Bauhaus Dessau : Conference Collecting Bauhaus 2.+3.+4.+5.12. 20191 2 1 + Provenances: Case Studies + Contiguities: + + + The Museum as Context of Com mu ni- cation + + + Methods: Visibility of the Global For the centenary of the Bauhaus three have tried, by way of a synthesis of global new Bauhaus museums will open their perspectives, to move away from restrictive, doors to the public in Germany. The muse- nationally based ideas of identity. The Bau- ums in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin are haus Dessau Foundation too subscribes to connected to the transnational history of this new approach to historiography. Bauhaus exhibits that has grown over one hundred years of global acquisition and The conference Collecting Bauhaus collection. For the canonical representation brings together international experts from of modern art and design in the twentieth public and private institutions with Bauhaus century the Bauhaus is a constant. Pro- collections. The aim is to discuss the global- duced in the brief but enormously produc- ly dispersed objects and collection histories tive period between 1919 and 1933, the of the Bauhaus, revisit exhibition and com- work of the Bauhaus is inextricably linked munication strategies and consider how to its dramatic history in the twentieth cen- ­museums­in­the­twenty-first­century­might­ tury, from closure to expulsion and exile. benefit­from­these­global­interconnections.­ The initial idea for the conference concept From its inception, the Bauhaus served as was developed by Regina Bittner. The con- an international platform for a wide-ranging ference focus on the provenance, relocation European and international avant-garde and changing ownership of Bauhaus ob- movement in architecture, art and design. jects concludes the Bauhaus Dessau Foun- As such, the school itself formed a vital, dation’s centenary year while inaugurating global network. In recent years historians a range of cooperative projects. 4 5 Programme Provenances: Contiguities: Methods: Which stories are embed- In what way does the How do we enable people Highlights ded in the Bauhaus ob- meaning of different to visualise and experi- jects and which connec- objects change in the ence the Bauhaus? tions give them meaning? context of the museum? Lecture “” The Bauhaus is a complex histor- The Bauhaus spread across the The Bauhaus’ products were ical phenomenon that can be ex- ?! Panel discussion world and became a global phe- usually, though not exclusively, perienced through different cul- Guided tour ⁂ nomenon. It did so not solely be- made for daily use, prototypes tural contexts using objects, im- Reading ¶ cause of the National Socialist for the industrial age. Yet muse- ages and narratives. Today, the Party !!! dictatorship that started in 1933 ums and individuals throughout museum is a place for the materi- in Germany and its repercus- the world collect Bauhaus ob- al heritage that offers contact with Reception YYY sions. On the one hand, the his- jects: furniture, graphic prints, the originals. It embodies the Break { } toric Bauhaus absorbed various designs for advertisement, publi- immaterial world of ideas of the Shuttle service … cultural­influences­in­its­work,­ cations and manuscripts, but Bauhaus and is challenged by the not least by way of its teachers also oil paintings. It is all Bau- constantly changing possibilities and students, who came to the haus. What all objects in the var- that digital developments provide Bauhaus from all corners of the ious collections have in common for the communication of know- world. On the other, Bauhaus is that they have an inherent, ledge and skills. At the confer- members created their products mutable­cultural­significance.­ ence, we will discuss a variety with the aim of having a positive They are owned, cared for, trad- of narrative approaches from the effect on the world and to trans- ed, displayed and communicat- digital sphere to the material forming society through design. ed not as profane things, but as world of objects. Seen from the In museums today Bauhaus models,­as­signifiers.­During­the­ perspective of a number of differ- collections are placed in diverse conference, we will explore the ent histories of collections and cultural and political contexts. meanings that have been and their provenance a multi-layered As a result, the provenance of are being ascribed to Bauhaus and polyphonic picture of the the objects offers insights into objects in the respective con- “ collected” Bauhaus emerges. the history of the institutions and texts of other collections and is frequently linked to private for- exhibitions. In this way, very dif- tunes in the turbulent twentieth ferent Bauhaus narratives take century as well as to the mecha- shape that transcend the “classi- nisms and dynamics of the inter- cal modern” canon. national art market. 