GM 07819 REPORT ON EXPLORATION ORCHAN MINES L,.JD. PROPERTIES IN F NELON, SUBERCASE, ISLE DIEU AND GALINEE TOWNSHIPS NORTHWESTERN QUEBEC ~ ~ ~ D~ Q T~s0`"~1~~~~ * ~ ~7 j.~1 j~~~ estesl C~~~la~~~~1 D~S zue Doleh est, „5 OuOu t 1 P.0; 6G tY~a ~ ~~ _l Riéjwss6 Naturélïts, Québec det ~~.ilv CE DE LA ► .:AN1Q:U.E DOCUM~ZdTAT4ON TF.:r Daté: y/ (do Gi.i: .......~ ~ December 1,. 195e Mr. J. P. Dolan, President Orchan Mines, Ltd. 100 Adelaide Street West Toronto, Ontario Dear Sir: In accordance with your instructions I submit, herewith, my report on previous development work and on exploration possibilities of your properties in Isle-Dieu, Galinee, Subercase and Fenelon Townships, Counties of Abitibi-East and Abitibi-hest, Quebec. In addition, this report includes recommer- dations for future exploration programs on all proper- ties plus an estimate of costs of such programs and time required to complete same. Yours very truly, GPJ/ja I, Charles Philip Jenney, of the Town of Oakville, in the Province of Ontario, do hereby certify as follows: 1. That I am a ponsulting Geologist registered as a member in good standing of the Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario. 2. That the following is a true statement of my education, experience, and affiliations: Columbia University, New York 1926-30, B.A. 1930 1930-33, M.A. 1933,Ph.D. 1936 (Geology) Princeton University, 1933-34 1934-36, Geologist, Consolidated Oil Corp., New York. 1936-43, Mine & Exploration Geologist, McIntyre Porcupine Mines, Schumacher, Ontario. 1943-49, Mgr. Canadian Exploration, The American Metal Co. of Canada, Ltd., Toronto, Canada. 1949-55, Ass't Mgr. Exploration Dept., The American Metal Co., Ltd., New York. 1956---, Consulting Geologist, Oakville, Ontario. Societies: Geological Society of America Society of Economic Geologists American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers Canadian Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers Geological Association of Canada Arctic Institute Experience: Directed major exploration projects for The American Metal Company in Yukon; Coppermine River Area, N.W.T.; Great Slave Lake Lead-Zinc Area, N.W.T.; Labrador; New Brunswick; Quebec; Maine; Arizona; plus exploration.5 II and mine examination work in all provinces of' Canada and most states of the U.S.A., and in the West Indies. 3. That I have ho direct or 'indirect interest in any of the shares or -securities of Orchan Mines Limited except to the extent of ownership of 20,000 shares of the common stock. 4.That the information set forth in this report was obtained by me directly, or by geologists and engineers working under my direction and supervision. All data obtained by others have been checked by me to my satis- faction and, consequently, I assume full responsibility for all facts presented in this report. .,„ nney Ontario Oakville Ontario December 1, 1958 SUMMARY The facts herewith presented cover four - properties owned or under option to Orchan Mines Lim- ited and located in Northwestern Quebec. Therefore,- conclusions and recommendations pertaiping to each of these properties, together with factual data pertain- ing thereto, are presented in four sections into which this report is dtvided. The properties are described in order as: A.Fenelon Township Group, Fenelon Twp., Abitibi-West. B.Kitchigama_Group, Subercase Twp., Abitibi-East. C.Boucier Group, Isle-Dieu Twp., Abitibi-East. D.Cote Group, Galinee Twp., Abitibi-East. PART A. - FENELON TOWNSHIP PROPERTY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: No outcrops have been found on the property so that the only guide to exploration is geophysical work. A magnetometer survey of the property has indicated the presence of two interesting anomalies. Further magneto- meter work is recommended to outline the area of one of these anomalies. An electromagnetic survey of that portion of the property covered by the above-mentioned magnetic highs is recommended as a second exploration step. If encouraging results are obtained from the electromagnetic survey, a diamond drilling program will be submitted. LOCATION AND ACCESS: The claim group is located in southeastern Fenelon Township with its southern and eastern boundaries approximately two miles north and one mile west of the Township's southeastern corner. Fenelon Township is about 100 miles north and slightly west of Amos, Quebec. Access is by chartered aircraft from Am ®s or from Senneterre, Quebec. A lake in the center of the pro- perty provides a convenient landing base. -3- PROPERTY: There are forty mining claims in the group, covering a total of 1600 acres, more or less, and com- prising: Certificates . Claim Numbers 142023 - 1 to 5 A-273543 - 547 142024 - 1 to 5 A273548- - 552 142025 - 1 to 5 A-273558 - 562 142026 = 1 to'',A-273553 - 557 142081 - 1 to 5 A-273538 - 542 142096 - 1 to 5 A-273533 - 537 0.44186 - 1 to 5 A-286525 - A-286529,F\ 1144187 - 1 to 5 A-286530 - A-286534 50;„; 0,4:0 A sketch of the mining claims is attached hereto as Figure 1. of this report. SURFACE PLANT AND E UIPMENT: There is no surface plant or equipment on the property. UNDERGROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT: There is no underground plant or equipment on the property. SURFACE EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT: No outcrops have been found by prospecting on the property during the 1958 season. Surface development to date comprises a magnetometer survey, results ,Of which are set forth in Figure 2. of this report. Magnetometer survey results indicate the presence of an anomaly approximately 1500 feet long and, centrally located in the claim group. 