www.iugg2011.com IUGG 2011 PROGRAM Welcome to the Scientifi c Program of 2011 International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly. On behalf of the Scientifi c Program Committee we hope you fi nd the program exciting and a great way to discuss areas of science that are both of direct interest to you and which also extend your horizons. The following index provides you with various ways to view the IUGG 2011 program. The program within this handbook is correct at time of printing, 6 June 2011. Program Overview . .page 46 This provides a basic overview of symposia and session codes within the 10 days of the General Assembly. Room Overview . .page 66 This provides a schedule of the program by room allocation. Rooms are spread across 3 levels of the Melbourne Convention Centre (Ground, First and Second Levels). Please see page 4 for a map of the venue. This overview also includes business meetings and workshops held at the Melbourne Convention Centre. Association Overview . .page 70 This provides information on the full symposia title, the organisers and co-sponsors, along with names of symposia lead convenors. This overview is sorted by Association then Symposia. Union Plenary Lecture information . .page 29 These pages include Union Plenary Speaker biographies, presentation details along with their presentation abstract. All Union Plenary Lectures are held in Plenary Hall 2 between 1030 – 1200 on Thursday 30 June, Sunday 3 July and Tuesday 5 July. No other sessions are held during these times. Index for Detailed Program . .page 77 This index is sorted by Date, Time Frame and by Association for oral sessions within the program. Each session listing provides information on the name of the Symposium, Session Title, Room Code, and Chairpersons, followed by presentations by starting time. Presenting authors are listed fi rst, followed by Co-Authors (upto 4 authors only). A full list of Co-Authors can be found via the abstract proceedings. These session structures have been developed in conjunction with Lead Convenors. Please note only accepted and registered presenting author presentations are listed within the program as per time of printing, 6 June 2011. All program changes since 6 June 2011 are displayed on the Program Updates boards, located on the ground level and on level 2 of the Melbourne Convention Centre. Index for Poster Program . .page 226 A dedicated poster session is held each day of the General Assembly between 1500 – 1630. Poster Presenters will be available at posters scattered through the Exhibition Area on the Ground Level. This index provides you will the date, authors and poster board numbers for reference. These poster listings are sorted by Date, Association and Symposia. The fi rst number within the listing is the Poster Board number and then the Abstract Number. Please see page 7 for the poster fl oorplan. ePresenter terminals are also available amongst the ground level for viewing of electronic versions of posters. Note: Not all posters will be viewable via these terminals. This is an optional extra for poster presenters. Presenting Author Index. .page 277 This index only lists the Presenting author. All co-authors can be found on the abstracts proceedings. An index legend provides reference to understanding which symposium, session code, date etc