SKU 900.109 05/2019 MY CAS-KER ACCOUNT NUMBER watch material ASSORTMENTS for professional watchmakers Assortments Page Battery Kits & Batteries 67-68 Battery Parts 46 Bracelet Parts 8-11 Bracelet Springs 8 Pins 9-10 Lugs 11 T-Bars 11 End Pcs/Connect Links 12 Clasps & Buckles 2-7 Buckle Extenders 2 Butterfly Clasps 2 Seiko Style Clasps 3 Clasps for Metal Bands 5-6 Buckles for Leather Straps 4 Strap Keepers 4 Crowns 23-32 Waterproof Crowns 23-26 Dustproof Crowns 27 Screwdown Crowns 28 Genuine/Generic 29-30 Jeweled Crowns 31 Pocket Watch Crowns 30 Crystals 50-66 Min Glass-Flat Dome 57-58 Sapphire Crystals 58-59 Fancy Crystals 60-61 Magnifiers 62 G-S Plastic Crystals 64-66 Dial Dots, Feet & Strips 45 Gaskets 35-40 Caseback Gaskets 35-37 Crystal Gaskets 38-39 Other 40 Hands 41-44 Dauphine Hands 41 Luminous Hands 41, 43 Stick/Baton Hands 42 Other 44 Incabloc Jewels/Springs 45 Mvmt Holder/Case Ring/ Case Clamps 45 Optical Supplies 47 Pins for Case Hinges 45 Pocket Watch Bows 49 Pushers (Chronograph/Digital & Button Clips) 32 Screws 18-20 Case Screws 18 Bracelet/Clasp Screws 19 Other 20 Spring Bars 13-17 Double Flange 13-14 Double Shoulder 14 Short Tip (for Clasps) 15 Generic to fit RLX 16 Other 16-17 Stems & Extenders 33-34 Stones (Foil Back & CZ) 48 1-800-487-0408 / CASKER.COM Tubes (Case & Crown) 21-22 BUCKLE EXTENDERS & BUTTERFLY CLASPS Buckle Extender Extenders with a step feature for bracelet Buckle Extender Assortment of 12 includes 1 each. White with Step clasps. Assortment of 14 pieces, 1 each of 999.260 and Yellow stainless steel. 906.009 7 sizes Yellow and White stainless steel. 999.260 Assortment $24.95 906.009 Assortment $27.95 White SKU Yellow SKU Size 999.260.10W 999.260.10Y White Yellow Size 10mm 999.260.12W 999.260.12Y 12mm 906.009.12W 906.009.12Y 12mm 999.260.14W 999.260.14Y 14mm 906.009.14W 906.009.14Y 14mm 999.260.16W 999.260.16Y 16mm 906.009.16W 906.009.16Y 16mm 999.260.18W 999.260.18Y 18mm 906.009.18W 906.009.18Y 18mm 999.260.20W 999.260.20Y 20mm 906.009.19W 906.009.19Y 19mm Refills $3.25ea 906.009.20W 906.009.20Y 20mm 3@$2.95ea 12@$2.75ea 906.009.22W 906.009.22Y 22mm mm size = outside width Refills $3.25ea 3@$3.00 mm size = outside width Buckle Extender Assortment of 15, 2 each size white and Expandable Spring-loaded to stretch the extender 980.320 1 each size yellow stainless steel folding Buckle Extender length. Assortment of 12. White Stainless extenders. 999.280 Steel or Yellow Plated stainless with spring bars. 980.320 Assortment $20.95 999.280 $34.95 White Yellow Size Assortment 999.280.10W 980.320.12 980.320.12G 12mm 1pc White 10mm 980.320.14 980.320.14G 999.280.12W 1pc White 12mm 14mm 999.280.14W 980.320.16 980.320.16G 16mm 1pc White 14mm 980.320.18 980.320.18G 999.280.16Y 1pc Yellow 16mm 18mm 999.280.16W 980.320.20 980.320.20G 20mm 2pcs White 16mm mm size = outside width of 999.280.18Y 