1699 Ml* F'/’ * « < • • « •»* • \ KeRiMerrd at thc"^f~ T B >4 Published sf-Uganda (jazette ju Vol.CXH No. 42 30th August, 2019 Price: Shs. 5,000 CONTENTS r AGE Suh-County — Laroo The Marriage Act —Notices 1699- 1700 County — Gulu Municipality The Advocates Act—Notice ... 1700 District — Gulu 1700 lhe Mining Act—Notices HON. KAHINDA OTAF11RE, The Companies Act—Notices............... 1700- 1702 Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. The Insolvency Act—Notices... 1702-1704 The Electricity Act—Notices ... 1704- 1705 1 he Revocation of Powers of Attorney—Notice 1705 General Notice No. 878 of 2019. The Universities and Other Tertiary THE MARRIAGE ACT Institutions Act—Notices ... 1705- 1706 [Cap. 251 Revised Edition, 2000] The Copyright and Neighbouring Rights NOTICE Regulations—Notices 1706 [ Under Section 5 of the Act] The Industrial Property Act.-—Notices 1706- 1708 The Trademarks Act —Registration of Applications 1708-1715 PLACE 1’OR CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE Advertisements 1716-1738 Registry No: 12010000026058-00281 In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Section SUPPLEMENTS 5 of the Marriage Act, I hereby license the place of Public Statutory Instruments Worship mentioned in the Schedule hereto to be a place for No. 64 —l he Electricity (Reporting and Record Keeping) lhe celebration of marriages. Regulations, 2019. No. 65—The Traffic and Road Safety Act (Speed of Motor SCHEDULE Vehicle) (Temporary Maximum Speed Limit) Church — Victory City Church, Kisugu (No. 3) Order, 2019. Denomination — Bom again Churches Acts Village — Kisugu Lower No. 10—l he Stamp Duty (Amendment) Act, 2019. Parish — Kisugu No. 11—l he Tax Procedures Code (Amendment) Act, 2019. Sub-County — Makindye Division No. 12—l he Excise Duty (Amendment) Act, 2019. County — Makindye Division East No. 13—The Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2019. District — Kampala No. 14—The Value Added fax (Amendment) Act, 2019. HON. KAHINDA OTAFI1RE, Legal Notices Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. No. 9—lhe Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions General Notice No. 879 of 2019. (Publication of Name and Particulars of a Private University issued with Provisional Licence) Notice, 2019. THE MARRIAGE ACT No. 10—lhe Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions [Cap. 251 Revised Edition, 2000] (Publication of Private Tertiary Institutions issued NOTICE with Provisional Licence) (No. 2) Notice, 2019 {Under Section 5 of lhe Act] PLACE FOR CELEB RAI ION OF MARRIAGE General Notice No. 877 of 2019. Registry No: 12010000026070-00283 THE MARRIAGE ACT In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Section (Cap, 251 Revised Jsdition, 2000| 5 of the Marriage Act, I hereby license lhe place of Public NOTICE Worship mentioned in lhe Schedule hereto to be a place for [Under Section 5 of the Act J the celebration of marriages. PLACE FOR CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE SCHEDULE Registry No: 12010000025566-00017 Church — House of Prayer Community Church, In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Section Nkumba 5 of the Marriage Act, I hereby license the place of Public Denomination — Bom again Churches Worship mentioned in the Schedule hereto to be a place for Village — Nkumba Central the celebration of marriages. Parish — Nkumba SCHEDULE Sub-County — Katabi Town Council Church — Kica Baptist Church Gulu County -— Busiro South Denomination — Bom Again Churches District — Wakiso Village — Iriaga Central HON. KAHINDA OTAFIIRE, Parish — Iriaga Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. PRINTED ANO PUBLISHED BY UGANDA PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CORPORATION UPPC910280030006 THE UGANDA GAZETTE (30th Algvst, 2019 General Notice No. 880 of 2019. General Notice No. 883 of 2019. THE MARRIAGE ACT THE MINING ACT, 2003. (Cap. 251 Revised Edition, 2000| (The Mining Regulations, 2004) NOTICE j Under Section 5 of the Act] NOTICE OF RENEWAL OF A LOCATION LICENCE. PLACE FOR CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE It ts hereby notified that Location License, Number LL 1039, registered as Number 002825, has been granted in Registry No: 12010000026025-00274 accordance with the provisions of Section 59 and Section 26 In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Section to GEORGE ONEGA, of P.O. Box 108, Busia, foraperiod 5 of the Marriage Act, I hereby license the place of Public of two (2) years effective from 23/08/2018. Worship mentioned in the Schedule hereto to be a place for lhe celebration of marriages. The area subject to the Location Licence is 16.00 hectares and is on topography map, sheet number 64/3 SCHEDULE situated in Busia District. ('hurch — Hope of New’ Life Ministries Denomination —■ Born again Churches Dated at Entebbe, this 28th day of June, 2019. I Wage — Kireka BAGUMA ZACHARY, Parish — Nakabugo ,4g. Commissioner for the Geological Survey Suh-County — Wakiso and Mines Department. ( ounty Busiro East District — Wakiso General Notice No. 884 of 2019. HON. KAHINDA O’JAFBRE, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA. 2000. General Notice No. 881 of 2019. (Act No. I of 2012) Tl IE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 2 67. NOTICE. