DISTRICT CACHAR STATE: ASSAM ANNEXURE:A STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENREAL AREAS OF FIRST (1st) INSTALMENTS OF THIRTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES FOR YEAR 2012-13 (In Rupees) Amount required in ZPs/Aps/GPs Level For For Water Sanitation For Operation Roads & Parks /Play others Others Population of Nos of Maintenanc Creation of Supply each family & Drains grounds/ income the each AP Total amount Sl.N Name of District AP and Rural Areas e of Data Base below Maintenance waiting shed generating as per required Remarks o. and types of PRIs GPs(LSG ( In Sq. Km) Accounts poverty Cost etc sources census, under 13th I) lines [2001] FC [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] CACHAR 1 ZP 1 1292920 2315.61 200000.00 200000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3236194.14 0.00 2000000.00 2500000.00 8136194 2 AP 15 225000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4679291.21 0.00 0.00 7300000.00 12204291 3 GP 163 815000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15450485.44 0.00 4075000.00 0.00 20340485 179 1292920 2315.61 1240000 200000 0 0 0 23365970.8 0 6075000 9800000 40680971 NB: Schemes may implement as per government procedure. Standing committee must select one income generation schemes for resoruces mobilisation in ZP and AP level as per allocation of fund for income generating resource. Create profile for data base by private agency Schemes may implement through tender procedure. Prepare Plan & Estimate each schemess as per allocation Chief Executive Officer, Cachar Zilla Parishad 1 DISTRICT CACHAR STATE: ASSAM ANNEXURE:B STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENREAL AREAS OF FIRST (1st) INSTALMENTS OF THIRTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES FOR YEAR 2012-13 (In Rupees) Amount required in ZP Level Population of For For Water Sanitation For Roads & Parks /Play others Others Nos of the each AP Rural Areas Maintenance Creation of Supply each family Operation Drains grounds/ income Total amount Bank Sl.N Nos of AP Schemes Name of District/ZP GP as per in ZP( In of Accounts Data Base below & waiting shed generatin required Bank Type Branch Bank Account Nos Name of Bank & Addreess o. (LSGI) /types of (LSGI) census, Sq. Km) poverty Maintenan etc g sources under 13th Code works [2001] lines ce Cost FC [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] {17} {18} {19} {20} {21} CACHAR 15 163 1292920 2315.61 200000 200000 3236194 2000000 2500000 8136194 Nationalised 183 30665271461 SBI,Silchar Grand Total 15 163 1292920 2315.61 200000 200000 0 0 0 3236194.143 0 2000000 2500000 0 8136194 NB: Schemes may implement as per government procedure. Standing committee must select one income generation schemes for resoruces mobilisation in ZP and AP level as per allocation of fund for income generating resource. Create profile for data base by private agency Schemes may implement through tender procedure. Prepare Plan & Estimate each schemess as per allocation Chief Executive Officer, Cachar Zilla Parishad 1 DISTRICT CACHAR STATE: ASSAM ANNEXURE:-C STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENREAL AREAS OF FIRST (1st) INSTALMENTS OF THIRTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES FOR YEAR 2012-13 (In Rupees) Amount reqired in AP level Population of For For Water Sanitation For Roads & Parks /Play others Others income Total Nos of Rural Areas Bank Name of Name of Anchalic the each AP Maintenance Creation of Supply each family Operation Drains grounds/ generating Schemes amount Bank Account Sl.No. Goan in AP( In Sq. Bank Type Branch Name of Bank & Addreess District/ZP Panchayats as per census, of Accounts Data Base below & waiting sources /types of required Nos Panchayat Km) Code [2001] poverty Maintenan shed etc works under 13th lines ce Cost FC [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] {17} {18} {19} {20} {21} CACHAR ZP 1 BANSKANDI 11 78710 15000 227969 500000 742969 Nationalised PLDH-16 1346010118811 United Bank of India Pallorbond Branch, P.O Banskandi 3235 3098 Central Bank of India, Hospital Rd. Br. Silchar 2 BARJALENGA 10 74822 15000 191269 500000 706269 Binnakandi 1294010103974 United Bank of India, Binnakandi Br., Binnakandi 3 BINNAKANDI 6 37465 15000 338644 353644 HO 3 4 BORKHOLA 13 103640 15000 163292 800000 978292 DLUG-70 7656 United Bank of India, Dolu Branch, Dolu 5 KALAIN 15 114203 15000 262999 800000 1077999 KLNG-3 0627010110917 United Bank of India , Kalain Br. 6 10 15000 KATIGO 7726 Bank of Boroda, Katigorah Branch, Katigorah KATIGORAH 82317 262017 500000 777017 2683 2308821991 Central Bank of India, Fulertal Branch, Fulertal 7 LAKHIPUR 7 51785 15000 473815 488815 716 723148276 Indian Bank, Silchar Anand Aracade, Hospital 8 NARSINGPUR 18 136354 15000 472090 800000 1287090 Rd. Silchar 9 PALONGHAT 9 71935 15000 164018 500000 679018 540765 6878 Union Bank of India Silchar Br., United Bank of India, Rajabazar Joypur Br., RBJG-36 3302 10 RAJABAZAR 10 72076 15000 165349 500000 