Aalto University School of Science Master’s Programme in Information Networks Annukka Jänkälä Dating expectations in social media: From profile pictures to a date and beyond Master’s Thesis Helsinki, January 18, 2017 Supervisor: Professor Tapio Takala, Aalto University Advisor: Asko Lehmuskallio Ph.D. (Social Sciences), University of Tampere ii Aalto University School of Science ABSTRACT OF Master’s Programme in Information Networks MASTER’S THESIS Author: Annukka Jänkälä Title: Dating expectations in social media: From profiles pictures to a date and beyond Pages: vii + 127 Date: January 18, 2017 Major: Information Networks Supervisor: Professor Tapio Takala Advisor: Asko Lehmuskallio, Ph.D. (Social Sciences) Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has widely been seen as inferior to face-to- face (FtF) communication because of for example the lack of immediate feedback and nonverbal cues. However, the social information processing theory sees CMC as equal to FtF communication because people want to build social relationships also in CMC. The hyperpersonal theory goes even further by stating that the reduced cues in CMC foster more affection and emotion compared with FtF communication. This thesis aimed to explore this field further from the view of singles seeking a romantic life partner online. The study was conducted by interviewing 13 current and former Tinder users with semi- structured interviews. Some of them also provided their Tinder profiles and/or conversation histories for further analysis. The subjects were young adults with no children, living in the Helsinki metropolitan area of Finland, and most of them had or were pursuing a university degree. They were seeking a life partner rather than one-night stands. In this study it was noticed that there are various expectations related to online dating and social media. Subjects made a lot of expectations from profiles, especially from profile pictures in Tinder and other social media services. These expectations were verified or proved inaccurate on the first date. Spending time together in person on dates is the most important thing for a couple. However, social media also support emotional and social intimacy. Social media are important in helping a couple stay in touch between dates by supporting continuous communication. Especially sent pictures enhance intimacy by allowing one to share their reality with their date. Keywords: Computer-mediated communication, online dating, intimacy, social media, pictures, expectations Language: English iii Aalto-yliopisto Perustieteiden korkeakoulu DIPLOMITYÖN Informaatioverkostojen tutkinto-ohjelma TIIVISTELMÄ Tekijä: Annukka Jänkälä Työn nimi: Treffikumppaneiden odotukset sosiaalisessa mediassa: Profiilikuvista tapaamiseen ja eteenpäin Sivumäärä: vii + 127 Päivämäärä: 18. tammikuuta 2017 Pääaine: Information Networks Valvoja: Professori Tapio Takala Ohjaaja: Yhteiskuntatieteiden tohtori Asko Lehmuskallio Tietokonevälitteistä viestintää on laajalti pidetty kasvokkaista viestintää huonompana vaihtoehtona esimerkiksi välittömän palautteen ja nonverbaalisten vihjeiden puutteen vuoksi. Sosiaalisen informaation prosessointi -teorian (Social Information Processing theory) mukaan tietokonevälitteinen viestintä on kuitenkin yhtä hyvää kuin kasvokkainen viestintä, koska ihmiset haluavat luoda sosiaalisia suhteita myös tietokonevälitteisesti. Hyperpersoonallisen teorian mukaan tietokonevälitteinen viestintä on jopa parempaa kuin kasvokkainen viestintä, sillä nonverbaalisten vihjeiden puute tietokonevälitteisessä viestinnässä edistää tunteiden ilmaisua ja kiintymystä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä pyrittiin edistämään tätä tutkimusalaa tutkimalla aihetta romanttista elämänkumppania etsivien sinkkujen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus tehtiin haastattelemalla 13 nykyistä ja entistä Tinderin käyttäjää puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla. Osa haastatelluista myös antoi Tinder-profiilinsa ja/tai viestittelyhistoriansa analysointia varten. Tutkittavat olivat Suomen pääkaupunkiseudulla asuvia nuoria aikuisia, joilla ei ollut lapsia. Suurimmalla osalla heistä oli yliopistotutkinto tai he opiskelivat yliopistossa. He etsivät elämänkumppania yhden illan juttujen sijaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa tuli ilmi, että nettideittailuun ja sosiaalisen median käyttöön liittyy paljon odotuksia. Tutkittavat tekivät monia olettamuksia profiileista, erityisesti profiilikuvista Tinderissä ja muissa sosiaalisen median palveluissa. Nämä odotukset todettiin oikeiksi tai vääriksi ensimmäisillä treffeillä. Toisen kanssa treffeillä oleminen on kaikista tärkeintä uudelle parille. Myös sosiaalinen media kuitenkin tukee emotionaalista ja sosiaalista läheisyyttä. Sosiaalinen media on tärkeä, sillä se auttaa paria pysymään yhteydessä treffien välillä tarjoamalla mahdollisuuden jatkuvaan viestittelyyn. Erityisesti lähetetyt kuvat edistävät läheisyyttä mahdollistaen todellisuuden jakamisen treffikumppanin kanssa. Asiasanat: Tietokonevälitteinen viestintä, vuorovaikutus, nettideittailu, läheisyys, sosiaalinen media, kuvat, odotukset Kieli: Englanti iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Working in the Digital Face project has been very educational and I have enjoyed doing my master’s thesis as part of the project. For this reason, I would like to thank the project team for trusting me with this position. All the members of the Digital Face project team have helped me in making this thesis and have made this process enjoyable. I would thus like to thank every member of the team individually. First of all, I would like to thank my advisor Asko Lehmuskallio who spent countless of hours helping me in the making of this thesis. I would also especially like to thank my supervisor Tapio Takala for giving me advice on thesis writing and for sharing some notions which were crucial for the successful completion of this thesis. I would like to thank Risto Sarvas for his encouragement and relaxed attitude, and Janne Seppänen for his interesting observations and conversations. Jenny Julkunen, who also made her master’s thesis in the project, I would like to thank for her peer support. I would like to express my appreciation for the support my family has given me during my education. The guidance of my parents has led me to this point in my education and thus I would like to thank them for pushing me forward, not settling for any poor decisions during my adolescence, and trusting me in succeeding in my studies and making the right decisions later on. I would also like to thank my friends for their encouragement during my student years and the making of this thesis, especially the one who helped me translate the interview citations in English. Finally, I would like to thank my study participants and everyone who let the participants get to know about this study. Making this thesis would not have been possible without your help. Thank you! Helsinki, January 18, 2017 Annukka Jänkälä v ACRONYMS CMC Computer-mediated communication DIFA Digital Face FtF Face-to-face SIPT Social information processing theory vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. iv Acronyms .................................................................................................................................. v 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Digital Face project .................................................................................................. 2 1.2 Research objectives ................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Explanation of main concepts .................................................................................. 6 1.4 Structure of the thesis ............................................................................................. 7 2 Literature review ............................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Intimacy ................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Social media ........................................................................................................... 10 2.2.1 Face-to-face communication compared with mediated interaction ............. 10 2.2.2 Social media services ..................................................................................... 16 2.2.3 Online dating .................................................................................................. 19 2.3 Pictures .................................................................................................................. 22 2.4 Research framework .............................................................................................. 24 3 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 28 3.1 Gathering data ....................................................................................................... 28 3.2 Ethical considerations ............................................................................................ 30 3.3 Subjects and recruitment....................................................................................... 32 3.4 Analysis procedure ................................................................................................. 36 4 Findings .........................................................................................................................
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