H D T E C N I R A C P L X E E HOW TO USE THE ARTWORK R S E A M I C T H C A L L V I The 2018 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Resource Artwork Categories Guide offers a selection of professionally developed, original illustration and other artwork to promote this To help you select the most suitable file, 2018 NCVRW year’s theme—Expand the Circle: Reach All Victims. Draw Resource Guide artwork is categorized by how it will be attention to your community’s NCVRW observance by used: learning how to match the theme colors, which fonts to • Web Art—JPEG files in RGB at pixel dimensions use, what kind of file is best suited for your purpose, and commonly used in website and email templates. other recommendations to make the most of this year’s These images will display properly onscreen and guide. load quickly due to their small file size, but may By using the 2018 Resource Guide artwork, you appear pixelated or very small in print applications. become part of the nationwide effort to raise awareness • Print Art—high-resolution JPEG or PDF exports about crime victims’ rights and services during National set up in CMYK, suitable for office printing or for Crime Victims’ Rights Week. placing into other documents. (Note that these files do not account for a “bleed”—when the ink for an Artwork Elements image extends beyond the borders of the page.) • Press Art—high-resolution source files in CMYK with This year’s artwork frames the 2018 NCVRW theme— outlined text, embedded images, and document Expand the Circle: Reach All Victims—as a call to op- bleeds. Suitable for offset presses and professional timism and inclusion. The vibrant navy, pink, and teal printing, these files require recent versions of Ado- theme colors swirl, connect, and grow, symbolizing our be Creative Cloud applications to open. expansion of efforts to reach all victims in our communi- ties with the support and services they need. (See “2018 Use these categories—noted below under “Artwork Theme Colors” on page 4.) To help maintain a consis- Collection”—as guides to help you select the most tent look, the font used throughout the Resource Guide appropriate artwork for your needs. To learn about the is Avenir Next (in varying “weights,” or thicknesses). differences between CMYK and RGB color spaces, see All artwork, including high-resolution formats for “A Printing Primer” on page 5. print applications as well as smaller graphics for use on- line, is available in English and Spanish at www.ovc.gov/ ncvrw2018. Much of the artwork also includes space for adding your organization’s contact information. (See “File Formats” below.) Reprint permission is granted for all artwork.1 1 For related queries, please refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions” in the Overview tab. Artwork Collection This year’s collection of ready-made artwork includes: File Formats Theme Posters (print, press) Portable Document Format (PDF) • 2018 NCVRW Theme Poster.2 Press artwork for the PDFs are widely accessible files that can be official 22” x 28” full-size NCVRW Theme Poster. opened with Adobe Reader, which is available • 11” x 17” Theme Posters. A smaller variation of the for free download at www.adobe.com. official 2018 Theme Poster, this 11” x 17” poster Many of the PDFs in this year’s Resource can be printed on standard tabloid-size paper and Guide, such as the posters and certificate, contains space to add local contact information. include text fields that allow users to add their contact information or other custom text. Acti- vate a text cursor by clicking on the text field, Theme Artwork (print, press) and begin typing. Alternatively, to insert text in • 2018 Theme Color Palette. Theme colors and their different fonts, sizes, or colors, you can first for- values in different color systems help you create mat your text in Microsoft Word, then copy and your own outreach materials and other branded paste it into the PDF text field. items. • Billboard Artwork. Designed for 30’ x 10’ and 48’ x Joint Photographic Experts Group 14’ displays, this digital billboard artwork is a highly (JPEG) visible way to publicize National Crime Victims’ JPEGs are compressed image files that are Rights Week in your community. Formats vary wide- compatible with most graphics programs, word ly. Contact your local advertising vendor for exact processing programs, and web applications. specifications. To place JPEG files in Microsoft Word, first • Bookmarks. Mix and match these bookmark ensure that the desired images are saved to designs to meet your outreach needs. On some de- your device. Then, from Word choose “Insert > signs, space is available to add local contact infor- Pictures” from the toolbar, and select the appro- mation. Printing on heavy paper, such as 80-pound priate image. Right-click on the image to adjust cover stock, is recommended. the size, position, and other