FISCAL YEAR 2011 ADOPTED BUDGET REVENUE 2010 2014 Office of Management and Budget JneJune 29, 2010 TABLE of CONTENTS 1. Summary of the Revenue Budget……………………………. 2. Part I. Taxes……………………………………………………….….. Summary 3. Part II. Miscellaneous, Unrestricted, Disallowances, Inter Fund Agreements and Anticipated Revenues…………………. Summary Changes Plan details 4. Part III. Federal, State and Other Categorical Grants………………….. Summary Changes Plan details Page 1 of 153 Adopted 2011 Financial Plan Five Year Financial Plan REVENUE ESTIMATES ($ in millions) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 Taxes: · Real Property $16,156 $16,780 $17,423 $17,692 $17,829 · Personal Income 6,877 7,557 7,941 8,272 8,689 · General Corporation 2,028 2,478 2,788 3,055 3,228 · Banking Corporation 989 839 903 931 925 · Unincorporated Business 1,556 1,588 1,701 1,789 1,891 · Sale and Use 5,012 5,145 5,357 5,667 5,980 · Commercial Rent 601 566 563 572 583 · Real Property Transfer 616 628 703 765 828 · Mortgage Recording 366 455 547 633 726 · Utility 374 383 398 412 425 · Cigarette 93 92 90 88 86 · Hotel 360 373 373 348 352 · All Other 501 476 441 443 454 · Tax Audit Revenue 890 622 621 620 620 · Tax Program (1) (12) (12) (12) (12) · State Tax Relief Program - STAR 904 942 980 1,055 1,055 Total Taxes 37,322 38,912 40,817 42,330 43,659 Miscellaneous Revenue: · Licenses, Franchises, Etc. 479 481 485 486 488 · Interest Income 22 48 105 138 159 · Charges for Services 736 751 748 748 747 · Water and Sewer Charges 1,623 1,332 1,335 1,329 1,356 · Rental Income 233 243 251 255 263 · Fines and Forfeitures 830 848 825 824 824 · Miscellaneous 805 593 491 487 480 · Intra-City Revenue 1,834 1,616 1,498 1,502 1,502 Total Miscellaneous 6,562 5,912 5,738 5,769 5,819 Unrestricted Intergovernmental Aid: · N.Y. State Per Capita Aid 150 0 0 0 0 · Other Federal and State Aid 21 14 12 12 12 Total Unrestricted Intergovernmental Aid 171 14 12 12 12 Page 2 of 153 Adopted 2011 Financial Plan Five Year Financial Plan REVENUE ESTIMATES ($ in millions) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 Reserve for Disallowance of Categorical Grants (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) Less: Intra City Revenue (1,834) (1,616) (1,498) (1,502) (1,502) SUB TOTAL CITY FUNDS 42,206 43,207 45,054 46,594 47,973 Other Categorical Grants 1,128 1,234 1,142 1,139 1,137 Inter Fund Agreements 583 558 493 493 493 TOTAL CITY FUNDS & CAPITAL BUDGET TRANSFERS 43,917 44,999 46,689 48,226 49,603 Federal Categorical Grants: · Community Development 315 247 240 240 240 · Social Services 3,072 2,748 2,712 2,682 2,682 · Education 2,949 2,568 1,723 1,723 1,723 · Other 1,870 1,233 1,072 1,030 1,023 Total Federal Grants 8,206 6,796 5,747 5,675 5,668 State Categorical Grants: · Social Services 2,109 1,981 1,970 1,943 1,943 · Education 8,085 7,983 8,807 8,960 9,288 · Higher Education 206 187 220 220 220 · Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 489 445 435 434 436 · Other 852 686 773 861 947 Total State Grants 11,741 11,282 12,205 12,418 12,834 TOTAL REVENUE 63,864 63,077 64,641 66,319 68,105 Page 3 of 153 FISCAL YEAR 2011 ADOPTED BUDGET TAXES ________________________ OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET PART I Page 4 of 153 ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN TAXES ($ IN MILLIONS) FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Executive 2011 Financial Plan Real Property 16,109 16,760 