www.ieee.org/go/r8news Vol 9 No 4 December 2006 Student drive? .........p9 In this issue... Feature articles ............................................ 7, 12 Region news ......................................................1–4 Student news .................................................8–11 Section and Branch news ...........................5–7 Conference calendar ...................................... 12 Directors celebrate Tesla 150 IN HONOur of the sesqui- centennial of the birth of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the IEEE Board of Directors passed a special citation celebrating the work of the Milestone unveiled for Callan electrical pioneer. A special plaque was cast, and pre- REVEREND NICHOLAS Cal- cantly to the understanding called a ‘repeater’. He was electromagnets of his time, sented to the Tesla Museum lan (1799-1864) has been of electrical induction in the the first to establish the link including a giant battery of in Belgrade, Serbia. officially acknowledged for 19th century. between rate-of-change of 577 cells, and patented a On the 150th anniver- his remarkable contributions He developed the first current and electromagnetic method for protecting iron sary of his birth, the IEEE to the field of engineering induction coil in 1836, induction, and discovered the from rust, an early form of is pleased to recognise the with the dedication of an then went on to build the principle of the self-exciting galvanization. seminal work of Nikola Tesla IEEE Historic Milestone in first successful mechanical dynamo. Callan also built the In the year 2000, Callan in the field of electrical en- his honour. current breaker, which he most powerful batteries and was one of several scientists gineering. Among his many The plaque unveiling cer- and engineers to be celebrat- accomplishments, those that emony took place on 5 Sep- ed in a series of Irish postage stand out are his innovative tember at the National Uni- stamps on the theme of ‘dis- contributions to the applica- versity of Ireland, Maynooth, covery’, alongside the likes of tions of polyphase current to 25km west of Dublin. The Galileo, Einstein, Marie Curie electric power systems, his event was hosted by Frank and Thomas Edison. pioneering work with elec- Devitt and John Hughes from Callan died at Maynooth tromagnetic waves, and his NUI Maynooth, with IEEE on 10 January 1864. Many experiments with very high president Michael Lightner of his induction coils, bat- voltages. The Tesla Museum (second left in the photo teries and magnets are on in Belgrade is to be com- above), education and sci- permanent display in the mended for its successful ence minister Mary Hanafin National Science Museum efforts to preserve artifacts and Royal Irish Academian at Maynooth (www.nuim.ie/ and documents related to Jim Selvin in attendance. Callan’s giant coil (1837) consists of three secondary coils museum). Tesla and to make them ac- Callan had been profes- connected in series on an iron core. Each coil contains Financial sponsorship cessible to scholars through- sor of Natural Philosophy at about 10 miles of very fine wire insulated with a mixture of of the Milestone was gener- out the world. Saint Patrick’s College May- beeswax and gutta-percha. In 1837 this apparatus was able ously donated by Intel Cor- Special Tesla ceremonies nooth and contributed signifi- to produce sparks some 15 inches long. poration. and dedications were held in Zagreb, Croatia (where Tesla was born) and Belgrade. Region 8 wins grants from IEEE Foundation www.tesla-museum.org EACH YEAR, the IEEE Foun- and innovative projects that tional, historical preserva- Student Study Tour to dation raises and distributes seek to improve the world- tion, and peer recognition Finland, Sweden and millions of dollars for philan- wide technological literacy program of IEEE Units. Denmark – US$1,000 thropic programs that further of society from childhood During the course of IEEE Student Branch the scientific and educational through adulthood. 2006, the IEEE Foundation Eindhoven purposes of the IEEE. Secondly, it serves as the proudly awarded grants to the This grant will partially sup- The IEEE Foundation ful- fund administrator for over following programs of or ben- port a three-week study tour fills its mission in two ways. 100 restricted funds that efiting members from IEEE for 24 IEEE student members First, it awards grants to new support a variety of educa- Region 8: continued on page 2 see also page 12 December 2006 region news IEEE Foundation grants Region 8’s History Advisory continued from page 1 through Finland, Sweden and share. The program focused Denmark. During the tour, on promoting these improve- Council shifts into gear the students will visit many ments for scientists and technology corporations and engineers in Africa and the THE NEW Region 8 History cultural sites enhancing both Middle East. Advisory Council (HAC) has their technical knowledge the goal of strengthening any and cultural awareness. You and the Future – history