AIX the SEWS of BED PA N E SECflg and Surrounding Town* - Told Fearlessly and Without Bis* RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXI, NO. 42, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1939. PAGES 1 Eatontown Order Thursday Morning Engineer Makes Miss Edwa Herndon Plan Inauguration of Elects Officers To Wed C. E. Wilhelm Dance To Raise Fu Mt&s' Hilde Ha&geri and Clarence Choral Concert To Report To Council Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Rank were elected as worthy Matron Preston Herndon, Sr., of New Or- Annual "Y" Campaign and worthy patron,' respectively, Be HeldApril 21 On Drainage Plan leans, Loulsanti, announeo the en- Tuesday night at the annual election gagement of their daughter. Miss For High School Ba of officers of Eatontown chapter, Edwa Herndon of Old Bridge, to Eastern Star. They succeed Mrs. William Hain, Tenor, to Lancaster Explains Pro- Chester E. Wilhelm, a member of John B. Allen And Theodore J. Labrecque Alice Hill'and Milton Smith. the Red Bank Junior high school Others elected were Mrs, Agnes Be Guest Artist—Sekt- gress of Project to Fair faculty. Mr.. Wilhelm is the son of Middletown Township HigK School , - VanBrunt associate matron, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Jacob C. Wilhelm of Chairmen Of Field Organization Selma Schultz secretary, Mrs. Emma berg to Conduct Body Summit avenue, Phllllpsburg. Rank treasurer, Mrs. Ruth Crawford Students To Represent County at Fair I Plans are rapidly being completes conductress and Mrs, WUma Wllklns associate conductress. The installa- Plans are being completed for the Lionel W. Lancaster, borough en- for the inauguration of the W39 an- annual spring concert of the Thurs- gineer of Fair Haven, reported to The Mlddfotown Township ;,_ nual maintenance drive of the Red tion of officers will take place Tues- Teacher association will hold a d day night, April 25, when Miss day morning choral to be held Fri- the mayor and council of that place Junior Service Bank T. M. C. A., which will get day night, April 21, at the Long Monday night that ho expected the Saturday night at Middletown ~,t underway Friday, April 21. The Haagen will announce her appoint- ship high school gymnasium, ments. Branch high school auditorium. Wil- drainage projoct for Hance road and initial gifts committee of which liam Hain, tenor, will be tho guest the Knollwood section to be ready League Arranges ardo, to raise funds to help-bo; , Frank F. Grolt, president of the lied The grand officers present were artist and he will sing two solos for presentation to tho council with- forms for the high school band.'* Bank T. M. C. A., 1B chairman, start- Mrs. Eatellc Whitehurst worthy and soveral numbers with the choral. in a week. Conferences have been uniforms will cost 11,600, .ot ed their work last week. grand martha, Mrs. Jean Smith Willard Sektberg will conduct and held within tho past week, he said, Musical Concert $500 has been appropriated t. Chester P. Rogers, president of the worthy grand warder,' Mrs, Janet Miss Thclma Mount will be tho ac- with county, state and Federal au- Middletown township board ct'i Second National Bank & Trust Co., Haberstick grand representative to companist The group held a special thorities and these bodies will share cation. The remainder Js being] Is general chairman of the 1939 Indiana and Mrs. Grace Reynolds rehearsal at the Toung Men's Chris-, with the borough in the cost of lay- Francis Kodama, Mrs. by high school students and drive and John B. Allen and Theo- grand representative to Georgia. tlan association house on Blversldo Ing new mains and installing more ested persons. dore J. Labrecque are chairmen 'of Following the election, of officers. avenue Monday morning and will catchbaslns. It the present set-up Beaumont Glass and Raymond Richardson, ai field organization. The drive this Iris assembly, Order of Rainbow for hold another rehearsal, there tomor- Is approved the borough will pay the the high school band, and his I year will be for $12,000, an increase Girls, exemplified their work. More row morning. smallest share of the cost, Mr. Lan- Orchestra to Appear tra will play for' dancing,. of $3,800 as compared with last than 100 persons were present. Miss Gladys L. Shropshire, found- caster stated. Mayor Arthur B. entertainment will Include year's campaign and is mostly due er of the choral; Mary Jordan Bak- Sickles told Mr. Lancaster to let him The Junior Service league will soloa by Carl Helwlg, sele< to the purchase of the new "Y" house er, W. A. Goldsworthy and Julius know as soon as everything was sponsor a musical concert at the Red the Homo Town Serenaders, on Riverside avenue, which Is being by a quartet composed of I Ztngg are honorary members. Mrs. ready and he will coll a special Bank Catholic high school