
Volume 37, No. 8 August 2011 Bryan Bowers House Concert by Mike Wolkomir e are thrilled to announce an amazing house concert Wat our place in Barneveld! On Monday evening, August 29, we will be honored by a presentation of music, stories and delight from Bryan Bowers. Bryan is an internationally known recording artist, singer-songwriter and storyteller who has been an icon of American folk and roots tradition since the 1960’s. He is a major mu- VLFDOLQQRYDWRUDQGWKHFHQWUDOLQÀX- ence on autoharp music and tech- nique since Maybelle Carter. This is a show not to be missed. This concert will be held at our beautiful venue in the hills of South- western Wisconsin, less than an hour from Madison. Please join us. This event will be held outside “under canvas” with an indoor al- ternative in case of rain. Beverages provided. No alcohol please at this event. Bring a dessert to share. Suggested donation is $15 per person or what you can afford. For information and invitations, please contact: Michael or Mary Ann 608-924-1357 [email protected] This is an invitational event, with limited attendance, so please contact us as soon as you can. For those unfa- miliar with Bryans work, I am attach- ing a brief biography. To experience Bryans work, please visit www.bryanbowers.com Banjo Raffle to Benefit The Madison Songwriters Emergeny Relief Fund by Steve Eulberg Guild Presents: Deering Banjo Company has gen- hard times, and to help provide Union Songwriters in the Round- erously provided a “Pete Seeger-style” EHQHÀWVWRRWKHUPXVLFLDQVVRWKDWRQH Steel Bridge Songfest Redux Vega long-neck banjo to Local 1000 at day we will have no more auctions or cost for the purpose of raising funds to UDIÁHVWRKHOSPXVLFLDQVZKRKDYHIDOOHQ Wednesday, July 27, 7:00 PM. support our Emergency Relief Fund and on hard times. The Brink Lounge. the Organizing Efforts of Local 1000. KLV UDIÁH LV EHLQJ RUJDQL]HG DQG FRQ- Steve Eulberg ducted under the laws of the state of Western Regional Board Represen- Songwriters David Cox, Tim New York and will begin June 10, 2011. tative Local 1000 AFM Johnson and Jim Schwall are all A maximum of 600 tickets will be sold: multi-year veterans of Sturgeon $20 a ticket or (6) tickets for $100. Bay’s annual Steel Bridge Songfest The drawing for this banjo will be and Construction Zone collab- held after 600 tickets have been sold. orative songwriting week. They The proceedings will be videotaped and will be swapping songs, some of PDGHSXEOLF7KHZLQQHUZLOOEHQRWLÀHG Construction Zone origins, backing E\WKH/RFDO2IÀFH7KHUHVXOWV themselves and each other up on will be announced on the Local 1000 various acoustic instruments. Announcements List, the New Deal and on our website following the drawing. For further information, contact This is a special opportunity to help sup- 3HWHVLJQVWKHEDQMRWREHUDIÁHG Jim at 608-772-1456 or jschwall@ port your musicians who have fallen on sbcglobal.net KG & The Ranger to MadFolk Concert Tickets When you see this symbol – ee – you’ll know that you’re reading about receive honors a Mad Folk sponsored event. Advance KG & The Ranger will be inducted tickets for Mad Folk shows are avail- into “America’s Old Time Country Mu- able online at www.madfolk.org