June 25, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4511 Whereas rap, arguably the most complex of the Department of Energy, to prescribe SA 892. Mr. KENNEDY submitted an and influential form of hip-hop culture, com- military personnel strengths for such fiscal amendment intended to be proposed by him bines elements of the African-American mu- year, and for other purposes; which was or- to the bill S. 1790, supra; which was ordered sical tradition (blues, jazz, and soul) with dered to lie on the table. to lie on the table. Caribbean calypso, dub, and dance hall SA 876. Mr. TOOMEY submitted an amend- SA 893. Mr. BOOKER (for himself and Mr. reggae; ment intended to be proposed to amendment ISAKSON) submitted an amendment intended Whereas the development and popularity of SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. to be proposed to amendment SA 764 pro- old style rap combined confident beats with 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the posed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. 1790, supra; wordplay and storytelling, highlighting the table. which was ordered to lie on the table. struggle of African-American youth growing SA 877. Mr. SULLIVAN submitted an SA 894. Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself, Ms. up in underresourced neighborhoods; amendment intended to be proposed to MURKOWSKI, and Ms. CANTWELL) submitted Whereas contemporary rhythm and blues, amendment SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE an amendment intended to be proposed by which originated in the late 1970s and com- to the bill S. 1790, supra; which was ordered him to the bill S. 1790, supra; which was or- bines elements of pop, rhythm and blues, to lie on the table. dered to lie on the table. soul, funk, hip hop, gospel, and electronic SA 878. Mr. LEE (for himself, Mrs. FEIN- SA 895. Mr. RUBIO submitted an amend- dance music was popularized by artists such STEIN, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Ms. COL- ment intended to be proposed to amendment as Whitney Houston and Aaliyah; LINS, and Ms. WARREN) submitted an amend- SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. Whereas Prince Rogers Nelson, who was ment intended to be proposed to amendment 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the known for electric performances and wide SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. table. vocal range, pioneered music that integrated 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the SA 896. Mr. MORAN submitted an amend- a wide variety of styles, including funk, table. ment intended to be proposed by him to the rock, contemporary rhythm and blues, new SA 879. Mr. PORTMAN submitted an bill S. 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie wave, soul, psychedelia, and pop; amendment intended to be proposed to on the table. Whereas a recent study by the Department amendment SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE SA 897. Mr. MORAN (for himself and Mr. of Education found that only 28 percent of to the bill S. 1790, supra; which was ordered BROWN) submitted an amendment intended African-American students receive any kind to lie on the table. to be proposed to amendment SA 764 pro- of arts education; SA 880. Mr. RUBIO submitted an amend- posed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. 1790, supra; Whereas African-American students scored ment intended to be proposed to amendment which was ordered to lie on the table. the lowest of all ethnicities in the most re- SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. SA 898. Mr. PERDUE submitted an amend- cent National Assessment for Educational 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the ment intended to be proposed to amendment Progress arts assessment; table. SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. Whereas students who are eligible for the SA 881. Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, Mr. 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the school lunch program established under the JONES, and Mrs. CAPITO) submitted an table. Richard B. Russell National School Lunch amendment intended to be proposed to SA 899. Mr. MORAN submitted an amend- Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) have significantly amendment SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE ment intended to be proposed to amendment lower scores on the music portion of the Na- to the bill S. 1790, supra; which was ordered SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. tional Assessment for Educational Progress to lie on the table. 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the arts assessment than students that are ineli- SA 882. Ms. ERNST submitted an amend- table. ment intended to be proposed to amendment gible for that program, which suggests that f students in low-income families are dis- SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. advantaged in the subject of music; 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the TEXT OF AMENDMENTS table. Whereas a recent study showed that nearly SA 875. Mr. GARDNER submitted an SA 883. Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. PAUL, 2⁄3 of music ensemble students were White amendment intended to be proposed by and middle class and only 15 percent were Af- Mr. KAINE, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. MURPHY, and Mr. LEE) submitted an amend- him to the bill S. 1790, to authorize ap- rican-American; propriations for fiscal year 2020 for Whereas the same study found that only 7 ment intended to be proposed to amendment percent of music teacher licensure can- SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. military activities of the Department didates were African-American; and 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the of Defense, for military construction, Whereas students of color face many bar- table. and for defense activities of the De- SA 884. Mr. RUBIO submitted an amend- riers to accessing music education and train- partment of Energy, to prescribe mili- ment intended to be proposed to amendment ing, especially students in large urban public tary personnel strengths for such fiscal SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. schools: Now, therefore, be it 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the year, and for other purposes; which was Resolved, That the Senate recognizes— ordered to lie on the table; as follows: (1) the contributions of African Americans table. to the musical heritage of the United States; SA 885. Mr. MORAN submitted an amend- At the end of subtitle H of title X, add the (2) the wide array of talented and popular ment intended to be proposed to amendment following: African-American musical artists, com- SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. SEC. 108lll. SUPPORT AND ENHANCEMENT OF posers, songwriters, and musicians who are 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the DEFENSE CRITICAL ELECTRIC IN- underrecognized for contributions to music; table. FRASTRUCTURE. SA 886. Mr. WARNER submitted an amend- (3) the achievements, talent, and hard (a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the avail- ment intended to be proposed to amendment work of African-American pioneer artists, ability of funds provided in any appropria- SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. and the obstacles that those artists over- tions Act enacted on or after the date of en- 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the came to gain recognition; actment of this Act, the Secretary of Energy table. (4) the need for African-American students may use those funds to plan and install new SA 887. Mr. LANKFORD (for himself, Mr. to have greater access to and participation generation, transmission, and distribution ROMNEY, and Mr. LEE) submitted an amend- in music education in schools across the assets and resiliency upgrades to existing ment intended to be proposed to amendment United States; and distribution and transmission assets for the SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. (5) Black History Month and African- exclusive purpose of enhancing the power 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the American Music Appreciation Month as an supply at military bases identified by the table. important time— Secretary as containing defense critical elec- SA 888. Mr. CRUZ submitted an amend- (A) to celebrate the impact of the African- tric infrastructure (as that term is defined in ment intended to be proposed to amendment American musical heritage on the musical section 215A(a) of the Federal Power Act (16 SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. heritage of the United States; and U.S.C. 824o–1(a))) to improve the resilience of 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the (B) to encourage greater access to music the infrastructure against physical or cyber table. education so that the next generation may threats. SA 889. Mr. CRUZ submitted an amend- (b) GENERATION ASSETS EXCLUDED.—The continue to greatly contribute to the musi- ment intended to be proposed to amendment cal heritage of the United States. Secretary of Energy shall not take any ac- SA 764 proposed by Mr. INHOFE to the bill S. tion in carrying out subsection (a) that pro- f 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie on the vides financial support to existing genera- AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND table. tion assets. SA 890. Mr. CRUZ submitted an amend- PROPOSED ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 876. Mr. TOOMEY submitted an SA 875. Mr. GARDNER submitted an bill S. 1790, supra; which was ordered to lie amendment intended to be proposed to amendment intended to be proposed by him on the table. to the bill S. 1790, to authorize appropria- SA 891.
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