Property of the Watertown Historical Society XTowTht Wat«rtown-Ookvitl»-Middl»born fttmeey Timely Coverage Of News in The Fastest Growing Community in Liichfield County TOL. U MO. 1115 Subscription Price, $5.00 Per Year -nee 15 Cents 1AY 22,.19G9 Rev. Charte /. Parley Legg Memorial Day Speaker The Rev. Charles J. Parsley, Carrig; at Mount Saint pastor of the Union Cemetery the Oakville American. Congregational Church, will 'be 'Legion, with the Rev. Marshall guest speaker Friday, May 30, at Flip, Administrator of St. Vote In Referendum Watertown "s .annual Memorial John's Church; and at alv :1 per cent ot ' Day ceremonies. Evergreen "Cemetery, the Vatertown's registered voters Mr. Parsley wilt speak at the Watertown VFW, with the Rev. Poll Shows Support For :rn.eo. out. .Monday to vote World War II monument at the.. Edward L. Eastman,, pastor of '/erwneunmgly 'in favor of bond corner of Main and Riverside 'the United. Methodist 'Church. sues 'totaling $1,535,000 for road Streets in OakviUe, and at the Prior to' the ceremonies in More Military Pressure m utility construction projects. monument opposite the Town Watertown, the Waterbury Inter- : me First District 560 'persons Hall later in ' the morning in Parochial Honor1 Band, made up van to 'the polls, an,a in 'the Water-town. He Rev. John of St. John's and St.. Mary To Bring Vietnam Peace econd 399' voted, a total of ,959'. Carrig, 'pastor of St. Mary (Continued On. Page 10) WASHINGTON. D.C.- -aucauon, wnefher the scnoofs •.u four questions passed by Magdalen Church, will give the Jongressman 'Thomas J. ae private or parochial. Only five .arge margins. Question one. invocation and 'tie .Rev. Douglas Mark-Anthony R-6th-Conn.) has. announced the jercent remained undecided on *mch appropriates 1390.000 for Cooke, rector of All Saints results of tabulations completed. .his issue, :e reconstruction ot Echo Lake E p i s c o p a 1 C h u r c h, ° t ti e To Manage •to the first five questions, of the longressman Meskill. iiso .id. from, Buckingham to Porter benediction at the Oakville questionnaire chat he sent to ..sued his constitu tents wnether it passed 792 to 135, with the ceremonies. The Rev. Jackson Bank Branch residents in the Sixth, District .nev '.nought the federal :""irst District voting 447 'to' 99 ana W. Foley, rector of Christ •several weeks ago.. -ivernment, should develop laws .lie Second 3*5 to 36. Episcopal Church will give the Armand J. Mark-Anthony, Respondents to ne jj assist in preventing' strikes oy question :wo. jutnonzing invocation and the Rev. Dr. F. W. Oakville, has been appointed ii employees, rie found that i7"20'.,0#0' in tends for construction Otten, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Congressional, wil indicated, manager of the Watertown, strong support :or winging 'Continued, On, Page 1.2) i water mams from .Moithfield Chapel, the benediction at the Office of the Thomaston Savings d. ;o Buckingham St passed Watertown ceremonies. increased military pressure to Bank, effective May 19, beax on North Vietnam i a vlasons, JL Of €.. 3-110. with the First District Chairman of this year's parade according to an announcement satisfactory 'peace cannot, x •wording in favor 420-81 ,anfl the committee is John T. Miller. secured in 'Vietnam :n :fte Jointly Sponsor •xona 306-29. John ' McCleary is vice- ..desiion tfiree. .lucnonzing foreseeable :uture. '"he ! chairman, Russell Weymer in 'tabulated, results snow that 55 Bloodmobile Visit 425.000 ,;.n iewer sanas to charge of publicity and George percent, of the respondents favor Members ot :he federal .instruct i me :rom Wallace in charge of this avenue to peace; 21 percent ^odge. No. 17. Masons, ana Pius Buckingham St. to Steele Brook observances at local cemeteries. would withdraw O'.S. forces. i Council,., Knights at CoiumDus. ..J the vicinity of the Pin Shop Firing squads will visit each of "snd. aassea '""16-114. .By 1 even if this meant a Communist ire joining together to sponsor the local cemeteries at 8:3d take-over: 12 percent said they lext fuesday's visit of the Red Districts the vote was 410-84 in a.m., prior to the parades.. At would prefer to adhere to*oidin,g •Cross Bioodmobile. The unit will Continued 'On Page 1.1} Mount Olivet Cemetery will be operations by joint; U.S.-South jet, up on May 27 from, 1,2:45 to 6 the Oakville VFW. with Father Vietnamese forces: and another a.m.. at me first Congregational 12- percent, indicated, that, none ot. Jhiircn. Deforest, St. Gilbert Christie Annual Ecumenical these alternatives ire larry Sartlett. n Federal President acceptable... ..joge. ana Edwara McGee. ot 'Vacation School Congressman .VIeskill said, .