Salute To Kid’s Corner HospiceToys For Totsseeking event volunteers to be held SPORTS MENU TIPS Kid’s Corner Volunteers needed for Ames Family Hos- EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Lisa Murrell, the daughter pice House in Westlake, and receptionist assistance For Reporting of Lisa and Edward Murrell, is Browns Backups Savor The Summer With at David Simpson Hospice House and our Head- Beat Jags 4 years old. Her favorite food is Sweet Treats Your Community News quarters office in Cleveland. Virtual volunteer greens, and she has a healthy ap- For training is offered monthly. For more informa- 41 Years petite. Her favorite toy is her tablet tion, contact us at 216.255.9090 or fill out an See Page 4 See Page 5 July 10, 1980 - July 10, 2021 which she uses for games and to Murrell improve her reading skills. online application at hospicewr.org/volunteer. VOL. 42 No.30 Tuesday,August 17, 2021- Friday, August 20, 2021 Daily FREEEASTSIDE NEWSFREE ISSUED FRIDAY READ ON - WRITE ON SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, READ ON - WRITE ON LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” Kucinich under attack by out of town ‘Dark Money’ The following statement produce, print, and mail this sort of creators and financial backers similar to the technique used by the who contribute and those who was issued Tuesday by the Ku- campaign literature is in excess of believe city residents are poorly Friends of Kevin Kelley in on-line benefit from their reprehensible cinich mayoral campaign: $300,000. educated and gullible. campaign attacks on Kucinich. lies and dishonest misrepresenta- Hundreds of thousands The Kucinich campaign has The material relies The anonymous attacks tions. Tactics such as these should of dollars in ‘”dark money” has reason to believe that some deep- of the secretive “Change” political be condemned by every decent, started pouring into the Cleveland heavily on distortions of de- pocketed, prominent corporate lead- action committee reveal the true honorable person seeking to be a mayoral campaign in a scurrilous cades’ old excerpts of news ers and public figures who support character and motivations of those leader in Cleveland. and anonymous effort to smear stories and headlines, strikingly one of the other candidatesDon’t have Forget To Turn and defame mayoral candidate and launched this despicable attackYour Clockon Forward former Congressman Dennis Ku- S.P.E.A.K coalition says ‘No’ HB 322 and HB 327 Mr. Kucinich. cinich. Apparently they believe By MERYL JOHNSON The well funded anti-Ku- they are protected from being named Ohio Board of Education cinich campaign has been traced to because they have contributed to an District 11 an address in the affluent suburban independent political action com- community of Beachwood un- mittee that, by law, has the ability Did you know that dur- der the name Citizens for Change to hide the identities of contributors. ing the decade know as Recon- PAC, according to the Federal They are wrong in believing that struction (1867-1877), 2000 Elections Commission. Its trea- their identities and their participation African-Americans held public surer is identified as “Alex Wil- Kucinich in this sinister dark money campaign office, from the local level all the son,” and, as of June 30, the most has learned that the campaign has will not become public. way up to the U.S. Senate? Did recent financial filing deadline, it produced a full-color, multi-page The almost-cartoonish ma- you know that the brutal Tulsa reported no contributions and no mailer that is slated to be sent to terial in the mailing, emanating from massacre of 1921 was just one expenditures. tens of thousands of households an affluent community like Beach- of many, and that race massacres In the past few days, citywide. wood, is condescending toward were commonplace and are bla- however, the Kucinich campaign The estimated cost to Cleveland voters and implies that the tantly (and purposely) ignored in history books? McFarland counsel seeks new trial There are some legisla- The Ohio Supreme courtroom, shot Williams. Assitant prosecutor Max Mar- tors and misinformed residents who want to hide undeniable Meryl Johnson, Ohio Board of Education, District 11, top center, dis- Court affirmed the life sen- Motley is serving 18 years to tin had made a deal to release facts and realities about our na- cusses HB322 and HB327 with sudents in the S.P.E.A.K coalition during a zoom tence of a Shelia McFarland, life in prison. He maintained the informant early in exchange tion, deny students their voice meeting. 