t ‘ Tech niCian North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXIV, Number 62 Monday, February 21, 19% Raleigh, North Carolina Phone 737-2411/2412 Dean loses clothes Friday, cool Saturday , Deja vu Thurl Bailey: ’We really finish caps deserved to upset OVer win this one’ by William Terry Kelley Tar Heels Sports Editor Thurl Bailey has never played on a by Devin Steele national championship team. but that doesn't mean he's, never felt like he Assistant Sports Editor just won one. Deja vu. “It felt like we just won the national That's about themost accurate way championship." Bailey said after he to sum up Saturday's picture-perfect had just led State to a 70-63 win over finish by State's basketball team North Carolina. against nationally third-ranked North For Bailey. it was the first time his Carolina. With five seconds left. team had beaten the Tar Heels since Sidney Lowe made a backwards. he was a freshman. between-thelegs pass to Thurl Bailey. “I really didn't know then what it who scored a slam dunk to ice the meant to beat a team that good." he Wolfpack's 70-63 upset over the Tar said. "But I’m a senior now. and it Heels before a regional television au- really means a lot to me." dience and 12,400 fans in Reynolds The fourtbyear starter from Seat Coliseum. Pleasant. Md.. scored 20 points and Lowe and Bailey. the Pack‘s senior pulled down six rebounds to lead the starters. made a carbon copy of the Pack's attack. Being a senior. Bailey is play executed by Clyde Austin and gunning for his third appearance in Hawkeye Whitney in State's last win the NCAA tournament. over North Carolina. in 1980. Ironical- “I'm not saying we're definitely go- ly. Austin and Whitney were the lone ing. but this gets us a lot closer." he starting seniors of that squad. said. “It depends on what we do the The win. long overdue for the Pack. rest of the season. This game will be prompted a horde of excited State an important factor." fans onto the cournfor a victory jubila- For Bailey it may be have been time tion, which lasted about 30 minutes. to prove something. In the past. Sam Dereck Whittenburg even got into the Perkins has been given the credit for action as he helped cut down the nets. shutting down Bailey when the Pack The celebration spread throughout played the Heels. This time it was not campus and lasted well into the night. to be. for this was a day to cherish. “I think it was time for me personal- It marked the first time that Jim ly to have a good game against (North) Valvano had ever defeated Dean Carolina.” Bailey said. “In all the past Smith‘s Heels in eight tries. The vic- games. everyone has talked about 0 tory. no doubt Coach V‘s sweetest and how Sam Perkins has done a great biggest ever. couldn't have come at a defensive job on us. I felt comfortable better time. State. with close losses to shooting. I ‘hit a couple of three- Virginia. Memphis State and Notre pointers." Dame in the back of its mind. finally Indeed the shots fell for Thurl. The got over the hump. And Valvano final- first bucket he scored was from past ly got the monkey off his back. the 19-foot circle. and from then on. “For seven games. I think we lost you could feel it would be his day. with a lot of class and humility." said Bailey. as well as Sidney Lowe and Valvano. whose team won its third- Dereck Whittenburg. had waited straight ACC game while handing almost three years since the last win North Carolina its third consecutive. over North Carolina. loss. “Now that we've won. I told the “We haven't won a really big one in kids we want to win the same way. along time." Bailey said. “The biggest with dignity. There's no gloating on one before this was the Wichita State our part. We beat a great basketball game.. We really deserved to win this program." one. This is my last year. and I‘ve The Wolfpack had the Tar Heels on been looking for this for a long time. It the ropes the entire second-half. really gives Dereck. Sidney and me before pulling away in the final something to go out on." minute. But State. which missed five One of the key factors in the game of 10 free throws in the last 3:31. had was the intensity with which State to do it the hard way. Clinging to a , w‘ played. That factor could have had 63-59 lead. the Pack missed two one something to do with desire. and-one opportunities as a hook by “We wanted it so bad." Bailey said. Sam Perkins closed the deficit to6361 O Staff photo by Clayton Brinkley “Especially Sidney. Dereck and me. with 2:41 left. Slammm and not just because it was (Northi Lowe converted the first of a one . Carolina. We knew something good and-one at 1:34 to make it 64-61 and Between-theieg Plsses for dunks seem to be an appropriate ending for State Austin did to Hawkeye Whitney the last time the Pack stopped the Heels in was going to happen to us.” wins over North Carolina. Sidney Lowe assisted this dunk much like Clyde I See ‘Smith'. page 9) Reynolds Coliseum. (See ‘Bailsy'. P08. 