HE'S HOBOKEN PICTORIAL EVERY. WHERE! VOLUME 9 NO. 38 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, ij»7 TEN CENT? THIS might be the Hippy i • age but love will find a ways and means to communicate. The Park Police noticed diif one. Every day die long haired one came to the ,$ark and deposited some- thing in die tree. Then a fancy car would pull up and a pretty young glri would get out. She, it latex was learned, was with her mother. Well, the police i thought tnat another *pot" story was developing but the whole stcry in a nut- shell was that die girl was cloistered and overpro - tected by die motiier. She met die hippy in die park when one day motiier fell asleep. The police found dm die old tree was a repository for love letters MAN OP TH8 YEAR - The 21st Anniversary Scholarship Dinner- | Otters kt picture, left to rlgit, are Vine eat J. Modern, chairman; in thi» clandestine ro - Dance of Hobafcn Chapter Unlco Nadonal wuheidtt the Union Ch*. Mrs. Oulei Stooo*, Daniel Sta»one,pr«fale«,Mc«.Charie9 DePazto mance. The hippy was so Quest cC tenor was former HabakenM«glsrrate,Charies DePazie who Pradc OeBtOeOa, Otstrict Governor, Ucdco Nathaoalao! Rev. Armaad mad at Unc4e Sam, he was honored as Unfco Man of the Y«*r. He ts pictured recelvlag a Sorcoto, O.FJKU, putor of St. Pnacls Roman CehoUc Church awl plaqae from Rocco Gratalc, past president. Procceda of the <Smer- chaplain of Unto* NattawL M. J. Romano Ph*® wouldn't evea'buy a five dance wlU benefit Hobcica Owpcer Unlco NaOooai Poondatloa, Inc. cent stam^. * • • THIS poor fellow has high hogxts. You may recall the suburban indiscretion re- ported here some mondis ago where the wife went to <te TVs Appreciation Fund This aewspaper urge* every citizen to contri- bute to die Hudson Dis- patch Widows andOr- phans Appreciation Fund. Please send your donation to Hudson Dis- patch, 400 38di Street, Union City, NJ. work in the new super- market and immediately became die favorite of die BASBBALL DOWER - Prfcak NrfMn, sponsor cfNfiMB Little Lcagae wit* him. left to rfcht. is Roceo MfecrvM, coach; „ t**, manager. Well, she is no Baseball Team, was host ac a dinner given for members of the taut Csnneto Franco, Bddle CCocmor, Chemr Person. Pr«ncis FQOSUM longer taking weekend in- at 3rd and River Streets, Hoboken. The NeUw Southern Dtvtrton and Mfte Locbo, maaa^ er. Otben to pieure are Ronald Capie, ventory as hinted here but Hobakeo Champs of 1SS7 were presented with Individual trophies Jimmy Fltzstmmoas, JLnnny Sandlo, DavW Oorea, Sal Scorttoo, Is Gone With The Wind or, by the Mayor and City Council. Mr. Nelson «u presented with a Carl Lostto. M. J. Romano Photo ramer, tiis manager. As to targe trophy as sponsor of the 1967 Champion Team. Pictured die high hopes, me husband of this wayward suburban wife had dieir home sold ana she was willing to sign. At die last minute, he changed his mind and die sale fell through. Almough be feels she has an obsess- ion that die house is haunt- ed, he is holding it hoping she'll get over her fears and return to die fold like die black sheep of old. Everybody but everybody in town knows that she is seeking a divorce to merry die supermarket manager. Actually, die husband in (his case was so cheap and dghtflsted mat she could ~$ on Page* 4) 38.620 FAMILIES READ MK. SNITCH LAST WEEK ! KEWLY IMSTALLH3 - ! -d. ... * A „ . - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 196? PAGE Y NOW OFFERS VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM The physical department of the Hoboken-Nortn Hudson Y.M.C.A. 1301 Washington St.,Hoboken, has set aside every Tuesday evening, beginning November 7, from S pjn. to 9:30 pja. as volleyball playing period. Par thesecondconsecutiveyear. volleyball playing wW be ooder the expert leadership of Edward Peterhoff. He will serve both a* a particjpant *nd instructor of the game. Ed welcomes everyone to •trend, whether experienced or .iot. Anyone seeking more informa- tion can contact the "Y" at 659-2670. • • • flJDSON COUNTY COPE AFL-C30 Is lacking these Row "A state assembly (District 12 C); Michael P. Bsposito, candidate-far The Indian Imus River drops I ^candidates shown with Hudson Coonty Democratic leader John V. sts:e assembly (District 12 Cy, John J. Kenny, Freeholder and 1O.0QO feet in only SOOmUes as *' Kenny at rally in Scbaeaea Part, North Bergen. In the group are, county Democratic chairman; and Ben Schlossberg, campaign niane- It flows through the mouatatas I left to right, Fred H. Hauser, candtdate for State Senate; William ger. On Ben's right is Assembly candidate Alfred Suminskl, Jersey above Attock. ' V. Musto, candidate for State Senate; Congressman Domialck V. City Police Director and assembly candidate In the Jersey City • * • section of Hudson County. — Nicotine is used as an insectl- Daniels, Mayor