Page3 HAIDA HEALTH HUB - Promoting UNITY through Wellness The Haida Nation’s ‘Success’ Story A Story of Transformation - A Model for Health and Wellness Who We Are, Our Spirituality We are Raven and Eagle. We know how powerful we are. We feel good about ourselves and are at home in our hearts as Haida people. ~ Taken from the Haida Health Hub Community Vision Statement In the Beginning “The Haida have lived on Haida Gwaii sinCe time began; our Culture marked every tree, every roCk – this land, this oCean, is a part of who we are. Our stories, our language, our history entwine with Xuya (Raven), Taan (Bear), Guud (Eagle), and Chiina (Salmon).” ~Xaagnangaa Naay Health Centre Evaluation 1997-2003 In pre-ContaCt times, the Haida experienCed a high quality level of health whiCh inCluded physiCal, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness. One Hundred and Sixty Years of Colonization Residential SChools, Small Pox, Influenza, the Indian ACt, Bill C-31 – lands oCCupied, resourCes seized, beliefs and Culture ridiCuled, Children taken away, power ConCentrated in distant capitals. The Effects of Colonization “Residential sChools aimed to… ensure Aboriginal identities disappeared within a few generations. It was, by all definitions, Cultural genoCide… While residential sChool survivors returned to their Communities… broken and desperately in need of healing; suCCessive Colonial poliCes, partiCularly those in Child welfare and the Indian ACt, Continued to weaken the fabriC of Aboriginal families and Nations.” “Cumulative ColleCtive emotional and psyChologiCal wounding resulted from this massive group trauma experienCe and this has been passed down through the generations…. ” ~Residential SChools to Prisons & Beyond, Native Women’s AssoCiation of Canada Reclamation of Power/ Traditional Values – the Haida Nations Path Forward to Self- Determination and Self Governance • ReClamation of Haida Title, Law and GovernanCe o August 15, 2013 – Gwaii Haanas LegaCy Pole raised to Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Gwaii Haanas Agreement, a partnership established in 1993 under whiCh the Haida Nation and the government of Canada Co-manage and proteCt the region. The LegaCy Pole tells the story of proteCting Gwaii Haanas from mountain-top to sea floor and represents the power of a group of Elders and our younger generation standing together against big business. It is the first pole to be raised in Gwaii Haanas in over 130 years. The Gwaii Haanas LegaCy Pole Raising Ceremony is a powerful symbol of the resurgenCe of the Haida Nation as the Council of the Haida Nation’s legal team Continues to work tirelessly towards the full of the Haida Nation’s legal team Continues to work tirelessly towards the full reinstatement of aboriginal title over our traditional territories o Haida Gwaii WatChmen - For the safeguarding of Gwaii Haanas o KUNST’AA GUU – KUNST’AAYAH ReConCiliation ProtoCol Agreement - Between the Haida Nation and her majesty the Queen in right of the ProvinCe of British Columbia, an inCremental step in a proCess of reConCiliation of Haida and Crown titles o ProtoCol Agreements between the CounCil of the Haida Nation and the MuniCipalities of Masset, Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City and the Skeena - Queen Charlotte Regional District Electoral Area D - “An understanding about working together for the wellbeing of the land, waters and people of Haida Gwaii,” “to work together in designing a future that will support a healthy environment and create a sustainable island economy” o The intended establishment of Haida Laws based on oral Traditional Values o The intended Haida EConomiC ProtoCol Initiative - A ‘one-door aCCess’ to the Haida Nation to guide development on Haida Gwaii o The intended Haida Nation StrategiC Plan – “To provide a framework and proCess for the CounCil of the Haida Nation and all Haida Communities to explore their Core values and establish a vision for the future of the Islands.” ~ Haida Laas, OCtober 2013 • ReClamation of Name ‘Haida Gwaii’ o June 17, 2010 - “We reCeived our life and our Culture from Haida Gwaii. Over Countless generations, our bodies are reClaimed by the lands we Call Haida Gwaii. Haida Gwaii is not only where we are, this is who we are. While we Cannot unwind history, we will leave