oral presenters are scheduled for, along with symposia, date and board numbers that poster presentations are displayed on. See the detailed poster program index on page 226 for further details on their poster presentations. DON’T FORGET TO CHECK THE PROGRAM UPDATES BOARD ON THE GROUND LEVEL OR ON LEVEL 2 FOR PROGRAM CHANGES. PROGRAM INDEX ALL PRESENTING AUTHORS – ORAL & POSTER – ARE REQUIRED TO VISIT THE SPEAKERS PREPERATIONS ROOM, MEETING ROOM 202, LOCATED ON LEVEL 2, AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE THEIR PRESENTATION. 45 PROGRAM OVERVIEW WEEK 1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW IUGG MELBOURNE Australia 2011 IUGG 2011 PROGRAM OVERVIEW The following overview of the IUGG 2011 program is correct at time of printing. Any updates will be displayed on the program updates message board by the program desk on level 2. The below is sorted by Association and Symposia. The day the Poster presentations are displayed along with the oral symposia session codes eg. Symposium U02’s second session is U02S2 and is held on Wednesday 29 June during AM2 (1020-1200). Please refer to the following pages for further information: page 70 Assocation Overview DON'T FORGET TO CHECK Combined Symposia page 66 Room Overview THE PROGRAM UPDATES page 29 Union Plenary Lecture information Cancelled Symposia BOARD ON LEVEL 2 FOR page 77 Detailed Program Index PROGRAM UPDATES Workshops page 4 Venue/Room map Printed on the:00/00/00 Tues Wed 28-Jun-11 29-Jun-11 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- Posters Displayed 1000 1200 1500 1900 1000 1200 1500 1800 Codes Symposia Association AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 U01 Sun 3 July 2011 Wed 29 June 2011 & U02 U02S1 U02S2 U02S3 U02S4 Sat 2 July 2011 U03 Sat 2 July 2011 U04 Fri 1 July 2011 U05 Thurs 7 July 2011 U06 Fri 1 July 2011 UNION U07 Mon 4 July 2011 U08 Thurs 30 June 2011 U09 Mon 4 July 2011 U10 Sat 2 July 2011 U11 Wed 6 July 2011 U12 Tues 28 June 2011 U12S1 U12S2 U12S3 C01 Wed 29 June 2011 C01S1 C01S2 C01S3 C01S4 C02 Tues 28 June 2011 C02S1 C02S2 C02S3 C02S4 C03 Wed 29 June 2011 C03S1 C03S2 C04 Wed 29 June 2011 C04S1 C04S2 C04S3 IACS JC01 Sat 2 July 2011 JC02/ Fri 1 July 2011 JC03 JC04 Sat 2 July 2011 Opening GOS1 GOS2 G01 Wed 29 June 2011 G01S1 G01S2 G02 Sun 3 July 2011 G03 Tues 5 July 2011 Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception Opening Ceremony and Welcome G04 Wed 29 June 2011 G04S1 G04S2 G05 Thurs 30 June 2011 G06 Mon 4 July 2011 G07 Fri 1 July 2011 IAG JG01 Sat 2 July 2011 JG02 Fri 1 July 2011 JG03 Mon 4 July 2011 JG04 Sun 3 July 2011 JG05 Sun 3 July 2011 JG06/ Mon 4 July 2011 JS06 Closings 46 PROGRAM OVERVIEW WEEK 1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW www.iugg2011.com Thu Fri Sat 30-Jun-11 1-Jul-11 2-Jul-11 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 1000 1200 1500 1800 1000 1200 1500 1800 1000 1200 1500 1800 Codes Symposia AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 Association U01 U02S5 U02S6 U02 U03 U04S1 U04S2 U04 U05 U06S1 U06S2 U06 U07 UNION U08S1 U08S2 U08 U09 U10S1 U10S2 U10 U11 U12 C01 C02 C03 C04 JC01S1 JC01S2 JC01S3 JC01 IACS 3A JC02/ JC0203S1 JC0203S2 JC0203S3 JC0203S4 JC0203S5 JC03 JC04S1 JC04S2 JC04S3 JC04S4 JC04 Opening G01S3 G01S4 G01 G02 G03 G04 G05S1 G05S2 G05 G06 G07S1 G07S2 G07S3 G07S4 G07 JG01S1 