amelia Earhart Lecture He re Jan. 11 Otlicial Publication of Gl-ville State Teachers College Number W 100 PERSONS ATTEND DANCE Amelia Earhart WILL ATTEND CONFERENCE CHORAL CLASS TO Santa C!au~e Drop• in to Pay Miu Beuie Boyd Bell Plans Trip Annual Raped• to Chattanooga), Tenn GIVE CANTATA AS Approximately one hundred per­ Miss .6essie Boyd Bell, h,;story in· sons attended the Christmas dan e ~ structor in the College, will a ttend CHAPEL FEATURE in the CoUeg·e gymnasium, Saturday t he fiftieth annual meet ing of the 11 American Historical Association, to ~. Olhen Will Spe~~d Ch.riatmu night. Chick" Rose and his or­ Students and Faculty to Hear be held in Chattanooga, T enn., Dec. ;t; Season at Reopec:hve chestra from Weston .played. Short· " The Childe Jeoua," by Homeo ly alter intermission, Santa Claus, 27 to 30. Cloke y and Kirk in the person o! Homer Moore, v is­ Among the nationally prominl'nt figures who will appear on t he pro­ :::- 111SS DOBSON TO CHICAGO ited the part!' and distributed gift3 MISS OLSEN IS DIRECTOR snd ~on fetti . gram wiU be S ecretary of l nteri'lr 1liu Bell Will Co to Ch:attaaooaa; The decora"ion.s were in keepi'lt: Harold L. Jekes and George Ford P ublic Invited - Protram Wa.a lliu M.ariJ&ret Cbri.tie with the Yule sea!lon. The work wns Mitton, editor of lhe Chattanooga Given a t Girl•' Industrial to Florida done bl· Fred Smith and a group t.~ ! News. Home SundaJ1 College studen'-". Mr . H. Y. Cla •k Miss Bell will mako> the trip by Eicht members of the College anil M~ MaTgaret Christie train. The Christmas Cantata, "The :"""\ faculty will spend a part o~ all of the faculty advisers. Childe J esus." by Clokey and Kirk, :: tJuo Christmas holid•~• out of til> -----<>---- PREMIER AVIATRIX will be presented by Lhe Choral Clas' - .au. FRESHMEN BEGIN TO APPEAR HERE i n chapel t omorrow morning at 10 llila Bertha E. Olsen will go to a. m .. under the direction. of Mi~a 1 PLAY REHEARSALS Bertha E. Olsen, instructor in mu­ er hame in Kittery. Me. Mi&s Ma" Will Lecture on uAviation pret Christie " •iU visit her mother sic. The public i.s invi.ted. •' Adventures" in CoJlege 111 Florida and wil l probabl~ spend n The "Cho&t Story" and " When Auditorium Jan. 11 The cantatn was .given Sunday ttl .. days in HavanA, Cuba. Mh!' the Clock Strikea" to Be lhe Girls' l ndu strial Home , nea.: Dobson will spend Christmas day :n Given Next Month Amelia Earhart stamped her name· s~d em . The t rip W 3 S made by bu;; Deeatur, nl. and attend a meet- indelibl)• tntu the new pnpe·a· he.ttJ­ and p ri'"o.te cars furnished by Gwen­ tin&' of the National Anociat ion of Reher!.als Cor the two lines in 1928 by becoming the fir!:. dolyn Smith. Ba..n tz Craddock, J r. 'Tuebt>rs of Speech. Chicago. De:. Fred Mndison Whitin'l', J r., B . · L:!.~ plays to be prt:sente-d in the CoUege woman to ft ~· succe o;.sfully across the ~ 19 \!) Jan. 1. Miss Willa Brand. M i ~ appeal' in the Collere aud itorium han White, Jr .. WillaTd S hre\'C. tn.fditorium by the freshme n, pro ba~ Allontic. The !lim, tou sl e-hea d ~<i ,, dle C. J ames. and ~1r. Elunto! Saturc:iay niaht. Jaa. 11, at 8: 15 bly J an.. 18, were s t.:artcd Wednc . blonde ftyer with lhe sparkling blue Thomas Dotson. Wade Long. The itlng will probnbly go to New o'doc.lc. Her lecture on " A•iation t day evenitg. Namu of the plan ond eye! pa·obably has made more worl1\ Collf.':ge bus waS driven by Ft·r... Adventure•" will mark the third Barnes. ork. t ho respective cast.s are as (ollows: whUe 11f\TSt5" in her record thttn numbe.r of tlae Colleae artistS lli.ss 8 e.s!"ie Boyd Bell, in:s.truct ,~ "The Gho•t Story"-George, Wil· any other woman of her generation. The. cant ata consists of elev(l'n - ill hi!tory, will attend the a nnu>l Jiam Hamilton: A n na~ Salie Hnrlin· I S he is the fi rst wom3n to fly th~ num be r~. Soloisl$ are: Kendell Str<t· meeting of the Americon R istorleal Mary, J oyce. T r usler: Grace, Jmo­ Atlantic, t-he fi r:;t to fl y the Allontic ther . Vorley Rexroad, H. Laban .A'Vociation in Chattanooga, Tenn. gene Dye : Len nie-, Ma rjorie Cr.ad­ FRESHMEN CALLED twice, t he first to fly an aul og~'TO , While, Jr.. Fred Madison Whiting. C..aeh A. F. Rohrbough will visi' do.ck; majd, Virg-inia Gibson; Tom, BEFORE COUNCIL tht> first to cros3 t'he United State.:. Jr , Jack Springer. Edward Bodo. l'S. Rohrbough and s.mell son 1n Roy J arrs.es Smith ; Fred, Pick Dyer; in an a ulogyro, the fi rst t o receive Earnes t.ine Lawson. Ma.X"i ne Bolling­ Toledo. 