Annual 19th International Scientific Conference Proceedings RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2013 Volume 1 Volume RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2013 Volume VolumeNo. 1 1 Latvia University of Agriculture RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2013 Annual 19th International Scientific Conference Proceedings Volume 1 Jelgava 2013 Research for Rural Development 2013 Volume 1 Annual 19th International Scientific Conference Proceedings Jelgava, LLU, 2013, 206 pages ISSN 1691-4031 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Ausma Markevica, Mg.sc.paed., Mg.sc.soc., Head of the Post-graduate Studies Department, Latvia University of Agriculture Zita Kriaučiūnene, Dr., Senior Manager of the Research Department, Aleksandras Stulginskis University Nadežda Karpova-Sadigova, Mg.sc.soc., Main manager of Post-graduate Studies Department, Latvia University of Agriculture SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Chairperson Professor Zinta Gaile, Dr.agr., Latvia University of Agriculture Members Professor Andra Zvirbule-Bērziņa, Dr.oec., Latvia University of Agriculture Professor Irina Arhipova, Dr.sc.ing., Latvia University of Agriculture Associate professor Gerald Assouline, Dr.sc. soc., Director of QAP Decision, Grenoble, France Professor Inga Ciproviča, Dr.sc.ing., Latvia University of Agriculture Associate professor Signe Bāliņa, Dr.oec., University of Latvia Associate professor Aivars Kaķītis, Dr.sc.ing., Latvia University of Agriculture Associate professor Antanas Dumbrauskas, Dr.sc.ing., Aleksandras Stulginskis University Senior researcher Āris Jansons, Dr.silv., Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava” TECHNICAL EDITORS Santa Treija Signe Skujeniece © Latvia University of Agriculture, 2013 The ethic statements of the conference „Research for Rural Development 2013” are based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines: http://www2.llu.lv/research_conf/proceedings.htm Approved and indexed:The Proceedings of previous Annual International Scientific Conferences “Research for Rural Development” published by Latvia University of Agriculture since 1994 and has been approved and indexed in to databases: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI full text; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Thomson Reuters Web of Science; Elsevier SCOPUS. Online: http://www2.llu.lv/research_conf/proceedings.htm Editorial office: Latvia University of Agriculture, Lielā ielā 2, Jelgava, LV -3001, Latvia Phone and fax: + 371 630 05607; e-mail: [email protected] Printed and bound in „Drukātava” Supported by: FOREWORD The four independent reviewers estimated each paper and recommended 68 articles for publishing at the proceedings consisted of 2 volumes, which started life as presentations at the Annual 19th International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2013” held at the Latvia University of Agriculture, in Jelgava, on 15 to 17 May 2013. In the retrospect of four months later, we can count the Conference as a great success. The theme – Research for Rural Development - attracted participation more than 150 researchers with very different backgrounds. There were 114 presentations from different universities of Lithuania, Netherland, Poland, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Iran, Nepal and Latvia. Thank you for your participation! I’m sure that you have learned from the presentations and discussions during the conference and you can use the outcomes in the future. The cross disciplinary proceedings of the Annual 19th International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2013” (2 volume since 2010) are intended for academics, students and professionals. The subjects covered by those issues are crop production, animal breeding, agricultural engineering, agrarian and regional economics, food sciences, veterinary medicine, forestry, wood processing, water management, environmental engineering, landscape architecture, information and communication technologies. The proceedings will be useful for researchers in educational sciences, too. The papers are grouped according to the sessions in which they have been presented. Finally, I wish to thank Organizing and Scientific Committee and the sponsors for their great support to the conference and proceedings. On behalf of the Organizing Committee of Annual 19th International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2013” Ausma Markevica Latvia University of Agriculture Contents Contents AGRICULTURAL Baiba Lāce, Biruta Bankina SCIENCES EVALUATION OF EUROPEAN PEAR RUST SEVERITY DEPENDING ON AGRO- (CROP SCIENCES, ECOLOGICAL FACTORS 6 ANIMAL SCIENCES) Regīna Rancāne, Līga Vilka, Biruta Bankina UREA APPLICATION AS A SANITATION PRACTICE TO MANAGE PEAR SCAB 13 Linda Brunava, Ina Alsiņa EVALUATION OF YIELD AND GRAIN QUALITY OF OAT CULTIVARS 18 Lidija Vojevoda, Zinta Gaile INFLUENCE OF ORGANIC PRODUCT EXTRACTS ON THE POTATO YIELD AND QUALITY IN THE CONVENTIONAL GROWING SYSTEM 23 Mihails Vilcāns, Zinta Gaile INFLUENCE OF SOWING TYPE, TIME AND SEEDING RATES ON THE BUCKWHEAT (FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM) YIELD