Vol. X X X I, No. 21. CRANFORD. N, J.. THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1928 FIVL CENTS. b SaaUk A t o i e r W I B e M .......... Dixie Ckaots Fiurmsh River Pageant Informatìonfor Entrants Historical Pageant bpvredlliis Year LioiisCMiVs.Rotary Building Activity Good Base Bad Swimming Events Io River Pageant Important Road .Committee o f Board of Rotarians Show- the Lions I lend(|uarters of tlm Commit^ Parts of the Great Prodoc- First Six Months of 1928 Well Win Two Games at South Open to Cranford Boys in Freeholders Decide to Start How to Play the Game. tion Taken by Cranford Up to the Record of Last Avc. Grounds Agiunsl Two C Lissrs, Ovfr and On ter W ill Bo at Ullii^lt Canoe Work Soon as Possible. People- High Praise Given Challengers Accent Defeat Vent. Total Will Be Well .. Good: .1 cams...;....... .... der.. - .130 --iVmtHla...-1th ing du ll at the Spntighfld A \c. Gracefully. Those Who Und«*. Telephone 8‘/> ' Local Talent. A special meeting of the Road Com Over $1,000.000. M atches for Canoeists. Ro mittee of the Board of mrhoiden was Didn't See Game Missed Tin* Dixie Oum u put two more came* Cranford can be Juitljr proud of iu held Monday, at which it was decided A total of two hundred and thirty' o llielr credit UU* week thnnqtti good tary Cluh Sponsor for . With meeting* held Friday night of part In the* Union County. Hlitoricat Something. - that the improranent of South are- four tmildmg permits hai'v been issued plavmg Their opjVmrni» pUynl good C v c n t s .1 hiat week «mi Momhiv night -of tin* _ Paseant. The- Indlin rpliiode-choBea rum should be~ pul Umu|b~lfili y « r irnt'STinfurii siTTcr-Jamurryl for var- tMrtt- but~ttif t>ixie*w crp pLst tatbet m*vk, ■ the—* ranferd—Hivor—t*tigp«inr — by Mn, Low for Cranford was by far ( onimitli'e re|*«»it* that everything 'in There has been delay in arting for.bids What-wa»'itfhHiulfKl a* u bast-bul lou* purposes, acconhmg to Huilding ter. Hie game Mundav was with Uie the moat dramatic and one of'the must The Cranfncd Rotary Chit* wit! hold in- rrntimeM tor the event h> he held by reason of Roaelle not having signed game look place iaxt Saturday at Inspi*cti>r K. I.. M«M>re. Westfield County Isnigur tram and re arUrtlc presented that evening. The a contract, with the County, but It has Of the two hundred and thirty-'pci* .suited In a 5-0 victory for the Dixie« Nw miming Meet on the Cranford next S«turdHy evening «t y |* M - natural getting was made more realis* Cranford Oval between team* rvpru been decided that the County pave nuts issued, the maji»rity were foj. Hie name was full at it»*! plavi both River at the Ulhigh (anoe (iuh the ( rimronl. Ri\«>r. In the event -of tic by the seven tepees constructed and tenting the Cranford Lions and Ro feet through the Roselle aectloa. leav­ residences and home*; garage* were sides not indicated bv the one sided rain the.l'ageaut will he held lhe-fo|. - , painted by ,M. A. Craig, assisted by tary Clubs. Under a blazing *ur Satunlay next »at ;t I*. M , which w ilt ing the paving of the wing» to the (u njkxt in tiumt^r, with additnms umi score, lowing Saturday. ' _ ■ these athletes of another age battleci to- omm to all Ikiv* vv Ik* are rcMideiit’C Spencer Nltchie. both of the Cranford mim-elianeou* use* tilling- up the list. Oil tlu* Fourth ttir game was with . It.vvn* ih-i hted thnl m the cvcni ol -t Dramatic Club. ■ ture. There is but a short distance valiantly to uphold the glorious- dia­ unimproved ip Roaelle, so:this will The budding jlurpo«ci. according l< the Pi*rth Amboy Lumber Co teanL a *f Cranford. The event* will «U.. poatpimement. thi* Snturdnv, three t . ' Under cover: of the' darkness -these mond traditions of their rrepecdvt nundH»r*. wc.re;M n'sId^ncefi^JlSj gar.-, avNnt. fast.;bi(»Kh.fand^ this » 4-2 twludr Cani*e Tlllltig-context,*. Tln-*v bl»*t».0f the tin* VVhistlvMcilUm »amup . - ~"W«re ■pat"hr-ptaee-at-the dlrecflon of tpake p a g*pat;,diffcxence~;.j;The.gteat .Afg&nizatitXaal'ajuk-whHtKtihi^liMJtrtaniL' point is that South avenue will ages, iU; miilitum*. *0; and nuscella- wtn tor t)ir Dixies, but the ilairie wa* wati r exenta wilt otTer u mean* of di. r f Iho'1 puttin' i f the - J. H. McCoy, and when, the lights went yiere VK'toriou*, they won at a tei' completed farCranfonftfate yem rr-' rfBTe iswit. " . L'*“' ^ ...-v caUrd-at the -eighth - nrxtmi rtq mir: or*towfi“"n!iTt'drs ^ Whiv afljriLAlmin-TtuL^:cudi.