FRIDAY 15 JANUARY 2021 | ISSUE 178 | WWW.POINTVILLE.AG MSJMC CONFIRMS SIXTH COVID-19 DEATH SEE PAGE 3 Photo caption: Antigua and Bar- buda’s newest member of the le- gal profession and son of Attor- ney General Steadroy Benjamin, Kevon Benjamin, was admitted to the bar at a colourful cer- emony held at the High Court on Thursday before Justice Iain Morley, QC. PAGE 5 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 Double celebration for NIA Mentor Award CalvinAir helicopters the Benjamin family attracts scores of assisting with submissions monitoring St. Vincent volcano Editorial: For whom the bell tolls Page 2 FRIDAY, 15 JANUARY, 2021 EDITORIAL PAGE 2 FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS Queen Thalia has thee, thing that defines a insular actions, we produced what That’s my guaran- person. Yes, human are certain to en- many believe to tee!” beings will fall but counter it tomor- be one of the best the measure of a row. The world is a Kaiso of the mod- A cursory glance person can never be cycle, and a vicious ern era. Inspired by through the time- in the fall; it is al- one at that! a sermon various- lines of many social ways in that simple We have a choice: ly titled “No Man media sites reveals act of acknowledg- we can choose to- is an Island” and an uncomfortable ing the fall, getting day to be kind, “For Whom the Bell truth about humans, up, dusting one- supportive, and for- Tolls” penned by the and particular- self off, and show- giving; or we can great English cler- ly some in Antigua ing a willingness to choose the polar gyman, metaphysi- and Barbuda. There start again having opposites. Whichev- cal poet and schol- is a certain amount learned from the er road we choose ar, John Donne, of schadenfreude experience. there will be con- Thalia’s “My Guar- that seems to raise Instead of con- sequences, but we antee,” released its head whenever stantly reminding have the power in and performed in there is an unfortu- persons of their our hands to ensure 2016, captures the nate report on some shortcomings, where that those conse- essence and quin- issue. It is almost has that true Anti- quences are the tessence of that as if some salivate guan and Barbudan ones we would de- homily in the chorus on the very thought spirit of encourage- sire for ourselves. when she croons: that another is ex- ment and support As Queen Thalia “No man is an periencing misfor- gone? Are we so admonishes, “Life island, by himself tune. mean spirited that is dynamic and is an entity, Wisely, Queen we cannot “overlook subject to constant We are each Thalia warns that the blindness of change; we never part of a larger “no man is an is- the narrow-minded know how our lives cosmic corporate land, by himself people on the nar- will have to be re- body. an entity.” We are row-minded street”? arranged. So when Life is dynam- all connected; and you hear the bells ic and is subject to while today it might As a people, we are tolling from constant change; be another’s turn, have to get to a on top the church We never know just know that one place where we un- do not stand up how our lives will day the bell will toll derstand that if we proud on your lofty have to be rear- for all of us. As old sow the wind, we perch.” It is a call ranged. people used to say, will surely reap the to arms, for today So when you “When you see your whirlwind. The things is for your neigh- hear the bells are neigbour house pon we encourage and bour but tomorrow tolling from on top fire, wet foo you!” cultivate are the might just be for the church Indeed, some are very same things you. Let us endeav- Do not stand quick to engage in that will afflict us our to change this up proud on your a culture of tearing in the future. Again, negative narrative lofty perch: down, instead of as old people used of relishing the toll- Ask not for building up. Seldom to say, “You can’t ing of the bell for whom the bells tolls do they miss an op- plant corn and reap another. Ask not for If you happen and portunity to remind pi-tay-tay.” If today whom the bell tolls hear and see another of their we encourage and as one day that bell ‘Cause one past failings, as if cultivate envy, ha- will surely toll for day it go toll for the past is the only tred, nepotism, and us. PAGE 3 LOCAL NEWS FRIDAY, 15 JANUARY, 2021 MSJMC confirms sixth COVID death Antigua and Barbu- shared vigilance against da has recorded its sixth COVID-19, the very seri- COVID-related death. ous consequences the vi- The Mount St. John’s rus can carry with it, and Medical