lj{ilAt!aJztK states isHew York City . POlice :Quartet .Bronx Chcrpter bYCity#] 1lk.,H'/IIf$'l'S . ./1idr.·Accollstii:alPeTseClltiliij Jaclson C!uIfl PUBLISHED BY MAY '6he SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT VOL. V. 1 946 OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA, INC. No.4 Stu. HARMONIZER SIX OF OUR SEVEN CHAMPS STILL TOGETHER- We wonder at times whether or not ~ we are duly appreciative of the fact D£'.OlED TO T~T$ OF BA~BE~ OOA~TET HAP...oNY that of the seven quartets crowned SI.fOP "champions" since the Society was founded in 1938, six are still together Published quarterly by the International Officers and the other members of the International Board of Directors of the Society for the Preservation and and, in our opinion, singing better Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc., for free than ever. The War of course tem­ distribution to the members of the Society. porarily disrupted the ranks of the Bartlesville (Phillips 66) Barflies and VOLUME V MAY, 1946 No. 4 the Chord Busters, but now that the ,35c per Copy Marine Corps has sent Bob Holbrook home to Tulsa, and the Army Tom Carroll P. Adams - Editor and Business Manager Massengale to Tulsa and Bob Durand 18270 Grand River Avenue, Detroit 23, Michigan to Bartlesville, those two quartets are Phone: VE 7-7300 back together, and did they sing their I hearts out at the Oklahoma City Pa­ V CONTRIBUTING EDITORS rade on February 23rd! The only one O. C CASH GEORGE W, CAMPBELL JAMES F. KNIPE of our seven Champion quartets lost J. GEORGE O'BRIEN SIGMUND SPAETH R, H. STURGES to the Society is the Flat Foot Four, ASSOCIATE EDITORS crowned in 1940, The death of Lt. ROSCOE BENNETT. Grand Rapids CHARLE,<;;, MERRILL, Reno Johnny Whalen, tenor of that grand JOHN BRIODY, jersey City BERT PHELPS, Kansas City, Mo. outfit, ended the career of the Socie 4 EUGENE C. DIETZLER, Wauwatosa W. WELSH PI ERCE, Chicago ty's most colorful quartet. ARTHUR MERRILL, SChenectady MERRILL POLLARD, Buffalo SAM WELLER, Hammond, Ind. USE THE UP-TO-DATE INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS. 1945-46 CODE OF ETHICS Presidmt . .................. PHIL EMBURY, 30 Park Street, Warsaw, N. Y. (President, Embury Mfg. Co.) On three occasions since July 1st, Immedialt Past President HAROLD B. STAAB, 40 Roe Avenue. Northampton. Mass. 1945, we have seen printed programs (Eastern Sales Mgr.• Wm. & Harvey Rowland, Inc.) .­ First Viet-President. FRANK H THORNE. 6216 W 66th Place. Chicago 38. I1hnOls of Parades in which there appeared (VIce-President. NatIOnal Aiumillate Corporation) a reproduction of our obsolete code of Secretary. ........ CARROLL P. ADAMS, 18270 Grand River Avenue, Detroit 23, Mich. ethics. Chapter officers have been Treamrll . ........JOSEPH E. STERN, 311 R. A. Long Bldg., Kansas City 6, Mo. (Joseph E. Stern & Co., Realtors) reminded frequently of the fact that Vice-President . R. HARRY BROWN, 3403 Madison St., Wilmington 218, Delaware (Official Court Reporter) • our code of ethics was re-written a Vice-Prtsidmf. ........... jAMES F. KNIPE. 640 Caltton BJdJl;., Cleveland 15, Ohio year ago and the phraseology of sev­ (President, The Martin Printing Co.) eral articles revised. The Society is Vice-Presidmt. DEAN W. PALMER, P. O. Box 208, Wichita I, Kansas (Engineering Dept., Kansa.s Gas & Electric Co.) in position to furnish to chapters Historian .. .. .••••. .. R. H. STURGES. Box 1228. Atlanta. Ga. (Outdoor Advertising) printed copies of the new code in a Master of Ceremonies ........•....... .....•.W. C. HARPER, Box 2445, Oklahoma City, Okla quantity sufficient so that each chap­ ter member may have one. Will you Founder and Permanml Third Assistant Ttmporarv Vice-Chairman . .0. C. CASH. BOlt 591. Tulsa I. Okla. (Attorney, Tax Commissioner - Stanolind Pipe Line Co.) be sure that the Chairman of your Program Committee for your next BOARD OF DIRECTORS public function uses the code of ethics The Officers (Except the Secretary), and: in that program and that he uses the Term expiring in June. 1948 CHARLES M. MERRILL, 414 First National G. MARVIN BROWER, 107 Michigan, N.W.. Bank BldJl;., Reno. Nevadfl; (A~torney) . revised text, not the obsolete text. GrandRapids2,Mich. (Prop. BrowerMemorials) VIRGIL E. PILLIon, 2910 Olive St., ~t. LoUIS 3. WALTER E. CHAMBERS, Robinson Bldg.• Rock Mo. (Pres., Nu-Process B~~e Engmeers) Island, Ill. (Secretary. Merchants Credit Assn) EDW~N S. SMITH, 34660 MIchigan Ave.• Wayne, HONORARY AND LIFE W. D. COMMON. P. O. Box 1018, Dayton 1. Ohio Mich.. (Real Estate and Insurance Broker.) (General Manager, Moraine BOlt Co.) MEMBERSHIPS C. W. COYE, 716 Nims Stree~.Muskegon,Mich. Tt;rm expiring in Junt, 1946 The Society constitution says in (Executive Vicc4Pres., E. n. Sheldon & Co.) JOHN R. BUITENDORP, 645 Maffett Street, A. H. FALK, 219 W. Commercial St., Appleton, Muskegon Heights, Mich. (The Daniels Co.) article 14 "There shall be but one Wis. (Buyer, H. C. Prange Co.) R. RAY CAMPAU, 344 W. Genesee Ave., Sagi­ membership classification, that of ac­ ROBERT L. IRVINE. 