Jobs R. Armelliao, Cfaris Jackmaa, candidate for d FARES WIOX - Several hundred persons attended a dance spon- sored by Hoboken Police Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, Local No. 2 held at the Union Club for the benefit of die Welfare Pwi. Chairman of the dance was Patrolman Angela Catalans. Highlight of the evening was die presentation of glass framed, "Certificate of Merit" for oatsandiiig and commendable police service. They were awarded to Patrolmen Thomas Kennedy and Angelo Radetfcfc. Walter Sogluizzo, president of the Hoboken PSA and Richard CarroU, State Delegate, made the presentations. M. J. Romano ~ OBSERVE ilRTHDAYS! «* ARtlYAlS Last Wednesday, the Andrew A bouse at 127 Clinton st-.Ho- 1 Jackson Gardens Senior Citizens boken has two sew tenants re- Club feted the members who had siding within its walls. They are birthdays in October, namely, Lucie Camporeale, the newly ar- Mrs. Christina Born an an, pre- rived daughter of Mr. and Mrs. sident of the cltib, Mrs. Marie Catnporeale and Jesus, newly Martin, vlcepresident.Mrt. Bn- arrived son ' of Mr. and Mrs. nja Ryan, secretary, Mrs. Adde Antool Rodriguez. Springer, Mrs. Margaret Dtffy. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Btrong of Mrs. Rita Lehning, Mrs. ABBVa- 320 Marshall Dr.. Hoboken, re- lentiae, Mrs, Christina Francis- cently became the parents at • ccwich, Mrs. Constance Niemyn- baby girl. Sherry, on October 14. ski, Mrs. Sophie Piskorski and Mrs. Blrong Is theformerCarol Joseph Campbell. Kofamer. Mrs. Adete Springer was de- a • • signated, "Senior Citizen of the Plans are being made for a She Is 87 yaars yotng bus ride on November 14 MISS TWSCAil WB)S PATRICK CALAIRESE St. Anne's Romas Catholic Church. Hoboken, was the sectb« for the weddlis of Miss Sylvia Trtscart, daaghter of Mrs, Yo- landa HUmer, 225 Slot st. West New York, and Frank Trtocari of Offiside Park, to Patrick Cala- brese Jr., son of Mr, and Mrs. Patrick CalabreseSr.,6l0Aoams St.. Hobokea^Xter a honeymoon lo the Pocono Mountains, cocade wffl live in Jersey City Heights. VOWS EXCHANGED Miss Lorraine Schreiber of Ho- boken, recently became the bride of Kameth Cloughley, a resident of Garfleld Avenue, Jersey City. He to an alumnus of Sayder High School. • RKENT BRIDE Miss Milena Morin, daughter of Mr. an! Mrs. Domenick Morin, recently became die bride of Domenick Scrivanich KINDNESS APPRECIATED Mrs. Hah Kltbcart of SOI Mar- shall dr., Hoboken, wishes to thank all friends and neighbors for their kindness when heryoung sot, Brian, died recently. • • • YOUTH WEEK PROCLAIMED - Six Hudson County CYO mate, St. Aagantae'a. Oatan City: Patricia OXeUi, coonty record- The Smithsonian Institution is tfves look on as New Jersey Governor Hughes proclaims the week of ing secretary, St. Paol^ of GitseovUIe; and James Plynn, Hudson governed by a board of regents Oct. 29 - Nov. 4 National Catbolic Youth Week. On die governor's County Archdtoceaaa delefate, St. A (^mine's, Union dqr. NaxUmi constating el the Vice President, left is Sharon French of Sacred Heart parish, Jersey City, president Catholic Youth Week officially began on Sunday with an oftacr—ace C&W JWSce, *ta-ee Senators, of the Hudson County CYO Teenage Council. On bfa right is Rw. in Sacred Heart Cathedral, Newark, and wfU close with !** Ardi- three representatives ana six Thomas Kama, North Hudson CYO moderator. Standing from left to convetttlwi at Mother Sewn Higti School, Clart OR Nay. 5. right are: Join Dardano, St. Augustine's, Union City: Dennis Per- HOBOK©* PICTORIAL •amn *<* ' betiere ia Ft " THE PRESS awf the FIGHTING OF LAWS WHIC- -dPEK THE PRESS IN ITS RE- Nancy ^pNSIBILITY TO THIL i't.'.au-it.. Secvai^me better* ia < STATE *?TTBRY for New Jersey. Tter&lj, we betie** is FREE E&TLRPRISE. TTENTION ALL MOTHERS: ATTENTION ALL MO- ..; we believe tke N-. Y.-N. J. PORT AUTHORITY SHOULD PAY A THERS! If you h=ve a batten*! up old wastepaper basket hidden under a desk in yotnr son's room or in the den and are <*AESTO MUNICIPALITIES WHICH LOSE RATABLES TO.THE thikinjc of throwing: it away—HALT. If you want to keep XPANDINC BIST ATE AGENCY, J fiat and taj^ that oM basket oat of hiding, try tefcve&ating it by first v. Ting the basket with a bn. t bine fabric, prefer- ably * strong cloth, then AN INHERENT DANGER trin. ain* it in red and The establishment of the medicare sad medlcaid programs signaled a jyold "BOILTEX" braid mcaslve new Involvement of die federal government in the financing sod and bright gold buttons. management of the health cta^ problems of U, S. citizens, Medicare, pro- Now yon can be proad of viding broad health services for those over 65, it is expected, will account that sparkling new basket sad it can be placed for $5.5 billion in federal spending is 1968.
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