QUALITY 29 Inga Jansone, Zinta Gaile PRODUCTION OF BIOETHANOL FROM STARCH BASED AGRICULTURE RAW MATERIAL 35 Mara Stapkevica, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Maris Klavins METAL UPTAKE FROM CONTAMINATED SOILS BY SOME PLANT SPECIES - RADISH, LETTUCE, DILL 43 Rudīte Sausserde, Aleksandrs Adamovičs IMPACT OF NITROGEN FERTILIZER RATES ON INDUSTRIAL HEMP GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 50 Jānis Gailis, Ināra Turka DISCUSSION ON ground beetles AND rove beetles AS indicators OF sustainable agriculture IN Latvia: REVIEW 56 Kristīne Piliena, Daina Jonkus GOAT MILK COMPOSITION VARIABILITY AFTER KID WEANING 63 Anita Puste, Daina Kairiša, Rita Sarma ESTIMATION OF GENETIC PARAMETERS FOR GROWTH TRAITS OF SHEEP POPULATION IN LATVIA 68 Laine Orbidane, Daina Jonkus ANALYSIS OF CONFORMATION OF FORELEGS AND HIND LEGS OF LATVIAN WARMBLOOD CARRIAGE TYPE MARES 73 FOOD SCIENCES Asnate Kirse, Daina Karklina, Envija Velga Strautniece SENSORY EVALUATION OF NEW BEAN SPREADS FOR VEGETARIANS 79 Liene Strauta, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE TREATMENT EFFECTS ON THE CHANGES OF THE FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF BEANS (PHASEOLUS) 84 Ingrida Augspole, Tatjana Rakcejeva EFFECT OF HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ON THE QUALITY PARAMETERS OF SHREDDED CARROTS 91 Liga Priecina, Daina Karklina TOTAL POLYPHENOLS, FLAVONOIDS AND ANTIRADICAL ACTIVITY OF VEGETABLES DRIED IN CONVENTIVE AND MICROWAVE- VACUUM DRIERS 98 Lolita Tomsone, Zanda Kruma COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT SOLVENTS FOR ISOLATION OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS FROM HORSERADISH (ArmoracIA rustIcana L.) LEAVES 104 Unigunde Antone, Vita Sterna, Jelena Zagorska EVALUATION OF BUTTER OIL OXIDATIVE STABILITY AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE AFFECTED BY COW FEEDING 111 4 RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2013, VOLUME 1 Contents FOOD SCIENCES Kristīna Antoņenko, Emīls Kozlinskis THE INFLUENCE OF SELENIUM AND COPPER ON MICROBIOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF RYE MALT 116 Solvita Kalnina, Tatjana Rakcejeva, Daiga Kunkulberga INVESTIGATION OF PHYSICALLY-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF CONVENTIONAL AND ORGANIC HULL-LESS BARLEY HARVESTED IN LATVIA 120 Ilze Beitane, Evita Straumite, Ingmars Cinkmanis NUTRITIONAL VALUE AND SENSORY PROPERTIES OF YOGHURT ENRICHED WITH BARLEY GRAINS AND MALT EXTRACT 125 Galina Zvaigzne, Daina Karklina THE EFFECT OF PRODUCTION AND STORAGE ON THE CONTENT OF VITAMIN C IN NFC ORANGE JUICE 131 Aleksandrs Kovalcuks, Mara Duma INTERACTION OF SELENIUM AND VITAMIN E IN EGGS AND EGG YOLK OIL 136 VETERINARY Aija Mālniece, Alberts Auzāns, Kristīne Drevinska MEDICINE BLOOD PRESSURE AND AORTIC LUMEN DIAMETER CHANGES AFTER REPLACING AORTA ABDOMINALIS WITH PROSTHESIS 141 Assylbek Mussoyev, Nygmet Assanov, Galiya Mussina, Abylai Sansyzbai, Anda Valdovska SEROLOGICAL ASPECTS OF AVIAN METAPNEUMOVIRUS INFECTION IN KAZAKHSTAN 147 Gulzhan Omarbekova, Karimkhan Muralinov, Oskars Kozinda, Abzal Makhmutov, Juldyz Muralinova IMMUNOCORRECTING THERAPHY OF ALLERGIC DERMATITIS 151 Inese Dūjiņa, Aleksandrs Jemeļjanovs CORRELATION BETWEEN PRODUCTIVITY OF COWS SIRED BY DIFFERENT BREEDING BULLS AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF THEIR BLOOD 156 Assel Paritova, Nurzhan Biltebayevna, Gulnur Kuzembekova, Zhadyra Valieva, Dinara Sarybaeva THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF FISH MEAT WHILE USING AS A FEED ADDITIVE ZEOLITE OF CHANKANAY ORIGIN 163 Gulnur Kuzembekova, Zhumagul Kirkimbayeva, Nurjan Sarsembaeva, Assel Paritova VETERINARY SANITARY CHARACTERISTICS OF CATTLE MEAT INFECTED BY LEPTOSPIROSIS 168 Daina Ikauniece, Aleksandrs Jemeljanovs CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS CONTENT IN ROMAN SNAIL (HELIX POMATIA) MEAT AND SHELL 173 Lauma Mancevica, Arnis Mugurevics MORPHOMETRIC AND MASOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE OSTRICH (STRUTHIO CAMELUS) STOMACH IN POSTNATAL ONTOGENESIS 176 AGRICULTURAL Toms Komass ENGINEERING Load effect ON THE dynamic parameters OF THE WIND station 181 Guntis Ruskis, Aivars Aboltins, Janis Palabinskis SOLAR AIR HEATING COLLECTOR ENERGETIC EFFICIENCY 188 Maris Gailis, Vilnis Pirs EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF FUEL CONVERSION ADAPTER USING BIOETHANOL AND GASOLINE BLENDS 193 Edgars Kirilovs, Hans-Jörg Gusovius, Janis Dolacis, Silvija Kukle INNOVATIVE FIBREBOARD FROM WET-PRESERVED HEMP 200 RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2013, VOLUME 1 5 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (CROP SCIENCES, ANIMAL SCIENCES) EVALUATION OF EUROPEAN PEAR RUST SEVERITY DEPENDING ON AGRO-ECOLOGICAL FACTORS Baiba Lāce1,2, Biruta Bankina1 1Latvia University of Agriculture 2Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing [email protected] Abstract Pear (Pyrus communis L.) fruits in Latvia are very popular, although orchard areas are not large. In the commercial orchards the control of plant pathogens mainly is performed using a plant protection plan, based on long-term
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