March 2006 Vol. XI Issue 10 It Is Finally Personal OTHER INITIATIVES Higher Education BY:KIRYL BYCHKOUSKI discuss his budget plan. I was called might mean ve ry high priority to students. t h e re to re p resent Bergen. Since I did I can’t help but think that you imply Fi n e Even in the State’s current fiscal situation, continued investment in ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR not know whether I would be allowe d Arts and Music departments to be those higher education is critical to New Jersey’s long-term economic and to make a short speech, or only ask a l ow priority pro g rams. If those are not social health. Accordingly, this Budget provides over $1.9 billion in L e t’s take the most selfish, cynical, and s h o rt question, I typed up a dire c t what you consider as such, please specify for overall support of the State’s higher education system in fiscal 2007. s e l f - i n vo l ve d po int o f vie w, go ov er th e response to the proposal and took it all of us what you consider low priority. Although this is a reduction of $169.1 million, or 7.9%, from fiscal things that are going on in the world 2006, and will certainly challenge New Jersey’s colleges and universi- right now, and see if any of them apply along with me to Princeton. Ove r a l l , You propose to charge out-of-state gra d- t h e re we re about fifty students attend- uates full cost for their tuition. This will ties to find ways to improve the efficiency of their operations, this to us dire c t l y, as well as see if we should ing this affair in a cozy conference ro o m significantly affect the lives of those seeking Budget maintains New Jersey’s commitment to a diversified, accessi- take any action upon these issues. T h i s in the mansion. When I got my chance an education in New Je r s e y, while it will ble system of higher education. practice might sound cruel and cold, but In particular, programs providing need-based financial assistance to we’re simply trying to find a direct link to speak (although for a minute it bring only 5.7 million into the state’s seemed like I would not get the oppor- budget. Is there now h e re else you can get students receive $6.3 million in increased funding in this Budget, to b e t ween us and the issue. As humanitar- assure that our neediest students will not be denied the opportunity tunity), I managed to mention most of this money, and are the out-of-state stu- ians, good Samaritans, and leaders of the to go to college. Higher education benefits both the individual and these points. The other students that dents the only option? f ree world, we should deal with all of society in a variety of ways. Educated individuals are less likely to be these issues, but as average human we re there with me seemed to be much You propose to eliminate the Higher unemployed or live in poverty. Research has shown that, in addition m o re support i ve of the gove r n o r, and Education Incentive Endowment Fund, beings getting an Associate De g ree fro m to contributing more to tax revenues than others do, adults with high- highly tolerant of his plan, so I ended while this Fund directly contributes to Bergen, we tend to let other more pow- er levels of education are less likely to depend on social safety-net pro- up being the only one providing acute the resources of higher education in New e rful and well-positioned individuals grams, generating decreased demand on public budgets. Higher levels deal with them. Whilte genocide in the criticism. It was a slightly fru s t r a t i n g Jersey, relieving the student tuition. This of education also correlate with higher levels of civic participation, experience, but the frustration was ove r- cut will only save the state 3 million. I Da rfur province of Sudan, the AIDS including volunteer work, voting, and blood donation. This Budget s h a d owed by the fact that I did some- don’t believe there are no other programs epidemic, the War in Iraq, Bu s h’s provides the State’s twelve senior public colleges and universities with thing about it. I had my say. My in this state that could make up the dif- Wi retap program, Global Warming, and over $1.3 billion in overall support in fiscal 2007. This includes Black Holes closing in on planet Eart h , response might have been overly emo- ference. You admit this is a great, but an $807.6 million in direct support, a reduction of $143.5 million, or tional, or unrealistic, but I deemed it under-funded program, yet you propose 15.1%, and $545.7 million in indirect support through continued a re all issues we can safely ignore, the a p p ropriate in the atmosphere of meek to do away with it rather than make a funding for fringe benefits for college and university personnel. The 2007 Fiscal Year budget proposal for the acceptance of this plan. Be l ow is the full noble investment. senior public institutions have several options available to offset the state of New Jersey is one issue we can- fiscal 2007 reduction in State support: not. Fu rt h e r m o re, we can skip most of text of my response to the proposal that Finally, I come upon the issue which the governor was forced to digest. affects me directly. You propose to cut the 131 page budget re p o rt and go • Low-priority or duplicative programs could be scaled back or eliminated. “In your budget it states, “Even in the overall state funding of county colleges by straight to the part that concerns us, • Operational efficiencies could be implemented. State’s current fiscal situation, continued over 31 million, or 17 percent. My col- • Non-State revenues could be increased. New Jersey college students. To keep things objective and profes- investment in higher education is critical lege is already in a one million dollar For example, initiating a gradual four-year phase-in of charging out- to New Jersey’s long-term economic and deficit, and this cut will increase the sional, I will provide you with the of-state undergraduates the full cost of their education would yield social health.” How can you stand by deficit by another million. unadulterated text of the budget deal- additional fiscal 2007 re venue of approximately $5.7 million. that statement, when right in the same My question is: I want to know where ing with Higher Education, and let Approximately 7% of all undergraduates at the senior public institu- you make your own conclusions and paragraph you propose a reduction of do the students, the future of America, fit tions are out-of-state students, who are subsidized by New Jersey tax- 170 million dollars in state funding to into your plan?” decisions based on this information, payers in the estimated amount of $22.7 million annually. This higher education? P.S. On April 5th, the school admin- Budget also provides $208.1 million in support of the State’s county before I give you my own response. Your proposal goes on to say that, quote, istration made public the BCC budget colleges, a decline of $15.5 million, or 6.9%. Direct support declines See “OTHER INITIATIVES” on right “educated individuals are less likely to be for 2006/2007 fiscal year, which was by $16.3 million, or 10%; this decline is partially offset by a net u n e m p l oyed or live in pove rt y.” Yet the devised in accordance with the state increase of $745,000 in indirect support for these institutions. The The question you are likely to ask is, s t a t e’s 12 senior colleges are getting a 15% budget proposal (assuming it will go State’s 14 independent colleges and universities will receive $12 mil- “What can I do about it?” and the reduction in funding, which amounts to unchallenged during the legislation lion in direct support during fiscal 2007, a reduction of 50% from fis- a n s wer to that is difficult, especially for 144 million dollars of support. This is a process). Since the proposed state cuts cal 2006. These institutions serve an important role in providing me, a fellow student. Howe ve r, I’m pos- blatant contradiction. Inevitable higher mean a $1.4 million decrease in state higher education for more than 24,000 New Jersey residents, and i t i ve that the first right step is being tuition fees that will come as a result will funding for Bergen, that money will must be supported even in this extremely difficult fiscal circumstance. This Budget eliminates funding for the Higher Education Incentive a w a re that these things are happening, reduce the number of individuals able to have to be made up in tuition hikes of and not letting such legislation catch Endowment Fund, a savings of $3 million. This program’s purpose – get higher education, and will in fact 3-8%, and other fee increases.
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