„61 k 161,1111 VA? *OF SUCH IS THE // miCINGDOM OF HEAXEN And in a at that, lost From Whom all t le faith springs. Matthew 19: 14. ; / . Lord, give me again that childlike faith 'When I was a child I thought as a child, ter Which looks beyond sin's lease— And believed and understood yonkthis sin-wrecked tangled mess Front the depths of a calm untroubled faith To tRktietchless Price of Peace. That the ways of God are good. rr J SILVER . E ST6NS OF THE TIMES A family magazine dedicated to promoting evangelical Christianity, upholding Jesus Christ as man's only Saviour and soon-returning King, and presenting the Bible as the inspired Word of God and our only rule of faith. VOLUME 85, NUMBER 6 JUNE, 1970 EDITOR - - - Robert H. Parr CONTRIBUTING EDITOR - Arthur S. Maxwell EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Graham P. Morris HOMELY HOMILIES CIRCULATION MANAGER Allan Maberly LAYOUT Howard G. Davis ON FREEDOM FROM FEAR Fear comes from the knowledge of some fact of alarm. Freedom from fear comes not from fighting the emotion EDITORIALS of fear, but from discovering some fact which dispels it. Rather than use the lift on one such occasion, I walked Is Birth Control Christian? 2 up the eight flights of stairs to the ear specialist's waiting- Divided Europe: A Sign of Our Times 3 room. I wanted to put off the moment of meeting as His Cross Is Not Crooked 4 long as possible. I had loitered in the park. What if I never heard the sound of birds again? What if . ? Twenty minutes later I walked lightly down the same ARTICLES street, with perfect hearing and, it seemed, perfect see- Does It Really Matter Whether Christ Is Divine? Athol Sedgman 6 ing and rejoicing. Knowing the facts—facts in my fav- Parousia Milton Hook 8 our—made all the difference. Gold Beneath This Rainbow Walter R. L. Scragg 10 It would seem then that we might look for a fact which What a God! Nerolie Caro 12 would cover life's fear-producing situations, be they large Romance Gwen Harrowsmith 14 or small. The Bible indicates that fear came as a result The Truth About Death Dr. Desmond Ford 16 of separation from God and hence from life itself. Fear Facts, Fallacies and 539 B.C. G Rogerson 20 is associated with separation, and the last separation of Grandma's Bible Florence M. Weslake 23 death comprehends all lesser separations in making us The Fruit With Halitosis Robert H. Parr 28 creatures of bondage. Simple Words Ron Haslet+ 31 God meets this fear by providing us with the historical fact of the resurrection of Christ. It proves that there is a resurrection. We need not be separated from life, from God, from love. As the apostle says (Romans 8:15, 38, REGULAR FEATURES 39 Moffatt): "You have received no slavish spirit that A Place To Remember Roy C. Naden 5 would make you relapse into fear: you have received Lines That Linger 9 the Spirit of sonship. For I ant certain that neither Our Changing World I3 death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither A Sparkling Product in a Black Jacket W. Austin Townend 24 the present nor the future, no powers of the height or of Accent on Youth Desmond B. Hills 26 the depth, nor anything else in all creation, will he able Question Box Gordon Box 27 to part us from God's love in Christ Jesus our Lord." Bible Questions Answered Dr. Desmond Ford 30 Jesus often said, "Be not afraid," and the reason was A Story for the Children Myrtle O'Hara 32 because of the close presence of Himself. As Geoffrey Bull wrote from "solitary," "Let not the pressure of the foe Crush out my love for Thee. OUR COVER PICTURE Let not the tiredness and the woe Eclipse Thy victory." This A. D. C. Currie picture captures a breath-taking scene of the Southern Alps of the South Island of New Zealand. Is there any- where in the world that can match the grandeur of this magnificent eokutie g. greptch scenery? • A publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the SIGNS OF THE TIMES is printed and published monthly by the SIGNS PUBLISHING COMPANY (Australasian Conference Association Su heti/2 Limited, Proprietors), Warburton, Victoria, Australia, and is tion Rate3: registered as a perodical in Victoria. .20 • All subscriptions should be accompanied by cash, such remittances One-year Subscriptions: being made payable to the Signs Publishing Company. All New Paid in Australia for mailing to addresses in Australia, Zealand remittances should be made by Money Order, as N.Z. Mandated Territories, and Pacific Islands $2.25 Postal Notes or Stamps are not negotiable in Australia. Please New Zealand (N.Z. Currency) $2.25 notify changes of address promptly, stating both old and new addresses. Overseas Countries . ........