The Uttar Pradesh Stamp Act, 2010 Keyword(S): Association, Banker, Bond, Chargeable, Clearance List, Collector, Conveyance Amend

The Uttar Pradesh Stamp Act, 2010 Keyword(S): Association, Banker, Bond, Chargeable, Clearance List, Collector, Conveyance Amend

The Uttar Pradesh Stamp Act, 2010 Act 17 of 2010 Keyword(s): Association, Banker, Bond, Chargeable, Clearance List, Collector, Conveyance Amendment appended: 1 of 2016 DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document. 'Th-if..7(tan— I 33 11Witi Zit! TEWEDM WIRTRui font qR1itc (T) (.371' ;Itta 34-trikE49) t•TWR., 7 3P1R, 2010 13. 17, 1932 -q1c1) ‘3-c-pr wkw ito,H ffitirt 3FTITTF-1 Titaff 526/79-ft-1-10-1(T) 26-2008 citrkt, 7 31tfR, 2010 3ditiraiT fbfdEr -wr(a- TiffiTz7- arrt-c- arti'm me= 1 ‘.3 Lltqf TCTRI fSc.bx- , 2008 tri ftlio 27 TIT. 2010 '&1 31711 7819 i 30 W8 ‘3rN Itt7i 31ftfttr11 34-021 17 3171 2010 Thel 7912i 171 31ft707T LITTRTU W01 uiIdT t \icti 11 td1:4 a, 2010 (‘3Ty 31ftftUT1 \1its4T 17 39 2010) 3-W,t sthr feum 9U.ç4TRT wit-a pu] crksT 3-Rn 11 :ram thR 4 Tri11 --d at17 tivi m-RA 3Tred-wi nrcd qt4ì fsiirftiftra arfernmT iiw unur 1—(i) trg 3ffeAtill Itht tcraf 30NR 2008 71.87111 liretkl 9111, ftRIR atia stithr ftWiR 3:90 ‘iccit rata 8)401 ZT8 1•411 WciM 61+11 'd'cbI& 31ftifirl1 g-171, nikm fkzra i63I21 Th9,T pcmFul 1:1ticr facii 7,rr 34-79TUR-LII 1117Z, 7 31tki. 2010 , P11114Tu 2-1-479 311T2P7:111 1, 57 -d-75 11-1- Mc! laT4-7-1 -RIrtf- 14 S:075,,-71- (40) #41-9- c51 tIrc-cf-Li -741t-Rif -irr-ou. Lfl -‘tzt7. 'Eng t.1 I3 111e1 711 1=79-u-7 criNtet diu-Rm fra7WZi MN'IGIR 194--71-1 1 TI-41:69 7-- 1 7 171 3179 T-0-17:161,T uthum 4 ft.fzi f-aur 71ur el; qc cm T va-F4Ti ,11 R9T T914 .4 tfrt m-cd-r =01- 3F-4-494,, -iau el MR TTU[9- 34974-1 ETITWT 111- 311T211- IR-717IT4 6111J4 1) c4N ut%-r 2e0 Uri atuT m1 iif•-z) 1T1 tR 31-17 fa5 fraf41 f7,11-0--Fm •IR-4 4 7 ftht urrA -ut 1-q% 1-1ftzftil crq *44 ffitsifut Kirrifur ; t.;4, TiTeff gRT e2flfW 4 cf J1&J c:t;) U:11 -T1 T97 -42M71-4 qvi 7Ri S ft1-4 arru - 4,4, 9t1c1-) arrr ER RIT c1164, cM er (Tr) - cr4TR R•4 39-re-Tez-d - TA-d 01.4 zift TuEl 41- 7ft ml 3F9 Z4T 7Fil 4:14 ‘34u-r 1t4 \H-1 c1cTV W1 -%11 a fat4 i 1.--7,11 -c:f SI7I79): Rp--01 7TrieflI 4 ?rrTLuzi çrj m 3704; ORT - 171 21rfrn rcb-U urn 41 g rtp-p'f R IT-47 A FATurit u51 it-Rqu u4 -tfarm 1l . 