Colonialism behind us,” ~ said Guujaaw. In the Aajii kyee gan saa guudang aas.uu sahlgaan dang ga t’alang isdaang – Yahguudang dangad kiigaay dang gwii t’alang sdiihlda (Giving BaCk the Name with RespeCt) Ceremony, Premier Campbell offiCially aCCepted the returned name, Queen Charlotte Islands, in a traditional Haida bentwood box • ReClamation of Haida Language o The Skidegate Haida Immersion Program o The Old Massett Language Nest o CounCil of the Haida Nation, Spring Seasonal Session - $300,000.00 dediCated to revitalizations of Xaayda kil / Xaad kil (Skidegate / Old Massett dialeCt) o Haida is the offiCial language of the CounCil of the Haida Nation • ReClamation of Haida Culture and Tradition o The award winning Haida Heritage Centre o The re-introduCtion of Longhouses, Totem Poles, PotlatChes, DanCing, Singing • ReClamation of the Remains of Haida AnCestors o “Our anCestors are our relatives and we have a deep ConneCtion to them. We are who we are today beCause of them. We believe that as long as the remains of our anCestors are stored in museums and other unnatural loCations far from home, that the souls of these people are wandering and unhappy. OnCe they are returned to their homeland of Haida Gwaii and are laid to rest with honour, the souls Can rest and our Communities may heal a bit more….. We have been working on the repatriation of Haida anCestors for over the past ten years. Today the remains of over 460 anCestors have been returned home.” ~ Haida Repatriation Committee over 460 anCestors have been returned home.” ~ Haida Repatriation Committee Website • ReClamation of ‘The Stolen Generation’ o June 21, 2012, Aboriginal Day: “Edenshaw Pole Marks a Time in History… the signifiCanCe of raising a pole to honour residential sChool survivors and viCtims was not lost on the many who were in attendanCe. As the pole was raised, the sun desCended behind skies of blue and orange, and, for many, a strong and extremely powerful sense pervaded. It was the sense that a pieCe of our history was being acknowledged and felt deeply by the whole Community.” ~ Haida Laas, July 2012 • ReClamation of the Responsibility for the Safety and Well-being of Haida Children o The Haida Child and Family ServiCes SoCiety • ReClamation of the EduCation of Haida Children o Canoe Journeys, Life’s Journey Program o Haida Immersion Program o Head Start Program o Haida EduCation CounCil (HEC) o February 2012: The signing of the Aboriginal EduCation EnhanCement Agreement committing the signatories, the provinCe, sChool distriCt 50 and loCal bands, to support Aboriginal student suCCess and the inClusion of Aboriginal Culture and history in Classrooms • ReClamation of Youth Wellness o North Youth CounCil; Skidegate Youth CounCil; Gwaii Trust Youth Board o Cultural Youth Centres in both Skidegate and Old Massett o RedisCovery Camps o Haida Nation Children and Youth DeClaration o Haida Gwaii Youth Assembly and Resolutions • ReClamation of Self Determination in Health and Wellness o Skidegate Health Centre; Haida Health Centre o Haida Health Hub’s Traditional Wellness Model: a community driven model for self-determination in health and wellness • ReClamation of Haida EConomiC IndependenCe o HaiCo – EConomiC Development for the Haida Nation o Skidegate’s EconomiC Development (Gwaalagaa Naay) Corporation o Old Massett’s EConomiC Development Corporation ( ECDev) • ReClamation of Power though Relatedness and ConneCtions o Spring 2013 – the resigning of the Haida ACCord, reaffirming the Commitment to: “work cooperatively as a Nation to proteCt and enhanCe the well-being of Haida Gwaii and our people….” CounCil of the Haida Nation President Peter Lantin stated of the signifiCanCe of the re-signing, “Today’s signing shows the world that we are united and we stand strong as a nation.” ~ CHN Spring Session Haida Laas Closing Words We get our strength from “knowing who we are” and never forgetting the lessons of the past, being proud of who we are, enjoying our life and having fun. We go forth, with fearless hope, wisdom, joy, peaCe, strength, and Courage. Our stories have a beginning, middle and no end….Paradise is our experienCe. We are pretty amazing people. (+ xaadaa laaisis) ~Taken from the Haida Health Hub Community Vision Statement.
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