-wUf4»MW**v^er Hn*— - —'oh.'the' picture of Indian"life In those following tl'h'phoile munhi'lie inuy |,t, South. avenue now is in deplorable Captained by “ No-Run" Kd Vilude The total value of the jn-rmltn issued of Uie heavy min. This game. too. was will be m town for the I'ugcan) winch crtlh-.l to-m ake -»ortHHi: Cnin fo nl M - condition, worse than ever before, by the Rotarians, at the end of the game from Junuarv I to July 1 was a good lively one w dl.be tield that evening;- A-* the (l ire 1 (ou«e); ( ninloni Hiii (TheutH') reason of the great amount of under­ had sixteen tallies to • tln'ir crwiit f»4H.OO. This i* aiiliost |7tM).OOO.tM) in ‘Hie Dixie battery on Sunday was ageanl aeau. will, be In i>lai‘e. plcntv ( mtiford H'.ift .OMhlgh ......Chib.| ground work finished In anticipation of while the Lion* could only account foi «ix month*, su it is practically «**ured j McCoy and stokes and on the Fourth the surface paving. Delay in totting that. Crutiiunl.will.have puutht-r..mil. Dicklnsuu ami SUikea. >1 ..hhTttt will tx? available to thoxf*. who JhltrteN tile expected |u h„ on t|ir efght, .This score, however, i.-« Hot.II" ymr ti ml ready 11 ,> ^ ooincL Juti.-kd. raaL'.w. a»m«»«»£iiihe.l.K*»i.ar.>fttta,im*at.o*jii.i .MLtn-d»HHr-.btMbUjig:.yvar,..-.VjBJuea .of.j . Ncxt-. aupdaY. thc Ui,lm..ida>t'4iJ •Mr Tn ctijov lJii> ! mr*------ - ^ base and it is gooc^news to, hear It .»111 still running. , .(.rjinford, «mí tin* is rcflcdvd in ttuviteam. the U»*l Kahwuy ha*. *o a guud %AVr-m rlrV}fìT'-,T{aV«iInrrwliob^SvT^”'- ' '»i- humlnsl and .thirty pi,orni«, ami pot. • • The Lion* Club, under the able lead­ itn.r*-asc m building. ' Hattie may be rxfiected. The game will el lllh‘*l mil an t ntrv blank un» ... lN,y*. U\er -Ohe huudied ami tliirtv leHUcuted.-l.» K., ni» «v ership of "Type-High” McMahon; had --------- -------- ---- .- Km» oil the South avenue grounds, near pound«, will make the compel itimi VIOLIN RECITAL no alibi to make for their defeat. JOINS TIIK "HOLE IN lM CLUII I the H, A O trentle Emwl T)trc‘. man- Id»*- M r. ( ; • J . ( olhiiH a r t }« . IJfinK h- keener mid inmr even. A M) vmd xwlnt ( ’imoe (lu ll « I I I receive Miein M r Tfie third recital this season by pu ‘Tvjn'-Hlgh «luted after the contest Monday George II." Hates of ‘.Crun-1 J‘« er Oianu sava he hopen and h iOtl. vard swim *'ompn*e th, ( ollltln U lll at.«m I'oceive f n lr » N lor ptls of Mr. Joseph Kulmayer. was giv however, that if the Rotarum* hud n»i ford made the sixth hole af the Echo i *** cvrr> baM»b«ll Ian in Cranfonl vunou* event*. Prue* will tie nvvurd hou*e mid., lauti »IfroniUnnn, wbiefi en.iast Thursdw home _p]jiy.vd_.l«iiKi:tui..inmng2L._ibey^_Wimla l4ike Clolf .Course in one, thereby in»- i »d the game. _________ . _ e*t'tn-''wmnrrt^iff'ihe’vnrhvU'A''ëY'{'iiiÎH try of Mr. anil Mrs. PauT-Gmehn, on Nor not have scored ho tnunv rutist Hi coming a ntcmbtT of the-fumoui *Holi‘ ¡ l,u> Dixies, luive arranged a ien«w imijr-br-Tphitnetf—fo— —■ tin- -Rotary (lui», Kntne* nmv h* k.ift. A n ) ii-snlent ib*Hiring to ilecor man place, the twu other* huving also thought that it was unfair on In l Club 'Mentbersfilp Internatlomil» [Of kame* -with Uie VNi^lllcld Countv Jho^mnumng JtiaUdma-ui. taken pUce rn AVpsttield on Junc-d» the part of the Rntanniis ti> idav*- •Ilie sixth-hohr is n' J f'h r holrí......... | lieague.-team. -the • first--of--whteh -wth ilb _,}J.nJUL_uL_k'jmijjiUijuld..l«i,1fcure -- and 29. respectively. There was an . ----- --........... - lie pluyctl at N\i*MtUdd an batuiduy anoe tilting cotile*U at the Ulhigh ■ndri) Mi. ( nllms. »» th«i t|„. "Nut: »Sundae” \cgeln«, better known aruM- Hut». may bo taken ()«. ' attractive programme, rendered by as “ The Kandy kid" „in the .liinoftp. •1 ht>‘ Towtiidtip-Room* are being re- - • ^ Miur«-» m IIio-Khm-k Sedan oft view IUV Itili Imi* have been- n-nt t<i th<* young a-tudenta, with Miss Edya Scha­ a* .he i* known to have played a game jmrtitiom’d mid cleaned. U oik vva.s Mr.- and Mr*. I-rank t . Ilvdcr. « Î .ttie -Jxew (Tranfoid '|:|ieutr>< limy ;_t»l tile, MUiTuumling- towns I«* - - fe r OR«Btmg at the piano as totxom wfbasrbnlfm» - recently hk- 1001: --1 hr ^Ttpd-T)n--th(mi^rr^rwVcVikT~liur~it~lM ^tramgFT' nvrmre7~"gnyi»—Tnf'~niT.7t’h\itt dl (u- tupi, LIu'- ciir ndi l»e «ward.
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