6 7 Conference +++++pro+ +gra+mme Arrival of the participants 5.30 pm –> Bauhaus Building, YYY Reception YYY vestibule ⁂ Guided tour ⁂ Reception and guided tour Optional Opening of the conference by 2 – 4 pm Rainer Robra, Minister of State ⁂ Guided tour ⁂ and Culture of the State of Masters’ Houses Saxony-Anhalt, and guided tour Mon, – > meeting point of the exhibition Versuchsstätte Gropius House Bauhaus with curator Wolfgang Thöner Optional –> Bauhaus Museum 5 pm Dessau … Shuttle service … From Bauhaus Building 7.30 pm to Bauhaus Museum Dessau { } Break { } limited places Dinner max. 20 persons –> Bauhaus Museum 2 Dessau Optional 9.30 pm … Shuttle service … From Bauhaus Museum Dessau to Bauhaus Building limited places Dec max. 20 persons 2019 13 Optional Panel 1 9.30 am … Shuttle service … Provenances: Case Studies (1) From Bauhaus Building –> Bauhaus Museum to Bauhaus Museum Dessau Dessau limited places max. 20 persons 10.15 – 11 am Tue, “” Lecture “” 10 am Keynote YYY Reception YYY /w Martino Stierli, MoMA Welcome! [ New York, US ] /w Claudia Perren + Florian Strob, Bauhaus 11 – 11.30 am Dessau Foundation “” Lecture “” –> Bauhaus Museum Bauhaus in Ahmedabad: Dessau Prototypes for Modernity /w Tanishka Kachru, National Institute of Design 3 [ Ahmedabad, IN ] 11.30 am – 12.30 pm ?! Panel discussion ?! Provenances /w Martino Stierli + Tanishka Kachru + Maria Müller-Schareck, Kunstsammlung NRW [ Düsseldorf, DE ] + Éva Forgács, Art Center College of Design Dec [ Pasadena, US ] Moderation: Annemarie Jaeggi, Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung [ Berlin, DE ] 12.30 – 1.30 pm { } Break { } Lunch 2019 17 Panel 2 2.30 – 3.30 pm Panel 3 Optional ?! Panel discussion ?! 5.15 pm Provenances: Case Studies (2) Provenances Provenances: Case Studies (3) … Shuttle service … –> Bauhaus Museum /w Laura Muir + Mienke Simon –> Bauhaus Museum From Bauhaus Museum Dessau Thomas + Susanne Graner, Dessau Dessau to Bauhaus Building Vitra Design Museum [ Weil am (de > en) limited places 1.30 – 2 pm Rhein, DE ] + Tilo Grabach, max. 20 persons “” Lecture “” Germanisches Nationalmuseum 4 – 5 pm Object Lessons: [ Nuremberg, DE ] ?! Panel discussion ?! 6 – 7 pm The Bauhaus and Harvard Moderation: Jeannette Re- Provenances ⁂ Guided tour + book launch ⁂ /w Laura Muir, Busch-Reisinger densek, The Josef and Anni Al- /w Klaus Blechschmidt, Exhibition tour of Bauhaus Lab: Museum [ Cambridge, US ] bers Foundation [ Bethany, US ] Ulrich Fiedler, Bernd Freese Out of the Suitcase. (all private collectors) [ DE ] A Dispersed Collection 2 – 2.30 pmr 3.30 – 4 pm Moderation: Wolfgang Thöner, /w Regina Bittner, Bauhaus “” Lecture “” { } Break { } Bauhaus Dessau Foundation Dessau Foundation + partici- Lionel Feininger’s Painting Coffee break [ Dessau-Roßlau, DE ] + pants of the Bauhaus Lab 2019 Ober-Weimar and the Bauhaus Anke Blümm, Klassik Stiftung –> Bauhaus Building <> Netherlands Network Weimar [ Weimar, DE ] /w Mienke Simon Thomas, 8 pm Museum Boijmans Van { } Break { } Beuningen [ Rotterdam, NL ] Dinner –> Bauhaus Building, canteen 18 19 Optional 9.30 – 10 am 9 am “” Lecture “” … Shuttle service … Sheila Hicks, Bauhaus From Bauhaus Building and Latin America: Following to Bauhaus Museum Dessau Ariadne’s Thread limited places /w Fernando A. Pérez Oyarzún, max. 20 persons Museo National de Bellas Artes Wed, [ Santiago de Chile, CL ] Panel 4 10 – 10.30 am “” Lecture “” Contiguities: The Museum The Museum as a Site of as Context of Communication Inaccurate Quotes: –> Bauhaus Museum Defamiliarization as a Way Dessau of Re-seeing Reality /w Hila Cohen-Schneiderman, MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam 4 [ Tel Aviv, IL ] 10.30 – 11.30 am ?! Panel discussion ?! Contiguities /w Fernando A. Pérez Oyarzún + Hila Cohen-Schneiderman + Katja Leiskau, Deutsches Archi- tektur Museum [ Frankfurt, DE ] + Angelika Nollert, Die Neue Sammlung [ Munich, DE ] + Hetty Dec Berens, Het Nieuwe Instituut [ Rotterdam, NL ] Moderation: Ines Weizman, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar [Weimar, DE] 11.30 am – 12.30 pm { } Lunch { } 2019 23 Mittagessen 12.30 – 1.30 pm 2.30 – 3.30 pm Bauhaus Birthday 6 – 6.15 pm ¶ Reading ¶ ?! Panel discussion ?! Celebrations > > > > > > !!! Music !!! Walter Gropius. Methods Habla de mi en presente Eine Biographie /w Zoe Zhang + Isabel Wünsche Conclusion of the /w Winfried Nerdinger, + Almut Grunewald, gta/ETH anniversary year 6.15 – 6.30 pm Moderation: Peter Bernhard, Zürich [ Zurich, CH ] + Fabienne YYY Reception YYY Bauhaus Dessau Foundation Eggelhöfer, Zentrum Paul Klee Every year, the Bauhaus Dessau Gratitude and Birthday Toast A reading of the series Die An- [ Bern, CH ] + Patrick Rössler, Foundation celebrates the birth- w/ Claudia Perren haltische Landesbücherei zu Universität Erfurt [ Erfurt,
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