University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Kenna Record, 1910-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-6-1921 Kenna Record, 05-06-1921 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White. "Kenna Record, 05-06-1921." (1921). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kenna Record, 1910-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I- 1 ' , 70 r TT uF Y1l TT5 3 Tn" Li i-- IL5 JLJL fti-J- i W C Vs VOL. 16 rvENNA, ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1921 NO. 7 MRS. ' TEXT OF GERMAN HENRY C. WALLACE JIMrDIPAMI7ATinif i Tires and Tubes Aooessortes Boots and Patching and Supplies NOTE TO U. S. DAI! CELEBRATED . Phone 42 IS SENT FOR TRANSMIS- CITIES AND TOWNS OVER SION TO THE ALLIED P. & R. GARAGE NATIONS STATE SHOW THEIR PATRIOTISM Ellda, New Mexico . TO SETTLE WITH 50 BILLIONS PARADES AfsD CELEBRATIONS Acetylene Welding W. E. LUCAS To Give Proof of Faith Germany la Expert Mechanics PROPRIETOR Prepared to Immediately Placo Most Places Over the State Had the at Disposal Commis- of the Most Jubilant Time Since the sion $250,000,000. Armistice waa Signed When 1 Germany fixed her total liabil- All Showed Their Loyalty ity at $12,500,000,000 gold payable In suitable annuitizes to total $50,000,-000,00- 0 Oklahoma City. Americanization gold. Day was truly observed as a holiday ED. J. NEER, 2 Germany will Immediately Issue at Oklahoma City where practically Undertaker end Embalmer an International loan In which she all business and public institutions LICENSED BY STATE BOARD will participate, and of which the stopped for a day to show their re- s value, rate of interest and scale of spect to old Glory and welcome th S?Lfe4 riffht Oca. phona a two rW redemption shall be subject to agree chance to honor the flag of their coun Ifesldence, three, ring.' Agent tor HoaweH and Aiaaxiilo ment, the proceeds of the loan to be try in a very lage paade and dem Gnxnhow. Port;. , New ilodccx : put at the disposal of the allies. onstration that surnassed evervthine- Complete Line i f CuLcts - ; 3 Germany will pay, according to Official photograph of Mrs. Henry C, since the signing of the armistice. ad Robes her capacity, In labor Interest and Wallace, wife of the new secretary of Flags floated from thousands of redemption, the total sum to be paid agriculture. Washington life Is new homes, business houses, and ev which is not covered by the Interna- to her. Her home town Is Dee Moines, ery car in the parade was decorated tional loan; she considers In this con- la. She has six children, Is a famous with the flag which cheered our armv. nection that It will be possible to pay cook and gardener of flowers. streamed in light over soldiers' heads, DRUGS, DRUG only 4 per cent annual Interest crossed waters, and gleamed in the SUPPLIES 4 Germany Is disposed to permit cold morning with victory and new FRAME REJECT GERMAN a SICK ROOM SUPPLIES the allies to share in an Improvement FLAN hope. "How divine its meaning," said of her flnanoial and economic situa- Henry Ward Beecher. "Made in lib- tion. The redemption of the remain- erty, made liberty, ALL EYES ARE TURNED ON for nourished in Your Mail Orders are Solicited ing sums will have to take, therefore, Its spirit carried in Its service, and a variable form, depending upon im- WASHINGTON never, not once, in all the earth mad provement It would be necessary to to stoop to despotism r" UD a schema ha and nn draw in he nn The Occupation of Buhr Basin la In. 100 Percent American. Index to be used, should the situation evitable, the Experts of Europe Practically every civic organization. I ' become worse. club, Believe. fraternity, sorority, war organi- 6 In order to clear herself as zation, the schools, American Feder- quickly as possible of all her strength ation of Labor in all Its union branch- ROSWEUL, N. M. counter-pr- In the of the devas- raris. The German o es Boy Scouts and innumerable lodg- regions; recon- posals on reparations, as tated she regards transmitted es and societies were represented in 23bsm struction as the most'urgent basis of to President Harding at Washington parade. the Some went In floats: 4 reparations and the most direct rem- are absolutely unacceptable, and the others in decorated cars French while still edy tor mitigating the hardships of ambassador to the United others walked, but the main fact is M. QO the war and hatred between peoples. States, Jusserand, has been noti tney went The Red Cross had a TO She will reconstruct towns, villages fied to this effect. float' representing the "Greatest - The proposals , end townships designated,, or coop- are characterized by Mother in, the World;" the Junior Red ; Dy supplying ma Government officials as "a step back raie labor and Cross had a float with girls In uni- KEMP terial, or In any other way agreeable ward and are declared to give no form giving examples LUMBER CO. promise of their work: to the allies. of a satisfactory settlement. boys' and girls' clubs of consolidated All eyes ELXDA, N. 21. 