PAGE FOUR THE DILLON. MONTANA, DAILY TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1957 WISDOM NEWS Mrs. Rasmussen DELL N E W S PLEASE NOTIFY • Mrs. Mary CoHrell Hosts P arty. • Mrs. Joe .Dowling TRIBUNE IF District 4 Selective Mrs. Hans Rasmussen was hos­ William Fleming and children of PAPER MISSED i Women's Club tess at a pinochle party in her Richmond, Utah and Mrs, Orca Subscribers to the Tribune home Tuesday when prizes were Swaggerty of Lima spent Sunday will confer a favor on the Trib­ Meeting Held won by Mrs. Ed Glassey, first, at the Otto Lohr home. une rpanagement If they will Music Concert Miss Carolyn Tucker, second and Mrs. Lee Martinell and Mrs. notify us immediately when the a traveling prize, Mrs.. Chris Ras­ The Wisdom Women’s Club held William Rule took the pupils of the carrier boys or postoffice fail its last meeting for the year 1956- mussen, consolation, Mrs. Harold Dell school, including grades one Piano, Instrumental Jand Vocal Numbers 57 Tuesday. Plans were made for Nelson, traveling prize and a mid­ to deliver the paper; If a boy through four to Armstead Thurs­ misses once and we are not the 43rd anniversary birthday din­ dle prize, Mrs. Len5 Smith. The day to the speech clinic. ner of the Club May 5. The mem­ card playing was followed by a notified it encourages him to College Auditorium^-— 8:00 p. m. bers of Ruth Circle will prepare birthday party for Mrs. Earl Wil­ Miss Connie Clark, daughter of be careless in deliveries. It is ley. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Clark, is a the dinner and serve it. Hostesses patient at Barrett hospital. our desire to see that your of the afternoon were Mrs. Dick Mrs. Mary Taylor and- children paper Is properly delivered and Hirschy and Mrs. Mark Clemow Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Huntley you confer a , favor by-notifying il 27 who served a delicious lunch. left Thursday by plane for Las of Lima were visitors-at , the Cos­ Vegas, Nevada to attend the tilla home Easter Sunday! the management promptly. Tournament of Champions and ar­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martinell had Please phone 228 or 673 after Ranger John Venrick is now lo­ p. m., or during business Adults 50c — Children 25c cated in Sheridan where he has rived home by plane Sunday after­ as <their guests Easter, Mr. and 6 66 been transferred and Ranger Johnnoon. Mrs. Don Merrell and children of hours. McDougal, who was assistant Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pendleton Lima. ranger, is taking his place in thereceived a telephone call Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garr returned Wisdom Forest District. from Joe Shaw, a former Big Hole from Salmon, Saturday where they resident, who with Mrs. Shaw is spent several days while Mrs. Garr Owing to a minor illness of Mrs. .. - . „• received medical care. Marlow Hyatt who was scheduled ■ m Bismarck N. D., telling At the regular school board to entertain Ruth Circle Thursday P^ing of their 5 month evening, the meeting was held at ®on> Warren Tod. Mr. Shawmeeting Saturday evening, Lee the home of Mrs. Lela Rutledge.! be remembered as the son of Martinell was named chairman of the late Warren Shaw, a former the board and Mrs. Dowling rehir­ FREE... Trading Stamps Galore! There were 21 present . I County Commissioner of Beaver- ed as clerk. Church services were held Mrs. Orca Fleming of Lima was u.. *\ir t „ a if head County. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wisdom by Rgv , Lsd Anderson of c^auF have ’R danp'htpr about 3 a dinner guest at the Lohr home Now For The First Time In Dillon You C an Have United Deer Lodge Sunday evening. Mrs. yearsbnaw old.lia-ve a daughter’ Easter Sunday. Ruby Bledson played the music Mrs. Dowling, Mrs. Hoskins and and Mrs. Melvin McDowell sang. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huntley ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Merrell entertained their Trading Stamps For The Entire Cash Difference O n Any Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Huntley motored to Butte Sunday Sunday school classes to an Easter George Helming Easter Sunday for Easter services, after which party Thursday at ’the Community Used Car That You Purchase During Cochrane Motors .. were’ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Helm­ they took Mrs. Bertha Francis and church. ing, Mrs. Kate Hurley and Bruce Mrs. Lucy Hughes to dinner at the Dell received .59 inches of mois­ Helming. Finlen Hotel. ture Friday, in the form of snow Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Walchy were Mr. and Mrs. George Cottrell and rain. visitors Friday in Dillon. were Dillon visitors Wednesday Tom Noland shipped in two cars A.esieiLester Elser-tóe and«UIu littlem e daughteruauguLci and Qn their way home visited Mr of sheep last