Indoor Percussion Invitational

Indoor Percussion Invitational

Zionsville Community High School Indoor Percussion Invitational March 10, 2018 $@DI@:88IG<EK<I KN<EKPP<8I 4@FEJM@CC<I<J@;<EKJ FG<E<;K?<;FFIJ8K =@M<K?@IKP?FD<@E FD9@E@E>$@DJ NFF;NFIB@E><OG<I@<E:<8E;I@:8JCFM<F= G8@EK@E>=LIE@KLI< K?<P:FCC89FI8K<KF 9I@E>LE@HL<=LIE@KLI<N@K?9<8LK@=LC =@E@J?<JKFK?<JKFI<CF:8K<;8K(FIK? '8@E-KI<<K FE4@FEJM@CC<J?@JKFI@:9I@:B JKI<<K 1?8K<CJ<N@CCPFL=@E;@EJ@;< "FD<;<:FI #E;@8E8:I8=K<;:8E;C<J N8CC ?8E>@E>J J8CM8><;G@<:<J E8LK@:8C@K<DJ 8E;DL:?DFI< 1<K<8:?'@JJ'LJK8I;-<<;¶J'@CB*8@EK NFIBJ?FGJN?<I<PFLN@CCC<8IEK?< GIFG<ID<K?F;JF=D@O@E> 8GGCP@E> 8E; =@E@J?@E>D@CBG8@EK 8JG<:@8CKP =LIE@KLI<G8@EK 1<=FID8KFLI:C8JJ<JKF @E:CL;<8CCK?<98J@:D@CBG8@EK @E=FID8K@FE8CFE>N@K?FLI:LJKFDK@GJ KI@:BJ8E;K<:?E@HL<JLJ<;KF=@E@J?K?< G@<:<J@EFLIJKFI< = 1<?FG<KFJ<<PFLJFFE@EFE<F=FLI'@JJ 'LJK8I;-<<;¶J'@CB*8@EK:C8JJ<J =@M<K?@IKP?FD<@J8E<:C<:K@:D@OF= =LIE@J?@E>J8E;;<:FI IFDK?<:LIM<; C@E<JF=8 I<E:?JKPC<:?<JKKF8ILJK@: 8><;GFKK@E>9<E:? 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",!!.*,!./,)%.&.*/-!''(&!-/,!.*3) .$!()!0$*(!!,.%),!-.,%.%*)-++'1 '!-!*)../-"*, !.%'- 5282 E 65th.2) %)+*'%- 2 2 Welcome from the IPA President To our parents, fans, and guests: On behalf of the Board of Directors of The Indiana Percussion Association I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to today’s IPA sponsored invitational that is a part of our 22nd season! Our activity is the only team psportq that I know of that has '8'4; player on the Ƃeld the entire time 9e are unique to other sports/activities as there is no offense or defense, no time to sit on the bench, and no time outs 'very one of these students rely on every other student to be successful and need their participation to do so The units out there today foster the trust of their teammates to make sure they are at every rehearsal and giving their all to make sure that everyone in the group can have a great show Add to that, the countless volunteer hours from parents to assist with the elaborate props and costumes that you see, as well as all the behind the scenes hours of planning, writing music, making schedules, coordinating rehearsal spaces and travel, and you have one (read “many”) VERY dedicated “families” of percussionists that are performing for you today One thing I always tell my students is that what we do with band/drumline/colorguard is “bigger than the room” 9hat I mean by this is that what we do in this activity has real life applications and the skills learned will be used daily out in the “real world” It happens to be an added bonus that we learn to play percussion along the way Through the season, these students will be instilling a legacy of dedication to a craft as well as having learned how to work well with others, goal setting and follow through, manage their incredibly busy schedule, execute the rigors of an artistic performance that are both physical and mental, and the discipline/work ethic required to stay the course and meet such demands As you look around this facility today, please take note of the many busy people that are taking part in the event Today’s students are surrounded by a host of caring and encouraging parent spectators, parent volunteers/prop builders/uniform tailor’s, teachers, instructors, arrangers, bus drivers, cooks, and judges that are all dedicated to the musical growth of the young people performing here today It is this devotion that makes the Indoor 9inter Percussion activity so special to us all 9e are very proud of this activity we call “Indoor 9inter Percussion,” not just because we think it is awesome, but because of everything mentioned above There are so many moving parts just to put a show on the ƃoor and travel to this invitational that make EVERY group that you are seeing today a success, no matter what 9e hope you will consider joining us at the culmination of the 2 season with our 5tate Finals