1 BRONX TIMES Dec. 1-7, 2011 1 BRONX Dec. 1-7, 2011 Á 3%26).'0!2+#(%34%2 (5.430/).4 &/2$(!-3/54( '2!.$#/.#/523% &/2$(!-./24( "2/.8./24( #/ /0#)49 To Advertise Call: 718-615-2520 Bronx Online: www.yournabe.com communityTO PLACE YOUR AD classifieds Pgs 26,29,31 Pg 31 Pgs 27-29,31 Pg 31 Call: 718-615-2520 Fax: 718-615-3829 Employment Business Opps Instruction Merchandise Email: [email protected] • Sales Help Wanted • Financing / Loans • Career Training • Garage / Yard Sales GET In Person: 1733 Sheepshead Bay Road • Medical Help Wanted • Business For Sale • Education Services • Merchandise Wanted Bet.Voorhies Avenue & Shore Parkway, • General Help Wanted • Misc. 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Our readers are Call Maria 917-826-5200 or send resume: To Advertise informed that employment offerings advertised in this [email protected] newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. 718-693-2600 Here News Corp's CNG division, The region's largest weekly Dependable TICKETS newspaper group and fastest growing local website, Home Care Classifieds Home Health Aides (Bilingual a plus) Sports is seeking highly effective advertising sales people for its Brooklyn, Queens and Bronx HHA/PCA Coordinators Bi-Lingual locations. Major accounts and protected (Spanish/English, Chinese/English & Creole/English) TO A SHOW OR GAME territory positions available. Earn up to $100k HHA Core Aides Needed in the first year. Salary + commission + health. Per Diem: Occupational Therapist Per Diem: Physical Therapist Pages 41-46 Outside sales experience, good Medical Social Workers (Immediately in All Boros) Pages 34-39communication skills and car required. Receptionist Position Available...Bilingual Email resume: IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT [email protected] Call for appt. 718-499-6066 or Fax Resume 718-499-6065 See inside for details Equal Opportunity Employer Call 718-615-2520 To Advertise Here 4URN 4O 7XUQ<RXU3DVVLRQ Pages0AGEn 21-29 ,QWR<RXU&DUHHU &OR/UR $EVELOPNEWSKILLSORIMPROVEYOUREXISTINGSKILLSCAREEROPPORTUNITIES #AREER4RAINING Parkchester &DUHHU7UDLQLQJ (GXFDWLRQLQ7RGD\V&ODVVLILHGV %DUCATION3ECTION parking lot woes continue RIBBON By Bill WeisBrod Parkchester Condominiums residents are refusing to accept less than 24-hour staffing in their garages. Some tenants have created a group called the Parkchester Ga- rages Safety Committee, to apply CUT ON pressure to the company that man- ages and staffs the garages - Nash- ville, Tenn.-based Central Parking System. The group’s formation stemmed from a community meet- ing held on Thursday, November 10 at Parkchester Baptist Church. Parkchester Condominiums ‘oval’ residents pay several hundred dol- lars per month to park at one of Norwood celebrates renovated park three nearby garages on Unionport Road, East Tremont Avenue and Ar- By Bill WeisBrod solved. cher Road. They became concerned Norwood residents finally The playground’s new basket- with the garages’ safety this sum- celebrated the opening of the ball courts are still yet to open, mer when the 24-hour parking at- both because the concrete was not Photo by Samuel Tuthill playground at the Williamsbridge tendants were replaced by roving Oval. But basketball may have to pored properly. Upon inspection, security guards. wait. the Parks Department ordered Parkchester community activ- The Parks Department, that the courts remain closed un- ist Deborah Mizell has taken a lead Friends of Woodlawn Oval, As- til the concrete was redone. As of role in organizing the Safety Com- semblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Sen- Tuesday, November 22, the courts mittee and she has been frustrated ator Gustavo Rivera students from are still not open because painters by the lack of response from Cen- St. Brendan’s School and other are waiting for a warm, dry day to tral Parking System. neighborhood residents officially paint the surface. They have not cooperated in PAL ThAnksgiving CeLebrATion cut the ribbon on the new play- “I’m very frustrated to say the having meetings with us so we can ground at a ceremony on Tuesday, least. We were pushing for the bas- find out what’s going to happen with Eight-year-old Cherish Gant Martin (l) and 9-year-old Maryann Johnson November 15. ketball courts and they’re impor- the attendants,” she said. “My main are all smiles at the Police Athletic League’s New South Bronx Center’s Much of the playground has tant to the community,” Friends concern is that if Central Parking Thanksgiving celebration on Friday, November 18. They were among been open to the public since late of Williamsbridge Oval member does not meet with us somewhere the over 100 Longwood-area kids who converged on the center for an spring. But it has encountered Elisabeth von Uhl said. “I respect before our next town hall meeting evening of dance performances, art, and, of course, turkey. many snafus along the way, some the fact that (Parks Bronx Bor- Continued on page 40 of which are still waiting to be re- Continued on page 40 A CNG Publication • Vol. 17 No. 48 BRONX TIMES Dec. 1-7, 2011 2 BRONX Go To Our Blog To See Our Weekly Specials! VistVisit Our Our New NEW Web-ite: Web-Site: www.reliablebronxdentist.com www.reliablebronxdentist.com (718) 547-5280 Yankee’s Brett Gardner unveils new library TIMES Dec. 1-7, 2011 3 BRONX Advil Congestive Relief sponsors P.S. 130 makeover By Vito Signorile best way to help students en- Yorkers in the education of There isn’t a better way gage themselves in improv- children. to encourage students to ing their education is by The school received use their new library then providing them with a bet- hundreds of new books, new to have a New York Yankee ter working environment. computers and laptops, new join them for its grand open- “For me to take part in televisions, and a colorful ing. improving kids education makeover with a fresh paint Bronx Bombers left is a high priority of mine, job. After Gardner read to fielder Brett Gardner joined especially being able to help them, students were allowed the students and faculty of kids of the Bronx where to check-out the library and P.S. 130 at 750 Prospect Av- I play baseball,” Gardner all of the newest additions. enue to unveil a totally reno- said. “With this new library School library teach- vated library on Tuesday, we can help the kids look er David Levin, who has November 15. towards the future. Unfor- taught at P.S. 130 for over 10 The improved space tunately, I didn’t have a li- years, was impressed with was made possible through brary like this when I was a the enhancements made to the Advil Congestion Relief kid, but with the technology the school’s reading space. Project, which is currently that they have today, it can He believes it will further going across the United certainly motivate them to improve the education of States to provide literal re- read and learn more.” students at the school for lief in congested areas. The The Advil Congestion years to come. donation of the new library Relief Project made a do- “Before our students to P.S. 130 was the first stop nation to support P.S. 130 had to crowd around a few on Advil’s tour. through the Fund for Public computers when I was trying The students all sat Schools, a nonprofit organi- to teach them about online Photo by Vito Signorile in front of Gardner wear- zation dedicated to improv- research, typing, and other Brett Gardner reads to students at P.S. 130 in their newly renovated library. ing Yankees hats while the ing the city’s public schools technology skills, and due to slugger read to them, “Hank by attracting private in- our limited book collection, said. “Now, our space looks class in the library.” provide for your commu- Aaron: Brave in Every vestment in school reform there were often long waits so much more inviting and For more information nity, visit CongestionRelief- Way.” Gardner, a father of and encouraging greater for the children to check out every student has access to about what the Advil Con- Project.com.
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