In this Issue * Blacks· , at G·towri .... pageS * Was McCarthy in the SFS •.•• pageS * Art of GU •••• page6 57th Year, No. 10 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY. WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday, November 12. 1976 Court Sets, Back, Master Plan Zoning Board Procedure Cited by Jiin Co lap rico President for Physical Plant William all universities' master plans from the rehearing would be unrealistic in the Dealing a sharp blow to the future Miller, the memo in question in· BZA. sense that the present decision was of the University's Long Range volved the flow of traffic inside and "We feel that if we go back to the unanimous. Development Plan, the DC Court of out of the University. In its original BZA and try again, we may get hung "Also, a Supreme Court case Appeals set aside a Board of Zoning ruling, the BZA instructed the up in the middle of deliberations would cost in terms of time and Adjustment (BZA) ruling that recog· University to close Healy Gates to all when the change in jurisdiction money," he s\\id. "Our lawyers don't nized the University's boundaries as traffic and instead place the main comes. We would feel better waiting have a constitutional issue to base their arguments around." extending beyond Healy Gates. entrance off Canal Road. This and going straight to the Zoning The Long Range Development The lawsuit, which had been filed specification was ordered to be imple· Commission," Miller said. by the Citizens Association of mented "immediately." The BZA' Plan outlines the future physical Spol(esmen from CAG were un· Georgetown (CAG), attempted to clarification memo changed this time development of the University. In its available for comment. regulate the type of construction requirement, stating that the en· present form, it includes such items as making the Canal Road entrance that the University could sta~t on trance change could be accomplished . The other options open to the property it owns outside of the Main within the normal course of events, University are to ask for a rehearing to the University the main entrance "We had also contended that before the Appeals Court or to and the establishment of a larger The University's Master Plan has been set back by a recent- court decision Campus. The University had argued when the BZA ruled in the Univer· appeal to the US Supreme Court. academic research center in the area limiting GU's boundaries. that its boundaries extend down from Healy Gates to 35th Street and sity's favor it was performing a Miller said that an Appeals Court of New South parking lot. also include the block consisting of planning function," Glasgow said. the East Campus. "The Court said that the Board did Med School Corrected According to University attorney not have this authority." BAG Seeks to Control Norman Glasgow, the Appeals Court The Board of Zoning Adjustment decision was based on the argument is a quasi-judicial' body whose func· that "the procedure the BZA fol· tion it is to grant exceptions to the Error inAMA Repqrt lowed did not meet zoning law DC zoning law. Univ. Utih-ties Surplus The Court further found the by Barbara lJan der SlraeLen by Wayne Saitta the AMA, the correcting letter sent . requirements." BAG proposal. BZA's fact· finding methods to be The Budget Advisory Group American Medical Association by Kerwin on June 1 stated that Iii particular, the court found, According to the Budget Advisory inadequate and inaccurate, according (BAG) has recommended to Univer· Group proposal, future departmental records show that GU Med School there was an error in the May 19th cOII).plaint with the contents of a to Glasgow, sity President Timothy Healy that it officials corrected a statement in a report concerning the amount of memo filed by the BZA to clarify its surpluses will be placed in a reserve The future of the Master Plan will be charged with reallocating future account while discussion about May 19 report to the ANIA that Head. time that Chambers spent 'running ruling in favor of the University plan. depend heavily on proposed changes utility surpluses. future spending proceeds. Money of the Pathology Residency Program the residency program, and corrected The ,court held that the memo did in the zoning laws. Miller explained According to University Vice that figure. not merely clarify the ruling, but had could then be spent wherever BAG Dr. Robert Chambers had alleged to that the Zoning Commission is soon President Fr. Aloysius Kelley, Healy , be false. The Committee for Graduat,e actually modified it. decides, but eventual approval would According to University Vice expected to take over jurisdiction for has "expressed satisfaction" with the be up to Healy. Chambers had charged in a memo Medical Education of the AMA, In September the Main Campus to, University ,President Fr. Timothy which is the accrediting body for th~ Finance CommiUee passed a resolu· Healy that the report on the residency program, is presently con­ tion calling rOJ; the return