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CER TIFICATE OFELIGIB1LF1 Y. Pursuant io Section 40(4) of the Companies Act, (No. tiws h is hirihy noiihi.p that an application has been 1/2012) I of Uganda, 2000. notice is hereby given presented to lhe Law Council by Namayanja Victoria, that. VOLUNTEERS OF SALVATION OUTREACH LIMITED. has been by a special resolution passed on who is stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree 3rd Januan. 2019. and with the approval of the Registrar from Uganda Christian University. Mukono, having been of Companies, changed in name to VOLUNTEERS OF awarded on the 3rd day of July, 2015 and a Diploma in SALVATION OUTREACH GILGAL MINISTRIES Legal Practice awarded by the Law Development Centre LIMITED, and that such new name has been entered in my on the 27th day of April. 2018. for lhe issuance of a Register. Certificate of Eligibility for entry of her name on the Roll of .Advocates for Uganda. Dated at Kampala, this 21st day of August. 2019. Kampala, MARGARET APINY. 26th July, 2019. Secretary. Law Council MUDOOLACHARLOnE THEREZA. Assistant Registrar of Companies. General Notice No. 882 of 2019 THE MINING ACT, 2003. General Notice No. 885 of 20J 9. (The Mining Regulations. 2004) THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA. 2000. NOTICE OF GRANT OF AN EXPLORATION LICENCE. It is hereby nouhld that Exploration License. Number (Act No. 1 of 2012) EL 1909, registered as Number 002746, has been granted in accordance w ith the provisions of Section 57 and Section NOTICE. 29 to ROCKFILL INTERNATIONAL (U) LIMITED, of P.O. Box 4802, Kampala, Uganda, for a period of three (3) Pursuant to Section 40(4) of the Companies Act, (No. 'ears effective from 25th February, 2019. 1/2012) Laws of Uganda. 2000, notice is hereby given that SECURITY ADVISORYSERVICES LIMITED, has been The exploration area subject to the Exploration License 1 428.0346 km2 and is on topography map. sheet numbers by a special resolution passed on 20th August, 2019. and £ f2, 29/4, 23/2 and 29/1, situated in Ncbbi and Zombe with the approval of the Registrar of Companies, changed in si tricts. nam<4o ORION RISK LIMITED, and that such new name aI has been entered in my Register. A ited at Entebbe, this 25th day of February, 2019. ns. Dated at Kampala, this 20th day of August, 2019. BAGUMA ZACHARY, Ag. Commissioner for the Geological Survey TAMALE BERNADETTE, and Mines Department. Assistant Registrar of Companies. 30m August, 20191 THE UGANDA GAZETTE 1701 General Notice No. 886 of 2019, General Notice No. 890 of 2019. THE COMPANIES ACT. LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. (Act No. 1 of 2012) (Act No. I of 2012) NOTICE. NOTICE. I*ursuant to Section 40(4) of the Companies Act, (No. Pursuant to Section 40(4) of the Companies Act, (No. 1/2012) Hiws of Uganda. 2000. notice is hereby given that 1/2012) Utws of Uganda, 2(XX), noiice is hereby given that AFRICAN CHRISTIAN OUTREACH LIMITED, has PRETTY T CEREMONIAL SERVICES (U) LTD., has been by a special resolution passed on 30lh July. 2019. and with been by a special resolution passed on 19th August, 2019. and the approval of the Registrar of Companies, changed in name to with (he approval of the Registrar of Companies, changed in AFRICAN DIGITAL CHRISTIAN COMMUNICATION name lo RIVERSIDE EVENTS (U) LTD., and that such new LIMITED, and that such new name has been entered in my name has been entered in my Register. Register. Dated al Kampala, this 19th day of August, 2019. Dated at Kampala, (his 20th day of August, 2019. KATUSHABE NAOME, MUDOOl.A CHARLOTTETHEREZA, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Assistant Registrar of Companies. General Noiice No. 891 of 2019. General Notice No. 887 of 2019. THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. (Act No. 1 of 2012) (Act No. 1 of 2012) NOTICE. NOTICE. Pursuant lo Section 40(4) of lhe Companies Act, (No. Pursuant to Section 40(4) of the Companies Act, (No. 1/2012) Hiws of Uganda, 2000, notice is hereby given that 1/2012) Laws of Uganda, 2000, noiice is hereby given KIWATULE MUSLIM COMMUNITY LIMITED, has that ORISH INVESTMENTS LIMITED, has been by a been bj a special resolution passed on 13th June, 2019, and special resolution passed on 21st August, 2019, and with lhe with the approval of the Rcgisirar of Companies, changed in approval of lhe Rcgisirar of Companies, changed in name lo name to KIWATULE MUSLIM FOUNDATION, and that ORRIPS INVESTMENTS LIMITED. and\hal such new such new name has been entered in my Register. name has been entered in my Register. Dated at Kampala, this 14th day of August. 2019. Dated al Kampala, this 22nd day of August, 2019.
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