New Zealand Conservation Authority Te Pou Atawhai Taiao o Aotearoa Meeting 7 & 8 August 2017 Agenda and meeting papers Photo: Tongariro National Park. Summer programme, walking the Tongariro Crossing, with Mount Ngauruhoe in the background. Photographer: Jimmy Johnson NEW ZEALAND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (NZCA) TE POU ATAWHAI TAIAO O AOTEAROA 7 and 8 August 2017 One hundred and fifty sixth meeting, to be held at Conservation House, Manners Street, Wellington, starting at 10.00am # D means Decision required, A means Advice required, I means Information only AGENDA Item # Priority Pages 1 Welcome and Chairperson’s Introduction I - - 2 Apologies – receive A - - 3 Introductions for new Authority members - - - 4 Conflicts of Interest for the Meeting – identify A - 1-2 5 Minutes - - - 5.1 – approve minutes for the meeting held in June 2017 D K 3-14 5.2 – approve “in-committee” minutes for the meeting held in June 2017 (expected to be taken “in-committee” with D K 15-22 public excluded) NZCA work programme and priorities Induction support and materials – the NZCA manual and supporting information; Section 4 and associated 6 I K 23-24 personal development; the interface with Conservation Boards Committee structures – updating sub-Committees with 7 new members and Terms of References for these; D K 25-30 General Policy for National Park review committee NZCA strategy and priorities – preparing for a refresh 8 and setting of goals for next 3 years at August 2017 D K 31-40 meeting Status report – note progress in actioning resolutions 9 I K 41-46 from the meeting held in June 2017 NZCA work programme 2017-2018 – summary of 10 I K 47-50 planned elements, agree on meeting dates going forward Conservation Board Chairs’ Conference – schedule and 11 D J 51-52 members’ input October meeting – timeline and overview of travel 12 D K 53-56 requirements for meeting in Rotorua Strategic topics/themes/influence Director-General’s report – Lou Sanson (expected to be 13 I E 57-70 taken “in-committee” with public excluded) 13.1 Members’ Environmental Scan I E - Strategic discussion on Tourism – Lou Sanson and 14 Bruce Parkes (expected to be taken “in-committee” with A E/J 71-72 public excluded) 15 Briefing for the Incoming Minister D K 73-80 Conservation planning & management 16 Management Planning Update I A/B/D 81-94 17 Reclassification of Conservation land – SLM update A C 95-100 DOC-3071986 18 Review of e-bike guidelines – Richard Davies A/B 101-120 Terrestrial Ecology Unit – Threatened Species Strategy 19 - 121-122 feedback – Julie Knauf and Norm Kelly Stakeholder engagement LINZ/OIO – Lisa Barrett (CE OIO), Andrew Morris (Acting Mgr Applications, OIO), Jerome Sheppard (DCE Crown 20 E/J 123-124 Property, LINZ) and John Hook (Grp Mgr Crown Property, LINZ) 21 Game Animal Council – Don Hammond - 125-130 22 Taranaki iwi and OTS D 131-136 Liaison & correspondence 23 Representation and Liaison - - - 23.1 Chair’s report I K 137-138 23.2 Conservation Board liaison reports I K 139-140 Correspondence – receive the inwards and approve the 24 D K 141-156 outwards correspondence Meeting close - - - Strategic Priorities A Conservation Management Strategies B National Park Management Plans C Land Status change e.g. Stewardship land D Treaty of Waitangi Strategic advice to the Minister and DG in the context of conservation in today’s E economy, the governance requirements, and strategic advice on public policy documents and legislation F Game Changers for Conservation: Pests/weeds/biosecurity G Marine H Climate Change I Rivers and Freshwater J Effectiveness and efficiency of the Department’s conservation management K NZCA’s performance Meeting timetable Monday 7 August Tuesday 8 August Start: 10.00am Start: 8.30am Lunch: 12.30pm Morning tea: 10.30am Afternoon tea 2.45pm Lunch/close: 12.30pm Close: 5.30pm Dinner 6.30pm DOC-3071986 New Zealand Conservation Authority Agenda Item: 156.4 Meeting No. 156 NEW ZEALAND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY REGISTER OF INTERESTS and IDENTIFICATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST For meeting on 7 and 8 August 2017 Please use this form to update your register of interests and to note any actual or perceived Conflict of Interest with regard to any agenda item for this meeting Name Register of Interests ………………………………………………………………… update ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Identification of any actual or perceived ………………………………………………………………… conflict of interest with regard to any ………………………………………………………………… agenda item ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Signed (NZCA member) Date DOCDM-352637 1 2 New Zealand Conservation Authority Agenda Item: 156.5.1 Meeting No. 156 REPORT Meeting Date: 7 and 8 August 2017 Prepared By: Rick McGovern-Wilson, NZCA Executive Officer Subject: 6 and 7 June 2017 meeting minutes NZCA Strategic NZCA’s performance (Priority K) Priority and/or the Relevant DOC SOI Goal Recommendation or It is recommended that the Authority: Action Required a) Approve the 6 and 7 June 2017 minutes as a true and accurate record. Context