914 jackson Ave., River naw, Mich. (Pres., Saginaw Paint Mfg. Co.) Forelt, Ill. (Asst. Credit Mgr., Sears, Roebuck RAY W. HALL, 826 Elliott St. S.E.,Grand Rapids, tive membership. No honorary mem­ & Co.) Mich. (Service Representative, Aiken-Murray berships shall be allowed." GUY L. STOPPERT 1326 W. Dartmouth St., COrp'D) Flint 4, Mich. (Exec. Sec., Associated Male Occasionally the press mentions the Choruses ot America. Inc.) HARVEY S. JACOBS, 518 Washington Square Building, Royal Oak, Mich. (Managing Direc­ fact that some notable has been made tor, South Oakland Mfr's Association) Term expiring in June, 1947 a life member or an honorary mem­ J. D. BEELER. 1830 W. Ohio St., Evansville 2, CLARENCE MARLOWE. 10 N. BemistOIl St., Ind.•(V.•Pres. & Gen. Mgr., Mead Johnson Clayton 5, Mo. (Assistant Commissioner. ber of SPEBSQSA. That's a mistake, Department of Health) Terminal Corp.) resulting probably from misunder­ OTTO BElCH. c/o Paul F. Beich Co., Blooming· B. F. MARSDEN, 1663 Penobscot Bldg., ton, Ill. (Pres., Paul F. Beich Co.) Detroit 26, Mich. (Mich. Representative, standings. There just ain't no such American Dank Note Co.) MAYNARD L. GRAFT, 209 Electric Bldg., Cleveland 15, O. (Service Engineer, Ohio Bell ROBERT M. McFARREN, 74 E:t:change St.. animal as a life member or an honor­ Telephone Company.) Buffalo 3. N. Y. (Advertising Printing) ary member of SPEBSQSA. Every WILLIAM W. HOLCOMBE, 869 Broadway, W. WELSH PIERCE, 10 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 3, Paterson 4, New jeney (Social Work Dir.) Illinois (The Welsh Pierce Agency) bonafide member is an "active mem­ ber." So much for that. COPYRIGHT MAY, 1946 The Society for the Preservation and Encourgement MAY, 1946 of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. Detroit, Michigan She HARMONIZER 3 Preparations for the Society's Eighth meet to pick up pointers from the Annual Championship Contest in peerless Captain Campbell. Cleveland on June 14th are rapidly CHAMPS TO BROADCAST nearing completion as the Harmonizer Champions to Sing goes to press. To the 1946 International Cham­ pions, whoever ye may be: Be At 1 :00 P. M., in the Rainbow Room­ For the record, the sequence of events prepared to stay in Cleveland "THE SHOW OF CHAMPIONS." will be this:­ until 11 p. m. Saturday night, Admission will be limited to holders International Board meets Thursday June 15. At the hour of 10:45 afternoon and evening, June 13th and you will be broadcast over the of Registration Books. This will be again on Saturday morning, the 15th. entire CBS network through one of the greatest treats in the his­ All meetings in Hotel Carter. station WGAR on Hotel Statler, tory of the Society. As this is writ~ for 15 minutes. After that you On Thursday evening, the 13th, from may depart to your home town, ten, there's great hope that seven of 8 :00 P. M., in the ballroom of Hotel or homes in case you hail from the Society's National and Interna­ Carter, Cleveland, Lakewood and Berea Cleveland, with memories of two tional Champions will be on hand. Chapters will hold a joint meeting to days that you'll re-tell to your Just think ... the Bartlesville Bar~ which all visiting members and their grandchildren. wives are invited. flies (1939), the Chord Busters Starting at 10 :45 p. m., Satur­ (1941), the Elastic Four (1942), the On Friday morning, the 14th, at day, April 20, quartets from 10:30 in the North Ballroom of Cleve­ Cleveland area and vicinity were Harmonizers (1943), the Harmony land Public Auditorium, the first Semi broadcast over WGAR, this for Halls (1944), the Misfits (1945) and, Final Contest will take place. Fifteen eight weeks, a different quartet of course, the 1946 Champs. U -m~m-m! of the thirty quartets which survive each week, leading up to the 'Ve can hardly wait. At odd moments the Sectional Preliminaries will com­ Big Broadcast of the Interna­ pete. tional Champions 0)1 the night during this session, the new President That afternoon, at 2:30 P. M., in the (Saturday) of June 15. The In­ of the Society will be introduced, same hall, the second Semi Final will ternational C ham p s will be Chapter Achievement Awards will be be staged. The remaining fifteen built-up each week. presented ... all with quickness and quartets will perform at this session. Quartets that have appeared be­ dispatch so the main business of the As soon as the second Semi Final is fore the mike as this HAR­ afternoon ... listening to those quar­ finished, the fifteen Finalist quartets, MONIZER goes to press are: tets, can be tended to. highest ranking of the thirty, will be The Arsenic Four, Lakewood and the Forest City Four, Cleveland.
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