-Mus X Council, have urged their Oi Chamber Slated Aug. 11-22 ""This split in opinion between nemDers to cooperate with the -ilbert i. -"hristie was withdrawal, -tr increasea asit ana make reservations to Plans are underway for the '•"elected to a second, term, as military pressure seems :o lonate a mucn-neeoed pint oi '•^esident «M -Jie Vatertown- Watertown-Oakville Ecumenical represent a fish or cut ttaif Hood. The? said an ail-out etfort Vacation. School, which will be- <akville Chamoer ot Commerce attitude on the part of a great s needed to meet the Quota o,i -i the annual dinner meeting held this summer from, August 11 many of my constituents. 1 think, .50 pints to help reoienish, the to August 22. The general theme -ionda? it. irmona s it clearly demonstrates ".ne state "s reserve supply ot blood. Restaurant. tor the school will be """Our frustrations '.hat Tiany IOW at a very low level. Global Village." •••ore than, 100 persons were on Armand J. Mark-Anthony Americans feel over the war. Reservations may oe made DV ^and for the affair, jt which Classes for kindergarten The policies of the past nave .:aiiing the Red Cross oifice tor through grade 6 will be held each by Waiter D. Nelson. President "armen Donnarumma. oi ".he worn thin the patience ii i.n appointment. Walk-in donors ?«rdham in, a f airfield weekday morning during the two •and Treasurer. He succeeds Americans. -•Hi be welcome througnout the week period at the United "mversitv faculties, was guest acting manager Robert W. In another question.., iixtii lav. Methodist and Congregational Monroe " who will, resume his ;eaxer. Churches in Watertown. and St. District residents were asKed if assisting with arrangements officers named were ri. duties, at the main office. •.hey favored Federal aid to :or -.he visit ire Stanley Mary .Magdalene School in Mr. .Mark-Anthony attended Sjostedt. Vice- Oakville. Registration will take private and. parochial schools. Of Voodbury, Lloyd, Hughes ana president. Fran* .Bartholomew'., South .School, St. Thomas those who responded to the Oar! Siemon, representing the place through the parishes' on Seminary and Sacred Heart High "reasurer. in a -tobert June 8. or on a Sunday set by the question. 60 percent wposea .Vlasons, ana John tieiitv. John Richmond, Secreiary. .Mew School... He is a. graduate of such aid. Thirty-five percent •J'N'eili and Raymond Kennedy, (Continued 'On Page 12)" (Continued On. Pag© 12) i'avored Federal aid to representing the K. of C. Onttntwd, OD Page 11) List OfW.H.S. College Acceptances Grows To 166 A, list, of another 85 Watertown Chamberiayne Junior College: High School, seniors who have Mark Butler. Post Junior 'been, accepted by "•colleges, College; Mark Curry. Waterbury universities or other .'institutions State Technical'College: Sylvia Cnarett. Mattatuck Community of higher learning was 1 announced, this' week by the College : .Louis Cipriano, Laurel 'Office of 'Principal Sumner of Connecticut. Mattatuck Libbey. Community College: William- , This bring the number of C o f f e y. N o r t h w e s tern acceptances for the senior class Connecticut Community College, to 166. or approximately 60 per Mattatuck Community. College: cent of the class enrollment. June- Coburn. Northwestern The list follows: Connecticut Community Diane Antonelli, Mattatuck College: David Collier, •Community College: Deborah. Waterbury State Technical Balanda. The University of College; Michael Daddona, Connecticut: Eric Beards!ey. University of Hartford, New Central Connecticut State H a v e n Col 1 e g e: D e n i s e College: .Larry Black. Dean Desau Inters. Mat. la tuck Junior College: Rosemary Community College; Wendy Blanchard. The University of Devoe, An.nhu.rst College; C o n n e c t i c u t. • M, a 11 a t u c k Robert , Dumaine. Mattatuck Community College: Laurie' Community College; and 'Scott B r a d s it. a w... M a 11 a t u c k Edmond. Central Connecticut Community College: Patricia State College, The University of Brennan. Mattatuck Community Connecticut. JAKVTLLE FT A officen were telaiei receiUy by S«pertBte^«t of Scbooh Georf e 8. Wilber. C o 11 e g e, N o r t h w e s t e r n A1 so: Sa m. u e 1 F i f i e 1 d, Pietifed, lei to right, arc: Mn. Jo«epi Gabris. Mccuritaf Seereuir; Mrs. Midaei P^erMUcr, Connecticut Community Mattatuck Community College: Flnt Vice-Pretideut; Mn. .Lester Emmoas, Oonespcmiiai 'Secretary; Mri., Robert Sefler, College: Jocelyne Briere. U.S.. Christine Fisher. Western Pmltat; Mrs. Gmvd Morrisey, Secowl, Vtoe-Fratfai; *** Mn. J«epi Diorio, ftreaurar. .Mr. Marines: Susan Brinkman. (Continued On ft* ®> ud Mra. WUber were pretested a gift from tie Pf A. PropertyPage 2~Town Time s of(Watertown the, Cram,) Watertown, May 22,1969 Historical Society Taft Students Warn I hear a man preach, Hike to tee 'him act as If' 'be were watertownhistoricalsociety.orgTo Offer Recital fighting bees.
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