Iowa Board of Nursing Riverpoint Business Park, 400 SW 8th St., Suite B, Des Moines, IA 50309-4685 Volume 25, Number 4 November, December 2006, January 2007 NOTICE FROM THE NATIONAL PROVISION OF CERTIFICATION CORPORATION NURSE MIDWIFE COMMITTEE The board is seeking to establish a five-member NURSING SERVICES BY (NCC) WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE committee with the charge to review board rules TELECOMMUNICATIONS/ NURSE PRACTITIONER (WHNP) regarding scope of practice for nurse midwives, and make recommendations. Nominations are being ELECTRONIC MEANS AND THE NEONATAL NURSE sought to fill two positions on that committee, desig- nated for Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners Questions and responses regarding provision of PRACTITIONER (NNP) who are not certified as Nurse Midwives. nursing services by telephone/electronic transmis- Certification Eligibility Criteria Changes Any licensee interested in serving on this commit- sion are provided below: tee, should submit nominations and resumécs to the 1. What are the nurse licensure requirements for This announcement contains important information board office at 400 S.W. 8th Street, Suite B, Des an RN handling telephone calls for patients calling about changes to the NCC certification program for the Moines, IA 50309-4685. The deadline for submit- from or residing in Iowa? Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner (WHNP) and the ting the necessary materials is November 15, 2006. In keeping with 655 IAC 3.2(1), nurses who Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP) examinations that NCC respond to telephone calls from patients calling from sponsors. If you are currently certified by NCC, these Iowa shall have a current Iowa license, whether or changes will have no effect on your certification. IOWA BOARD OF NURSING FEES not the employer is in Iowa or whether or not the However, if you let your certification lapse, you will be subject to these changes. The following licensing fees were reviewed and person receives compensation. approved by the board at its meeting September 7-8, 2006. 2. Does the provision of nursing service by elec- • Beginning on January 1, 2007 NCC will no longer rec- Application for Examination $ 93.00 tronic transmission constitute the practice of nurs- ognize certificate education as an eligibility criterion Renewal of License $ 99.00 ing? to take the NCC WHNP examination. To qualify to License by Endorsement $119.00 Yes, the delivery of nursing services by telephone take NCC WHNP examination, graduation from a Reactivation of License $175.00 or any other electronic means constitutes the prac- Master’s or post master’s WHNP program that meets Late Renewal $149.00 tice of nursing. NCC current requirements will be required. NNP cer- Application for ARNP $ 81.00 tificate education has not been recognized by NCC for ARNP Renewal $ 81.00 3. Is the provision of nursing by electronic means exam eligibility purposes since January 1, 2000. Evaluation of DCI/FBI Criminal History included in the definition of “patient care” as utilized Background Check $ 50.00 in IAC 655 3.2(2)a.? • Beginning January 1, 2007, NCC will only consider Certified Verification of License $ 25.00 When the nurse uses electronic means to gather applicants from programs that hold CCNE and Duplicate/Re-issue of Wallet Card $ 20.00 information from a client and gives advice based on NLNAC accreditation during the time the accredita- Certified Copy of Original Document $ 20.00 assessment of the client, that is the practice of nurs- tion process incorporated the Criteria for Evaluation of Returned Check $ 15.00 ing and is the provision of patient care. In fact, the Nurse Practitioner Programs, National Task Force On Employer Verification of License $ . 3.00 accountability in this type of situation is just as great, Quality Nurse Education (National Task Force if not greater, than in some situations in which the Guidelines) into their accreditation review. Also In This Issue . nurse is providing direct physical care. • The accreditation organizations began such standard I. BOARD OF NURSING NEWS 4. A patient resides in Iowa and is a patient of a incorporation into their accreditation review January Members of the Iowa Board of Nursing. p. 2 local physician. The patient travels outside of Iowa 1, 2005. Therefore, graduates from programs prior to Board Meeting Schedule . p. 2 January 1, 2005 will no longer be eligible to take or Agendas and Minutes on the Web . p. 2 and calls into their local physician’s office/clinic or a Communicating with the Iowa 24 hour nurse call center. Can the RN working in retake an NCC WHNP or NNP exam. The only way such individuals would qualify to take an NCC NP Board of Nursing . p. 3 the physician’s office/clinic or 24 hour call center Change of Address Form . p. 4 answer the patient’s questions or give