3rg7Tr ft•-t ti 211 31E4I 9-ITR2a -PI 7 ft-12-41 gij fi 37-q7 7(11-n01M- 1d cr4 6*ME-17 .7R4; \-UT t TIT 3g14/ ipm1a9-7 tri -Err 317R4 aithvi m`l cu1chi47 tuffr Wiki fra-Tui n afi--4 TAA crez)-- fkizrn 75,qfto41 f -d-a er, zi6 31171“4 Our fs Trf- 1-z4 4 311-0-45 -gT ‘314#21-9- t 3T TTE21T0/-9- 451 cti f1l9T1Z- c017--f3TE7477/- 7-1t till (=IN)" 74-r4"- ;il,o4 eql o[c -Prfstuftcr Trt u2a. Praufti fe-rqs vu'in 1'4,-4 um? mcr m" wuref" 4-r Tri-ccrLY 3TE11-9- 11191-4 3fR 31111 f7T7-1'f SI-711 tt i -‘P-I frar0- 3TZiF1 ITTIT4 Et,T ichs4ci f.1=1-119 •(194, 211 121 1=c1-Rg-U 311141 1; .--f $171 TAT:17i 2R Th-turfu qui .o), 7-rrm Hrfer f .z.9-FL et: (1-11-4) iy31 i4 füuitrtfr-t-rtr cb--r ifi-d-4-4 717-el 171-ftt:FC fle1.77T, riut& a4TjlIIT, 37R- T1ITZ19. alfgrf TfT ÷C.11-1-1 ffl'ITITT 1:-7.1) 307:514 3-1)1 39 37q79 7:-CP-11 21 11 ku mi -t.4, 3T1-4, 1.41 304-r:111 f3f0 ?la 1-13II.1 3Ife1t141- 6121 WTI R1CJ 91 72.17/ f4-i TINT Eli1- '1 571 iffftl-(9 : (m) wr4rAw4 31#"- EM 7171:Pi TlfaZI-I31T 711-raThl #i21(1t,N. Th°1 frei t11- vei t fa,411 #44 Itwin11lu-4 7 4 744if ZIT Jt.f Tht211 'Q>) aitiR cH(13ftu ‘IFF q‘i TC-f? 3"fi7 317716M7 TrW.. 7 3TtF. 2010 eil)c tra -ffa0- 39Arcznir-i tirq ant ?Fria. altThgni 9-zer-ff )3) Wra16317 MT ?MI6 0q7 Zira IftfIRT) gPTI iara T-rai 314 1 .1 17717 3T-c4 git ed-61?fiairm ThleRd tili•on -at zir0 31)7 1) 711167 T67 -6). 312116:- dim ccn t ft zcizi-ar 31-4 tfl/Tj V6-q171 3iTzreAlat "am Mayor nrtz t ftr+rt snen-d Ti .0. /wirri .396/63T1 5ITi 11-7(45.17 Tit A cr-47 14,4 vrA 31717 17717 14-0:163R fgrittruti farQzn fii44 •ticini6N, 316T77T9?fl t/iR zna 34arcon. 11) I A/37 -J6:16 5(1) (cMN TIT 310 rjh twi 3TWAIT7 4 3T-Tf14 M. 'aParft. 3I lq1 • 4-1) 31"06 44 (feu-Iun *FR) 31*7 Ef.7 3ifratg M-717 V1 rth-Tri TEM -6-ei Ain t 1" ftii643 t57DT i zroz t faiz) TO:R-4TR niqi ttA SUNTt &nu) " an)at.,{ "iinwd ft4 ftrhM4 V1W9 111 t f2X0 tr“147 naid Ti . )3 u1T- 317wk tgr 3TRrait aiRtra t zi ut1c.0 3 3i)3 3W1 3IftritrIT M 31a7 340791 NI 3"e Th-Prm fkgavi -t gm # anDIT671 w1 61 2rT'T 3TR(371 M.T'd-07 0 (bt4 m7:1*I vritizn, tr-cm Trzli (aim) " t11-0V-7-tM " 3T7311T6:- (M) ftT6 M1 tcli -c1717 67, ta Or) crort 1 mraT. zn eM4 Ititta zir 717176 R1(6fall “26M f34 zn 31131 6 1 117 1956) 4 41R1 394 M (Er) aiTtit 311617.67 1956 (30.171P) 1TC6 11 Tim .167T Ti .3;cizrwa NI i'M7 3165 