The draft minutes from the Authority meeting on 6 and 7 June 2017 were circulated to members by email on 30 June 2017 for comment. Once the minutes are approved they will be uploaded to the NZCA website www.conservationauthority.org.nz DOC-2639479 3 4 New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA) Te Pou Atawhai Taiao O Aotearoa 6 and 7 June 2017 meeting 155th meeting, held at 10.00am and 8.30am, Kaupapa Atawhai / Conservation House, 18-32 Manners Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011 Unconfirmed minutes Present: Warren Parker, Chairperson (Wednesday only) David Barnes Devon McLean Gerry McSweeney Jan Riddell Jo Breese Judy Hellstrom Mark Christensen (Acting Chair Tuesday) Mick Clout Mike Simm Rauru Kirikiri Sandra Cook Waana Davis Apologies: Warren Parker (Tuesday) In attendance: Rick McGovern-Wilson, NZCA Executive Officer, Department of Conservation (DOC) Ann McCrone, NZCA servicing staff, DOC Dr Andrea Byrom, Director of the New Zealand Biological Heritage Natural Science Challenge, for agenda item 11 Mike Slater, Deputy Director-General Operations, DOC, for agenda items 7 – 10, 18 Marie Long, Director, Planning, Permissions and Land, DOC, for agenda items 7 – 10 Nicole Mistral, Management Planning National Advisor, DOC, for agenda items 7 – 10 Sheryll Johnson, National Advisor – SLM, DOC, for agenda items 7 – 10 Ian Angus, Director Aquatic (Acting), DOC, for agenda item 14 Julie Knauf, Director Terrestrial Ecology (Acting), DOC, for agenda item 15 Norm Kelly, Project Manager, Threatened Species Strategy, DOC, for agenda item 15 Nicola Toki, Threatened Species Ambassador, DOC, for agenda item 16 Phil Hancock, PF2050 Logistics Science and Policy, DOC for agenda item 16 Kath Blakemore, Marine Ecosystems Manager (Acting), DOC, for agenda item 17 Sean Cooper, Marine Policy Manager (Acting), DOC, for agenda item 17 Lou Sanson, Director General, DOC, for agenda items 18, 19 Kay Booth, Deputy Director-General, Partnerships, DOC, for agenda items 19, 20 Ben Reddiex, Director, Community Engagement Unit, DOC, for agenda items 12, 19 Polly Cunningham, Partnerships Volunteering Team, for agenda items 19, 20 Tamati Kruger, Chairman, Te Urewera Board, for agenda item 23 Kirsti Luke, Chief Executive, Te Uru Taumatua, for agenda item 23 DOC-3066751 5 Karakia Rau Kirikiri opened the meeting with a karakia at 10.00am Agenda item 1: Welcome and Chairperson’s introduction Mark Christensen (Acting Chair for Day 1) welcomed the members and overviewed the meeting. Key topics identified were: the presentation by Dr Andrea Byrom regarding the potential of new technologies including gene-editing for conserving New Zealand’s biological heritage; DOC’s Threatened Species Strategy and the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s (PCE’s) report Taonga of an island nation: Saving New Zealand's birds (PCE report); an update on marine protection and the strategy for achieving representative protection; strategic discussion on the role and recognition of volunteers and DOC’s partnership model; the session with Ngai Tuhoe representatives to workshop and provide feedback on the Te Kawa O Te Urewera Conservation Management Plan and further strengthen the relationship with the Te Urewera Board and Ngai Tuhoe. These topics were seen to allow for in-depth, strategic input and robust conversations to test ideas and develop better pathways forward for the Department, and deepen Authority relationships with key statutory bodies. An apology was received from Don Hammond, Game Animal Council (GAC) Chair, who was unable to attend the meeting to present on the Game Animal Council, due to weather conditions delaying flights. Don Hammond was rescheduled to meet the Authority in August 2017. No additional agenda items were identified. The Authority resolved to move “into-committee” for agenda items 4.2, 17, 18, 19, 21, and 22. David Barnes/Jo Breese/carried Agenda item 2: Apologies Apologies were received from Warren Parker (Tuesday only). The Authority resolved to receive the above apologies for the meeting David Barnes/Jan Riddell/carried Agenda item 3: Conflicts of interest None were declared. Agenda item 4.1: Approve minutes for the meeting held on 3 April 2017 The Authority resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2017, subject to the identified minor changes, as a true and accurate record. David Barnes/Jo Breese/carried Agenda item 4.2: Approve “in-committee” minutes for the meeting held on 3 April 2017 The Authority resolved to move “into-committee” for agenda item 4.2. Devon McLean/Jan Riddell/carried The Authority resolved to move out of “committee”. Sandra Cook/Jo Breese/carried DOC-3066751 6 Agenda item 5: Status Report The paper was taken as read. The EO updated the Authority on matters that were still ongoing. The letter to the D-G regarding the grounding of the L’Australe is urgent because of the biosecurity issues. The response to Ngati Manuhiri and Auckland Conservation Board re the Hauturu/Little Barrier CMP was due to be sent by the end of the week.
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