attributes. To add text to the image, select “Format > Wrap text > • Buttons, Logos, and Magnets. Use the provided Behind text.” Then create a text box and place it artwork to create giveaways for your events. These over the image. Make sure the text box does not always-popular items help participants demon- have a fill or border color selected. strate their support for crime victims’ rights. • Certificate of Appreciation. The certificate of appreciation can be used to honor crime victims, those who serve them, or other notable figures who have supported your event. Print on parch- ment, fine paper, or attractive card stock, and 2 A limited number of flat 22” x 28” Theme Posters are available for a small shipping fee at www.ovc.ncjrs.gov/ncvrw2018/posters.html. H D T E C N I R A C P L X E E 2 | 2018 NCVRW RESOURCE GUIDE • HOW TO USE THE ARTWORK R S E A M I C T H C A L L V I include the recipient’s name (either hand written or • Ribbon Cards. These cards work best printed on typed on the fillable PDF), the name of the public a heavy paper stock (at least 80-pound cover). To figure or organization presenting the certificate, make ribbons for the cards, cut one eight-inch and the date on which it’s presented. strand each of navy, pink, and teal and form a loop; • Letterhead. This versatile template is perfect for secure the strands to the ribbon card with a two- event fliers, news releases, letters of introduction, inch stick pin. Partner with local volunteers (e.g., and other NCVRW documents. You might also from schools, civic organizations, or faith-based feature the names of NCVRW partners, planning communities) for help assembling the ribbon committee members, or sponsoring organizations. cards. • Name Tags and Table Card. Enhance the formality of your event by using these templates for name Web Art (web) tags and table cards at exhibits, ceremonies, con- • Web Ads and Email Banners. ferences, or any other relevant gathering. Help raise the profile of National • Referral Flier. This flier, which lists toll-free numbers Crime Victims’ Rights Week by and websites for the nation’s leading victim- adding these promotional imag- serving organizations, is a must-have for every es to your website, newsletter, social service agency in your community. Post the or email signature. list in permissible public spaces (e.g., libraries, • Social Media Cover and Profile community centers, grocery stores), distribute hard Images. These images are spe- copies to local businesses (ask to speak to a human cially sized for use as cover and resources representative), or email the electronic profile images on Facebook and version to local Twitter. EXPAND THE CIRCLE: REACH ALL VICTIMS victim-serving Crime Victim Services and Referral Information and public-safety DIRECT SERVICES FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME American Overseas Domestic Violence www.866uswomen.org 866-USWOMEN Crisis Center Public Awareness Posters (web, print, press) Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline www.childhelp.org/hotline 800-4-A-CHILD agencies (e.g., 866-331-9474, TTY 866-331-8453 Love Is Respect www.loveisrespect.org online chat, text LOVEIS to 22522 Mothers Against Drunk Driving www.madd.org 877-MADD-HELP 800-799-SAFE, TTY 800-787-3224 National Domestic Violence Hotline www.thehotline.org The 2018 NCVRW Resource Guide features three new online chat, video phone shelters, police National Human Trafficking Hotline www.humantraffickinghotline.org 888-373-7888 National Runaway Safeline www.1800runaway.org 800-RUNAWAY, online chat Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. www.pomc.org 888-818-POMC departments, public awareness posters (in English and Spanish), each Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network www.rainn.org 800-656-HOPE, online chat Strong Hearts Native Helpline www.strongheartshelpline.org 844-7-NATIVE Suicide Prevention Lifeline www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org 800-273-8255, TTY 800-799-4889 Veterans Crisis Line www.veteranscrisisline.net 800-273-8255 doctors’ offices). highlighting a critical message for your community— INFORMATION AND REFERRALS FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME Battered Women’s Justice Project www.bwjp.org/services/legal-advocacy- 800-903-0111 x1 Legal Helpline for-victims.html Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Country simply add your local contact information to the print www.indianaffairs.gov 800-633-5155 Child Abuse Hotline National Center for Missing & www.missingkids.org 800-THE-LOST Exploited Children Substance Abuse and Mental Health www.samhsa.gov/find-help/ 800-662-HELP, TTY 800-487-4889 files or share the web files on social media. This year’s Services Administration Helpline national-helpline VictimConnect Resource Center www.victimconnect.org 855-4-VICTIM, text,
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