―For our rejoicing is this, TheThe TestimonyTestimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity...we have had our conversation in the world…‖ II Cor. 1:12 Verse Of The Month “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned…” Isaiah 43:2 Vol. IV July, 2013 No. 7 I ASKED THE LORD, THAT I MIGHT GROW John Newton I asked the Lord, that I might grow In faith, and love, and every grace; Might more of His salvation know; And seek more earnestly His face. ’Twas He who taught me thus to pray, And He, I trust has answered prayer; But it has been in such a way, As almost drove me to despair! I hoped that in some favored hour, At once He’d answer my request; And by His love’s constraining power, Subdue my sins—and give me rest! Instead of this, He made me feel The hidden evils of my heart; And let the angry powers of hell Assault my soul in every part! Yes more, with His own hand He seemed Intent to aggravate my woe! Crossed all the fair designs I schemed, Blasted my gourds—and laid me low! “Lord, why is this!” I trembling cried, “Will you pursue your worm to death?” “This is the way,” the Lord replied, “I answer prayer for grace and faith.” “These inward trials I employ, From self and pride to set you free; And break your schemes of earthly joy, That you may seek your all in Me!” Selected by Reuben Huffman The Testimony ......... ...................................... .............. ................. ............... .................................. HE IS THE ROCK His work is perfect Deuteronomy 32:4 On the Solid Rock I‘m standing, Faint of heart and weak of knee, But the Blessed Rock of Ages Never trembles under me. Author Unknown BE NOT SOON SHAKEN 3 Editorial BE NOT SOON SHAKEN causing a sudden release of energy experienced on the surface. These When shaking happens soon, it waves of energy cause the dry land happens suddenly and quickly, to heave and to swim like the sea. and it is like a rocking, teetering, In the last days perilous times toppling commotion. No doubt shall come. Have they come, and many of you could testify of your are they here? Earthquakes and experience with earthquakes. aftershocks of a spiritual nature Without doubt, to be shaken is are occurring in divers places. trouble enough, let alone to be They are observable in religion, in soon shaken. The Apostle Paul‘s societies‘ culture wars, and in the letter resonates with us believers hearts of men and women. Many living in these last days, encourag- fault lines and shifting plates are ing us that we also would not be below the surface, such as these: ―soon shaken in mind, or be trou- unbelief, religion without Divinity, bled, neither by spirit, nor by the gods of human reasoning and word, nor by letter as from us, as relativism, rejection of Scriptural that the day of Christ is at hand. authority and inerrancy of the Bi- Let no man deceive you by any ble, eisegesis Bible study patterns means…‖ (II Thessalonians 2:2–3) (injecting ones own ideas and bias It is clear that Paul was encourag- into the scriptural interpretation), ing those suffering believers to- relationship without accountability, ward spiritual stability and doc- privilege before principle. We are trinal truth, especially relating to witnessing the sad effects and the return of the Lord. He com- aftershocks of these shifting plates mended them, comforted them, and will continue to until the day commanded them, and concluded of the Lord. his letter with a blessing of peace Yet, be encouraged—God is not and grace to them all. Wouldn‘t losing, and will not lose this battle you agree that the burden Paul of the ages. In this world with con- had for these brethren is also tinually shifting plates below the God‘s desire for us in the last days, surface, God‘s people can remain that we all would not be soon unmoved while resting on the shaken in mind or be troubled? Is Rock Jesus Christ, which is a our foundation upon a rock? great Rock, a boulder rather than One of the most powerful natu- a pebble. I‘ll pass along some sim- ral forces known to man is the ple counsel from a man of God earthquake. The earth we live on is given to me a few years ago in re- literally trembling as you read this. sponse to the question of how to Scientists are continuously moni- keep focus and remain unshaken toring the earth‘s seismic activity in the midst of life. He said, ―Be and on one beautiful day this involved in something worthwhile, spring there were 51 earthquakes have a long-term outlook, and, on planet Earth registering 2.5 or finally, just scatter seed! You may more on the Richter scale in a 24- never get to see it sprout, but sow- hour period. Three hundred thir- ing good seed is always in season.‖ teen quakes were recently recorded Let us be strengthened and set- in a week‘s time. We have here no tled and not soon shaken as we abiding city, literally! Far beneath await the glorious return of our the surface of the earth, fault lines Lord. develop, plates shift, collide, and push, creating pressures and often Gary Peters 4 The Testimony July, 2013 General ADVANTAGE OF The errors of the world around SEPARATION IN DRESS us tend to rub off without us even being aware it is happening. It is We are concerned when the like the enemy who sowed tares world around us judges our ap- while men slept, or the leaven pearance as only an oddity, but it which worked so silently until the is even more serious if we are not whole became leavened. We be- sure of our own stand on separa- come more and more like the god- tion and modesty. Luke 9:26 less society around us by osmosis states, ―For whosoever shall be (the gradual process of assimilation). ashamed of me and of my words, It is interesting to note how of him shall the Son of man be many of the scriptural instructions ashamed, when he shall come in for separation are imperatives, his own glory, and in his Father‘s, and affect the inner man plus the and of the holy angels.‖ Following conduct and appearance. is a list of reasons why separation ―Wherefore come out from in dress can be an asset to the sin- among them, and be ye separate, cere Christian who has a desire to saith the Lord, and touch not the draw close to God and reject every unclean thing; and I will receive appearance of evil. 1. It is a mark of separation. you…‖ (II Corinthians 6:17) We live in a world that is totally ―But ye are a chosen generation, confused in its concept of morals a royal priesthood, an holy nation, and conduct. Consider the young a peculiar people; that ye should man with long hair, an ear ring, shew forth the praises of him who dirty clothes, and a baffled look, hath called you out of darkness who stated with passion, ―I don‘t into his marvelous light:‖ (I Peter 2:9) see why people can‘t take me for ―Ye adulterers and adulteresses, what I am, instead of for the way I know ye not that the friendship of look.‖ Or the opposite attitude the world is enmity with God? which is even more prevalent in whosoever therefore will be a modern politics, ―I am gay, an friend of the world is the enemy of atheist, smoke cigarettes, drink God.‖ (James 4:4) beer, and am sexually promiscu- ―If we suffer, we shall also reign ous, but our government should with him: if we deny him, he also step in if any church or business will deny us. (II Timothy 2:12) does not show me equal opportu- Jesus prayed that we be not nity, or if my welfare checks or taken out of the world, but kept medical treatment is restricted.‖ A from the evil therein, therefore we bit exaggerated, yes, but too often do not want to become so heavenly true. (I am pleased with the char- minded that we are no earthly ity our nation shows to those who good, yet God forbid that our afflu- really are in need.) ence should cause us to compro- ADVANTAGE OF SEPARATION IN DRESS 5 mise until the line between us and Here are reasons why point B the world becomes blurred, gray, (her hair is the only covering nonexistent. The environment we needed) is incorrect. I Corinthians. live in (or the old devil himself) 11:15b reads as follows: ―…her has made us reluctant to stand up hair is given her for a covering.‖ and be counted for Christ, and Many translators render the word, that is devastating, to use the ―for‖ (Gr. anti) in this phrase as modern term. ―instead of,‖ (her hair is given her Even though there is no direct instead of a covering) thus making Bible instruction for a church uni- a veil other than the hair unneces- form, there are positive com- sary. That meaning is not consis- mands to be modest, to be sepa- tent here because it contradicts rate, and for a woman to have her verse 6, as is shown by this quote head covered.
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