=VS5V Thursday, September 13, 2018 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 1HZRQOLQH,'FDUGV\VWHP 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 0DF'LOOJROIVWDQGRXW :HHNLQSKRWRVSDJH ,PDJHVIURPWKHZHHN .LU4HY`HUUL4PSSLYUL^(4*JVTTHUKLY WHNL 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH $)&ROXPELDMRLQWH[HUFLVH 7OV[VI`;LJO:N[1VKP4HY[PULa .LU*HYS[VU+,]LYOHY[00V\[NVPUN(PY4VIPSP[`*VTTHUKJVTTHUKLYHUK.LU4HY`HUUL4PSSLYPUJVTPUN(4*JVT &RPPXQLW\SDJH THUKLYZOHYLHTVTLU[K\YPUN[OL(4*JOHUNLVMJVTTHUK:JV[[(PY-VYJL)HZL0SSPUVPZ:LW[4PSSLYHZZ\TLK (YHQWV&KDSHOPRUH JVTTHUKMYVT,]LYOHY[^OVYL[PYLZHM[LY`LHYZVMZLY]PJL[V[OL(PY-VYJL(4*WYV]PKLZYHWPKNSVIHSTVIPSP[`HUK Z\Z[HPUTLU[MVY(TLYPJH»ZHYTLKMVYJLZ[OYV\NOHPYSPM[HLYPHSYLM\LSPUNHLYVTLKPJHSL]HJ\H[PVUHUKTVIPSP[`Z\WWVY[ NEWS/FEATURES 6\YM\[\YLKLWLUKZVUIPNKYLHTZHUKHPYTHUPUUV]H[PVU I`.LU*HYS[VU+,]LYOHY[00 As the commander of Air Mobility Command, focusing on helping people achieve their poten- tial and innovate toward a better future was one of my top priorities. It is critically important that we, as leaders, foster an environment of discov- ery and learning, encouraging airmen to dream big, and truly listen to their voices as we pursue solutions to the challenges of today and in the future. Dreaming big is possible because of our talent- ed AMC team and what they deliver. Champion- ing the mobility enterprise’s needs and address- ing concerns in traditional and nontraditional ways, while helping others believe beyond today’s possibilities, is a must. People should feel em- powered to bring forward ideas and concerns. Af- ter all, it is critically important to think of emer- gent warfighting requirements before they are upon us. Our airmen enable lethality, deliver hope and relief, and always project strength. The Mobility Air Forces are football’s equivalent of the offen- sive line; foundational to every play, but not nec- essarily drawing the headlines. AMC’s ‘Core 4’ missions — aerial refueling, airlift, aeromedical evacuation and mobility sup- port — underpin our nation’s military strength. 7OV[VI`;LJO:N[1HTLZ/VKNTHU Our airmen are always ready to answer the call. .LU*HYS[VU,]LYOHY[00(PY4VIPSP[`*VTTHUKJVTTHUKLYTLL[Z^P[OTLTILYZVM[OL[O,_WL Last year, the mobility enterprise led the re- KP[PVUHY`(PY4VIPSP[`:X\HKYVUK\YPUNH]PZP[[V(S<KLPK(PY)HZL8H[HY4HYJO,]LYOHY[HSZV sponse for four hurricanes, launching 1,600 sor- OLSKHUHSSJHSS4HYJO^OLYLOLZ[YLZZLK[OLPTWVY[HUJLVMTHPU[HPUPUNYLHKPULZZHUKTVKLYU See COMMENTARY, Page 14 PaPUNTVIPSP[`MVYJLZ[VMHJLM\[\YLJOHSSLUNLZ7OV[VHS[LYLKMVYZLJ\YP[`W\YWVZLZ -VYPUMVYTH[PVUHIV\[IHZLVWLYH[PVUZK\YPUNLTLYNLUJPLZVYUH[\YHSKPZHZ[LYZJHSS[OL:[YHPNO[;HSR3PULH[ COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE 4HJ+PSSVU[OL^LI Website: www.macdill.af.mil The Action Line provides two-way communication between the Facebook: www.facebook.com/ 6th Air Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. Per- sonnel may submit questions, concerns or comments via email to MacDillAirForceBase [email protected] or Facebook @6thAirMobilityWing- Instagram: macdill_afb CommandTeam Twitter: @macdill_afb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·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´$VVRFLDWHG3UHVV6W\OHERRN DUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRIILFLDOYLHZVRIRUHQGRUVHGE\WKH SK\VLFDOKDQGLFDSSROLWLFDODIILOLDWLRQRUDQ\RWKHUQRQPHULW DQG/LEHO0DQXDOµDQG$LU)RUFH,QVWUXFWLRQ 2 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, September 13, 2018 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT NEWS/FEATURES 4HJ+PSS0+JHYKVMMPJLHKKZVUSPULZLY]PJLYLK\JLZ^HP[[PTL I`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ:JV[[>HYULY UI"JS.PCJMJUZ8JOH The 6th Force Support Squadron’s military personnel flight (MPF) serves a large military population that includes active-duty service members, reservists, dependents, retirees and civilian contractors. In an effort to eliminate wait times and in- crease customer satisfaction, the MPF unveiled a new online renewal process this month for de- pendent and retiree identification cards. “Customer satisfaction is our first priority and we actively support our customer base,” said 2nd Lt. Ronald Donnell, the flight com- mander of the MPF assigned to the 6th FSS. “From our customer’s feedback, we saw a need to substantially reduce our waiting times in our facility.” According to MacDill’s 2017 Economic Impact Statement, 95,238 people make up the base and surrounding area military population, but it doesn’t define how large the surrounding area 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ:JV[[>HYULY is. ;OL[O-VYJL:\WWVY[:X\HKYVUTPSP[HY`WLYZVUULSMSPNO[HZZPZ[ZJ\Z[VTLYZ^P[OJVTTVUHJJLZZ “Some of our customers travel more than JHYKZKLWLUKLU[0+ZYLZLY]L0+ZYL[PYLL0+ZHUK+LMLUZL,UYVSSTLU[,SPNPIPSP[`9LWVY[PUN:`Z[LT 100 miles to get here,” said Donnell. “With how +,,9:\WKH[LZH[[OL+,,9: 0+*HYKZVMMPJLVU4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL(\N;OL[O-:: 47-[LHTPZZ\LK*(*ZPUHUK^P[OUL^VUSPULMLH[\YLZWSHUZ[VL_JLLK[OH[U\TILY See ID CARDS, Page 14 [OPZ`LHY (YT`9LZLY]L:VSKPLYZOV^JHZLZYLTHYRHISLNVSMPUNZRPSSZ I`:N[Z[*SHZZ)YLU[7V^LSS UI64"SNZ3FTFSWF0QFSBUJPOBM3FTQPOTF$PNNBOE She turns her head ever so slightly allowing her well-trained eyes to shift to the tiny target barely visible more than 300 yards in the distance. She focuses intensely, locking the formula needed into the recesses of her mind where many targets have been before. Her hands and fingers slowly tighten their grip and her muscles tense ever so slightly in anticipation of the violence to come. Her feet grip the manicured grass below as if they were not feet at all, but rather roots of an ancient tree unmovable by the forces of nature. Her mind settles and tunes out the whispers of the crowd behind her. A soft breeze briefly ruffles her shirt as it rushes past. Now is the time. She draws back…and with an air-splitting whoosh and a hard clank of metal she launches a golf ball high into the air, sending