Essential closed surfaces and finite coverings of negatively curved cusped 3-manifolds Charalampos Charitos September 3, 2021 Abstract The existence of essential clsoed surfaces is proven for finite coverings of 3-manifolds that are triangulated by finitely many topological ideal tetrahedra and admit a regular, negatively curved, ideal structure. Keywords Incompressible surfaces - Ideal tetrahedra - CAT (0)-spaces Mathematics Subject Classification 57M50 - 57M10 1 Introduction In his pioneering work [17], Thurston constructed complete hyperbolic struc- tures of constant negative curvature equal to −1 on the complement of certain knots and links of S3, by realizing them as a finite union of regular, hyperbolic ideal tetrahedra. Subsequently, it was proven that the interior of compact hy- perbolic 3-manifolds with geodesic boundary can be triangulated by hyperbolic ideal polyhedra and in some cases, by hyperbolic ideal tetrahedra [10], [14]. Inspired by these works, as well as from other relative works (see for example [8], [9] and the references in them), in the present paper a special class of non- compact, triangulated 3-manifolds M is defined. The manifolds M are obtained by gluing along their faces a finite family of topological ideal tetrahedra (Di)i∈I , arXiv:1812.03537v4 [math.GT] 2 Sep 2021 3 where each Di is homeomorphic to a 3-simplex in R with its vertices removed. On M a unique metric d : M ×M → R is defined such that, each tetrahedron Di equipped with the induced metric is isometric to the regular, hyperbolic ideal tetrahedron of H3. The metric d will be referred to as regular, ideal structure of M while M equipped with such a structure d will be called regular, cusped 3-manifold. Furthermore, if the sum of the dihedral angles around each edge of a regular, cusped manifold M is ≥ 2π the structure d will be referred to as regular, negatively curved, ideal structure. A linking surface is a closed normal surface contained in a neighborhood of some cusp of M, see Definition 7 below. Considering 3-manifolds M which admit an ideal triangulation, that is, a triangulation by topological ideal tetrahedra, our goal is to find in M essential 1 closed surfaces, i.e. orientable incompressible surfaces which are not parallel to a linking surface of M. This will be done using in an essential way the geometry of negatively curved, ideal structures. Let us recall here that Thurston, who had constructed a hyperbolic structure on the figure-8 knot complement M8 by considering a triangulation by regular ideal hyperbolic tetrahedra on it, had also proved in Theorem 4.11 of his notes [18] that all incompressible surfaces on M8 are linking surfaces. Therefore, in order to find essential closed surfaces in a cusped 3-manifold, or more generally, in a closed 3-manifold M with infinite fundamental group, we are obliged to pass to a finite covering of M. Recall also that if M is a compact, connected irreducible 3-manifold with non-empty incompressible boundary and if M is not covered by a product F ×I, where F is a closed orientable surface, then there exists a finite covering of M containing an essential closed surface i.e. a closed, incompressible non-boundary parallel surface [6]. This result, as well as our main theorem in the present work, can be considered as seminal results of the famous virtual Haken conjecture which is attributed to Waldhausen [19] and which was proven by I. Agol [1] using significant works of many mathematicians. Corollary 1.1 of [6] is a more general result than Theorem 1 below. However, the proofs of [6] are based on Thurston’s hyperbolization theorem while the proof of our result is direct, constructive and rather elementary. Now, we assume that M is triangulated by finitely many topological ideal tetrahedra and obviously any finite covering space M of M is naturally equipped with such an ideal triangulation. Hence the normalf surfaces in M or in M considered below refer to these ideal triangulations. f The main theorem of this paper is the following. Theorem 1 Let M be an orientable 3-manifold triangulated by finitely many topological ideal tetrahedra. If M admits a regular, negatively curved, ideal struc- ture, then there exists a finite covering space M of M containing an essential closed surface. f The proof of this theorem is obtained by combining two basic results. The first one says that there exists a finite covering space M of M containing a closed normal surface which is not isotopic to a linkingf surface, see Theorem 10. The second one says that if M admits a regular, negatively curved, ideal structure then any normal closed surface in M is essential, see Theorem 14. 