6 with the same object in view, are now turned on Wash- schools were paradine In floats with ington counter-proposa- Germany Is disposed to pay in kind where the l ciuo emblems and American flags for lo states which were victims of ihe are under advisement, but no new decorations: cars filled with rnnrn. Foe .Wire, Posts. Oroant, Lamber and Bulldin fact had developed to change war, in addition to reconstruction, the situ- sentatives of every nationality in Ok. Material. S1l Poors sad lUifonn to a scheme as as pos-- ation as it concerns the attitude of s far lanoma Ulty were lavishly ... Prance. decorated BiDie purely commercial. with the American colors and banners j 7 In order to give undeniable The general feeling Is that occupa- proclaiming to world tion the that thv O. G. proof of her good faith, Germany is ol the Rhur region of Germany is were "loo per cent American." BRIDGES, Man&gsA prepared immediately to place at the unavoidable, but It is believed in Ed S. Vaught Senator Luther Hot. disposal of the reparation comc.l.i some circles barely possible that In rison, S. H. Barkett, some way and General Roy sion 1250,000,000, comprising $37,500,' the Berlin government may Hoffman were the speakers. Mr. be made to understand, through Bar 000 in gold and silver in foreign ex- spoke on "The Privlleee Be-- Washington, kett of change and $212,500,000 gold and the gravity of the situa- tag an American Citizen." treasury notes, redeemable within tion and the essential fact that no proposal can be considered by three months in foreign exchange or the Muskogee Has foreign French government unless based on Torch Light Parade securities. Muskogee. Muskogeeans paused i the 8 In the event the United States Paris conditions. paused to and so recite the American's creed IX BANK & TRUST COMPANY. the allies desire, Germany is in observance of Americanism Day. (willing according to the extent of OFFER MERITS Members of American Lesrion ability THOUGHT the de her and capacity to assume the livered patriotic addresses city Allied obligations at the to the United British Government Believes Plans schools. A torch light parade was Kenna, Now Mexico. States. Deserve Consideration. staged at night before Congressman 9 Germany proposes to negotiate, W. W. Hastings of Tahleauah. ad-- - with the assistance of experts, as to London. The Dally Mail an arti- dressed a mass meeting "Amert-canism- " way in on the In which German deliveries cle recently concerning the German at convention halL for reparations will be reckoned, as note says the British government's against the total of Germany's debt, attitude is that "it deserves examina- Tulsa Gives Silent Pledge. particularly respecting the way In tion." Tulsa. Tulsa made a pledge which price silent the value will be fixed. M. Lloyd George, it Is understood, of allegiance to the flag as its part of ' 10 As security ac- for the credits says the Daily Mail, has declared pri- the state wide Americanization Day corded her, Germany Is willing to vately that if Germany arbitrarily program. Industry everywhere in pledge purfllc revenues proper- tha and makes her offer dependent upon hav- city was halted for a full minute at ties, in a manner to be determined be- ing her own way in Upper 11 o'clock while an tween Silesia and American creed the contracting parties. upon the immediate withdrawal of was whispered. Every siren whistle 11 O With the acceptance of these the allied troops from the Rhine in the city blew at 10:59 sixty O O OO O O proposals, Germany's for other repara- seconds, ushering in the city wide tions and obligations will be annulled SOLDIERS. AS P. 0. GUARDS program. Schools held patriotic pro- and all German .private property in grams at which American Legion foreign countries will be released. Chicago to Use Regular Army Troops members spoke. The legion had a big 12 Germany declares tha present parade In uniform. proposals only capable of being car- In U.
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