M — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Jan. 30. 1986 SPORTS FOCUS U.S./WORLD CLASSIFIED AD VER TISIN G 643-2711 No. 1 Tar Heels Former students gij Experts examine Alii ICARS/TRUCKS upset by Virginia will salute White shuttie’s fuseiage I HOUSEHOLD ICARS/TRUCKS CARS/TRUCKS r n APARTMENTS 0 STORE AND IFOR SALE FOR SALE Rentals | « J |FOR RENT IOFFICE SPACE eOODS PETS FOR 8 A U _ ... page 9 ... page 13 ... page 19 72 Chevy Novo — 9,000 1984 Jeep Wagoneer — 4 Office Space — Excellent Used Refrigerators, Free to good home only. 3 3 Bedroom Duplex, Imme­ miles on rebuilt engine, wheel drive, all avollable ROOMS location with ample park­ Washers, Ranges — Males, 1 orange fleer, 2 diate occupancy, no utili­ automatic, 8 cylinder. factory options, auto- ing. 600, 400 & 300 sq. ft. clean, guaranteed, parts blacks, 1 medium length FOR RENT ties, parking, bus line, $950. 742-5824. 74 Ford Brougham L T D , motlc, air conditioning, S5S0/monthly. Security, office suites are now and service. Low prices. hair, daughter allergic. midnight blue, buy direct B.D. Pearl 8, Son, 649 647-7432. _________ Top of the line In top Gcntltmen Only. Cantral references. 649-3067. available. 649-2891. form original owner. 646- M ain Street, 643-2171. 79 Pinto tx c . cond., $1,695; condition. No ro if. .No location, kitchtn privl- 80 Cadillac El Dorado problems. 647-0881 even­ 6388 a fter 6pm. Manchester — Available East Center Street — Itflos. parking available. MUSICAL loaded, $7,495; 82 Cam aro ings or weekends. Ground floor, great vis­ Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ Security and references Immediately. One, two ITCMS low miles T top, $6,995; 78 and three bedroom apart­ ibility, utilities, parking trial freezer. $350. 649- required. 649-9227 or 569- Firebird $td„ $^495; 80 1984 Subaru — Tip top IMISCELLANEDUS ments. $425, $495, $525, Included, $300 monthly. 9012. 352S. Grand Prix loaded sun­ condition. $6,500. Stereo heat and hot woter In­ Keith Real Estate, 646- Trombone with case. AUTDMDTIVE roof, $4,995; 76 Jaguar tape deck, MIchelln tires. cluded. J.D. Real Estate, 4126. Towel Sets, 3 pieces, ex­ Good condition. $99, 742- Room, Main Street loca­ 7891. XJ12 loaded, $7,195; 79 646-0040. _____ ManrhrBtFr cellent condition. Some tion, all utilities Included. 646-1980. 4 B.F. Goodrich Radial Store tor Rent. Heat, air, pink, some blue. $8. 643- Fiat 128 4 dr., $1,295; 78 ) Manchester — A City ol Village Charm References and security. Hondo Accord, $1,195. 72 Chew Van 307,4 barrel, Mud-Terrojn T/A with Manchester — Bennett parking. Main street. Ex­ 1814.0 Accordion with case. 646-7089 between 6-9pm. Lou's Auto Sales, 646-5555. 3 speed standard on floor, raised white letters. Elderly Housing, handi­ cellent location. Call 649- Good condition. 16 Inch. bed carpeted panel, runs 31x10.50 R15LT M/S. capped unit available. 5334. Blue and green print $95. Call 649-4896 Room for Non-smoking 85 Ford Escort 2 dr. 6k, good. $900 or best offer. Mounted 8, balanced on Now taking applications camel-back love seat on evenlnes.u gentleman. Kitchen privi­ $5,395; 84 LT D Chrome 649-5556, ask fo r Craig. Western Cyclone Alumi­ for 1 bedroom handi­ Office ond Industrial cream background. $75 Friday, Jan. 31, 1986 25 Cents leges, parking. Call 643- Victoria 4 dr. tdn. oc, num mags with center capped apartm ent, $415 to space for rent or lease. firm . 643-4770.O 5600. RECREATIDNAL $6,795; 83 Colony Pork 1981 Citation — 4 speed, hubs, 2 regular, 2 fo r lock $444 a month. Applicants Excellent location. Close out hubs. Lug nuts for Sweedlsh freestanding ITEMS Won. 8 cyl. loaded, $7,995; a ir, A M /F M Cassette, ps, This Is a good tim e to find must supply handicap In­ to 1-84. Call Mr. Curtiss, Plymouth or Dodge. Orig­ fireplace. Excellent con­ 83 Fairm ont 4 dr. sdn. 6 Ob, r e a r w in dow de- a cosh buyer for that formation with applica­ Stoneledge Realty, 646- inal cost, $1,000%. $750 or dition, Includes pipe. Call 17 Foot Bass attacker, cvl. ot/ps, $4,495; 82 Ford fogger. 57K. $2,200 or typew riter no one uses. tion. Rent Includes heat, 2735. best offer. Call 647-7702. 646-2931, leave message, 1984 70 horsepower out­ Country Squire Wgn. offers. 647-7512. GOP leader hot water, range, refriger­ Use a low-cost od In loaded, $5,195; 81 Ford ‘Baby Doc’ will return call. board with troillng motor, Classified for quick re­ ator, disposal, elevator 8, Office Space — New pro­ 1975 Cougar XR/7. Great fessional building, one drive on trailer, 2 depth Escort 2 dr. low miles, sults. 643-2711. laundry. Phone 528-6522. 1979 M e rc u ry C ou gar body, nice Interior, no m ile from 1-84. 