miOH A SPECIAL PROJECT OF CITIZENS UNITED Vol 1. Issue 6 Proving Character Does Countin a President. September 1993 Joycelyn Elders: Nazism Reborn Clinton^s pickfor Surgeon General presumes to judge the '^qualitj c^Iife.'^^ BY Floyd G. Brown they wereboughtwithlocal orfederal funds. If Dr. Elders thinks that free In This Issue JUSTWHENYOU thought Bill Clinton's contraceptives are the answer, perhaps she nominees forpublic office couldn't getany should take another look at Arkansas more outrageous, along comes Joycelyn statistics. In the early 1980s, before she Clinton Sides With Elders. The president's pickfor U.S. took over assurgeon general for the state, The Owls Surgeon General attracts attention not only Arkansas's highteen-pregnancy rate The president's plan is sure to harm timber dropped 10percent. Then, duringher for her stridently liberal positions, but also production, cost loggers for her unusually blunt manner of tenure, it rose by 17 percent. Butwhy be theirjobs, andput a expressing them. From contraceptives in surprised? Anumber ofstudies published drag on the economy. schools to taxpayer-funded abortions, she in Family Planning Perspectives, a pro- BY Cliff Kincaid birth-control academicjournal, show that appears ready to advance the Clinton Page 4 agenda ona host ofsocial issues. Although teen-pregnancy rates actually rise inthe shemay be confirmed any day now, her presence of school-based clinics, m radical views deserve examination presumably because theirunintended effect nonetheless. is to encourage teens to become more Foster: Man of sexually active, and at ^ e^lier ag^ _ I-ike manv liberal educators. Dr. - Mystery — Elders proposes school-based health clinics Nevertheless, President Clinton What led the White as a cure-all for sexual problems among introduced Dr. Elders as someone who House deputy counsel to youth. But since the central function of the would implement "aggressive efforts" to take his own life? clinics is the distribution of free "reduce teenage pregnancy." But can we Clinton and other White contraceptive devices, one might question trust this importantjob to a woman who House officials are oddly her rationale. Facing opposition from told the Evening Times ofWest Memphis, disinterested. legions of decent Americans whom she Ark. the following; "We taught them what BY Paul Gallagher deridedas "very religious non-Christians," to do in the front seat. Now it's time to Pace 7 Elders took advantage of a 1991 teach them what to do in the back seat." Andthe state, not the parents, should be amendment to the Arkansas health budget. w It prohibited spending public money on the ones to impart this essential contraceptives, but it applied only to state information, since "many parents are and money. Arkansas schools could distribute The Quotable Clinton all the condoms they wanted, provided See ELDERS, page 3 Page 2 ClintonWatch September 1993 WATCH The Quotable Clinton Yes, they really said that. .. Editor Floyd G. Brown BILL'S FRIENDS Managing Editor "I'm such a government junkie." —Hillary Rodham Clinton, while in South Koreaduring the G-7 summit. Paul Gallagher "We've been taught a great lessonabout humanity —that our momentum is inexorable and cannotbe stopped —Roberta Achtenberg, assistant Design Editor secretary for housing in the Departmentof Housing and Urban Development Sean P. Doyle (HUD). Achtenberg, who is an avowed lesbian, wasaddressing homosexuals in a June 27 Lesbian-Gay Freedom Day Parade. "The breakdown of families . the deep trouble people are having in Contributors finding and sustaining ... loving relationships ~ all the core issues offcrisis of Lisa Goldy contemporary life [are] rooted in the psychodynamics of the capitalist ClifT Kincaid marketplace." —Michael Lemer, the liberal Jewish editorwho coined Hillary's phrase "the politics of meaning." ClintonWatch, Vol. 1, Num. 6. "I think that the administration got offto a bad start with Bosnia, because that was the first piece of evidence of how foreign policy would be done, and Address all subscription inquiries to; it's caused some dismay." —Michael Mandelbaum of the Johns Hopkins School Citizens United, 11094-D Lee ofAdvanced International Studies, who advised Clinton duringlast year's Highway, Suite 200, Fai^ax, Virginia election campaign. 