Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough Design and Access Statement DRAFT - October 2018 Prepared by: Harri Aston and Mark Farrar Address: The Urbanists, The Creative Quarter, 8A Morgan Arcade, Cardiff, CF10 1AF, United Kingdom Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: www.theurbanists.net Issue date -- | -- | -- Drawing status DRAFT Revision - Author - Checked by - All plans within this document are reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of the control- ler of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (C) Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution/civil proceedings. Licence No 100054593. Produced By: In Association With: 00 CONTENTS 01 - Introduction 02 - Site Context 03 - 1.1 - -- 2.1 - -- 3.1 - -- 01 Introduction Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough | Design and Access Staement 5 01 Introduction Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough STATEMENT PURPOSE This Design and Access Statement has been produced LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT to accompany a planningapplcation for the retention and 1. Explain the design principles and concepts that have been extension of the existing All Wales Cystic Fibrosis Centre As a result of the Planning (Wales) Act, Design and Access State- applied to the development; (AWCFC), at University Hospital Llandough. ments (DAS) are now required for the following types of develop- ment only: THE DEVELOPMENT 2. Demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes All planning applications for “major” development except those The development proposed in the application includes: that context into account for mining operations; waste developments; relaxation of condi- • External works to improve the visual appearence of the tions (section ’73’ applications) and applications of a material 3. Explain the policy or approach adopted as to access, and existing Cystic Fibrosis Cenre, AND change in use of land or buildings; and, how policies relating to access in the development plan have been taken into account; and • Extension to the existing building to provide extra and All planning applications for development in a Conservation Area improved facilities for patients or World Heritage Site which consist of the provision of one or 4. Explain how any specific issues which might affect access more dwellings or the creation of floorspace of 100 sq. , (gross) to the development have been addressed. CF is the most common life-limiting, recessively inherited dis- or more. ease in the UK. It is a complex, multi system, progressive, and This statement has been prepared to satisfy the requirement for ultimately fatal condition. Its management is complex in terms a DAS and provides the information identified in TAN 12. of infrastructure and holistic service provision. The proposal includes the retention and extension of the existing building,. As the floor space of the porposals would exceed 100 Cardiff & Vale University Health Board (UHB) is the all-Wales sq metres, a Design and Access Statement is required. provider for Adult Cystic Fibrosis (CF) services, based at University Hospital Llandough (UHL). It is the only specialised adult CF centre in Wales, and is one of the largest within the Technical Advice Note 12: Design Guidance on Design and Ac- UK. It is developing a reputation as a centre of excellence and cess Statements (March 2016) sets out the requirements that a one that facilitates and supports shared care arrangements DAS should satisfy. These are as follows: The justfication and nature of the developed is disscussed in more detail in sections 2 and 3. 6 01 CHAPTER TITLE Project Title | Document Title STATEMENT CONTEXT STATEMENT CONTENT This Statement is structured as follows: • Context - identifies the site location and surrounding con- text; describes the application site; identifies the historical context for the site and surrounding area; and, describes the planning policy context and relevant planning applica- tion history; • Design Proposals - Describes the proposed development and associated activities; • Design Statement- Explains the design approach and analyses the design against key design criteria; • Planning Statement - Assesses the proposals against national and local planning policy; and Conclusion. Ordinance Surevy map showing University Hospital Llandough 7 02 Site Context Assessment Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough | Design and Access Statement 9 02 SITE CONTEXT ASSESSMENT Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough | Design and Access Statement 2.1 SITE LOCATION The All Wales Cystic Fibrosis Centre is located within the University Hospital Llandough complex, approximately 50m to the east of the main entrance plaza. The unit is accessed from the main building, via the main entrance. The existing building is some 45m in length, 14.4m wide, and 12m in height. The building occupies space between wards East 1/2 and East 3/4. The purpose built Adult Mental Health building Hafan Y Coed is located directly oposiate the building, to the rear . Arial Image of the University Hospital Llandough 10 02 SITE CONTEXT ASSESSMENT Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough | Design and Access Statement 2.2 WIDER SITE USES SITE INFORMATION University Hospital Llandough is one of nine hospitals which fall under the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and has undergone a vast range of refurbishment and expansion in recent years. Most recent developments at the hospital include the Outpatients Department, Older People’s Mental Health Assessment Centre and Rehabilitation Day Hospital , alongside the purpose built Adult Mental Health building Hafan Y Coed. A range of other smaller developments have taken place across the site, including the main entrance improvements and cafeteria facilities. Each of these have a distinct and individual identity, reflecting modern construction methods and aesthetics as a contrast to the existing hospital building which was opened in 1933. As the types of services provided Image showing improvemnts to the Main Building Image showing the Adult Mental Health Building at the hospital have grown and the local population has risen, it has become increasingly apparent that further development is needed 11 02 SITE CONTEXT ASSESSMENT Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough | Design and Access Statement 2.3 SITE FEATURES Llandough Hospital was initially designed based on a layout of a series of wings which adjoin a main hospital spine; this spine acted as a central access point along the hospital and into all of the wards. Each wing offered two stories of patient accommodation, providing a separate ward on each floor. The current Cystic Fibrosis Unit spans over three stories and sits within an existing modular building between two original wings of the hospital. The existing modular building is faced with beige and mid-brown cladding panels and offers little aesthetic value to the site. Primary access is achieved from within the hospital itself, via the spine corridor, and has no real presence or frontage to the external site. The new extension will provide a much improved facing elevation which will be more appropriate for the hospital. Both Hafan Y Coed and the Outpatients Department have distinct contemporary identities which have considered the aesthetic and fabric of both the existing building and past develop- ments at the hospital. Brickwork and cladding have been a key and recurring material used across all significant developments at the site and has been used successfully in conjunction with more contemporary materials such as feature cladding panels and curtain walling in both complimentary and contrasting colours; helping to give each new building on the site its own identity. Image showing Hafan y Coed Image showing the Outpatients Department 12 Project Title | Document Title 02 Site Contxt Assessment Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough | Design and Access Statement 2.4 PLANNING APPLICATION CONTEXT JUSTIFCATION The current inpatient facility was first established in 1996 as a nine bed unit within Wards W4 and W6, however, there has been an on-going need for expansion to accommodate the increase in patients. The centre was originally designed to support 100 patients, but has risen over the years with a current requirement to provide for over 270 patients. It was soon identified that, in order to be able to respond to the on-going increase in patients and consequent need to improve the service, a critical need was identified for the entire CF team to be co-located in order to provide the required excellent standard of patient-focussed care, and to enable closer com- munication and working. An acute need to expand the facility was identified within the UHL site (a relocation to UHW not be- ing an option due to space requirements). The extension and reconfiguration of the unit is now urgently necessary to address the currently low ratio of beds to patients (below expected standards), and the current need to share bathroom facilities. The UK CF Trust has identified these as urgent needs in order to meet expected standards of a CF Centre, combined with the need to be able to provide care for Image showing existing Cystic Fibrosis Building (center of image) the predicted increase in patients over the next 10 to 15 years in the future. Project Title | Document Title 13 03 Design Assessment Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University
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