17,423 17,692 17,829 Personal Income 6,859 7,557 7,941 8,272 8,689 General Corporation 1,980 2,478 2,788 3,055 3,228 Banking Corporation 991 839 903 931 925 Unincorporated Business 1,536 1,588 1,701 1,789 1,891 Sales and Use 4,992 5,145 5,357 5,667 5,980 Commercial Rent 593 566 563 572 583 Real Property Transfer 628 628 703 765 828 Mortgage Recording 385 455 547 633 726 Utility 378 383 398 412 425 Cigarette 94 92 90 88 86 Hotel 365 373 373 348 352 All Other 500 476 441 443 454 Tax Audit Revenue 890 622 621 620 620 Tax Program -1 -12 -12 -12 -12 State Tax Relief Program ( STAR ) 910 942 980 1,055 1,055 Total Executive 2010 Financial Plan $37,209 $38,892 $40,817 $42,330 $43,659 Adopted 2011 Financial Plan Changes Change Change Change Change Change Real Property 47 20 0 0 0 Personal Income 18 0000 General Corporation 48 0000 Banking Corporation -2 0000 Unincorporated Business 20 0000 Sales and Use 20 0000 Commercial Rent 80000 Real Property Transfer -12 0000 Mortgage Recording -19 0000 Utility -4 0000 Cigarette -1 0000 Hotel -5 0000 All Other 10000 Tax Audit Revenue 00000 Tax Program 00000 State Tax Relief Program ( STAR ) -6 0000 Total Adopted 2011 Financial Plan Changes $113 $20 $0 $0 $0 Adopted 2011 Financial Plan Real Property 16,156 16,780 17,423 17,692 17,829 Personal Income 6,877 7,557 7,941 8,272 8,689 General Corporation 2,028 2,478 2,788 3,055 3,228 Banking Corporation 989 839 903 931 925 Unincorporated Business 1,556 1,588 1,701 1,789 1,891 Sales and Use 5,012 5,145 5,357 5,667 5,980 Commercial Rent 601 566 563 572 583 Real Property Transfer 616 628 703 765 828 Mortgage Recording 366 455 547 633 726 Utility 374 383 398 412 425 Cigarette 93 92 90 88 86 Hotel 360 373 373 348 352 All Other 501 476 441 443 454 Tax Audit Revenue 890 622 621 620 620 Tax Program -1 -12 -12 -12 -12 State Tax Relief Program ( STAR ) 904 942 980 1,055 1,055 Total Adopted 2011 Financial Plan $37,322 $38,912 $40,817 $42,330 $43,659 Page 5 of 153 Note: Due to rounding, columns may not add to totals shown. FISCAL YEAR 2011 ADOPTED BUDGET MISCELLANEOUS UNRESTRICTED DISALLOWANCES INTER FUND AGREEMENTS AND ANTICIPATED REVENUES ________________________ OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET PART II Page 6 of 153 ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN MISCELLANEOUS ($ IN MILLIONS) FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Executive 2011 Financial Plan Licenses, Franchises, Etc. 474 481 485 486 488 Interest Income 22 48 105 139 159 Charges for Services 731 753 750 750 749 Water and Sewer Charges 1,624 1,331 1,335 1,329 1,356 Rental Income 226 223 223 223 223 Fines and Forfeitures 841 846 823 822 822 Miscellaneous 783 592 489 486 481 Intra-City Revenue 1,825 1,602 1,498 1,502 1,502 Total Executive 2010 Financial Plan $6,526 $5,876 $5,708 $5,737 $5,780 Adopted 2011 Financial Plan Changes Change Change Change Change Change Licenses, Franchises, Etc. 50000 Interest Income 0 0 0 -1 0 Charges for Services 5 -2 -2 -2 -2 Water and Sewer Charges -1 1000 Rental Income 7 20 28 32 40 Fines and Forfeitures -11 2222 Miscellaneous 22 1 2 1 -1 Intra-City Revenue 9 14 0 0 0 Total Adopted 2011 Financial Plan Changes $36 $36 $30 $32 $39 Adopted 2011 Financial Plan Licenses, Franchises, Etc. 479 481 485 486 488 Interest Income 22 48 105 138 159 Charges for Services 736 751 748 748 747 Water and Sewer Charges 1,623 1,332 1,335 1,329 1,356 Rental Income 233 243 251 255 263 Fines and