and sic Hall of Fame” in Anita IA! This is at these outlets: a nice honor from the National Tradi- tional Country Music Association. The t0SBOHF5SFF*NQPSUT .PO- induction ceremony will take place at roe Street the NTCMA Old Time Country Music Festival in LeMars IA, August 31, 2011. t4QSVDF5SFF.VTJD &BTU They have also recieved the 2010 “Out- standing Entertainer - Duo” award from Johnson the Western Music Association. “KG and the Ranger sing with 1VSDIBTFUJDLFUT0/-*/&GPS.BE charm and style, they yodel spectacular- Folk concerts via Brown Paper ly, choose great material with unerring 5JDLFUT WDVWHDQGZULWH¿QHQHZVRQJVDVZHOO https://www.brownpapertickets. Their growing and continuing success is com/producer/10879 well deserved.” ~ Ranger Doug, Riders You can also purchase advance In The Sky. Karen Gogolick & Rick Roltgen tickets by mail. Send a stamped self- There will be a special Western 2517 Waunona Way, Madison, WI 53713 addressed envelope with your check Music Day on August 31. For more info http://www.kgandtheranger.com QBZBCMFUP.BE'PML 10#PY about the festival go to their website: 608-222-4084. for a musical ride .BEJTPO 8**GBMMFMTFGBJMT www.orgsites.com/ia/oldtimemusic. through the sagebrush DBMMGPSJOGPSNBUJPO JOE ELY ~ Satisfied at Last 2011 Rock ‘Em Records by Kiki Schueler ¿JKWDQG³VKHKLGKHUH\HV KDYHEHHQSXOOHGIURPD+DUU\ Joe Ely’s career spans a ZKHQWKHPXOHVGUDJJHGWKH &KDSLQVRQJ(O\RYHUKHDUGD remarkable forty-plus years. EXOODZD\DQG/HRKHOG/HRQD waitress tell part of the story )URPKLV¿UVWVHOIWLWOHGUHOHDVH ZKHQVKHFULHG´7KHUH¶VD DQG¿OOHGLQWKHUHVW6XUHLW LQWRWKHQHZ6DWLV¿HG KDSS\HQGLQJWKRXJK6KH VRXQGVVLPLODUWRRWKHUVRQJV DW/DVWKH¶VEHHQDQLQGHSHQ- GUDZVDULQJLQWKHVDQGDQG KH¶VGRQHEXWKLV6SDQLVK GHQWVSLULWRIWHQZDONLQJWKDW VRPHKRZWKDWVHHPVJRRG JXLWDUDQG*X]PDQ¶VNH\ERDUG WKLQOLQHEHWZHHQFRXQWU\DQG HQRXJKZKLOHWKHNLOOHUOLQH make it a heartbreaker. The URFN'RLQJH[DFWO\ZKDWKH FRPHVLQWKHODVWYHUVH³%DFN UHFRUG¶VGH¿QLWLYHPRPHQWLV SOHDVHVKDVPDGHKLPDORWRI LQ-XDUH]RXWE\WKHEXOOULQJ WKHWLWOHWUDFN<HWDQRWKHU IDQV²DQGDOVRDORWRIIULHQGV DOLWWOHEHJJDUER\VDWVLIWLQJ ORRNDWPRUWDOLW\³:KHQ, some quite notable if inconsis- WKURXJKWKHVDQGKHIRXQGD FURVVWKDWULYHUWRWKHRWKHU WHQWZLWKD7H[DVWURXEDGRXU SHVRDQGWHQFHQWDYRVJRRG VLGH,DLQ¶WWDNLQJQRWKLQJ +HRSHQHGIRUWKH&ODVKLQWKH JRGKHIRXQG/HRQD¶VJROGHQ ZLWKPH,¶POHDYLQJLWDOO 86ZKHUHWKH\EHIULHQGHG EDQG´7KH¿QDOWUDFNWKH EHKLQG´LW¶VGRQHZLWKDVHQVH KLPDQGDVNHGKLPWRRSHQ PHGLWDWLYH³&LUFXPVWDQFH´LV RIFRQWHQWPHQW³,GLGQ¶WFRPH shows in the UK. That’s Ely also a Hancock composition. KHUHZLWKQRWKLQJEXWDVODS VLQJLQJWKHOLQHVLQ6SDQ- The only other non-Ely RQWKHDVV<RXFDQEHWZKHQ LVKRQWKHLUFODVVLF³6KRXOG WUDFNLV%LOO\-RHDQG(GG\ ,¶POHDYLQJ,¶OOEHVDWLV¿HGDW ,6WD\RU6KRXOG,*R´KLV 6KDYHU¶V³/LYH)RUHYHU´,Q- ODVW´&RQVLGHULQJWKHVRQJ 1995 release, Letter to Lar- VWHDGRIEHLQJORXGDQGLQVLV- IHDWXUHVIRXUHOHFWULFJXLWDU HGRIHDWXUHVEDFNLQJYRFDOV WHQWDVWKHWLWOHZRXOGVXJJHVW SOD\HUV LQFOXGLQJWKH)ODWODQG- IURP%UXFH6SULQJVWHHQ%XW LW¶VDVZHHWGHFODUDWLRQDOOWKH HUV¶LQFUHGLEOH5RE*MHUVRH WKHPRVWFRQVLVWHQWDQGFRQ- PRUHSRZHUIXOIRULWVXQGHU- LWZRXOGVHHPKHLVQ¶WTXLWH VWDQWRIKLVJURXSRIIULHQGV VWDWHPHQW7KHWHUUL¿F-RHO VDWLV¿HG:KLFKLVJRRGQHZV KDYHEHHQKLVEDQGPDWHVLQ *X]PDQSOD\VNH\ERDUGVRQ LQGHHGIRU(O\IDQV