1,000-3,000 sounders, many extras. S2,995; 81 M azda 626 4 dr. $2,995; 84 F250, 4x4 8 cyl., XR7, $900. 1980 Renault m otor, you tow. $50. Call Bolton — 2 room effi­ sa. ft. available. Can build $5,400. 643-5109.__________ $10,500. Backus M o to r LeC ar, $700. 1976 Chevy Paul, 643-4072.O angered by ciency apartment for Im­ to suit. Days, 649-2272. I MISCELLANEOUS I enJ APARTMENTS You get lot of readership Inc. 649-6257. Novo, 6 cylinder, $800. mediate occupancy. a I FOR RENT FOR SALE for your money when you 1978 Honda CVCC, auto­ 72 Chevy C-10 Suburban 3 $375/monthly Includes Store for Rent — Retail or denies fall of 3 advertise In Classified. 1962 Chevrolet Nova — matic, $950. 643-9092, run. Fo r parts. $95 or best utilities. Looking for sin­ Wholesale, suitable for Hay for Sole by the Bale. M ike. offer. 742-9188.U gle person, no pets. 1 business. Main Street, Runs great. No rust. Ask­ 6 Room Duplex, 1’/^ baths, Cash and carry. Pella ing $1,000 or best offer. panel picks month security deposit. near hospital. Plenty of ICARS/TRUCKS garage, large back yard, Brothers, Bldwell Street. Call 643-7427 after 5:30pm. parking. Call 643-7604, ask 649-2163. refrigerator, near bus FDR SALE INVITATION TO BID for John. 643-7405. line, no utilities. Available 1979 C h e w Blazer — 4 X 4. Manchester — 1 bedroom Notice Is hereby given that The Elohth UtllltiM D ls trlr t^ Haiti regime February 1st. $550 Remington Electric ty­ Never plowed, excellent By Alex GIrelll 4 room apartment, fully Main Street, Monchetter, Connectl^t060«, will accept monthly. Security. Call pew riter, $99. 649-8874.D 69 Corvette T-Top 4 sod., body. $3,800. 649-2452. Herald Reporter appllanced kitchen, 1 car And Now....The time has neral Controct bids for the conttroctlon of Fire Station #3 643-2048. $14,500 — 65 T-BIrd accordino to Drowlnot ond Specification* preporMby Fra­ garage, heat and utilities come. The Lucky winner looded, $4,500 — 76 Cadil­ Woman's coat with a fur zier Lomton ond Budlono, P.C. Architecture ond Plonnlnp, A Republican committee is prepared to recommend By Art Condell Included. No pets. Secur­ of the Phone Number lac Seville oil options, and described In general os: Monchester — 3 room collar. Washable, size 16. The Associated Press ity deposit. 1 year lease. Jackpot for the drawing INVITATtON TO BID four people to serve on a charter revision commission apartment, appliances, Excellent condition, after $6,500 — 81 CheveNe 4 One story masonry and steel frame structure of opproxl- $475. 649-0795. of January 27th Is 643-0609. Sealed bids will be received motely 4500 square feet of floor oreo with membrane to be appointed Feb. 11. but the minority leader on the garage, parking, cen­ 5pm, 646-1636. $50.a sod., $2,200 — 81 Chevette 4spd. dented, $1,200 — 79 In ths General Services' of- roof; metal stud/drywoll Interior portltlqns; concrete Manchester Board of Directors is unhappy with the PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - trally located. $395 flct, 41 Csnter St., Monches­ floor slob; suspended acoustic celllnos; ^ lle t rooms, 2 Bedroom Townhouse — selections. President-for-Life Jean-Claude m onthly. 289-9486. Commercial Coin oper­ Chevy Impala Wgn. new ter, CT until 11:00 a.m. on the partial oir condltlonlnp; heat system; electrlcol wiring 1 Vi baths, appliances, $510 Duvalier, who declared a 30-day I MISCELLANEOUS ated washer in excellent engine, $3,200 — 781 mpolo dote shown below for the fol­ devices, fixtures ond controls; and site development in­ The four selected by the GOP committee from per month plus utilities. lowing: cluding grading, londscoplng ond poving. state of siege today, was on the Rockville — 2 bedroom. FOR RENT working condition. First 2 dr. new engine, $2,500 — among 11 candidates are Charles S. House, retired Keith Real Estate, 646- I 78 Im pala Wgn., $1,600. FEB. 11,19(6- Seoled bids will be received of the office of the Eighth Dis­ radio to deny reports his govern­ $375 plus utilities. Includes $99 takes It. 649-4003.U chief justice of the state Supreme Court; John F. 4126. Larry's Sales 8, Repair, TRAFFIC PAINT trict of the obove address until Wednesdoy, ^ r c h S , 19l6,of ment had collapsed. Witnesses range 8, refrigerator. 2 Rockville — Garages for 7:00 p.m. Bids will be opened and read aloud ot that time and Shea, a former state Supreme Court justice; Nathan 871-1790._________________ FEB. 11,19(6- said Duvalier was seen driving months security deposit. rent. $40 a month plus 2 Phone answer machine REFLECTORIZEO ploce.
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