THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of Hia Excellency the Governor of Kenya (Registend as a Newspaper at the G.P.03 Vol. LXV-No. 13 NAIROBI, 19th March, 1963 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZE~Nonms-(Contd.) PAGE I PAGE Appointments, etc. Trade Marks . 293-297 , Corrigendum--Law Examination . .. ,.. Patents . 298 The Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958- Transport Licensing . 299-303 Declaration of Incapacity of Constituency Member . Liquor Licensing . .. 303-304 Appointment of Temporary Member . Probate and Administration . 304-305 Appointment of Puisne Judge . Bankruptcies . 306-307 Central Legislative Assembly (Election of Representative The Companies Ordinance-Notices . 307 Members) Standing Orders, 1962-Election Result . The Societies Qrdinance-Notices . 307-308 The lnterpretation and Genera1 Provisions Ordinance- Temporary Transfer of Ministerial Powers . The Co-operative Societies Ordinance, 1945-Notices . 308 The Kenya Cultural Centre Ordinance, 1950-Appoint- Loss of Policies . 308-309 ments . Tenders . 309 The Immigration Ordinance-Appointment . Local Government Notices . 309 The African District Councils Ordinance, 1950- To All to Whom it May Concern . 309 Appointments . Changes of Name . 309 The Agriculture Ordinance-Notices . Dissolution of Partnership . 310 The Canning Crops Ordinance-Appointments . The Transfer of Businesses Ordinance-Notices . 310 The lnsnrance Companies Ordinance-Appointments . The Trust Land Ordinance-Setting Apart of Land . 310-318 The Prisons Ordinance-Appointments . The King's African Rifles Ordinance-Queen's Com- mission . SUPPLEMENT No. 20 Consular Representations . Legislativz Supplement The Police Ordinance, 1960--Closure of Police Stations LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa-Easter 178-The Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Compilation Vacation . of Registers of Electors) Regulations, 1963 337 The Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance- 179-The Widows' and Orphans' Pensions Ordin- Appointments . ance-Notice . -. 338 H.M. Supreme Court of Kenya at Mombasa-Easter 18-The Births and Deaths Registration (Amend- Vacation . ment) Rules, 1963 . 340 l8lL~hePolice (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations, Committee of Inquiry into Rent Restriction-Hearing . 1963 . 343 The Records Disposal Ordinance-Intended Destruction 182-The Police (Police Council) Regulations, 1963 344 of Court Records . 289 183-The African Courts (Hearing of Charges) Nairobi Cost-of-Living Indices . 289 Order, 1963 . 349 Vacancy . 289 The Crown Lands Ordinance- SPECIAL NOTICE Notice . 289 IN ORDER to avoid undue delay in the publication of the Shauri Moyo Shopping Centre, Nairobi . 290 Kenya Gazette during the Easter period, the final time and date for the acceptance of matter for publication in the Kenya Gazette The Weights and Measures Ordinance-Notice to of 16th April, 1963, will be 4 p.m., Wednesday, 10th April. , Traders . 293 Kenya Stock . 293 Nairobi, H. G. LOFTING, 15th March, 1963. Government Printer. Loss of Certificates . 293, 308 284 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 19th M arch, 1963 G AZETTE N OTICE N O. 1112 GAZETTE N oTlcE N o. 1 1 15 A PPOIN TM ENTS (L.C. 4/ 5 Vol. 111) EDGAR YATES, B.sc. (AGluc.), to' act as Area Settlement Controller, THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN D epartm ent of Settlement, M inistry of Land Settlement and COUN CIL, 1958 W ater D evelopm ent, with effect from 4tl1 M arch, 1963. (L.N. 1 58 oj 1958) A NTHONY W ILI-IAM S'rspHExs to be District Colnm issioner, Taita APPOINTMENT OF TBMPORARY M EMBFX OF THE D istrict, Coast Province, with effect from 22nd February, 1963. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL JOHN RODNEY JoHNsox to be D istriet Com missioner, Thika ' By H is Exeellency the Right H onourable M alcolm John Distrlct, Central Province. with effect from 1st M arch, 1963. M acD onald, G okernor and Com m ander-in-chief in and $xL,.Bo1- (A cmc;zs l-ovlmlzqsy Barristçr-at-raw (lnner Temple), to over K enya ; be Chief Executive Oflicer, Land D evelopm ent and Settlem ent W H EREAS there is a vacancy in the number of persons sitting Board, M inistry of Land Settlement and W ater D evelopm ent, as M embers of tho Legislative Council by reason of a declaration with elibct from 28th January, 1963. of incapacity in respect of Tim othy M uinga Chitasi Chokwe,* a D Avlo ANDERSON BENNBT to be Distriet Oë cer, M eru D istrict, Constituency M ember of the Council : Central Province, with esect from 28th February, 1963. Jn exercise of the powors conferred by subsection (1) of LEONARD JAMI!S COLLINGS-W BLLS, B.sc. (AGRIc.) (RsADIxG), D.T.A., section 30A of the Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958, to act as Senior Research Oflicer, Departm ent of Agriculture, as amended, I do hereby Mppoint- with