$3.15 SIGNS OF THE TIMES June 1, 1970 Page One interpreting signs of the times Many have ached to know whether such things are morally Is Birth-control Christian? right, and whether they are correct in inhibiting the natu- ral result of their mutual love. Many a young Christian IT SHOULD BE STATED at the outset that this is more couple have experienced burning doubts and the naggings of a book-review than an editorial. Editorials you can take of a barbed conscience because they felt it expedient to or leave, but book reviews are something that can open practise birth-control. Some churches have imposed a a new vista for you, especially if you take the book into virtual blanket ban on the prevention of nature taking its your life and make its message part of your philosophy. course by using so-called mechanical means of prevention. This has confused the issue until myriads of young people, It should also be made clear that this particular booklet wanting to do right, yet sucked into the maelstrom of —it runs to only thirty pages—is NOT published by the confusion by the accepted "authorities" swirling them in company (or the denomination) which publishes this all directions, have flung up their hands and disappeared magazine. It comes from the Zondervan Publishing House, into a way of life that is fraught for them with guilt com- Grand Rapids, Michigan. The author of the small mono- plexes, and plagued by the possibility that what they are graph is Clyde M. Narramore, and he, too, is not denomi- doing is wrong. nationally connected with the people who are responsible for the journal which you are now holding in your hands. And this brings me to this delightful little booklet which a quick reader may read, mark, learn and inwardly digest We mention these points in order to impress you with in half an hour, and which took us only an hour, complete this one thought—that we have nothing to sell, and that with telephone interruptions, people buzzing in and out the the entire exercise is quite objective, and that we do not office, and a minor conference over cover pictures! stand to gain any benefit from saying what we are about to Titled, "A Christian View of Birth-Control," the book- say. let plunges into the very heart of the problem. Chapter Birth-control is a double-barrelled word that has found five pertinently asks, "What Does the Bible Say?" Frank- currency in the twentieth century. In the last decade, it ness characterizes the answer. "As we turn the pages of has become more than a word; it has become a most ur- the Bible, we find very little on the subject of birth-con- gent matter. Nations engulfed in the population explosion trol," the third paragraph of the chapter says. Yet this are turning to this word and its multitudinous ramifica- does not discourage the author. He takes his readers tions, as the one hope they have of fending off starvation along a very plain path. He points out that sex relations for those they have to feed, and for ensuring for those yet are normal and therefore are encouraged in Scripture; he unborn a way of life that is better than that of their fa- quotes relevant texts to show that "children are a heritage thers. We remember seeing in Malaysia, some two years ago, Now better known to many Australians and New Zealanders—Prince banners across the streets reminding the populace that Charles and Princess Anne. "This Is Family Planning Month," and wondering whether the honest citizens of those teeming parts needed to be reminded in such ambiguous terms. Nevertheless, we gave full marks to the government for tackling the prob- lem of over-population, because it certainly was an impor- tant issue—even our unobservant eye could detect that. Of course, no one bothers with that unhappy word in this part of the world if anything, Australia and New Zea- land could regard themselves as UNDER-populated, and hence both nations have sprightly policies of encouraging migration. But the problem of over-population is never- theless in the minds of all. It begins in their thinking whenever two young people establish a home. And it is a concern which is never very far from their thoughts as they live and love and found a family. (Unfortunately, the problem crops up, sometimes, before such a couple have been wed, and before that home is established, but we will ignore that complication in this short essay.) Unfortunately, those parents and potential parents— even in these favoured and relatively under-populated lands—who give credence to the Christian faith are not of one mind as to the rights and wrongs of birth-control.
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