0 . Mr. and Mr$. Raymon<i Lynn. Harold Winlen; Floyd. Ro­ er and Laul'a Allman. Five S tud e nts Charged W ith the Di!itinguished Flying Cross, the E. Freed will visit in Sutton and bert Davies. A wind ensem "t. le con1.posed ,. : Failure to Ob.erve Campus first t o r eceive t he National Gei'J .. ugtnla. !tft. H. Y. Clark win vi.slt ''\\' het. the Clock Sl rikes"-Pe r~ Nathan C:1llahnn.. Bantz Craddock, Regula tiona graphic: Society's gold medal. thl• m RllndoJph cou.nt y and will wpeak ey Van Dyke, Robert KcenFns ; · Raj- fi rst to make a t l'ansc6nt incnt.nl non­ J r., Ricilard S mith, L3dt.lie Belt, at tlte Gra.fton High S<hool Alumn: a.h, Paul Collins ; 1\Indame Bozo, ChargeS of rniscondYct wer~ rlop ftight, the first woman licensed Ra·n:sal Smith, Willard Shreve, J oh•1 banquet, Dee. 27. Edythe Mae Oxendole: i\1 1'5. Van brought against f ive freshmen by in the United States to cnt•ry pn.i· Marro, J ohn Hamilton and Davh) Dean H. Laban \Vbite will ' ·isil Dyke, Dorot hy Dye ; John J ones, the Student Council, W ed nesday sengers. t he first to solo across tltA Raught will play two selections. in Spencer, Parktrsburg. Clarksburg Whitman Hull; Peu~ y Van Dyke, evening, at G. l 5 p. m. The most Pa.cific f rom Hon :Jlulu, the first t 'l The committee on costumes i!'l and Morganto~~n . Mr. R. T. Cra~ · Jr., Elbert Backus ; l\la ry Riley, common charges inc:luded failure to solo from Mexico City to New York Ma.rgnr et hner. Maxine Pick~ Jack f ord will go t o his home a t Craw~ Welda Betts. woar caps • nd absences from "pop" and is. the holder of both transcon· Spr inger and Everett Howes. Sara ford. Mr. Linn B. Hickman w:H Production staff: Sta ge mana ger, meetings a nd College assembly pro~ til"ental a nd int er national sp e ~:J Margal'"t F\scher is th• piano •c· spend h~ vacat ion he ~ and in W ~s­ J ohn Sims; &tage crew; Ernestine grams. TCC:Ords. compnnist. tQn. He will s peak at the Westo!l Harrason, Fred No.zum, Russell ' 1 \Ve tried to make it plain to Since 1920 Amelia Earhllrt, whJ ----0--- Righ Sc:hool Alamn.i banquet, Dec. Hogue, Damon tarcher; ad\·ertis· them that more drastic action will in private life is Mrs. George Palmer 30. ing manage-rs; Helen Curti5, Mar- be taken !thoutd l hey be called b<'­ Puln3m, wfe of the New York pub­ "Y. W." TO SP.ONSOR J1iss Laura Ann Miles will be 41 guerite Pickens. Laddie Bell; busi- tore the Council a second time/' lisher, explorer ahd autltor , has beet, CHRISTMAS PARTY home in Huntington. 1\oir.P E . ness managers; Lenb Stalnaker, President Llo:fd Metheny said. a fl yer. Previous to 1928 she wa~ Grose will go t O' his home at S ago. Bennie Wildman: make-up crew j 01 Their names will not be made pub­ engaged in social settlement work. Twenty Children Will Receive President E. G. Rohrbough, Mr. J ohn P. Hunter IH. Alma Mae Mil· lie th.is t ime but if they have to be She has sc·rved as aviation editor of Useful G ifts From Carey Woofter , Mr. C. W . Po1t, ner, Oli\'ee Hosey, Ma rgaret lsner ; callt! d the second time, their names o national magazine a nd has wr itten Santa Claus Mias Alma Arbuckle, Dr. J . C. property committee; Ruth Wan- along with the offense, will be pub­ man y articles. She is the aut hor llf Shreve, Miss I vy Lee Myers, M:. isley, Lily .CarJ>entcr, Thelma Gai· lis hed, and they will be punished in ~wo books, "Twenty Hours anti T wenty children f rom the fi r~t. J"obn R. Wag"lt r. and Mr. •Curtis ner ; costume committee; Leah Chen- whntever man.ner the Council sel• ."~ Forty Minutes"· and "The Fun of second. and third grades of th... Baxter will be at. t heir homes i!! oweth, Louise J ennings, Alah 'Vest-' fit." Jt." Glenville public school will be gi v c.1~ Glenville. f all. At the same meeting the Council --- - o- g irts a nd t oys at a party t o be spon .
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