Forfeitures 830 848 825 824 824 Miscellaneous 805 593 491 487 480 Intra-City Revenue 1,834 1,616 1,498 1,502 1,502 Total Adopted 2011 Financial Plan $6,562 $5,912 $5,738 $5,769 $5,819 Note: Due to rounding, columns may not add to totals shown. Page 7 of 153 ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN - CHANGES Miscellaneous ($ IN THOUSANDS) Budget Revenue Agenc Code Source FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Licenses, Franchises, Etc. 474,227 480,854 485,228 485,692 488,190 EXECUTIVE 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN 810 5111 00251 2,775 0 0 0 0 Construction Permits 816 8100 00250 883 0 0 0 0 Restaurant, Vendor & Other 846 2490 00325 -1,987 0 0 0 0 Park Concessions 858 5000 00320 3,000 0 0 0 0 Cable Television Franchises 866 2201 00200 600 0 0 0 0 Consumer Affairs Licenses ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN Licenses, Franchises, Etc. 479,498 480,854 485,228 485,692 488,190 NOTE: Due to rounding, columns may not add to totals shown Page 8 of 153 ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN - CHANGES Miscellaneous ($ IN THOUSANDS) Budget Revenue Agenc Code Source FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Interest Income 22,010 47,800 104,910 138,510 158,710 EXECUTIVE 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN Interest Income 22,010 47,800 104,910 138,510 158,710 NOTE: Due to rounding, columns may not add to totals shown Page 9 of 153 ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN - CHANGES Miscellaneous ($ IN THOUSANDS) Budget Revenue Agenc Code Source FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Charges for Services 730,614 753,072 749,898 749,883 748,975 EXECUTIVE 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN 042 0100 00461 3,500 0 0 0 0 CUNY Tuition and Fees 057 5640 00470 0 -2,220 -2,220 -2,220 -2,220 Fire Inspection Fees 781 2101 00470 0 479 479 479 479 DWI/DUI Fees 781 4101 00470 0 -479 -479 -479 -479 COI Fees 806 2300 00470 4,060 0 0 0 0 421-A 836 3302 00470 700 0 0 0 0 City Register Fees 841 4142 00472 -1,500 0 0 0 0 Parking Meters 846 2490 00476 -1,700 0 0 0 0 Event Fees 941 1000 00470 -779 0 0 0 0 Administration of Estates - Manhattan 943 1000 00470 1,240 0 0 0 0 Administration of Estates - Brooklyn ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN Charges for Services 736,135 750,852 747,678 747,663 746,755 NOTE: Due to rounding, columns may not add to totals shown Page 10 of 153 ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN - CHANGES Miscellaneous ($ IN THOUSANDS) Budget Revenue Agenc Code Source FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Water and Sewer Charges 1,623,656 1,330,820 1,335,015 1,329,256 1,356,211 EXECUTIVE 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN 002 0421 00521 -855 855 0 0 0 EBF Deferral ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN Water and Sewer Charges 1,622,801 1,331,675 1,335,015 1,329,256 1,356,211 NOTE: Due to rounding, columns may not add to totals shown Page 11 of 153 ADOPTED 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN - CHANGES Miscellaneous ($ IN THOUSANDS) Budget Revenue Agenc Code Source FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Rental Income 225,887 222,777 222,779 222,920 222,920 EXECUTIVE 2011 FINANCIAL PLAN 040 7701 00760 7,500 0 0 0 0 Extended School Use 801 0101 00760 0 20,300 27,700
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