14 IHfi FORT WAYNE DAILY NEWS Monday, Beeember IK. was to barricade tbe portal from tb* jangle, the tail Inside. With this idea In ttew »b* Arrow-fell Into a discussion of their ^ turned to search for tome meant of next step, but on one point all were putting it Into execution, but her left agreed—that they- should haiten to put view of the interior of tbe cabin off to the anchored Arrow, where they arzan brought a shriek of terror to ner Hpt. could at least be safe from the spears and, like a frightened child, tbe huge of their unseen foe. black ran to bury her face In her mi» So much had Tarzan seen that day tresa' shoulders. that bis bead was In a whirl of wonder. Jane Porter, .turning at tbe cry, tajv But the most wonderful sight of all to him was the face of the beautiful white girl. Here at last was one of his own kind; of that be was positive. And the young man aud tbe two old men. they, too. were much as he had pic- :j: : tured his own people to be. We arc preparing for the HoliOajs. ^1:%;;;:: y^:! :i!i!;!!;;i; He did not understand anything of Let us do your holiday baking of :••- :-;=-;:-i m*&i the motives behind all that he hod l lagar V.-.?K.:S* fe: seen, but somehow intuitively be Pics, Cakes, Rolls, Coffee liked tbe young man and the two old Cakes. Etc. Rice men, and for the girl be had a strange Good Fruit Cake 30c tb. longing which he scarcely understood. ^IP As for the big black woman, she was English Plum Pudding 25c tb. Burroughs evidently connected in some way with We can make the Quality to suit the girl, and so he liked her also. your pi ice. ill For the sailors, however, and espe- Copyright, 1912, by tht Frank A. cially Snipes, he had developed a great OUR BEST REFERENCE Muimy company. hatred. He knew by their threaten- MO OUHt NO PAY Haflner's Star Bakery ing gestures and- by the expressions Home Phone 833 SYNOPSIS bos, bis arrows and as many" bows upon their evil faces that they were and instead he launched a heavy spear enemies of the others, and so he de- 333-335 EAST LEWIS STREET The infant ton of Lord and Lady Grey- and spears as he could carry, he has- LOWEST PRICES •toke Is mothered by Kala, an ape, after tened out of doors and disappeared from his lofty perch. cided to watch them very closely. the death of nts own parents. - Jnlo the forest. Clayton bad taken but a dozen steps; Tarzan wondered why the men had When the two boats were, beached the rat faced sailor had half drawn his gone into the Jungle. Never did it The boy, <j]|ed Tarzan by the apr- revolver; the other sailors stood watch- $10 Examination Free finds the ske etons of liis parents In tho;, upon the silvery sand it was a straugc occur to him that one could become »abfn. but Sti I thinks himself a white apt assortment of humanity that clam- ing the scene intently. lost in that maze of undergrowth Professor Porter had already disap- Make no mistake—Go Tarzan wins renown by killing a gonl bered ashore. which to him was as simple as tbe to the reliaJble special- la. He learns to read from books found Some twenty souls in all there were peared into the jungle, whither he was main street of your own home town. MEN lets. They_ will cure In thp cabin if the fifteen rough and villainous ap- being followed by the fussy Samuel T. When he .saw tbe sailors row away you quickly and cheap- C.J.lose larzan inns n)9 enemy fuoiat. Kinon- Philander, his secretary nnd assistant. ly. Honest, faithful service, new toward tbe ship and knew that the jta, a savage, shoots Kala and is pursued pearing seamen could have been said advanced treatment, expert, skill, by the infuriated apes. to possess that immortal spark since Esmeralda. the negress, was busy girl and her companion were safe in quick results, and reasonable they were, forsooth, a most filthy and sorting her mistress' baggage from the his cabin he decided to follow the charged. Examination Free. Tarzan slays Kulonga ii pile of bales and boxes beside the cab- young man into the jungle and learn witn unn Kala's-death and secures a bow and poi- j in, and Miss Porter had turned away Weak Men *•"*«• l- PRINTER AND soned arrows from the native village. I Tbe others of the were of, dif „ - what his errand might be. He swung" ting them Tor work, tie nnds a photograph of his rather ana to follow Clayton when something off rapidly in the direction taken by business, study or marriage, are