The Baptist Herald A DENOMI NATIONAL MONTHLY V0°ICJ NG T H E INT ERESTS O F T H E GERMAN BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S AND SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS' UNIO N Volur;ne One CLEVELAND, 0 ., FEBRUARY, 1923 Number Two REV. G. A. S CHUL T E February, J 922 THE BAPTIST H:B:RALD r 3 What's Happening Rev. H. G. Braun, Pastor at Irving affiliation remains with the Bethel Park, Chicago, has accepted the call of Church. has received 80 new members since the church at Pekin, I11., and will en­ Easter. The Baptist Herald The Young People's Society of tl:e ter upon his new pastorate in the early Miss Lydia Mindrup, daughter of Rev. part of February. Fleischmann Memol'ial Church in Phila­ delphia heartily invite you to the third and Mrs. F r. l\Iindrup of Buffalo Cen­ ''Resolved, that fancy work is, more ter, Ia., after an illness of several Stewardship and the Young People March 4: "Our Obligation Towards God's Owner- beneficial to girls than r eading." This annual Young People's Conference of the ship of Us." Atlantic Conference, to be held during months, died of heart failure, Jan. 1, a was the topic of a well-rendered de­ aged 23 years. Interment took place in HE Denominational Finan.ce Committee held. March 11: "The Hallowing of Our Whole Life." bate at one of the meetings of the the Lincoln Holidays, Feb. 10- 12 in­ meeting in Cle veland during the ~rs t week m clusive. As a very heavy registration is Shell Creek, Nebr. She was a devout T March 18 : "The Witness-bearing of the Saved." Young P eople's Society in Edmonton, Christian, active in the Lord's work. January., This committee. was appomted by the Alta .. before a large audience. The nega­ already assured, all who intend to be present are r equested to send in their Our sympathy is extended to the be­ Triennial Conference and is the success?r of th ~ March 25 : "The Consecration of Our Earthly Po::::- tive side was the winner. Music by the reaved circle. sessions." . church band added greatly. to the even­ names immediately to Mr. Reuben Bles­ Million Dollar Offering ~o mmitt ee. It is o?e o~ sing, 4826 "A" Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ing's enjoyment. Washington-Bloedow-Oregon our most important committees, for the reas?n tha" April 1: "Our Service for Our Victorious, Risen Young people of the Atlantic Confer­ 0 'ts shoulders falls the work of promoting the Lord." The Young People's Society of Kyle, ence will please take special notice of ROLA ND R IEPE upon 1 ,_ Texas, celebrated its anniver sary on the this announcement. During November and December liro. denominational budget adopte~ f~ r the presen. The Finance Committee requests the Council Evening of Thanksgiving day. The at­ F. A. Blocdow, the Associate Secretary thr e-year period to the next Tnenmal Conference. of the Young People's and Sunday School Workers' tendance was large. With Pres. Ernest Rev. 0 . E . Krueger of BurHngton, of our Young People's an<l Sunday Iowa, assisted Rev. Thomas Stoeri oi e Upon the successful r~ising of the budget d: ­ Union to co-operate by linking up their tithing cam­ Hill presiding, a fine program of songs, School Workers' Union, spent his time, ds the successful carrymg out of our denom.­ recitations and dialogues was rendered. St. J oseph, l\lich., in evangelistic meet­ as above, between the states of Wash­ paign with this general plan. It is recognized th at Addresses were given by the Pastor, ings for two weeks in January'; Rev. C. ington and Oregon. Besides visiting all ~=~ional missionary, educational. und benevolenl the salvation of our denominational budget in Rev. R. Vase! and by Rev. E. R. Lenge­ F . Zummach of Kankakee, Ill., likewise of our churches in these states, where ·ogram. Means ar e necessary if ow· work as a coming days, to a great extent, is dependent upon feld of San Antonio. The society de­ assisted Rev. J. H erman of Benton Har­ he successfully inspired and instructed ~~nomination is to be maintained and extended. If. the adoption of th e stewardship principle by om: veloped a cr editable activity during the bor, for a similar period. Rev. F . Dob­ the interested workers, he also attend­ eans are lacking, the work will be handicappeu rovolny of Ashley held several weeks young people. past year. Brother A. J. Heidenreich ed the Washington Vercinigung or ~ s­ ~nd crippled. We are not expectin~ retrenchm e~t one of the founders and pillars of th~ of protracted meetings with the church ociation in Colfax. Further , on the in­ A