Integrated Report 2020 INTEGRATED REPORT 2020 REPORT 2020 INTEGRATED Paulista Unit Rua Treze de Maio, 1.815 Bela Vista CEP 01327-001 HOSPITAL ALEMÃO OSWALDO CRUZ ALEMÃO OSWALDO HOSPITAL São Paulo-SP Tel.: 11 3549 1000 Campo Belo Unit Avenida Vereador José Diniz, 3.457 Sobreloja Campo Belo CEP 04603-003 São Paulo-SP Tel.: 11 2344 2700 Vergueiro Unit Rua São Joaquim, 36 Liberdade CEP 01508-000 São Paulo-SP Tel.: 11 3549 1000 www.hospitaloswaldocruz.org.br /hospitalalemaooswaldocruz /company/hospitalalemaooswaldocruz /hospitalalemaooswaldocruz /hospitalalemao Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz INTEGRATED REPORT 2020 4 Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz INTEGRATED REPORT 2020 | ABOUT THIS REPORT 5 Contents About this report WELCOME TO THE 2020 EDITION OF THE INTEGRATED REPORT ABOUT THIS REPORT 5 OF HOSPITAL ALEMÃO OSWALDO CRUZ 2020 in indicators 6 GRI 102-45, 102-46, 102-48, 102-49, 102-53 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees 8 Message from the Chief Executive Officer 10 The purpose of the document is The economic-financial, environ- 1. OUR HOSPITAL 12 to render accounts to employ- mental, social and governance Timeline 16 ees, clinical staff, associates, (ESG) indicators cover the peri- Our Units 18 suppliers, partners, patients od from January 1 to December Business model 22 and the community about the 31, 2020 and encompasses all Corporate governance 24 Institution's results, investments units directly maintained by the Ethics, integrity and risks 28 and projects in an extremely Hospital - Paulista, Vergueiro, challenging year for health both Campo Belo and, in some cases, 2. STRATEGY 30 in Brazil and in the world, due informed throughout the text, Planning, goals and indicators 36 to the Covid-19 pandemic. the Complexo Hospitalar dos Es- Capital allocation 42 tivadores e o Ambulatório Médi- Sustainability agenda 47 Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz co de Especialidades Dr. Nelson 3. COPING WITH COVID-19 50 holds transparency as an im- Teixeira, both managed by Protocols and care directives 53 portant premise, adding value to Instituto Social Hospital Alemão Multimedia communication 57 the brand and allowing to form Oswaldo Cruz. (Social Institute). Taking care of our team 59 bonds of trust with its stake- The main novelty for the scope holders. The report is guided by of the report is AMBESP - Am- 4. HIGH PERFORMANCE 64 the Global Reporting Initiative bulatório Médico de Especiali- Quality, safety and clinical outcomes 66 (GRI) Standards, the integrated dades Dr. Nelson Teixeira in the Business result 70 reporting methodology of the GRI indicators focused on the International Integrated Report- impact on society. 5. CARING FOR RELATIONSHIPS 74 ing Council (IIRC), guidelines Patient's journey 78 of the Brazilian Association of Themes such as the manage- Our team 81 Medical development 89 Listed Companies (Abrasca) and ment and adaptation of the Supply chain 91 the Institution's own strategic business model to the context of In addition to this complete version, planning. The selection of the the pandemic, the advances in 6. INNOVATION, RESEARCH AND EDUCATION 94 available in print and PDF file, the data presented is associated Innovation, Research and Educa- Innovation projects 97 Institution publishes the Integrated Report to the materiality, listing the tion and the performance of the Education and knowledge generation 102 in a summarized format on the website most relevant topics for man- Hospital based on its strategic The future of health and new businesses 107 https://www.hospitaloswaldocruz.org. agement and communication planning are added to issues br/o-hospital/relatorio-integrado (onepage according to the perspective such as human development, en- 7. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 108 report), with a selection of the main of the stakeholders. vironmental management, care Impact on Brazilian health 110 indicators and highlights of the year. practices and protocols and the Instituto Social Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz 113 social impact promoted through the administration of public 8. ENVIRONMENT AND ECO-EFFICIENCY 116 health equipment. If you have GRI CONTENT INDEX 121 any questions about the content Certifications and awards 129 of this report, please contact us Credits 130 at [email protected]. 6 Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz INTEGRATED REPORT 2020 | ABOUT THIS REPORT 7 2020 in indicators GRI 102-7 INSTITUTION PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS COLLABORATION IN THE DE- material sustainability issues CARE QUALITY AND VELOPMENT OF HEALTH SYS- SECURITY TEMS AND INITIATIVES FOR AC- CESS TO MEDICAL TREATMENT RELATIONSHIP INNOVATION, RESEARCH · 97.7% adherence to WITH OPERATORS AND EDUCATION the venous thromboembolism · 68,893 visits in 2020 at AMBESP (VTE) protocol - Ambulatório Médico de Especialidades Dr. Nelson Teixeira (medical consultations, · R$ 258.5 · 164 study publications multidisciplinary consultations and surger- million in revenue from the in journals · 83.3% adherence ies/biopsies) Paulista Unit originating to antibiotic administration from global daily rates in 1 hour within