American Motors ~I 1972 AMASPECIFICATIONS FORM . PassengerCar 1.-ANU FA C T URER CAR NA ME A ME RICAN M OT ORS CORPORATION • Grem li n • Ma t a dor • Jave li n • Horne t • Ambassa dor IAA I L I N G A OORESS MODEL. YEAR ISSUED : 14250 P l ymouth Road Det r o it, Mich igan 4823 2 1972 Se d:ember 2 1. 1971 At tn: Car L Chakmak ian REVISED (e ) P r oduc t Informat ion Dep t., 493 - 2557 (3 13) The information contained herein Is prepared, distributed by, and Is solely the responsi­ bility of the automobile manufacturing company to whose products it relates. Questions concerning these specifications should be directed to the manufacturer whose address Is shown above. This specification form was developed by automobile manufacturing companies under the auspices of the Automobile Manufacturers Association. AMA-40A-72 AMA Spec ificat ions Form-Pas senger Car TABLE OF CONTENTS BODY MODEL . ... .... .. ............... .. .... ......... ...... .... ...... , .... .. 1 CAR AND BODY DIMENSIONS ...... • .. .• ... , • •. ..• •. •.•.••. • •• •• .. .•• • . , ••. .. , , .•• 2, 3 POWER TEAMS .. ... .. ..... ... ........ .. ..... .. ..... ............... .... ........ 4 ENGINE .. ..................................... .. ..... .. .. .. ..... .... ... .. .. 5-9 EXHAUST SYSTEM ............................ ... ......• . ......................•... 9 FUEL SYSTEM ........................................ ... ...... ...... ...... .•..... 10 COOL ING SYSTEM ........................ .. ....... .... .. ....... ..... ........ 11 VEHICLE EMISSION CONTROL .... .. • .... .. , . • ... , , ... , , . , • , , . , , •.. , .••.•••••..... 12 ELECTRICAL .... ..... ............................................... ....... 13-15 DRIVE UNITS ......... ............ .... ....... ......... ........... .. ....... ,. 16.:18 TIRES AND WHEELS . .... ....•..............•................... ............... 19 BRAKES .............. ............ • ... .............................•......•.. 19-20 STEERING .. ... .............•.. • .. ........ .................•............... 21 SUSPENSION - FRONT AND REAR .. ..............•...... ... , . • . • . • . • . 22 FRAME ... • .•...• • . ....•. • ,.,, ... .. • .. .. ............• • .... .. ... .••. .. ...... 23 BODY - MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ....... ..•. , • .......... ................... 23 CONVENIENCE EQUIPMENT ... ...... ............. .. ... ........................ 24 LAMP HEIGHT AND SPACING .. ...... • ..... •. ..... ... .. • ....•... , .... , ............. 24 VEHICLE WEIGHTS ..•.......... , , . , .... , ........... • •.. .. ....• . , , , ..•..... • •... 25 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT WEIGHTS .. ....... ......... ....................... ..... .. 26 CAR AND BODY DIMENSION KEY SHEETS ... .. ... ...... .................. 27, 28, 29 INDEX . .......... ..•....•. ... •. .. ... , ... .. .. .... •......• . ..... ..... .. ..•.... 30 NOTES : 1. Th e Gen era l Spec il icotao ns here in ore those in e ffec t at dote of compilation and ore sub ject to change w ithout notic e by th e monufocturer . 