of engineering, com- A Working Retirement: puting activities in our region. ICL2006 IEEE Student Fulfilling Quality Lives There are many diverse ac- Track – US$4,000 for an Aging Population tivities already happening but IEEE Education Society – US$20,000 little is known about them. This project provided a track IEEE Sweden Section Did you know, for exam- for students from around the This grant supported a work- ple, that IEEE Russia NW globe to share ideas on how shop to discuss improving the section held a successful education in the computer quality of life for the elderly conference last year on the technology and engineering and finding engineering solu- 110th anniversary of radio fields benefits society at the tions to address the difficul- invention? Or that Region 8 For example, you can by ensuring a professional Interactive Computer Learn- ties faced by the elderly when has two representatives on learn about the IEEE Unit- result with quality necessary ing Conference. The student they are still active, but feel the IEEE History Committee ed Kingdom & Republic of for historical archive; and by track attendees had the op- neglected by society. The (Hans Schmitt and Michael Ireland Section’s initiative setting up a central website portunity to interact with workshop was held 13–14 Psalides)? Or indeed that on Oral Histories by read- for R8 History activities and 300 professionals from over October 2006 in Sweden most of our technical con- ing transcripts of interviews communicating the result 50 countries and allow for and will welcome speakers ferences have no ‘historical conducted by Peter Hill and to all educational establish- further exchange of informa- and panels from around the record’ content? Charles Turner with a range ments in our region. tion between students and world. The HAC purpose is to of notable UK engineers This is not the only objec- professionals on an interna- encourage IEEE R8 mem- such as Cyril Hilsum, Ramsay tive of the HAC. We also plan tional level. The conference THE IEEE Foundation is bers’ history projects and to Shearman, Kenneth Slater to organise a 2008 History was held on 27–29 Septem- excited about the activities spread knowledge about our and Ralph Benjamin. Conference in Strasbourg, ber in Villach, Austria. it has funded within IEEE profession’s achievements, Through the R8 HAC, the get involved with the IEEE Region 8. As the President archive historical records; Oral Histories’ stated objec- Life Member scheme, and Tesla – Neverending of the IEEE Foundation, I and provide funding for tive – to preserve, research, actively work in coordination Story – US$9,500 encourage the members and projects of a high standard. and promote the history of in- with national and other engi- IEEE Serbia and Montenegro units of Region 8 to consider We are setting up a website formation and electrical tech- neering societies. Section submitting grant propos- www.ieee.org/go/r8history to nologies – will be extended So watch this space and The IEEE Belgrade Student als for new and innovative reflect our activities, and we through Region 8. our website! You can contact Branch, along with a consor- projects that help people of invite participation from all How? By making the tech- us with your suggestions at tium of partners, organised all ages to understand how members. nique more widely known; [email protected]. an essay contest and confer- technology is created and im- ence for undergraduate and pacts society. The types of graduate students to cel- programs we expect to sup- ebrate the 150th birthday of port will improve primary and IEEE Fellow nomination changes Nikola Tesla. The authors of secondary maths and science IEEE FELLOW grade mem- The IEEE Bylaws were These nomination forms the best 40 essays based on learning, increase active in- bership is bestowed by the amended to clarify the eli- can be submitted electroni- a Tesla theme were chosen terest in engineering and Board of Directors upon gibility of Application engi- cally. See the IEEE Web site by a group of judges and science, preserve the history IEEE Senior Members who neers and Practitioners, and at www.ieee.org/fellow. invited to the Tesla – Never- of IEEE associated technolo- have built up an extraordi- to establish the realisation Although electronic sub- ending Story conference in gies, or tap the technological nary record of accomplish- of the significant value to mittal of Fellow nominations Belgrade on 8–16 July 2006 expertise of IEEE members. ment in any IEEE field of society standard for evalu- is to be highly recommend- where they shared their ideas To apply for a grant, visit our interest. The accomplish- ating nominations. ed, and is in fact the pre- covering all fields of electrical website at www.ieeefounda- ments honoured shall have ferred method of submittal, engineering with other future tion.org and click on Grants Fellow candidates are contributed significantly to the forms and instructions engineers.
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