advice to the exam is to go back to a current NP program that meets Mandatory Training on Abuse patient? NCC current requirements and earn a master’s or post Identification and Reporting . p. 5 Yes, the RN must have a current Iowa license and master’s degree. Provider Update . p. 5 Procedures For Inactive Status . p. 5 must practice within the guidelines of the Iowa • Individual program reviews from defunct programs Summary: June 7-9, 2006 . p. 6 Administrative Code. Also it is important to note will no longer be undertaken. All individuals must be Nurse Licensure Compact . p. 6 that the patient must be in transit and not residing in a graduate of WHNP or NNP program at the graduate LPN Supervision in Long Term Care Facilities . p. 7 another state. level that meets NCC current requirements and are Summary: Conference Calls . p. 9 Telephone Verification of Iowa Licensure for New 5. Patient resides outside of Iowa and calls into accredited by either CCNE or NLNAC. Graduates who Pass the NCLEX® Exam . p. 11 the Iowa based physician’s office/clinic or 24 hour Implication for Current NCC RNCs Certified As License Renewal - On-line . p. 11 Renewal Notice . p. 22 nurse call center. Can the RN working in the physi- Nurse Practitioners cian’s office/clinic or 24 hour nurse call center Licenses Due For Renewal . p. 22 answer the patient’s questions or give advice to the RNCs (certified as NPs) who let their certification lapse II. CONTINUING EDUCATION OFFERINGS patient? will be subject to these new eligibility criteria for re-exam- REGION I Northwest, p. 12 If the state in which the patient is calling from is ination. Therefore, any RNC who graduated from a certifi- REGION II Northeast, p. 12-13 REGION III Southwest, p. 14 a member of the nurse licensure compact agree- cate program or who graduated from a WHNP or NNP REGION IV Southeast, p. 15 ment, YES. This decision is based on where the graduate program prior to January 1, 2005 would not be REGION V Central, p. 18 patient is located at the time care is rendered. eligible to retake the examination to regain certification OUT-OF-STATE PROGRAMS none status. HOME STUDY PROGRAMS pp. 18-21 For updates on compact legislation in other NCC examinations are offered via computer states, see: all year around so individual NPs who are gradu- http://www.ncsbn.org/nlc/index.asp. ates of programs prior to 2005 or who are certifi- cate prepared WHNPs are still able to take the Presort Standard examinations before the new criteria go into U.S. POSTAGE effect at the first of the year. Registration materi- PAID als are available on the NCC website at Permit No. 14 This newsletter is a nonpublic forum. The Iowa www.nccnet.org. Princeton, MN 55371 Board of Nursing retains exclusive journalistic dis- Thank you for reading this announcement and cretion over all substantive portions of the sharing information with those who might bene- newsletter. The Board and its boards and commis- fit from its contents. sions play no role in the solicitation of the adver- tising, and do not explicitly or implicitly endorse any advertiser or any good or service advertised in the newsletter. All advertising must conform to the advertising policies described in 193 Iowa Admin. Code 1-9. Page 2 - Iowa Board of Nursing Newsletter - November, December 2006, January 2007 MEMBERS OF THE IOWA BOARD OF NURSING AGENDAS AND MINUTES May 1, 2006 - April 30, 2007 BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE TERM ENDS 2006 - 2007 ON THE WEB M. Ann Aulwes-Allison, RN, MA, EdS, Chairperson 2009 All Board and Committee agendas are on our 436 East Manning, Ottumwa, IA 52501 December 6-7-8, 2006 (November 15, 2006) website. Agendas are posted at least 48 hours in (Nursing Education) February 28, March 1-2, 2007 (February 7, 2007) advance of a meeting. Previous agendas will remain Pauline E. Taylor, RN, BSN, Secretary 2008 posted until replaced by the current agendas. Board 1917 Graslon Drive, Iowa City, IA 52246 June 13-14-15, 2007 (May 23, 2007) and Committee minutes are posted at our website (Nursing Practice) Requests for establishment of new schools, approximately three (3) months following the meet- ings. William M. Miller, MS, ARNP 2007 requests for major curriculum change, other special requests, and regular business will be considered at You can reach our Agendas and Minutes at our 1122 Woodland Road, Harlan, IA 51537 website, www.state.ia.us/nursing, under “Boards and (Nursing Practice) each meeting. Materials must be received in the board office three (3) weeks prior to a scheduled Meetings.” Clyde Bradley 2007 board meeting. For your convenience, behind each 315 33rd Avenue North, Clinton, IA 52732 board meeting date is the deadline for receipt of (Consumer) materials. Jane E. Hasek, RN, EdD 2007 606 Center Street, Reinbeck, IA 50669 (Nursing Education) Mary J.
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