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED : a. Specifications apply to s tandard models withou t optional equipment. Significant deviations are noted . b. Nominal design dim en sions or• used throughout these 1pe ci fi catio n1 . c . All dimensions ar e in inches. AMA-40A-72 Page 1 AMA Specifications Form-Passenger Car Page 1 MAKE OF CAR American Motors MODEL VEAR 1972 DATE ISSUED 9-2l-71 REV1SED---<•> Body Series, Typ e end Number. N umber of Pass engers BODYMODEL (U se mfgr's . code for identification) ( Indicat e Front/Rear) GREMLIN: 2-Door Sedan 7246-5 2 Front/ 2 Rear HORNET: SST 2-Door Sedan 7206-7 3 Front/ 2 Rear with optiona l Bucket or Reclining Seats 2 Front/ 2 Rear SST 4-Door Sedan 7205-7 3 Front/2 Rear with optional Reclining Seats 2 Front/ 2 Rear Sportabout 4-Door Wagon 7208- 7 3 Front/ 2 Rear with optional Reclining Seats 2 Front/ 2 Rear JAVELIN : SST 2-Door Hardtop 7279-7 2 Front/ 2 Rear AMX 2-Door Hardtop 7279-8 2 Front/ 2 Rear MATADOR: 4-Door Sedan 72.15-7 3 Front/ 3 Rear 2-Door Hardtop 72 19-7 3 Front/ 3 Rear with opt ional Bucket Seats 2 Front/ 3 Rear 4-Door Wagon 7218-7 3 Front/ 3 Rear with optiona l 3rd Seat 3 Front/ 3 Rear/ 2. Aft AMBASSADOR: SST 4-Door Sedan 7285-5 3 Front/ 3 Rear SST 2.-Door Hardtop 7289 - 5 3 Front/ 3 Rear SST 4-Door Wagon 7288-5 3 Front/ 3 Rear with optional 3rd Seat 3 Front/ 3 Rear /2. Aft Brougham 4- Door Sedan 728 5-7 3 Front/ 3 Rear Brougham 2-Door Hardtop 7289-7 3 Front/ 3 Rear with optional Bucket Seats 2 Front/ 3 Rear Brougham 4-Door Wagon 7288-7 3 Front/ 3 Rear with optional 3rd Seat 3 Front/ 3 Rear/ 2. Aft Far111 Rev. 3-7 1 Po ge 2 AMA Spec if ication s Form-Passenge r Ca r MAKE O F CAR American Motors MODEL YEAR 1972 DATE ISSUE09-21-7l REVISED_<•_l __ CARAND BOD Y DIMENSIONS SH Pogu 27, 28 lo, SAE Dl menslo,, De fin i t ions All d lme"1lon 1 to ground ore for compo,.otiv• pur,po •• • on ly. Ol m• nslon s or• to be shown lo, : ~.o,. Sedon, 2.0,. H.T. , 4-0r. H. T., Conv•rtlble ond Stot ion Wagon, SAE MODE L Ref . HORNET GREMllN MATADOR AMBASSADOR JAVELIN No. 720 1 7240 7210 7280 7270 ~-&4 - Door 4-Door WIDTH Sedan Wagon ~-£oor ~;~Jr j 2-D8or 4-Door ftDaor t-Door e an Har top Wagon !~1£~? :ar top agon fi-Dgorar too T ,~c:~ - F,on1 W101 57 , 4b(57 , 2.4 V8) 59 , 94 59 94 50 3n1c;o 7n VR I T,oc-lit - Reo, W102 b ·(,VV \:>b, 00 Vtl) 60, 00 60 , 00 60 . 00 Mo11,rnvm o...,e,alt co, width W103 70. 58 70.58 77. 24 77 '.:>.d. 75 , 20 Oodv w1drh Of No. 2 nillo, I , W117 o !!IS b7 , 8B 75 , 46 75 4f. I..O '7 I Mox. front door• o~ n W120 l'56,11UU4!~ U - "'u , 1!:>b,'}U 143 ,1 4 l t>t>,86 143 . 14 143.14 166 , 86 143 , 14 152 - on ! GG,bG Mox. re or doo,1 ooe,1 W121 --- 140. oO - - - 140 . 60 140. 60 - - - 140.60 - - - LENGTH Bod~ "o•• to l,ont ol cfo,h L 30 l , !:>V l, :,v l. 50 1. 50 l s;n ¥/healbo• • LIO! l 08 , UV 96.00 ll 8. 00 122 . 00 11n oo Ove,oll co , l•noJ h L 103 179 . Zb 1161 , 25 ~01., 05 206 05 12.05 00 211 14 1211 14 2no 7~ 1n 1 .,., Ov•than,.. f,o,H LI~ 33 , 2.5 :n . zs 34 . 