Centre (MSJMC) the measures we all need confirms that a ninety-five- to take to stop the spread year-old male is the coun- and break the chain of try’s sixth COVID-19 related transmission. death. The case has been “Our best response re- reported as a non-import- mains a strong health re- ed death. sponse. If we get it right, In a statement, the MS- we will ultimately shake off JMC reported that at ap- restrictions faster and all proximately 8:00 p.m. on get back to some level of 12th January the patient normality in our lives.” was brought into the Emer- As with any confirmed gency Department, com- COVID-19 case, the rele- plaining of shortness-of- vant public health officials breath. A COVID-19 test will initiate contact-tracing. done at the hospital re- Meanwhile, the Ministry vealed he was positive. The of Health announced eight patient’s condition contin- new laboratory confirmed ued to worsen and he sub- COVID-19 cases in Anti- sequently succumbed to gua and Barbuda as of the illness the following day Wednesday 13th January (13th January) at 4:15 a.m. 2021 at 6:00 p.m. “Our thoughts are with Subsequent to the pub- his family and communi- lication of the dashboard ty at this time of loss and for Tuesday 12th January grief,” said Dr. Albert Dun- 2021, with the cut off time were negative and seven Meanwhile, four recov- can, MSJMC Medical Di- of 6:00 p.m. one hundred were positive, while of the eries have been recorded, rector. and seven samples were one hundred and two pro- bringing that total to one “I acknowledge the anxi- processed at the Mount cessed by CARPHA, one hundred and fifty-six. ety Antiguans may be feel- St. John’s Medical Center, hundred and one were Consequently, the to- ing about the recent news, which increased the pend- negative and one positive. tal number of persons both in the wider com- ing results from one hun- Two of the new cas- with laboratory confirmed munity and also for the dred and two to two hun- es are imported while six COVID-19 cases in Antigua loved ones grieving over dred and nine. are non-imported. Inves- and Barbuda is one hun- this death. Wednesday’s Of the one hundred tigations are ongoing and dred and eighty-four (184); sad news again reinforc- and seven processed by contact tracing and testing which is inclusive of twen- es the importance of our the MSJMC, one hundred is in progress. ty-two (22) active cases. FRIDAY, 15 JANUARY, 2021 LOCAL NEWS PAGE 4 Two people face charges for violating quarantine regulations Less than twenty-four quarantine restrictions, The Ministry of Health electronic bracelets to hours after the new elec- reported that two peo- said such violations are assist with monitoring of tronic bracelets have been ple were tracked by the immediately handed over those individuals who have placed into service, two bracelets, which they must to the police to deal with. been mandated to under- people have been caught wear as a condition for It is believed that the two go a period of quarantine violating the quarantine undergoing the quaran- will appear before a mag- as part of anti-COVID-19 guidelines. tine. istrate to answer a charge measures. Minister of Information, The minister reported of violating the quaran- The move became nec- Melford Nicholas, whose that the individuals were tine established under the essary following numerous ministry set up the mon- traced to the Village Walk state of emergency. reported cases of viola- itoring system to ensure mall. Their identity was not The government has ac- tions reported to the au- strict adherence to the immediately known. quired some five hundred thorities. Rotary Club donates computers The Rotary Club of in the schools,” he said. Antigua has donat- In related news, the ed one hundred and St Johns Lodge #492 ER eighty computers to the has made a cash dona- Antigua and Barbuda tion to the Rotary Club Hospitality Training In- of Antigua Sundown. stitute (ABHTI) as part During a brief han- of its Computer for the dover, Rotary President World Programme. Julian Wilkins accept- The presentation took ed a check which was place on the Institute’s handed over by Imme- compound in the pres- diate Past Master Lt. ence of Rotarians, fac- Col. Edward Croft. The ulty members and stu- donation of $9,450.00 dents. was given to form a During the presen- part of an ongoing tation ceremony, co- Club project to focus ordinator of the pro- on disease prevention gramme, Cordel Josiah, and treatment and wa- explained that, “Over ter sanitation.
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