WHOA, NELLY! MYSTERY MONEY: ROCK IT OUT EVENT BEARS TAKE REINS EIGHT UNIVERSITIES SPLIT $45 MILLION DOLLARS MOVED INDOORS TO IN CHAMPIONSHIP FROM ANONYMOUS DONOR FERRELL CENTER PAGE 6 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2009 Twenty cars burglarized in 24 hours By Brittany Hardy glaries occurred between 12:01 and a detective was assigned. the perimeter of campus very tion, Doak said. “Purses left on the console Staff writer a.m. and 11:59 p.m. Anderson advises that stu- hard and have made impacts “Again, our officers are mak- or seat, dash stereo systems A few of the reports were dents not leave anything of upon the area by their aggres- ing themselves visible and our that are openly displayed or T h e Wa c o Pol i c e D e p a r t m e n t from the same area of Waco, value in their vehicle, if they sive patrols,” Doak said. “I’m deterrent efforts seem to be other items of value in open h a d t he i r h a nd s f u l l We d ne s d a y but for the most part, the can help it. pleased to report we have not working,” he said. view are magnets for would-be when 20 motor vehicle burglar- reports were from all over the As for campus, Baylor Police had a car burglary since Janu- Doak offered tips to help thieves,” Doak said, “Burglary ies were reported in Waco in a city, Anderson said. Chief Jim Doak said Baylor ary on campus. This may be a continue keeping the number of a motor vehicle is an epi- 24-hour period, almost triple However, Baylor campus has has been very fortunate in record.” of on-campus motor vehicle demic nationwide and it can be the 15-year average, accord- not had a single report of motor the motor vehicle burglaries Baylor crime records reflect burglaries to a minimum, by reduced if the car owners take ing to Waco Police spokesman vehicle burglary since January. category during the past two car burglaries down signifi- removing objects from cars measures to protect their cars Steve Anderson. For each case of burglary months. cantly from 45 last year at this that would draw a would-be by removing the ‘easy targets’ It was reported that the bur- called in, a report was made “Our officers are working time, to 33, a 27-percent reduc- car burglar. for the thieves.” Secession Campus events comment sparks to bring Earth backlash appreciation By Kelley Shannon By Sean Doerre the speakers will field questions The Associated Press Reporter from the audience. “You got three people in their AUST IN — In a st ate t h at once Dr. David Garland, Baylor’s distinct fields talking about sus- was its own nation, a Republi- interim president, will headline tainability from their perspec- can governor who talked about events held by the University tives,” Flynn said. “I think it will secession without completely Sustainability Committee next be good. I think it will be a nice dismissing the idea has Demo- week to celebrate a campuswide ground for conversation. It will cratic lawmakers in an uproar. Earth Week. be not only a good opportunity Gov. Rick Perry, in comments The week’s festivities are to hear from some experts, but following an anti-tax “tea party” centered on Earth Day, which also to engage in a conversation Wednesday, never did advocate will be celebrated worldwide on with these folks.” Texas breaking away from the Wednesday. Garland will discuss how United States but suggested The week will kick off on Christian New Testament the- that Texans might at some point Monday with a Sustainability ology meshes with sustainable get so fed up they would want Fair from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. principles and Usenko will speak to leave the union. That was on Fountain Mall. The fair will on his recent research about enough to feed opinions for and feature representatives from pharmaceutical contamination against secession on Web sites, Aramark Dining Services, Keep in river water. cable TV and talk radio across Waco Beautiful, the University Barron will speak on the work the nation. Sustainability Committee and of World Hunger Relief Farm and A t t he Te x a s C apitol on Thu rs - other local student and commu- the benefits of sustainable liv- day, Rep. Jim Dunnam of Waco, nity groups, who will share their ing. joined by several fellow Texas contributions to sustainability in “I am really emphasizing the House Democrats, said some the local community. importance of sustainable farm- people associate talk of seces- “We want to make the Baylor ing and what specific impact it sion with racial division and the community aware of many of the has on the natural environment,” Civil War and that Perry should groups on campus and in the Barron said. “Then also looking disavow any notion of seceding. Waco