'This anomaly has an apparent -4- relief of 1500 gamma and trends in a northeast-southwest direction. A second anomaly, with an apparent relief of 2,100 gamma is approximately 4,500 feet long by 2,000 feet wide and is located in the central and southwestern portions of the property. Its discovery, together with associate magnetic highs, led to the takingof an addit- ional 10 claims. Further magnetic work will be carried out during the winter of 1958-59 to delineate this magnetic area. HISTORY OF THE PROPERTY: The ground was first staked during July 1958 to cover an area of magnetic high shown on the Dominion Geological Survey Map 523G - "Riviere Subercase". Sub- sequent work by the present management was confined to prospecting and the performance of a magnetometer survey, results of which are described above. GEOLOGY: Although no outcrop has been found to date on the property, the presence of magnetic anomalies suggests that the bed-rock may be volcanic material or greenstone. If geophysical survey results lead to a recom- mendation for diamond drilling, the nature of the subsur- face rocks will be discovered. EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES: Exploration expenditures to date are estimated at: Line cutting $2,335.95 Magnetometer Survey 2,`040.00 (Estimated) Supervision 500.00 n Total $4,$75.95 Further magnetometer survey and electromagnetic survey expenditures as recommended above are estimated at $4,4$0.00. Diamond drilling and other development costs cannot be included in the estimate as they are dependent 'on results of further geophysical work. PART B - KITCHIGAMA GROUP, S"UB:ERCASE TOWNSHIP CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Reconnaissance geologic and geophysical work, plus some old trenching and diamond drilling, has indicated the presence of favorable greenstone bed rock with some py- rite and chalcopyrite mineralization. Some anomalous geophy- sical results have been obtained in reconnaissance surveys. Depailed magnetic and electromagnetic surveys, at an estimated cost of $5,000 are recommended and should be carried out during the winter of 1958-59, when work can be done on the ice of Grasset Lake. Recommendations for diamond drilling or further development will be dependent on the results of these surveys. LOCATION AND ACCESS: The property comprises 35 mining claims located VA, in southeastern Subercase Township on the southwest shore of Grasset Lake (also known as Kitchigama Lake), adjacent to the mouth of the Subercase River. Consequently, the property is about 100 miles due north of, the town of Amos, Quebec. Access is by chartered aircraft from Amos or fro Senneterre, Quebec. Grasset Lake provides a Conven- ient landing base. PPOPERTT: At The 35 claim group covers an area of 1400 acres, more. or less, and comprises: Certificates Claim Numbers 129850 - 1 to .5 , A-249044 - 048 129852 - 1 to 5 A-249039 - 043 129853 •- 1 to 5 A-249034 - 038 129854 - 1 to 5 A-249029"- 033 129855 - 1 to 5 A-249024 - 028 129856 - 1 to 5 A-249019 - 023 129857- 1 to 5 A-249014 - 018 A survey plan of the mining claims is attached hereto as Figure,.3. of this report. SUIFAGEJLANT AND EQUIPMENT: There is no surface plant or equipment on the . Property. UNDERGROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT: There is no underground plant or equipment.on the property. SURFACE EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT: Exploration to date by the present management includes a magnetometer survey and a reconnaissance electromagnetic survey. This work indicated the presence of four anomalous areas which require further detailed electromagnetic work, plus some further magnetometer sur, veying before diamond drilling can be recommended. Re- sults of this preliminary work are set forth in Figure 4. of this report. HISTORY OF THE PROPERTY: At least a portion of the property had been staked a number of years ago. A sulphide showing, on the shore of Grasset Lake near the eastern boundary of the property, has been known for many years and was tested by a few short drill holes. None df the results of this former work are available to me but some aid drill core is reported to have been found on the property. Some greenstone outcrops have been mapped by the Quebec Bureau of Mines geologists (see Q.B.M.
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