it flying towards its target at more than 100 miles-per-hour. She stands statuesque, quietly watching the tiny ball as it slowly fades into the dis- tance before dropping next to her target, just as she envisioned mere 7OV[VI`:N[Z[*SHZZ)YLU[*7V^LSS seconds before. (YT`9LZLY]L3[*VS:\UU`24P[JOLSSJVTTHUKLYYK)H[[HSPVU:WL This scenario has played out many times over the years for Army Re- JPHS6WLYH[PVUZ*VTTHUK(YT`9LZLY]L,SLTLU[[O6WLYH[PVUHS9L serve Lt. Col. Sunny K. Mitchell, commander, 3rd Battalion, Special Op- ZWVUZL*VTTHUKWVZLZMVYHWVY[YHP[H[[OLNVSMJV\YZLVU4HJ+PSS(PY erations Command, Army Reserve Element, 76th Operational Response MVYJL)HZL(\N 4P[JOLSSOHZJVTWL[LKVU[OL(SS(YT`.VSM;LHTMVY See GOLF, Page 12 `LHYZ^PUUPUNOLYKP]PZPVUZL]LU[PTLZ MACDILL THUNDERBOLT Thursday, September 13, 2018 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM 3 WEEK IN PHOTOS 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ(SL_HUKLY*VVR *HW[(UKYL^¸+VQV¹6SZVU-/LYP[HNL-SPNO[;LHTWPSV[HUKJVTTHUKLYWLYMVYTZHOPNOZWLLKWHZZPUHU-(3PNO[UPUN00V]LY3HRL4PJOPNHU K\YPUN[OL*OPJHNV(PYHUK>H[LY:OV^PU*OPJHNV(\N ;OL-(3PNO[UPUN00PZLX\PWWLK^P[O[OLSHYNLZ[ZPUNSLLUNPULTV[VYL]LYI\PS[HUKPZ JHWHISLVMYLHJOPUNZWLLKZVM\W[VTWO 7OV[VI`;LJO:N[;LK5PJOVSZ 7OV[VI`:LUPVY(PYTHU2H[OY`U9*9LH]LZ (PYTLU ^P[O [OL [O ,_WLKP[PVUHY` (PYSPM[ :X\HKYVU HUK UK (PY 4HQ 1VOU >H[LYZ - =PWLY +LTVUZ[YH[PVU ;LHT WPSV[ WLYMVYTZ ,_WLKP[PVUHY`>PUNWYLWHYL[VSVHKJHYNVVUH*.SVILTHZ[LY000H[HU WYLJPZPVUHLYPHSTHUL\]LYZPUHU--PNO[PUN-HSJVUK\YPUN[OL*SL]LSHUK \UKPZJSVZLKSVJH[PVUPU:V\[O^LZ[(ZPHHM[LY[YHUZWVY[PUNJHYNVIL[^LLU 5H[PVUHS(PY:OV^H[*SL]LSHUK:LW[ <:(MYPJH*VTTHUKHUK<:*LU[YHS*VTTHUK(\N 4 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, September 13, 2018 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT NEWS/FEATURES (PY-VYJL»ZMPYZ[0U]PZPISL>V\UKZ*LU[LYVWLUZ I`0SRH*VSL &HMJO"JS'PSDF#BTF1VCMJD"GGBJST EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AFNS) — The 96th Medical Group opened the Air Force’s first Invisible Wounds Center Aug. 30, at Eglin Air Force Base. More than 120 people attended the event and toured the new facility, including Air Force Surgeon General, Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg, 96th Test Wing installation commander, Brig. Gen. Evan C. Dertien and members of the local community. Hogg, the guest speaker for the ceremony, thanked everyone who helped standup the center and also reaffirmed the Air Force’s commit- ment to providing ‘Trusted Care’ to our military members. “Standing up this facility is just the first step of many in our commit- ment to care for our warriors with invisible wounds,” she said. “We owe these brave men and women the very best treatment possible. Today, we make good on that commitment.” The center will serve as a regional treatment center for post-traumatic 7OV[VI`0SRH*VSL stress, traumatic brain injury, associated pain conditions and psychologi- 3[.LU+VYV[O`/VNN(PY-VYJLZ\YNLVUNLULYHS)YPN.LU,]HU*
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