ferent stamp. consulting them daily. Low prices his mother's locket. Worsting KerchaK One was an elderly man with white caused her to turn again toward the Clayton and in a short time heard In battle, Tarzan becomes king of the sailor. until Afc. 1st ENGRAVER apes. hair and large rimmed spectacles. His faintly IB tiMt.distance the now only slightly stooped shoulders were draped And then three things happened al- occasional calls of-the Englishman to SPECIAL DISEASES .OP After subduing Terltoz, Tarzan leaves the most simultaneously—the sailor jerked his friends. „ fr^ MEN. Obstruction. tribe and tenorizes the savages In the In an ill fitting though immaculate Her First View of the Interior Brought Hydrocate; Enlarged Prostate Gland, village of Mbonga. frock coat. A shiny silk hat added to out his weapon and leveled it at Clay- Presently Tarzan came up with the all »kia ana Blood Disease quickly ton's back, Miss Porter screamed n a Shriek of Terror, cur»J. Rupture cured without the 820 Caihoun Si the incongruity of his garb in an Afri- the cause of "if Iying"prj6ne~upbn~nie white man, who, almost fagged, was (Continued From Saturday.) warning, and a long, metal shod spear leaning against ft tree wiping the per- knife. Low prices until Aug. lat can jungle. floor before them—the whitened skele- b thc The second shot like a bolt from above and passed spiration from his forehead. The ape BlOod Poison ? injection As long as they supplied him with I member of the party was entirely through the right shoulder of ton of a man. A further glance re- of Dr. Erhlich's arrows and food lie would not harm | ,* tal1 y°«ng mnn in white ducks, -while vealed a second skeleton upon tbe bed. man, hiding safe behind a screen of Neosalvarsan, known as "914," all the rat faced man. foliage, sat watching this new speci- •ores on body, limbs, in mouth and them unless they looked upon him, so} llrectly behind came another elderly The revolver exploded harmlessly in "What horrible place are we in?" PHI954 it was ordered by Mbonga that in ad- ma~ n ~'"with' a very high forehead and dun-mured the awe stricken girl. But men of his own race intently. throat sogn disappear, and your the air, and the seaman crumpled up At intervals Clayton called aloud, diseases cured in less time than at ditiou to the food offering there should a fussy, excitable manner. with a scream of pain and terror. there was no_panic In her fright. Hot Springs, and at much less ex- also be laid out an offering of arrows After these came a huge Degress and finally it came to Tarzan that he pense to you. Until Jan. 1 we will At lust, disengaging herself from the was searching for the old men. for this Munango Keewati, and this clothed like Solomon as to colors, her frantic clutch of the still shrieking Es- administer Dr. jSrhHch's latest dis- TURNING ON THE CHAPTER IX. Tarzau was on the point of going off er y 914 (better tiian was done from then on. great eyes rolline in evident terror meralda. Jane Porter crossed the room S°L"606"), .- fo* r" low" prices. Come nowWs. LIGHT SO YOU MAY SEE When Tarzau came in sight of tbe first toward the jungle and then to- At the Mercy of the Jungle. to look for them himself when be to look into the little cradle, knowing caught the yellow glint of a sleek hide beach where stood his cabin a strange ward the cursing band of sailors who LAYTON turned and rushed back what she should see there before ever Varicose Enlargement Advertising is the light of com- and unusual spectacle met his vision. were removing the bales and boxes toward the scene. The sailors moving cautiously through tbe jungle merce—the torch of thrift. the tiny skeleton disclosed itself in all toward Clayton. Enlarged veins in the scrotum. On the placid waters of the land- from the boats. stood in a frightened group, Corded and knotty. WE CURB this It clears iip the dark places and Its,pitiful and pathetic frailty. It was Sheeta, the leopard. He sounds the death knell of sham locked harbor floated a great ship, and The last member of the party to dis- C with drawn weapons, peering manhood wrecker. Remember, if What an awful tragedy these mute heard the soft bending of grasses and you have ever taken treatment and and shoddy. on the beach a small boat was drawn embark was a girl of about nineteen, into the jungle.
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