event being held at the *ulman Center in Terre *aute, Indiana 9e will be in our third year at this incredible facility and look forward to an exciting Ƃnish to our 22nd season! Best wishes for a fantastic 2 season as part of our IPA family! Jeff 3ueen President, IPA, Inc Jeff 3ueen President, IPA, Inc 4 The Indiana Percussion Association Philosophy Participants The Indiana Percussion Association exists fundamentally for its participants: youth, staff, and supporters This is always the underlying consideration when the Indiana Percussion Association makes its decisions Thus, the IPA contributes to the cultural responsibilities held by all deserving youth activities: devotion to the individual, preservation of society, and improvement of mankind Standards The Indiana Percussion Association is committed to inspire its participants to achieve ever higher and higher standards 9e ascribe to the concept that artistic, aesthetic, and creative standards are important, but inspiration must balance with the primary need of providing recognition and dignity for all participants Thus, the IPA accepts the quest for wholesome experience and respect for all despite the dilemmas inherent in the conƃicting needs to create higher standards Competition The Indiana Percussion Association has chosen competition as its method for organizing youth activities in pursuit of high standards of achievement 9e maintain that competition is only the means, subject to whatever controls are necessary to serve the true end the participants Thus, the IPA is organized and administered on the principle that its leaders are professionals teaching by example both in and out of the competitive arena As mature persons, the IPA leaders know that our youth will learn life attitudes from all the observations of and interactions with those adults who are their models Non-Discrimination The Indiana Percussion Association treats every participant as a unique individual possessing inherent dignity on his/her own All participants are regarded as worthy human beings, equally deserving of our available time, thoughts, and energies Thus, the IPA does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, or cultural background Its activities are based on the credo that all participants and program styles start with equal opportunity for success 6 Dave Edwards Please like us on WE DON’T JUST Off. 733-1270 Facebook COVER THE ARTS, WE SUPPORT THEM, TOO! EAGLE PEST SERVICES, INC. Solving Pest Problems for over 30 years CURRENT IS A Residential " Commecial " Industrial PROUD SPONSOR OF Email: [email protected] Zionsville H.S. Bands and Orchestras Embroidery, Screenprinting, Monogramming, School Spirit Wear, Corporate Wear, Promotional Products, Custom Logos, Equestrian Embroidery, Monday-Friday */'0!:06"3&$633&/5$0.t Personalized Gifts IPA Board of Directors President President-Elect Jeff 3ueen Derrick 5hannon Carmel *igh 5chool Percussion PlainƂeld High 5chool/.egacy president"indianapercussionorg presidentelect"indianapercussionorg Secretary Treasurer 5ean 9idmer Jeremy Basso GreenƂeldCentral *igh 5chool GreenƂeldCentral High 5chool secretary"indianapercussionorg treasurer"indianapercussionorg Past-President Events Coordinators Jason *ammond9ood 0athan 5impson/.eah Harris Franklin Community *igh 5chool events"indianapercussionorg pastpresident"indianapercussionorg Administrative Judge’s Coordinator Director Brooke Basso Chris Hestin admin"indianapercussionorg judge"indianapercussionorg Mailing Address IPA, Inc, East Thompson Rd, Indianapolis, I0 22 “We have utilized Music Travel Consultants for all of our large group travel needs for over 3 decades and I wouldn’t dream of traveling with anyone else with our students. Their attention to detail - their attention to everything you need as a director within your trip - is impeccable and they do amazing work.” CHRIS KREKE

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