stewardship campaign is one of the objec­ society, was called to his heavenly re­ at Selfridge, So. Dakota, a comparative­ or so unding retreat but are advocatmg advance 111 vitation of Bro. vVuttke, he also en­ the face of the wonderful opportunities that are tives of our Union. Our aim is to have the young ward and is greatly missed. Another ly new field-during J anuary. joyed the good things at the West Wash­ people in our churches become tithers. To pay a active wor~cer, .Br. Arthur Lengefeld, Henry Marks, our President, whose ington Baptist Ministers' Retreat al confronting us everywhere. has been laid aside by sever e illness. He Camp Seymour. '!'his is the island boys' Our greatest need for carrying on effectively tithe is to say, "Lord Jesus, .r consecrate my all to genial face adorned our front page in thy big task and here is my tenth to show you that was remembered in special prayer. The the January number, is an extremely camp of the Tacoma Y. l\'.L C. A. One the work which the Lord has entru ~te.d to us, ~::; memory of these faithful ones is a spur I mean it." active man and a forceful, reliable and of the stories told is to the effect that to be devoted ~nd consecrated Christians: Thi-.; to the present workers. several of the heavyweight preachers, We shall touch upon this campaign more fully winning personality. In his home is our first reqmrement. Vv e must recogmze our Rev. W. E. Schmitt of St. Paul as­ church, the Riverview Baptist of St. including our own Bro. IC!ingbeil, of in the March number of the "Baptist Herald." sisted Rev. W. S. Argow of Madison, Paul, Minn., he is teacher of the Young Startup, climbed the trestle, buil t for relation to our God, our Creator, Preser ver and So. Dakota, in evangelistic meetings l\Ien's Bible Class and Church Clerk. In <livin g purposes, to better view the Redeemer. Paul expresses it correctly, when he for two weeks from December 4--15. his city, he is Secretary of the St. Paul "ccncry. And (ach, mein Schreck!) summed it up in that significant phrase: "Whol'c Undenominational Literature in the Sunday The Gospel message was ably presented Baptist City Union and on the Board the. thing slowly collapsed and they I am and whom I serve." School in German and English services with of Directors of the Mounds Park Sana­ all landed gracefull y in the cool No­ tarium. In the wider denominational vember waters of Puget Sound (Brrrr This attitude of the soul to God involves Chri::;­ CCASIONALLY we meet with undenomina­ encouraging results. A number made tian stewardship. Stewardship fundamentally re­ decisions for Christ. An attractive card field, he is a member of the North west­ rrrr). Being good Baptists however, 0 tional lesson helps and papers in some of our in both languages announced the meet­ ern Conference Mission Committee and and used to waler, they of course did quires a right adjustment of the life to God. IL Sunday schools and we confess that we are surpris­ ings. one of the trustees of our German Theo­ not mind l (Brrrl'l'rrr) But their is the Christian law of life. It insists that men shail clothes soaked up considerable salt ed and grieved thereby. W e don't know why The United Choirs of the German logical Seminary in Rochester, N . Y. give God and his kingdom the first place in their water l No I Bro. Illocdow did not fall they are put into our schools, but it is done. The Baptist Ch urches of Chicago, Prof. G. Ile is one of t he members of the Denomi­ national F inance Committee. His serv­ in, and we cannot therefore understand lives. It involves a sincere r ecognition of the fact, main factor in the inti-oduction of these papers W. Berndt, conductor, presented Han­ why he should have become sick. All that we are not our own; that we are bought with del's "Messiah" to an appreciative audi­ ices on the Committee for Ministerial seems to be th e plea of cheapness. We are told Pension Fund are well known to our joking aside,-we hope and pray that a price ; and that we are to glorify God in our ence at the First Church on the evening he will soon have fully r ecovered and "they are cheaper.'' In our opinion, this is econo­ of December 28. The soloists were Flora pastor s. The Northwestern Conference bodies and souls which are his. my driven too far. Some cheap things may be at its last session elected him moderator. be able to continue his blessed work. Waalkes, soprano; Mary Welch, contral­ Deeply conscious of t his, the Finance Commn­ purchased too dear.
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