680349 Joypur 02069 2285520702 Central Bank of India, Salchapra Br., Salchapara 11 SALCHAPRA 8 57444 15000 527233 542233 3235 304 Central Bank of India, Hospital Rd. Br., Silchar 12 SILCHAR 12 127217 15000 385843 800000 1200843 13 SONAI 13 117495 15000 294073 800000 1109073 SON -363 10902 United Bank of India, Sonai Branch 3235 3158 Central Bank of India, Hospital Rd. Br. Silchar 14 TAPANG 7 48441 15000 442250 457250 UDB-374 9878 United Bank of India, Udharbond Br., Udharbond 15 UDHARBOND 14 119016 15000 308431 800000 1123431 CACHAR ZP 163 1292920 225000 0 0 0 0 4679291 0 0 7300000 0 12204291 NB: Schemes may implement as per government procedure. Standing committee must select one income generation schemes for resoruces mobilisation in ZP and AP level as per allocation of fund for income generating resource. Create profile for data base by private agency Schemes may implement through tender procedure. Prepare Plan & Estimate each schemess as per allocation Chief Executive Officer, Cachar Zilla Parishad 10 DISTRICT CACHAR STATE: ASSAM ANNEXURE:-D STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENREAL AREAS OF FIRST (1st) INSTALMENTS OF THIRTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES FOR YEAR 2012-13 (In Rupees) Amount required in GPs Level For For Creation Water Supply Sanitation For Operation Roads & Drains Parks /Play others Others income Maintenance of Data Base each family & grounds/ generating of Accounts below Maintenance waiting shed sources Name of Population of the Rural Areas poverty lines Cost etc Sl. Name of Anchalic Schemes Total amount Bank Branch Nos of Goan Panchayat (LSGI) each AP as per in GP( In Bank Type Bank Account Nos Name of Bank & Addreess No. District/ZP Panchayats( /types of required under Code census, [2001] Sq. Km) LSGI) works 13th FC [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] {17} {18} {19} {20} {21} {22} CACHAR 1 BANSKANDI AP 1 BADRI - CHANDRAPUR 7964 5000 95291 25000 125291 Nationalized PLDH-16 1346010118781 UBI, Vill & P.O Pallorbond, Dist. Cachar, Assam Pin-788101 2 BADRIPAR 7004 5000 80188 25000 110188 PLDH-16 1346010105078 UBI, Vill & P.O Pallorbond, Dist. Cachar, Assam Pin-788101 3 BANSKANDI 8047 5000 96597 25000 126597 PLDH-16 1346010105077 UBI, Vill & P.O Pallorbond, Dist. Cachar, Assam Pin-788101 4 DOLUGRAM 5400 5000 54954 25000 84954 PLD H16 5067 United Bank of India, Pallorbond Branch, Banskandi 5 DUNGRIPAR 6773 5000 76554 25000 106554 3235 3063 Central Bank of India, Hospital Road Branch, Silchar 6 GOBINDAPUR - ALGAPUR 6066 5000 65432 25000 95432 PLD H16 5071 United Bank of India, Pallorbond Branch, Banskandi 7 KAPTANPUR 9603 5000 121076 25000 151076 BNDH 03 1294010102013 United Bank of India, Binnakandi Br., Binnakandi, Chotomamda, Dist. Cachar 8 PALERBOND 6853 5000 77813 25000 107813 PLDH-16 1346010105079 UBI, Vill & P.O Pallorbond, Dist. Cachar, Assam Pin-788101 9 RUPAILBALI 8288 5000 100389 25000 130389 BNDH 03 1294010101207 United Bank of India, Binnakandi Br., Binnakandi, Chotomamda, Dist. Cachar 10 SHINGERBOND 5445 5000 55662 25000 85662 BNDH 03 1294010104934 United Bank of India, Binnakandi Br., Binnakandi, Chotomamda, Dist. Cachar 11 TARAPUR -MANIPUR 7267 5000 84326 25000 114326 PLDH-16 1346010118774 UBI, Vill & P.O Pallorbond, Dist. Cachar, Assam Pin-788101 AP Sub-Total 78710 0 55000 0 908282 0 275000 1238282 CACHAR 2 BARJALENGA AP 12 AIRONGMARA 7854 5000 93561 25000 123561 Nationalized GGR-G-50 0848010107862 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Br. Ghungoor, Silchar 13 BAG&BAHAR 6708 5000 75532 25000 105532 GGR G50 7879 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Branch, Silchar 14 BARJALENGA 6691 5000 75264 25000 105264 GGR G50 7915 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Branch, Silchar 15 BHORAKHAI 9406 5000 117977 25000 147977 GGR G50 9182 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Branch, Silchar 16 DHUARBOND 8505 5000 103802 25000 133802 GGR G50 7889 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Branch, Silchar 88224-34517 0848010109078 United Bank of India, Hailakandi Rd. Medical College. P.O 17 GHUNGHUR 8439 5000 102764 25000 132764 Ghungoor, Dist. Cachar 18 LOARBOND 6594 5000 73738 25000 103738 GGR G50 7880 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Branch, Silchar 19 NOYABIL 7089 5000 81526 25000 111526 GGR G50 9109 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Branch, Silchar 20 SILCOORIE 6952 5000 79370 25000 109370 GGR-G50 7863 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Br. Ghungoor, Silchar 21 TARUTAJABARI 6584 5000 73581 25000 103581 GGR G50 7890 United Bank of India, Ghungoor Branch, Silchar AP Sub-Total 74822 0 50000 0 877115 0 250000 1177115 CACHAR 3 BINNAKANDI AP BNDH 03 1294010114313 United Bank of India, Binnakandi Br., Binnakandi, Chotomamda, Dist. 22 BINNAKANDI 5591 5000 57959 25000 87959 Nationalized Cachar BNDH 03 1294010104935 United Bank of India, Binnakandi Br., Binnakandi, Chotomamda, Dist.
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