8) inside State’s spoof fools UNC students Satirical paper draws That 5 college life Page 9. by Craig Dean I got a copy in the morning and didn't they handled the Exum story - if he's "Staff Writer notice it or look at it again until a gay. that's his business. Also the by- Creative costumes vary Page 3 friend told me about it. it was kind of line (Wee R. Phagsl should be dif- — That’s nasty, baby Page 4 Friday morning in Chapel Hill funny. but the humor got old by the ferent." began as usual for most students — a end. The work is commendable in the Dreschler. the Daily Tar Heels wide media exposure Women Cagers upend items Page quick shower before breakfast and sense that students got together and retiring editor. said he first realized then the mad dash to make an early took the time to do it right." what had happened when he received by Shelley Hendrickson would show UNC how a real parody intense Page 6 class. taking time to pick up a copy of Another student with a similar a phone call around 9:30 am. The call. News Assignments Editor was done. Exotement' Page 7 The Daily Tar Heel. What was view was Brian Mclnerny who is ma- made to Dieschler's apartment. was While The Daily Tar Heel poked unusual was that some students joring in political science and in response to an ad that appeared in The Technician's satirical version fun at State's agricultural curriculm. And in the end the Win you take is received a copy of The Daily Tar economics. He thought the paper was the bogus paper. "I don't mind it." of North Carolina's student the Technician poked fun at UNC's equal to the horse you maxe Page Heal. “quite humorous. it was sort of raun- Dreschler said. “it was all in good fun. newspaper received a lot of attention liberalism. according to Alter. 8 Many of the Chapel Hill students chy humor. though." I do have two objections. however. from the news media. The Tar Heels took the comical ver- Clemson puts paws m grappler‘s failed to realize that their copy was Some students. however. were The first being that people think we On Friday the Technician office sion with good heart according to Streak Page 9 bogus. One reason for this oversight (The Daily Tar Heel) put the paper received calls from the radio stations reports out of Chapel Hill. .was because Friday was Editor in turned off by The Daily Tar Heal's out. and the second being the printing WQDR and WXYC. WRAL. The Kerry DeRochi. the new editor in Eyewrtness account of war rn Chief John Dreschler's last paper as college-prank humor. One such Caroli- Queer Raleigh Times. a Chapel Hill chief for The Daily Tar Heel even call- Lebanon Page l0 editor in chief. and most Tar Heels nian. preferring to remain of tasteless material like The newspaper and even The Daily Tar ed the Technician to make a bet with probably assumed he was going out anonymous. said "I think the Hunter ad. I'm sure that offended a Heel inquiring about the spoof of them. Since the parody purposeful- Thought for the Day Greater with a hang. The resulting confusion photograph of Coach (Dean) Smith is a lot of people around here." UNC's newspaper. The Daily Tar ly came out the day before State vs. than the 'redd of mighty armies caused a few tempers to flare. but in shame." referring to a doctored pic- Kerry DeRochi. Dreschler’s suc- Heel. according to Tom Alter. Techni- Carolina. she challenged that if State rs an idea whose time has the end most North Carolina students ture of the famous coach which show- cessor. said “There were some pro cian editor in chief. won over UNC then The Daily Tar come were able to enjoy the issue's sar~ ed ‘Dean' in a semi-nude pose.
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