community, whose main at what are the potential ills that “Talk of secession is an attack concern is sustainability,” said arise from non-sustainable meth- on our country. It can be noth- Carl Flynn, director of marketing ods of farming and living.” ing else. It is the ultimate anti- and communications for Infor- Barron said that he thinks American statement,” Dunnam mation Technology Services and people recently have become said at a news conference. Libraries. more conscious about the Earth’s State Sen. Rodney Ellis, a Following the Sustainability resources and the large footprint Houston Democrat, said that by Fair, the committee will hold a created by its inhabitants and not rejecting the possibility of teach-in at 4 p.m. on the fifth hopes he can communicate how secession out of hand, Perry “is floor of Cashion Academic Cen- Baylor students can get involved. taking a step down a very dan- ter. Garland will speak at the “I am hoping that people will gerous and divisive path encour- teach-in along with Dr. Sascha get a vision that there are many aged by the fringe of Texas poli- Usenko, assistant professor of ways you can practice a more tics.” environmental science; and Dale sustainable lifestyle,” Barron The Democrats are proposing Barron, development director of said. “It is not just gardening. It a House resolution expressing the World Hunger Relief Farm. is not just raising animals. There “complete and total disagree- Stephen Green/Lariat Staff The speakers will offer brief pre- is an entire lifestyle connected to ment with any fringe element A Sustainability Fair will kick off a weeklong series of events in celebration of Earth Day, which is on Wednesday. sentations about sustainability sustainability that preserves and Various organizations such as Aramark Dining Services, Keep Waco Beautiful and the university sustainability based on their own area of exper- Please see TEXAS, page 8 committee are participating in the events. tise. Following the presentations, Please see EARTH, page 8 Faith stripped down to compassion Organization seeks Brett in 1998 with a bachelor’s in to minister speech communication. When Emily was 18, she felt a to exotic dancers calling to full-time ministry, but said she was unsure how God By Bethany Moore would provide her the oppor- Contributor tunity. When she took Baylor’s “Poverty in Waco” class, taught Smoke, fishnet stockings, by Jimmy Dorrell, who heads up dark lighting, stripper poles and Mission Waco, she began help- ... Jesus? ing out at the Friday morning When someone thinks of a breakfast for the homeless. strip club or the exotic danc- It was there that Emily recog- ers on the job, this image might nized a need to help those who come to mind, but Jesus is the are often marginalized in soci- one who doesn’t generally fit in Courtesy photo ety, not exactly the homeless, the picture. Jesus Said Love is a non profit organization started by two Baylor graduates but mainly those who are often Stephen Green/Lariat Staff But for Emily Mills, bringing that seeks to minister to exotic dancers in the Waco area. “Jesus Loves Strip- overlooked by churches. God into a place where tradi- pers” is the motto used on the organization’s shirts. Six years ago the Mills were at Just a splash of color tional A merica thinks He doesn’t maeus Ministries includes the clubs and simply does what a conference and learned about belong is exactly what she is try- husband and wife’s traveling Jesus commanded: love. the Magdalene Project, which Students revel in messy celebration Thursday evening in Bear Park ing to change with Bartimaeus worship team, their book “Radi- Both Bret and Emily are ministers to exotic dancers in the for the Holi Night event. Indian Subcontinent Student Association Ministries and Jesus Said Love. ant Bride” and Jesus Said Love, Baylor graduates, Emily in 1999 Austin area. After she learned of sponsored the event in recognition of a Hindu holiday that cele- Founded by Emily and her a ministry that reaches out to with a speech communication brates the legend of King Hiranyakashipu. husband Bret in 2003, Barti- exotic dancers at Waco strip specialist bachelor’s degree, and Please see LOVE, page 8 VOL. 108 No.88 www.baylor.edu/Lariat © 2009, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 2 The Baylor Lariat OPINION Friday, April 17, 2009 In troubling times, magazines understand their niches In high school, I found trends and celebrity happenings, newspapers have found them- today. lications embrace Web-savvy myself consistently intrigued by or perhaps it was the heightened selves suffering from, the maga- The reason magazines like D change.
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