JG01S2 JG01S3 JG01S4 JG01 IAG JG02S1 JG02S2 JG02S3 JG02 JG03 JG04 JG05 JG06/ JG06JS06S1 JG06JS06S2 JS06 Closings 47 PROGRAM OVERVIEW WEEK 1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW IUGG MELBOURNE Australia 2011 Tues Wed 28-Jun-11 29-Jun-11 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- Posters Displayed 1000 1200 1500 1900 1000 1200 1500 1800 Codes Symposia Association AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 A011 Sat 2 July 2011 A012 Sat 2 July 2011 A013 Sat 2 July 2011 A021 Wed 6 July 2011 A022 Wed 6 July 2011 A031 Thurs 7 July 2011 A032 Thurs 7 July 2011 A033 Thurs 7 July 2011 A034 Thurs 7 July 2011 A041 Mon 4 July 2011 A042 Tues 5 July 2011 A043 Mon 4 July 2011 A044 Wed 6 July 2011 A050 Sun 3 July 2011 A061 Tues 5 July 2011 A062 Mon 4 July 2011 A063/ Wed 6 July 2011 A065 A071 Wed 6 July 2011 A072 Thurs 7 July 2011 A081 Thurs 7 July 2011 A082 Thurs 7 July 2011 A083 Tues 5 July 2011 A091 Tues 5 July 2011 A092 Wed 6 July 2011 IAGA A093 Tues 5 July 2011 A101 Sat 2 July 2011 A102 Wed6 July 2011 A111 Sun 3 July 2011 A112 Tues 5 July 2011 A113 Thurs 7 July 2011 Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception Opening Ceremony & Welcome A121 Tues 5 July 2011 A122 Wed 6 July 2011 A131 Mon 4 July 2011 A132 Tues 5 July 2011 A141 Wed 6 July 2011 A142 Tues 5 July 2011 A143 Wed 6 July 2011 A144 Tues 5 July 2011 A151 Wed 6 July 2011 A152 Mon 4 July 2011 A153 Mon 4 July 2011 A161 Tues 5 July 2011 A162 Wed 6 July 2011 JA01 Sat 2 July 2011 JA02 Mon 4 July 2011 JA03 Mon 4 July 2011 JA04 Mon 4 July 2011 JA05 Sat 2 July 2011 48 PROGRAM OVERVIEW WEEK 1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW www.iugg2011.com Thu Fri Sat 30-Jun-11 1-Jul-11 2-Jul-11 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 1000 1200 1500 1800 1000 1200 1500 1800 1000 1200 1500 1800 Codes Symposia AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 Association A011S1 A011 A012 A013S1 A013S2 A013 A021 A022 A031 A032 A033 A034 A041 A042 A043 A044 A050 A061 A062 A063/ A065 A071 A072 A081 A082 A083 A091 3A A092 A093 IAGA A101S1 A101S2 A101S3 A101S4 A101 A102 A111 A112 A113 A121 A122 A131 A132 A141 A142 A143 A144 A151 A152 A153 A161 A162 JA01S1 JA01S2 JA01S3 JA01 JA02 JA03 JA04 JA05S1 JA05S2 JA05S3 JA05 49 PROGRAM OVERVIEW WEEK 1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW IUGG MELBOURNE Australia 2011 Tues Wed 28-Jun-11 29-Jun-11 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- 0830- 1030- 1330- 1630- Posters Displayed 1000 1200 1500 1900 1000 1200 1500 1800 Codes Symposia Association AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 AM1 AM2 PM1 PM2 H01 Wed 6 July 2011 H02 Tues 5 July 2011 H03 Tues 5 July 2011 H04 Tues 5 July 2011 HW01 Sun 3 July 2011 HW02 Tues 5 July 2011 HW03 Tues 5 July 2011 HW04 Wed 6 July 2011 HW05 Thurs 7 July 2011 HW06 Mon 4 July 2011 HW07 Wed 6 July 2011 HW08 Mon 4 July 2011 HW09 Wed 6 July 2011 IAHS HW10 Thurs 7 July 2011 HW11 Thurs 7 July 2011 HW12 Tues 5 July 2011 HW13 Wed 6 July 2011 HW14 Mon 4 July 2011 JH01 Sun 3 July 2011 JH02 Sun 3 July 2011 JHW01 Mon 4 July 2011 JHW02 Sun 3 July 2011 JHW03 Mon 4 July 2011 JHW04 Sun 3 July 2011 S-A- See S-A-VJW01 under IASPEI VJW01 JM01 Sat 2 July 2011 JM02 Sat 2 July 2011 JM03 Fri 1 July 2011 JM04 Tues 5 July 2011 JM05 Thurs 30
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