week. Mr. Noland Spring Used Car Sale has purchased the Grover ranch. S t o ?tte S lid i S t o Ä S «“ > M * Kalp* Himttey in their new home near Wise River. The Grovers will be leaving soon treatment. Easter Sunday dinner guests of to make their home in Idaho. t Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson were Johnnie McKenzie of Butte spent This Week Only! Rev. and Mrs. Lad Anderson of his Easter vacation visiting at Deer Lodge. the Harry Allen home in Dell and the Bramlette’s in Lima. PRETTY COTTONS Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glassey and Ricky and Ronnie Holden spent We've slashed prices on our entire stock Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rasmussen their Easter vacation at the Jim­ made a trip to Butte Easter Sun­ mie Anderson ranch. of used cars! See our wide selection of goodt FOR SPRING day. While in Butte they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Avery were We’ve just received a new with Mr. and Mrs. Smokey Thomp­ low priced cars. Buy a second car for the fam­ son and daughters. Dillon shoppers Monday. shipment of the, latest dress Mr. and Mrs. Dell Lloyd of Mrs. Clara Dowling was called to ily and save your regular car! Remember - fashions! Sizes 7 to 15, 12 to Butte by the sickness of her sis­ m r a Butte were weekend guests in Wis­ 20, 12% to 24% O Q K dom of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver. ter. ' you save money, A N D get free Stamps! From ......... .........0 » U 0 Hans Rasmussen has been re­ Mr. and Mrs. Don Bramlette, modeling the Antler Cafe and is Tommy and Mary were dinner expecting to open it this week orguests at the Don Denton ‘home next. Sunday. HAZEL'S Sparky ZeBarth returned last 1949 M O D E L S 1952 M O D E L S week from Mesa, Ariz., where he Delta Chapter of Alpha Gammi Style and Beauty Shop has been for six months. His par­Rho Fraternity. He left last week FORD Tudor POQQ CHEVROLET 2-door Deluxe <¡»7 \ Q Andrus Hotel Building ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ZeBarth, as a delegate to attend an officers Radio, Heater, V -8 ..... tp £ S /0 Radio, Heater, Standard D rive ....... \ are hoping he is home to stay. training school of the Phi Chapter FORD Tudor V -8 P O Q O PONTIAC Chieftain DeLuxe 4-door ( P W Q Mr. and Mrs. John Schonenberg-at the University of California and Radio, Heater, Overdrive ................... tp —v D Radio, Heater, Standard D rive ...... • U O er were hosts Sunday at an Easter will return to Bozeman this week. dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wil­ Easter dinner guests in Wisdom PLYMOUTH FORD Custom 4-door V -8 (P P 1 Q ley and son Dick and Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and .Mrs. John Helming Radio, Heater, Priced at only ....... <p.OOD Radio, Heater, Overdrive ....... ......tpO-A-Ö COMPLETE Les Pan and family. were Mr. and Mrs. Bill George and Mrs. Lela Rutledge entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dougherty and a group of Wisdom children, about their two daughters of Dillon. : AUTO SERVICE 20, Saturday at an Easter egg hunt Mr. and Mrs. George Cottrell vis­ Complete Satisfaction! in her yard. Games were played ited Saturday and Sunday in Ana­ 1950 M O D E L S 1953 M O D E L S and they enjoyed popcorn balls, conda with Mr. and Mrs. James Greasing and Washing lemonade and cookies. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Bur­ BUICK 4-door, Dynaflow (PJTAQ FORD 9-Passenger Country Sedan V-8. Radio, Dinner guests Wednesday of Mr. gess and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nolan I- Radio, Heater, Good T ires .............. Heater, Overdrive. A real buy <Pi 1 Q Q Shop Service of All Types and Mrs. Fred Anderson were Mr. and their families and Jasper Bur­ in a Station W agon......................... ipX J.O O and Mrs. Andfew Anderson of Mis­ gess. CHEVROLET 2-door Styleline <Pyf£9 Radio, H eater ...................... .............«Pt :DO Studebaker - Packard soula, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson Mrs. D. J. Stephens, who is PLYMOUTH .Suburban 2-door Station Wagon. Willys and Mrs, Mary Alice Jones. Thurs­ spending several months in Living­ day they entertained Mr. and Mrs. ston with her daughter, Miss Hal- PLYMOUTH 4-door Deluxe (¡»yl F Q Heater and Overdrive. " (p-| l O Q Emory Jones of Anaconda. lie Stephens, returned to Wisdom Radio, Heater, Spotlight ................... «PtcDO Priced at only ..................................tpAXAild DAVIS MOTOR Mr. and Mrs. James M. Paddock ■for Easter with her two grandsons PLYMOUTH 4-door Special Deluxe (?yj A Q motored to Anaconda to attend David and Raymond, sons of Mr. Radio, H eater................................... «Pt t xO church and had their Easter din­ and Mrs. Argy] Stephens who are ner with Mr.
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