93 35 . 66 A- ? ?C Ov.,.,an n - t•a r L10S 38 . 01 32 , 00 53 . 12 53 , 12 52 . 07 53 48 I 53 48 ,;;, n7 . 'tO C? ';14. j"/ Boclv uoDe, Utu(:Jure lenath L 123 9b. 10 us . vu 04 , 37 110 . 23 135 . 86 104 . 37 111 0 23 I J 3<; 0 '- nn o<. 8odv .. 0 . ' line Jo ~ of ,eo, wh• • I L127 qt, , 00 84 1,, 00 00 100 00 o,; "" Bodv .. 0 .. lin e ,a w / 1 c:owl noil"lt L 130 9.12 9. 12. 7.50 7 . 2.3 7 5,;, HEIGHT D- ·· · ···· n t ,o, <L.. , •• " · -- • .. , • ••' 3-Z z-z 2-' caoacitv 3-3 } Z-3 caoac 1ty 3-3) -Z-z T •.. -L n• 0 , •• •--• /IS, \ 175 175 1200 200 300 2.00 00 300 200 Ovuoll he laht H101 52,40 S2.,90 51. 80 55 , 35 53 , 82 56 , 39 55 . 54 54.86 56.70 so. 87 Cowl ho l•h t H114 13b,54 37, lS 35 . 83 38, 47 37, 59 39. 21 38 , SS 38 , 55 39 . 56 36.55 o.. k holnht H131 - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- ~ocke, I To ••ou"d is. zu ll . ')G ( , OU q, 10 8. zz 10 . vv --9 , lb- '), lb !V, .Jl '), UG r,n•I - Hl 12 ,ont I F,o,. front whe•I { - -- - - - -- - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - Bottom or,,ont door to aroun cl H133 10. 65 11 , !)!) 9. 94 11 .1>7 10,70 13 . U!:1 Ll.b') l J., I)') 13, 24 11. 0G Rocker I To .. ,aund 6.90 7. 82 6.41 8. 16 7. 28 8. 17 8 . 17 ';17 8.23 ponel - H11 1 'l.. 86 9. ··-· I F,om .... , whe• I ~ ------ '- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 8ot1o,n of r•or door to 9ro 1md H135 10 , 40 I ll, 3Z --- 11 . 42 - - - I J , l';I 1 l • '¼.J - - - !J , ,!.q - - - Wind•h i• ld a lol'I• onnle H 122 57°30 1 57°30 1 54ut, 5406' """59vI GROUND CLEARANCE BuMp• r to atouncf - front H102 17 , 3'> U, ';10 lb . 71l 12. 67 11 , 7q 12. R4 12.,v 1G, 7U 13. ~ 17 , 84 Bum-er to ~,o ·-d - reor HlO, 15 30 11 90 14 7n Jc; l..n 1 ,t 7'.:>. I '.:>70 l', 0:.d 1,; ,;4 12 71 1,; no An1l e of oeprooch H106 26°56 ' 28°0 1 2,704 1 27046 27037 • 28033 z5027 .:;:,OZ! Zt,034 z3035r A.ngl• of donortvn H107 1900 ZJOJO ZJOV ' T305""9 ' 1405 ' 14u,:11• l'¼vl4 140!j ' 1404 7 Tyuu Rama b,eokov•r onale H1'7 160Z0 1suo 11 v o 1 10059 -r 1701 • lov-,,o !'¼OJ!) !;,v.,.7 10-...,-r J7vJ0 1 Rear ox I• d Uf•r •nt io I to 9round H153 1, l l 0, 50 s.01 6 . 31 5 , 43 8, 33 o , Z9 o , Z';I !!, J6 6. 50 Min, runnlna cl•aronc1 (Sp•clfy) Hl56 5,21 5. 65 5 , 01 6.08 5.20 6;60 6 . 29 6 . 2.9 7 , 00 5 . 48 " II II Location Exhaust R . Axle Front Suaoenaion Rear Axle DU! . F . Suen. Exhaust 1'0<m Rev , 3.71 Po;• 3 AMA Specificat ions Form-Passenger Car Page 3 MAKE OF CAR American Mot o rs MODEL YEAR 1972 DATE ISSUED 9-21-7 lREVISED _C•_l_ _ CAR ANDB ODY DIMENSIONS See Pag e s 27, 29 for SAE Dimens io n Defin itio ns SAE HORNET bREMLIN MATADOR & AMBASSADOR JAVELIN MODEL Ref . No . 720 1 7240 7210 & 7280 7270 2- & 4-Door 4-Door 2-Door 4 - Door 2-Door 4-Door l-Door FRONTCOMPARTMENT Sedan Wagon Sedan Sedan Hardto Wall'.on I Hardtop H Point to body "O" lino L31 44 . 36 44.36 43.92 45 . 00 Effect ive he od room H6 1 38 . 00 38 . 00 39.60 38.95 3CJ.88 37 . 50 Mo)(. e ff. le o , oom - occ e le ro tor L3 4 41 .
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