effect from 16th February, 1963. M OHAMED JAHAZI ARTHIJR JosyzH KINYA, L.M.s. (E.A.), b.ra.H., to act as Senior to be tèmporarily, with effect from the 12th day of Varch, 1963, M edical Officer, Hea1th Education, with effect from 6th a M em ber of the said Council. N ovember, 1962. Given under m y hand and the public seal of K enya this PETr.R JwMy,s M tmxuo, L.M.s. (B.x.), o.P.H., 'to act as Senior 11th day of M arch, 1963. M edical Oflicer, Central Province, with ellect from 6th M . M ACD ON ALD , D ecember, 1962. G overnor. ARTtIIJR M UIJTHIA, L.M.S. (E.A.), D.r.H., to act as Senior M edical Offictr, Coast Province, with esect from 21st January, 1963. ''G N 1114/63. PR OM OTION S KENNETH SPICER FBw, T.D., M.A. (cAxTAB.), to be Registrar, Her M ajesty's Supreme Court of Kenya, with effect from 17th GAZET'I'E N oTlcE No. l 1 16 January, 1963. G ERRARD M ONTFORT BEBB to be Under-secretary, M inistry of THE KENYA (CONSTITUTIONI' ORDER IN A griculture and Anim al Husbandry, with esect from 3rd M ay, COUN CIL, 1958 1962. APPOINTMENT OF PUISNE JUDGE REVERSION S By H is Excellency the Right H onourable M alcolm John ARTHIJR COLR LOGGIN, B.A. (oxoN.), ceased to act as Chief M acD onald, G overnor and Com mander-in-chief in and Executivo O/ cer, Land D bvelopment and Sdtlem ent Board, over K enya : M inistr.y of Land Settlem ent and W ater D evelopment, with W HERE 'AS b y section '60 of the Kenya (Constitution) Order effect from 28th January, 1963. ' in Council, 195.8, the G overnor is em powered, in pursuance of PHILIP D ulqco ABRAM S ceased to act as A rea Settlem ent Con- instructions given to him by Her M ajesty through a Secretary of trolle'r, Departm ent of Stttlement, M inistry of Land Settlement State, to appoint Puisne Judges of Her' M aksty's Supreme Court and W ater D evelopm ent, with effect from 4th M arch, 1963. of Kenya : RooEluclt JAMES M tixlto, B.sc. (AGRIc.) 1ceased to ad as Senior AND V'HEREAS Her M alesty has been pleased, in manner afore- Research Officer, D epartm ent of Agrlculture, with esect from said, to give instructions for the appointm ent of- 16th February, 1967. Pl.nLle NEALE D ALTON By Comm and of the G overnor. to be a Puisne Judge of that Court : A. M . W EBB, N ow , THEREFORE, in exercise of the pewers conferred by the M inister jor Legal Apairs. said section of the said Order in Council, 1 do hereby appoint the said Philip N eale Dalton to be a Puisne Judge of Her GAzsrr-s N oerlcs N o M ajesty's Suprem e Court of Kenya, to have, hold, exercise and . 1113 enjoy the ofli. ce, trust and employment of a Puisne Judge of CORRIGEN DU M that Court, with a1l the jurisdiction, power, authority, rights, privileges, em oluments and advantages whatsoever thereunto TAw EXAMINNTION l7oR ADMINISTRATIVE Oyr?lcERs belonging and subject to a1l the provisions and restrictions what- JUNB, 1962 soever expressed or contained in the aforesaid Order in Council G AZE'I'TE N otice N o. 3778 appearing on page 891 of the touching that oflice, trust and em ploym ent, or in any wise incident K enya Gazette dated 21st August, 1962, is am ended as follows :- to or concerning the sam e. For : AND I D() b'IJRTZTER declare that the aforesaid appointment shall (bj Passed Part o! the Examination com e into effect on the 8th day of M arch, 1963. (i) Part I (Penal Code, Crf/nfrttzf Procedure tznff Evidence) . Given under m y hand and the publio seal of K enya at Nairobi J. M . E. W ainwright (Administration). this 11th dây of M arch, 1963. R ead : M . M ACDON ALD , (c) Passed W hole Examînatl'on G overnor. J. M . E. W ainwright (Administration). GAZETTE N orrlcll N o. (L.C. 4/5 F't)l. lllj CIAZETTE lfoTzcE lto. 1117 THE KEU A (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN THE EA ST AFRICAN COM M ON SERV ICES COU N CIL, 1958 ORGAN IZATION ORD INAN CE, 1961 (L.N . 158 oj 1958) (No. 26 0/ 1961) D ECT-ARATION olp IxcAlucz'ry oF Coxs'rn blsxcv M SMBER CENTRAL LEGISLATIVE ASSEM BLY (ELEG ION OF oF 'rHs LEGISI-ATIVE Couxcltz REPRESENTATIVE M EM BERS) STAM XNG By Hls Excellency the Right H onourable M alcolm John ORD ER S, 1962 ' M acD onald, G ovem ot and Com m ander-in-chief in and over K enya : TLECIION R ESULT- R EPRESENTATIVE M EM BER IN EXERCISE of the p'owers conferred by subsection (1) of IN PURSUAN CE of the provision of rule 23 (1) of the Central section 30 of the Kenya (Cbnstitution) Order in Council, 1958, Legislative Assembly (Election of Representative M embers) as am ended, l do hereby declare that- Standing Orders, l hereby give notice that the f ollowing person has been elected as a Representative M ember of the Central T IM OTHY M UINGA C HITASI C HOKM?B Legislative A sseznbly ; - a Constituency M em ber representing the M om basa W est Con- stitueney in the Legislative Council, is unable by reason of TAITA Tow Err absence to perform his functicms as such M em ber.
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