auditorium r remodeled and put into shape. ,4or Drive On Dogs Thomas McCllntock of Long Branch meeting, if necessary, In order to Thursday night, April 27, Plans for Coffoy, Al Whalen, George l use of residents of this Bectlon. "^ Is president, •' get the project started as soon as this event were discussed at a meet- and Miko DeMucci; a tap dan A new method of solicitation will At Little Silver Associate members are Mr. and possible. Harry Smock and Theo- ing ot the group Monday afternoon Miss Ala Lee, and an accordion i. be used this year known as the "bus- Mrs. R. H. Adams, Mayor and Mrs. dore Malloy. thanked the officials for at the home ot Mies Anne Haaler, by Bobby Paine. A. special priitejj iness classification" system, wh,ich Charles R. English, Mayor and Mrs. the progress that has been made to- Little Silver. been offered by Mld's Beauty si has proven successful In many other Starts Shortly Alton V. Evans, Mr. and Mrs- Ron- ward correcting the drainage con- Francis Kodama, well-known pian- of Keansburg. Tho dance Juji'f communities. This is the first time ald W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. dition. ist, Mrs, Beaumont Qlaas and mem- arranged by the Parent-Teacher \ that such a system has been used and means committee. - Armstrong, Mr. and Mra. Hermann Councilman H. Lynnwood Mlnton, MISS EDWA HERNDON, bers ot the Spring Lake Slnfonletta, in soliciting funds in Bed Bank. Must License All Dogs Asendorf, Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. under the direction of Beaumont The band which U directed^! Harvey L. Reno is guest director of chairman of the road committee, re- THEODORE J. LABRECQUE. Baynton, Dr. ond Mrs. C. Byron ported his department had oponed a Miss Herndon is a graduate ot Glass, will be the guast artists. The Rudolph Wlnthrop has been • No Later Than Saturday Blaisdell, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Blais- storm sewer on Hance road and this Red Bank high school, whoro she orchestra, is made up ot 35 profes- to represent Monmouth board, supervision and program fur- dell, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bod- bad relieved the trouble to a con- was a member of the cheering squad sional musicians from Monmouth schools at the World's. Fair.- nished by Y. M, C. A., five speakers —Ordinances Approved man, Mr. and Mrs, Warren Book- siderable extent. Later In the meet- and was outstanding in athletlo con- and Ocean counties'. Arthur Parker band took' part in. dedication . t presented to schools, churches, etc. waiter, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. ing In reply to a lotter from Thomas tests. She Is now employed by the clses of a new school at ArdensA Is the concert master. terday. Mr- Wlnthrop direct*'s An attendance of 21,389 at all func- A campaign against stray dogs In Brasch, Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Brln- N. McCarter complaining of tho con- Anhouser-Busch Co., Old Bridge. Mils Sydney Dansor Is concert tions sponsored by the association the borough will be started after ley, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Brown, dition of Ridgo road, Mr. Mlnton bands of Asbury Park, Long 0 Mr, Wilhelm is a graduate ot, La- chairman, Mra. Wlnfleld Hanoe, and Rumson high schools as wgtt'^j through Its community-wide activi- Saturday, April 15, It was announced Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irving Brown, stated that two bad spots on this fayette college and has been a mem- chairman of ticket saloa, will be as- ties In Ha four activity centers. Tuesday night at a regular meeting Mr. and Mrs. Leland W. Crafts, Mr. road will be resurfaced this week. the Middletown township high I ~ ' ber of the Red Bank school faculty sisted by Mrs. David Mountford.Mrs, organization. Tomorrow night at 6".55 o'clock a of tho Little Silver mayor and and Mrs. Harold S. Clark, Mr. and The road department, he said, was for a number ot years. Ho is «s- Fred Walsh and Miss Doris Staveus, second check-up meeting of division council, All residents not having Mrs. Richard Crooks, Mr. and Mrs. unable to make these repairs earlier sletant baseball coach nnij was form- Members of the band are, Fit*.; chairmen will be held at Hesse's on Miss Ruth Beutell is program chair- dog tags after Saturday will receive C. Lloyd Cyphers, Dr. and Mrs. T. because of adverso weather condi- er director of the high school band. man, Miss Ruth Delatush advertis- Walling, LouUso Elton, Janet 1 West Front street. Monday night, summonses from'chief Fred Zleg- A. DoremuB, Mr. and Mrs. John C. tions. The Fair Haven council has ford, Hotel Hurst, Vaughn April 17, a workers' coaching confer- Ebner, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E, Ed- ing, and Miss Edith Wright posters.
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