60, based solely on the tes- during McFarland’s trial and for his testimony. In Brady v. and identity, and disempower and loss of district/institution state [email protected]. Contact timony of a police informant through his affidavit/proffer Maryland, the Court held “that families, educators and school funds. To read these dangerous the Committee Co-Chairperson, who had been jailed on drug that McFarland had nothing to the suppression by the prosecu- boards. bills, go to legislature.ohio.gov. Rep. Marilyn John at (614) 466- and gun charges for cooking do with the murder. tion of evidence favorable to an There are two bills We cannot sit still and al- 5802 or [email protected]. cocaine in the laundry room In the Court’s lead accused upon request violates pending in the legislature, House low our classrooms to be turned Members of the of the Indian Hills Senior opinion, Justice Sharon L. due process where the evidence Bill 322 and House Bill 327, that into places of censorship and un- S.P.E.A.K. Coalition (Students would prohibit educators in K-12 Community Apartments in Kennedy wrote her opinion is material either to guilt or to truths. Contact your legislators Promoting Equity and Knowl- and in higher education from and let them know how you feel. edge) are fighting back by putting Euclid in November 2015 based on the informant’s tes- punishment, irrespective of the teaching the truth about Ameri- You can also contact the their thoughts in writing. shortly before another drug timony that McFarland was a good faith or bad faith of the ca’s history under threats of sus- Committee Chairperson, Rep. See students’ “Letter to dealer, Robert Williams, 64, central figure in the killing of prosecution.” pensions/revocation of licenses Scott Wiggim at (614) 466-1474 or the Editor” on page 7. was shot to death in the hall- Williams. She was a constant The informant was man- way. presence in the discussions to ufacturing drugs in the building Services held for Imam Abdul Shaheed Jabaar McFarland was not at target Williams for revenge, where the murder took place. the murder scene. She did not the plans to kill him, and the The drug informant and the vic- live at Indian Hills. She had meetings with the assailants tim were rival drug dealers. The no knowledge of the crime. after he was killed, the opinion informant was picked up with Ryan Motley, 19, a stated. multiple weapons in the build- teen drug dealer who was on Justice Kennedy was ing just prior to the murder. This probation from Judge Gaul’s not given the information that information was not disclosed to the jury. Justice Michael P. Don- Gasoline prices drop slightly for summer nelly dissented, noting that Americans are paying Today’s average is a nickel some of the biggest threats to a pretty penny to hit the road more than a month ago and the public’s confidence in the this summer. 99 cents more than a year justice system are wrongful The monthly nation- ago. convictions, disparate treatment, al gas price average has in- As many travelers and sentences that are inconsis- Jabbaar take final summer vacations, Services were recently creased from $3.00 in May to tent with criminal culpability, held for Imam Abdul Shaheed Jab- $3.07 in June to $3.15 in July. AAA reminds drivers not to and he found that this case fits baar. He died on July 18. He was The beginning of August will rely heavily on in-dash fuel the bill for all. Justice Donnelly 77 years old. likely be as expensive as July, economy displays. Jabbaar was born to the determined there was insuffi- late Dora Lee Jacobs and John especially as crude oil prices AAA research found cient evidence to sustain McFar- Edward Johnson on March 31, Imam Abdul Shaheed Jabbaar was buried with full military honors. He proudly served in the United States Army from September 17, 1965 and was remain over $70 per barrel. that a vehicle’s “miles to land’s convictions. Judge Dor- 1944 in Boston, Massachusetts. He proudly served in the honorably discharged on Sept 16 1970. (ESDN Photo by Omar Quadir) An increase in global empty” estimates vary sig- rian joined Justice Donnelly’s nificantly and drivers could United States Army from Septem- crude production is expected dissent regarding McFarland’s ber 17, 1965 and was honorably be taking an unnecessary risk this month. However, even conviction for conspiracy. discharged on Sept 16 1970. with the additional supply, if they over rely on these dis- Jabbaar married his Justice Melody J. Stew- global demand could outpace plays. childhood friend, Marlene. the art dissented with separate dis- couple added several more chil- global supply and keep prices With more expensive senting opinion in McFarland’s dren to their family: Charisse, Sita- high.
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