1pc Yellow 18mm $2.25ea 3@ $1.95 ea Refills top, inside width of bottom 999.280.18W 2pcs White 18mm mm size = outside width 999.280.20Y 1pc Yellow 20mm 999.280.20W 2pcs White 20mm Also available: 999.280.10Y Yellow 10mm 999.280.12Y Yellow 12mm 999.280.14Y Yellow 14mm $4.25ea 3@$3.75 ea Butterfly Clasp Refills Assortment contains 1 each of 7 different 999.099.xx 980.300 ladies' and men's clasps, all stainless steel. Spring Bar Refills for 999.280 $9.00 dz 980.300 Assortment $46.95 Width at Number Style Length Width Band Cnctn 980.323 Ladies' 34.2 8.4 2.7 980.324 Men's 41.0 11.0 8.0 980.325L Ladies' 35.4 8.7 4.4 980.325M Men's 40.4 10.0 6.0 980.322 980.326L 980.326L Ladies' 37.8 10.0 3.4 980.323 980.326M 980.326M Men's 41.0 10.0 3.4 980.328 Ladies' 35.4 7.7 3.3 Double-Press Assortment includes 1 each of 4 sizes. Additional Sizes Available: (not in assortment) Butterfly Clasp Stainless steel. 980.322L Ladies' 34.0 11.0 4.0 980.649 980.649 $46.95 980.322M Men's 39.0 11.0 4.0 Assortment 980.330 Ladies' 36.0 6.0 2.5 Width at Band Number Length Width Connection 980.325L 980.332 Ladies' 36.0 6.0 3.0 980.325M 980.333 Ladies' 36.0 8.5 5.0 980.649.04 35.0 8.0 4.0 980.324 980.334 Men's 39.6 10.0 5.5 980.649.05 35.0 9.0 5.0 980.335 Men's 39.75 10.0 5.9 980.649.06 40.0 12.0 6.0 980.649.07 Refills - Ladies' $9.25 ea 3@$8.50 ea 39.0 11.0 7.0 $13.50 each Refills - Men's $10.50 ea 3@$9.50 ea Refills 980.328 980.330 - 335 2 CAS-KER WATCH PARTS ASSORTMENTS ORDER ASSORTMENTS & REFILLS BY SKU NUMBER. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. SEIKO STYLE CLASPS Clasp for Seiko w/ 10 each men's and ladies' buckle spring Seiko Type Clasp - Assortment of 8 pieces includes one Safety Chain and bars, 6 each yellow and white safety Double Slot for use each yellow and white 2.3, 3.0, 4.0 and Spring Bars chains, 1 each yellow and white foldover with a Screw 5.0mm. 902.000 clasps. 903.001 903.001 Assortment $15.95 902.000 Assortment $33.95 White Yellow Size White Yellow Size 903.001.23.12 903.001.23.11 2.3mm 902.000.50.15 902.000.50.13 5mm 903.001.30.12 903.001.30.11 3.0mm 902.000.60.15 902.000.60.13 6mm 903.001.40.12 903.001.40.11 4.0mm 902.000.70.15 902.000.70.13 7mm 903.001.50.12 903.001.50.11 5.0mm 902.000.80.15 902.000.80.13 8mm Additional sizes available: 902.000.90.15 902.000.90.13 9mm White Yellow Size 902.000.15.15 *902.000.15.13 903.001.28.12 903.001.28.11 2.8mm 15mm 903.001.35.12 903.001.35.11 3.5mm 900.084.02 Men's Spring Bar 903.001.45.12 903.001.45.11 4.5mm 900.084.09 Ladies' Spring Bar 903.001.55.12 903.001.55.11 5.5mm 903.001.60.12 903.001.60.11 6.0mm Additional Clasps available: 903.001.65.12 903.001.65.11 902.000.10.15 6.5mm White 10mm 903.001.70.12 903.001.70.11 902.000.16.15 7.0mm White 16mm 903.001.75.12 903.001.75.11 902.000.16T.13 Yellow 16mm-Thin 7.5mm 903.001.80.12 903.001.80.11 902.000.16T.15 White 16mm-Thin 8.0mm 903.001.85.12 903.001.85.11 Clasp Refills $3.50 ea 8.5mm 903.001.90.12 903.001.90.11 *Sorry, No Refills on 902.000.15.13 9.0mm 903.001.95.12 903.001.95.11 Spring Bar Refills $4.20 dz 9.5mm 903.001.100.12 903.001.100.11 10.0mm Safety Chain Safety Chains by the dozen or hundred. 