WKH)ODWODQGHUV%XWFK+DQ- VHYHUDOWUDFNVDQGHYHQEDVV FRFNDQG-LPPLH'DOH*LOPRXU RQRQH%XWWKLVLVWKHRQO\ %RWKKDYHFRQWULEXWHGPDQ\ VRQJIHDWXULQJKLVSURGLJLRXV Sing-Along Update VRQJVWR(O\¶VUHFRUGVRYHU DFFRUGLRQVNLOODQGLWFRPSOH- $OLYHO\JURXSRIFDPSHUVDQG WKH\HDUVDQGRQWKLVRXWLQJ PHQWVWKHVRQJSHUIHFWO\$W IRONPXVLFHQWKXVLDVWVVDQJLQ WKHPDLQVKHOWHURI%OXH0RXQGV Hancock has written one of the (O\VLQJVWKRVHZRUGVZLWK 6WDWH3DUNRQWKHWKLUG)ULGD\LQ UHFRUG¶VVWURQJHVWWUDFNV XWWHUFRQYLFWLRQ7KHFRXQWHU- -XQHOHGE\0DF5REHUWVRQRQ ³/HRDQG/HRQD´LVRQHRI SRLQWWRWKDWVRQJLV³<RX&DQ EDQMRDQGJXLWDUDQG'DYH(DJHQ WKHVWRU\VRQJVWKDW(O\KDV %HW,¶P*RQH´ZKLFKJLYHVKLV RQJXLWDUZLWK0LNH%ULJJVDGGLQJ GRQHVRZHOORYHUWKH\HDUV WKRXJKWVRQVD\LQJJRRGE\H VRPHGHOLJKWIXO%ULWLVKSDURGLHV ZKHWKHUKLVRZQ ³0HDQG%LOO\ 7KHVRQJ¶VUHPDUNDEOHLGHDIRU 7KH-XO\WK6LQJDORQJZLOO WKH.LG´ RURWKHUV 5REHUW a burial, of sorts, came from a EHLQWKH$PSKLWKHDWHURI%OXH (DUOH.HHQ¶V³7KH5RDG*RHV true story of the last wishes of 0RXQGV6WDWH3DUN WRWKHOHIW RQ)RUHYHU´DQG7RP5XVVHOO¶V DJXQHQWKXVLDVW³:KHQ,GLH RIWKHFLUFOH WKH$XJXVWWK HSLF³*DOOR'HO&LHOR´ :H GRQ¶WWROOQREHOOVMXVWSXWP\ VLQJDORQJZLOOUHWXUQWRWKH0DLQ 6KHOWHU$SDUNVWLFNHULVUHTXLUHG IROORZ/HRDQG/HRQDIURP DVKHVLQVRPHVKRWJXQVKHOOV WRHQWHUWKHSDUNEXWWKHVLQJ /DUHGRWR-XDUH]ZKHUHDWD *HWDOORIP\IULHQGVVRPH DORQJLVIUHHDQG5LVH8S6LQJLQJ EXOO¿JKW/HRQDORVHVWKHHQ- ZLQG\GD\WRVD\JRRGE\H ERRNVRIVRQJO\ULFVDUHSURYLGHG JDJHPHQWULQJ/HRKDGJLYHQ ZDWFKPHÀRDWDZD\´ 7RJHWWKHUHIURP0DGLVRQWDNH KHUWKH\HDUEHIRUHVD\LQJ ³0RFNLQJELUG+LOO´LVDQ- ZHVWWR&RXQW\+LJKZD\ ³,¶OOPDUU\\RXVRPHGD\ZKHQ RWKHURIWKRVHWUDGHPDUN )WXUQOHIWRQ)DQGIROORZVLJQV WKHVSLULWFDOOV´7KDWORVVLV VWRU\VRQJVIHDWXULQJDSDLU WRWKHSDUN7KHPXVLFEHJLQVDW DQDVLGHWRWKHKRUURURIWKH VRVDGDQGORQHO\WKH\PLJKW DQGJRHVWR Madfolk Announc- MadFolkNews is published monthly September 1 annually. Winners by the Madison Folk Music Society, a will be announced and presented es Helen Schneyer QRQSURÀWYROXQWHHUOHGVRFLHW\GHG- at the Madfolk annual meeting in Memorial Scholarship: icated to fostering folk music in the October. Madison area. Contact us at madfolk@ Tax deductible contributions to Opportunity for Folk Music charter.net. Learn about concerts, continue this memorial scholarship Lessons PHPEHUVKLSVFKRODUVKLSVDQGYROXQ- may be made payable to Madison teer opportunities at www.madfolk.org. In an effort to encourage the next Folk Music Society, with “Helen generation of folk musicians, the Schneyer Scholarship Fund” noted Madison Folk Music Society Board Madison Folk Music Society has in the memo portion, and sent to established The Helen Schneyer the address above. In this way, Memorial Scholarship to fund Darlene Buhler..............President,Concerts, Madfolk hopes to ensure that there lessons in the folk instrument $GYHUWLVLQJ is a new generation who will at- of the applicant’s choice. With 846-9214 ~ [email protected] tempt to replace those now singing additional generous support from Peg Michel….….............................Treasurer in the “Angel Band”. our sister folk music organiza- 831-1876 ~ [email protected] tion, Wild Hog in the Woods, Tracy Comer .............. Membership & Web Rural Musicians Forum two scholarships of $300 in les- Site sons
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