2 Definitions and Preliminaries Let D be a topological tetrahedron, that is, a topological space homeomorphic to the standard 3-simplex ∆3 in R4, via a homeomorphism f : D → ∆3. The images of the vertices, edges and faces of ∆3, under f −1, will be called vertices, edges and faces respectively of D. A topological ideal tetrahedron D is a topological tetrahedron D with its vertices removed. Thus, the edges and the faces of D are the edges and the faces of D without its vertices. 2 Definition 2 A triangulated ideal 3-manifold M is a non-compact, orientable, topological 3-manifold equipped with two finite sets D and F such that: (1) Each element Di ∈ D is a topological ideal tetrahedron. (2) Each element f ∈ F is a homeomorphism f : A → B, where A and B are distinct faces of disjoint tetrahedra Di, Dj belonging to D and for each face A of a tetrahedron Di ∈ D, there exists an f ∈ F and a face B of some tetrahedron Dj ∈ D, with f sending A to B. The elements of F are called the gluing maps of M. (3) As a topological space, M is the quotient space of the disjoint union of all tetrahedra (Di)i∈I in D by the equivalence relation which identifies two faces A, B of tetrahedra Di, Dj respectively of D, whenever these faces are related by a map f : A → B belonging to the collection F. The subdivision of M into tetrahedra of D will be called a topological ideal triangulation of M and will be also denoted by D. An edge (resp. face) of some Di ∈ D will be called an edge (resp. face) of the triangulation D. The deleted vertices of the tetrahedra Di ∈ D will be called ideal vertices of M. Thus, the 3-simplexes of D are the tetrahedra Di, the 2-simplexes of D are their faces while the 1-simplexes of D are the edges of Di which are also called edges of D. Let us denote by D(i), i =1, 2, 3 the i-skeleton of D. An edge e of D is said to have index k, k ≥ 2, if for each point x ∈ e there exists a closed neighborhood of x in D(2) which is homeomorphic to k closed half discs glued together along their diameter. The index of e with respect to the triangulation D will be denoted by iD(e). Subsequently, we assume that the topological ideal triangulation D is fixed. A length metric d can be defined on M as follows: Let T0 be a regular hyperbolic ideal tetrahedron of the hyperbolic space 3 H . T0 has all his dihedral angles equal to π/3. As each tetrahedron Di of D is homeomorphic to T0 via an homeomorphism hi, we may equip Di with a metric so that hi is an isometry. Now, by assuming that the gluing maps of F are isometries between hyperbolic ideal triangles a unique length metric d can be defined naturally on the whole manifold M. The triangulation of (M, d) by regular hyperbolic ideal tetrahedra will be also denoted by D and will be called a regular, ideal triangulation; the structure d defined on M will be referred to as regular, ideal structure. Notation Henceforth, it will be assumed that M has a fixed topological ideal triangulation D which gives rise to a unique regular, ideal structure d. The manifold M equipped with the regular, ideal structure d will be denoted by Md. Gluing the hyperbolic ideal tetrahedra Di in order to build Md, the ideal vertices of Di are separated into finite classes so that the ideal vertices of each class match together and form the cusps of Md. Thus, Md equipped with the structure d will be called regular, cusped 3-manifolds. The manifold Md, or generally a metric space, is called geodesic metric space if for any two points p, q ∈ Md there is a path, say [p, q], joining these points and whose length is equal to the distance d(p, q). The manifold Md has the following basic properties: 3 Figure 1: The seven disc types. 4 • Md is a complete, geodesic metric space. In fact, since all tetrahedra are regular, for each cusp v of Md, all horospher- ical sections in a neighborhood of v of each tetrahedron Di which has v as an ideal vertex, fit together forming a closed surface Sv which is the geometrical link of v in Md. Lemma 3.1 of [3] or Theorem 3.4.23 of [17] implies that Md is a complete space. On the other hand, the manifold Md is a locally compact, com- plete length space and this implies that Md is a geodesic space (see Hopf–Rinow Theorem in Proposition 3.7, p. 35 of [2]). Now, let e be an edge of the regular ideal triangulation D of Md.
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