903.001.105.12 903.001.105.11 10.5mm 904.002-003 White Yellow Price 903.001.110.12 903.001.110.11 11.0mm 904.003 904.002 $11.95/dz 903.001.115.12 903.001.115.11 11.5mm 904.003.100 904.002.100 $79.95/100 903.001.120.12 903.001.120.11 12.0mm 903.001.130.12 903.001.130.11 13.0mm 903.001.140.12 903.001.140.11 14.0mm Seiko Type Clasp Link band center foldover clasps fit 903.001.150.12 903.001.150.11 15.0mm for use with Screw Armitron, Bulova, Elgin, Casio and other 903.001.160.12 903.001.160.11 16.0mm 902.001 ladies' watches. Assortment of 8, Refills $2.75ea 3@$2.50ea 1 each size white and yellow. 902.001 Assortment $15.95 Seiko Type Clasp Assortment of 12 link band center White Yellow Size for use without a foldover clasps to fit Armitron, Bulova, 902.001.20.12 902.001.20.11 2.0mm Screw Elgin, Casio and other ladies' watches. 902.001.30.12 902.001.30.11 3.0mm 904.001 Contains 2 each size yellow and 1 each 902.001.40.12 902.001.40.11 4.0mm size white. 902.001.50.12 902.001.50.11 5.0mm 904.001 Assortment $21.95 Additional sizes available: White Yellow Size White Yellow Size 904.001.30.12 904.001.30.11 3.0mm 902.001.23.12 902.001.23.11 2.3mm 904.001.40.12 904.001.40.11 4.0mm 902.001.28.12 902.001.28.11 2.8mm 904.001.50.12 904.001.50.11 5.0mm 902.001.35.12 902.001.35.11 3.5mm 904.001.60.12 904.001.60.11 6.0mm 902.001.58.12 902.001.58.11 5.8mm Additional sizes available: 902.001.60.12 902.001.60.11 6.0mm White Yellow Size 902.001.70.12 902.001.70.11 7.0mm 904.001.20.12 904.001.20.11 2.0mm 902.001.75.12 902.001.75.11 7.5mm 904.001.70.12 904.001.70.11 7.0mm 902.001.80.12 902.001.80.11 8.0mm 904.001.80.12 904.001.80.11 8.0mm 902.001.90.12 902.001.90.11 9.0mm 904.001.90.12 904.001.90.11 9.0mm 902.001.98.12 902.001.98.11 9.8mm 904.001.100.12 904.001.100.11 10.0mm 902.001.100.12 902.001.100.11 10.0mm 904.001.110.12 904.001.110.11 11.0mm 902.001.118.12 902.001.118.11 11.8mm 904.001.120.12 904.001.120.11 12.0mm 902.001.130.12 902.001.130.11 13.0mm 904.001.130.12 904.001.130.11 13.0mm 902.001.133.12 902.001.133.11 13.3mm 904.001.140.12 904.001.140.11 14.0mm 902.001.150.12 902.001.150.11 15.0mm 904.001.150.12 904.001.150.11 15.0mm 902.001.160.12 902.001.160.11 16.0mm 904.001.160.12 904.001.160.11 16.0mm $2.75 ea Refills Refills $2.75 ea 3@$2.50ea 3@$2.50ea CALL 1-800-487-0408 FAX 1-800-487-5848 CASKER.COM 3 BUCKLES & STRAP KEEPERS Buckle for Strap 60 watch strap buckles - Choose 30 each Double Press White stainless steel or yellow plated Plated yellow and white, or 60 all white.
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