of all Main residency program, which was sent to sidering Chamber's charges and the Campus utility surpluses to the the accrediting body for the resi· program's accreditation; it is ex­ Student Senate Acquits Peers MCFC. Previous budget surpluses dency program, was "blatantly pected to decide on the matters in remained in the department in which false." about a week. by Mark McAdams grounds that .they incurred three Freshman senator Dave O'Connor the surplus arose. Chambers said in an interview that Chambers has stopped training After four ,hours of debating the unexcused absences from Senate voiced denunciation of the Ringwald he had not known about the pathology residents in the GUH role of the Student Senate last meetings. Senate rules in effect at the decision after the vote was tallied. The MCFC resolution centered on correcting letter sent by Chairman of Clinical Labs in 1974 because of Wednesday, the expulsion proceed· time of the violations required that "I don't believe that just happened. a $500,000 utility surplus which the Pathology Department, Dr. what he stated he considered poor ings against stUdent senators Ring· the senate vote on impeachment of It's a disgrace," O'Connor said. aros~ in fiscal year 1976. According Donald ,Kerwin at the time he made conditions. Chambers stated that he wald, Rizzi, Wilson and Mousseau any senator who misses more than to the resolution, a similar surplus is his chatges concerning the report, now ·trains residents at Walter Reed resulted in their acquitals. Ringwald three scheduled senate meetings. The After the Ringwald decision was accruing this year. Part of the 1976 and stated that there were more Hospital. was issued a warning while all charges rule has since been amended' such handed down (it took over two surplus was spent by University Vice errors in the May 19th report than Chambers has previously charged against the other'three senators were that any senator who misses three or hours) it became clear that expulsion President Dan Altobel!o on utility of the remaining three senators was were addressed in 'Kerwin's letter. that the Hematology Division of the' dropped:- . _motemeet~ngs will be automatically conservation projects. He said that he also informed the GU. Hospital Clinical Labs had been In' a related development sopho.' impeache'd.' ' no longer being seriously considered. The Budget Advisory GrOllp is AMA of the statements in the May reporting out test results they knew more senator Gordon Dean resigned , Senator Chris Ringwald, who had Senator Terry McCourt received a made up of Kelley, Dean D!\.vid 19th report which he claimed were to be erroneous and in some cases earlier this ,y.reek claiming that he missed five senate meetings, admitted standing ovation when, defending McCarthy of the Law School, false early last August. He added that they had. not informed physicians could not be a part "of this witch to the senate that he had been Peggy Wilson, he said, "Someone of Chancellor of the !VIed School the charges and material he sent to using the tests. hunt," referring to the impeachment irresponsible last semester but her caliber should not be issued a Matthew McNUlty, George Houston, the AMA "went much further than Head of the Clinical Labs Dr. proceedings as being unproductive claimed that he had recently been warning." He claimed that her University Treasurer, and Pat that (Kerwin's correcting letter)." Charles Rath stated that he was not . and "ludicrous." reformed. "My imagination has been absences from the Senate did not in Tueckel, Vice President of Student Chambers declined to discuss the aware of any such cases occurring. Joining Dean in resigning is Sen· captured by the senate," he said. any way indicate that she was not an Development. BAG is charged with nature of the other errors he charged Operating procedures of the labs ator Junior Saitta. Citing the senate's Senator Peggy .~,Harbeson who effective senator, saying that a large drawing up overhead budgets for ail were in the report. were also found by government inability to discuss any "substantive made the motion to have Ringwald part of a senator's job is taken up in three university campuses. Kerwin could not be reached for inspectors to violate federal regula- issues" Saitta said he could no "warned" instead of expelled said committee outside the senate. Student MCFC member Chris comment but a GU medical school tions in many cases. , longer participate in the "senate's that the rules requiring a legitimate Graham commented that the result official close to the program stated Rath eliminated Chambers' posi. stupidity." Saitta said his resignation excuse for absences from the senate Wilson was completely exonerated of the BAG resolution would be the that the error Kerwin corrected was tion as Quality Control Officer of the is in no way connected with Dean's meetings be presented to the Presi­ by a vote of 15·5 with two same as that of the MCFC's proposal.
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