the sepsis · 53 researchers involved protocol · 590 visits in the beds of the Cam- in the Covid-19 Coalition, paign Hospital of Complexo Hospitalar · 4% improvement in the 14 from Hospital Alemão dos Estivadores (Hospital Vitória). (hos- Institution's receipt deadlines Oswaldo Cruz · 0.7% crude hospital pitalizations in medical clinic and ICU) infection rate · 64 studies conducted · R$ 192.7 million in tax im- CLINICAL STAFF by the International Re- · 0.8% surgical site munity in the 23 Proadi-SUS projects ENGAGEMENT search Center, 23 of which infection rate (2018-2020) focused on therapeutic al- ternatives for the treatment · customer satisfaction: · 100% of doctors of Covid-19 EFFICIENT ECONOMIC PER- from the registered clinical 76.7% NPS FORMANCE IN THE USE OF staff evaluated in the per- RESOURCES formance program · 506 enrollments in technical, undergraduate and postgraduate courses EMPLOYEE HEALTH · R$ 852.497 million of net + 6,795 students in fully revenue, 1.2% more than 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL distance learning courses, SUSTAINABILITY with 1,570 studying free of charge · 2,197 medical visits in · 59.6% increase in net the Integral Health Program revenue at the Vergueiro Unit · 288.48 tons of waste destined for recycling · 35 students graduating from courses in the empha- · 86% of employees · 85.6% increase in net revenue sis areas taking the periodic medical in the area of Innovation, Research and exam Education · 38.4 total hours of training per active employee · R$ 31.5 million invested in expansion and infrastructure · 5.6% Ebitda margin 8 Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz INTEGRATED REPORT 2020 | ABOUT THIS REPORT 9 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees GRI 102-14 In addition to the great dedi- vative ways, as well as in the our associates, our executive cation of everyone in matters breadth of research and educa- officer and his team and my 123 YEARS LATER, A MISSION THAT GOES ON related to the pandemic, the tion activities, so important for colleagues on the Board for the Board worked hard to improve our development. incredible dedication and coop- In these 123 years of activity, It was a time similar to what we Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz the governance of the Hospital. eration facing the difficulties. we have experienced several are experiencing today, both from the first day of the pan- 2020 was a year of great chal- moments in history that have in terms of symptoms, as well demic, has gone through great Always with the coordination lenges both for the results of I count on the support of all to had a global impact. In 1918, the as high rate of contamination ordeals to maintain our Mission, of one of the members of the the Hospital and in the financial continue positively impacting world was shaken by an influ- and mortality. The Spanish “To be precise and human to Board of Trustees and the sphere, when our capacity for re- the development of health in the enza pandemic, which became flu, which arrived with 200 guarantee the best experience participation of associates, five action and resilience was tested. country, through patient care known as the Spanish flu and crew members from a Brit- and health results for the patient”, committees were put together and medicine of excellence and infected almost a quarter of the ish ship coming from Lisbon and our Values “Patient Safety; with the purpose of helping the Despite a strong improvement high complexity, making Hospital world's population. At the time, that docked in Rio de Janeiro, Warmth; Truth; Collaborative Pro- executive management on differ- in results in the last months of Alemão Oswaldo Cruz a reference Associação Hospital Alemão was victimized mainly the elderly tagonism; Innovative Tradition ”. ent issues and supporting the the year, in 2021, we will face in Latin America. In order to pre- already established in São Paulo, and had social distancing as decision-making process of the new challenges arising from the serve the legacy of our Institution, a city in full development, but the main measure against the This was only possible through Board of Trustees. The commit- pandemic. we will remain firm, exercising our severely plagued by the disease. spread of contagion. Today, the tireless dedication, commit- tees are: Management and Risk; vision: “full health care takes place Pervaded with a spirit of soli- Covid-19 travels by plane in a ment and effort of our health Strategy; People; Innovation My gratitude to our clinical staff, in harmony with knowledge and darity, aided by donations from much faster and widespread professionals, who placed their and Technology; Research and direct and indirect employees, compassionate care”. the German community in the way, but it faces an advanced work above the risks of contam- Education. country, the Association built an medicine in the treatment and ination and, many times, even emergency hospital in two days a fast formulation of vaccines gave up family life. With the support and coordi- in the former Ballroom of the with a much more efficient nation of the Strategy Commit- Germania Society.
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