22030. Ayears subscription is "Elders isa lurch to the leftin the person of a very enga^ngprofessional." avaiJableJor a donation $39.95. —Stephen Hess, a seniorfellow at the Brookings Institution, speaking in favor Outside submissions arenotonly welcome, butencouraged. All rights ofJoycelyn Elders, Clinton's nominee for U.S. Surgeon General. reserved. CW may nothe reproduced in whole or in part without written BILL HIMSELF: permissionjrom Citizens United. "She's a very passionate woman andsometimes shesays things in starkand blunt termsthat make people drawup." —referring to Joycelyn Elders. ClintonWatch and the CW "I think there are ways you can carve out a federal enclave here that's still logo are protected through separate and apart, and let the rest of thosefolks become a state." ~ speaking trademark registration. Send address changes to the address about D.C. statehood on Lany King Live. listed above. "I haven't had enough sense to comein out of the rainforyears." —during his tour of Korea's Demilitarized Zone. Citizens United isan organization dedicated to BILL'S CRITICS: restoring ourgovernment to citizen "Creating a government bureaucracy with the compassion of the Internal control. Contributions and are Revenue Service and the efficiency of the post office is not what we need in not tax-deductible. Citizens United health care." ~ Donald Devine, director ofthe American Conservative Union. isclassified asa 50I-(c)4 non- "If you thinkhealth careis expensive now, waituntilyou seewhatit costs prt^t organization by theIRS. whenit's free." ~ P.J. O'Rourkein the July issue of the American Spectator. "The Clinton administration has themost anti-capitalistic bias ofany Copyright (c) 1993. Citizens United administration in this century." —JackKemp w September 1993 ClintonWatch ELDERS, from page 1 uneducated," as she told the Log Gibin Democrat in Conway, Ark. in 1991. Dr. Elders makes no bones about favoring birth controland abortion on demand for teenagers. "I tell every girl that whenshegoes out on a date [to] put a Her cavalier in hf»r piircp " ghp tolH Sheadvocates sex education as early as ^~acceptaricel)f" kindergarten and Medicaid payment for infanticide is Norplant contraceptive implants, andshe has endorsed the so-called Freedom of designed, as she Choice Act. "If Medicaid doesnot pay forabortions, Donna Shalala: Elders' new boss? puts it, to make doesnot pay for family planning, but pays for pre-natal careand delivery, that's saying slaughtered in the womb —all to spare sure that "every 'I'll pay for you to have another good, themthe pain of an "unwanted" existence. child is a healthy slave, but I won't pay for you to use Ifyou think her brand of compassion yourbrainand make choices for yourself," has a particularly chilling tone to it, planned, wanted Elders told the American Medical News. "It's a consider the way in which she defended way to keep people poor, ignorant and abortion before the U.S. Senate. Speaking child." enslaved. Ifyouare poor and ignorant, you on behalf of the Freedom of Choice Act she are a slave." Her cavalier acceptance of said, "Abortionwas the single most infanticide is designed, as she puts it, to importantfactor in the significant decrease make sure that "every child isa planned, in neo-natal mortality between 1964and wanted child." _ _ 1977." In other words, we should kill But Dr. Elders sets some rather high babies to keep them from dying. standards for children to meet beforethey The nomination of Dr. Elders has are considered "planned" and "wanted." At stirred upsome understandably strong aJanuary 1992 rally in favor ofamending opposition, especially among conservative the stateconstitution to guarantee abortion, women's groups and even from herfellow she told the crowd: "It's a matter ofwhat blacks. Concerned Women for America you call living. I call living a child that's (CWA) hasjoinedwith a number of other healthy, educated, motivated and has hope." groups to apply a common strategy against As a result, sheplaced the numberof the nominee. Kay ColeJames, Vice "unplanned and unwanted" American Presidentof the Family Research Council children at 60 percentwhen she appeared put it best at a recent news conference: on the MacNeil/Lehrer program. Dr. Elders "I'm a mother of three teenagers, and this has obviously concluded that more than half nommee scares me. of all American children should have been IV Clinton Watch September 1993 Clinton Sides with the Owls The president's timber plan will put loggers out ofwork. BY Cliff Kincaid bill lastyear that would have produced more timberthan the Clinton plan. PRESIDENT CLINTON'S so-called As it stands, the Clinton planwould "compromise" on the Spotted Owl problem reduce the annual harvest from 5 billion The president's wasa sell-outto the professional boardfeet in the 1980s to only 1.2 billion. environmentalists that will result in the loss The difference isoneofslow or instant plan will hurt of 85,000 timber and related jobs. Mr. death. Clinton's "conversion" planwill, at best, Incredibly, one of the over-paid timber throwa few of the unemployed into make- television commentators said that, now that production, workjobs. The rest will go on welfare. Mr. Clinton hasthe forest problem behind Looking at it from the point of view of a him, he could concentrate on the economy. increase the cost loner's wife, Senator Slade Gortonput it What hogwash! The president's planwill this way: "You hear pundits on TVtelling hurt timber production, increase the cost of oflumber and you that your husbandwill just have to Pmd lumber, and make it harderfor newcouples a new job. But there are no jobs in your to qualify for the purchase of first-time make it harder community.
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