9 071761 M 3677N7 61 T7437 M 37 6c6 31TtE, ZIT '1&11 10 19 1949) 4 (3.) ITTM1t 1:61:7679 31(-61767, 1949 (3111P56 19 tri 591f67 wa7ti Ti Arfern 6R1 44-65 M 314iti 6M-M4 m-Paffith 3inTrit- 13,14 at -03-r ftin mu 0-Mt arraTi i 0) Rusin 4ic.fu 4 3T67I (6) 33M71 3:ARO gTzltAl 19-P) ft- -zn -slzr? iirtlfta,7 r1,1) M7M -frniiWEnTi ft-341 wni1i1 dCAti Ti 9 1 7676 M geT Ti iirLzift9 ‘. ivy Ruiner 71636 M t67 RTC% 73 3F3/0 MT 31-We7. WW1, It111 3171 UlfaTf 4 61 1 .11M 9 NI pzyfi - dt attq ar-9.1i Rl*aie 3) 11ft ThSftq 6F-dRalITf4fia rs traftra it api cr-qm it-41 1614M7-6- 571 3416flipi c faitl 4(*.sta tift t vita Rifil in-ev 'am EnA 4'1 r-1- ar--ftt 3111P nfrni r&WM '9N1 TTITTIM arctizA .4 Tit:criil (RT-) &r4 P8R.rci 9N1 31--au aro' 3tizi An 4 --rzire-ri (e1) U-RT 4 14tTR, • 4Pir(if1 tbc) TiTtnR. 31-44 31.-41 m a mincr Th), rot zpa-w 71 Thl-cf Zrf ftETE-4 p 3TR:f chNclk zrr arrft- z4 W 347-d-R-ar Aim at-trffQ-cr zuz-ar zrr itTcik gHr WRtr tp- 41?cr 4 34-144- 31-10w7 ah t ZIT ftt-I 37-d7irr -cnia RT1t1 43N cfrmr t ffs-GTE grE n-Trfrfa wzgt ftrriftf RPtIffeci 37-FEI>) 91ET1713 T 3i71) gn-r ftTfl1wl,cpft- ZIT ftrrita ftch-1):1 ff -{41 c-zrffki 247 arlz-m)it E Alakg4 arfti urith t (t) tp-ocri, WEI t - URI'S rw4i 6rr- ;9---4 q t Trft ark-4 Trftr zrr Tarftrei Fang. ifis--€rn tR flf 7-17TZT cT7Th. 1t1 zui 31-TTW (971-41 ,141 t ZIT ULFZI'FT 4WrITiqit I (cu) fThs-Acr" 3itv rnq- N i,dch-r - T wzr 4 f -zri qui g)-. 6,mraifi'u aftz ' 5ctra-v" gi tkitiacirog-tf"S'a.' wer t1-41 3fi ktFrr cttotrmi i a zoo (aitri24r4 '4F 21 r-.9 2000) Th`t UM 11 s4-cf[n.,5 3Tf4---etE Th-f f4w7 vriturf g • (Ti) tNchpa vredlift "5i MTIZi 311.444, 1944 (3TrUPTITT \LICql1 18 ill 1944) 4 ZNII 1:INTRIT Ifffillt t (4Rt) tli-41?1-1 4 lift arrifrrw Trr, 4-rpf wr 34-0M-R, <NY!, 1-1PI \3d4M, cr4 374 a14 ZII W?P zrr =MI A tic-1,-1 fW-4i A z-2Trzil , qt-1 440't rfr-W a•-c-pict • urrth w-÷rs zrr ZJa#W uFF ?Tr zn fa-A ;zrrA Ariat4 9PRT2ll wr spiwt flf?-411cr t ( grfera - 3PT14 t- TfliffiU arruwrft grTr -Trru fi2 aft 137n7 aftv (-€) te!1d chi ivr tRArzi-cip zrr (4) zatWzr 4sfig, 4—rerfA4cr Tyr f$Alr¶ 7TqitA xttchk ci 4 3TfT Ski fal-MM,e (Er) 4Nrt aTIFF-d-r W Tritzr4 A T-- r i-NcohrSkifli-qch ,w4 grfOwu ft-4 aur tri v51-17 uvr cr4 tits zrr tyz-rwg- i (ttl<g) s1triffr-4 S.

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