NMUN•NY CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2016 Kristina Getty and Beatrice L. Soler, Secretaries-General Ardis K. Smith and Cara Wagner, Deputy Secretaries-General NATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS nmun.org Conference A: 20 - 24 March Conference B: 27 - 31 March NMUN•NY Table of Contents U N I T E D N A T I O N S N A T I O N S U N I E S U N I T E D N A T I O N S N A T I O N S U N I E S Welcome Letters ................................................................................. 3, 5 THETHE SECRETARY-GENERALSECRETARY-GENERAL Volunteer Opportunities .......................................................................... 4 ---- Daily Schedule .................................................................................. 6 - 12 MESSAGEMESSAGE TO TOTHE THE NATIONAL NATIONAL MODEL MODEL UNITED UNITED NATIONS NATIONS NEWNEW YORK YORK CONFERENCE CONFERENCE 2016 2015 Opportunity Fair ..................................................................................... 8 NewNew York, York, 20-2422 -March26 March 2016 and and 29 27-31 March March- 2 April2016 2015 Delegate Seminars ................................................................................. 9 Map and Directions (Hotels, UN, T5-Dance, Hospital) .............................. 13 Thank youAs for the taking United part Nations in this Model addresses United grinding Nations poverty, and for your devastating commitment conflicts, to greater human global understanding. NMUN•NY Secretariat A ................................................................... 14 - 15 rights abuses and emerging challenges such as the spread of the Ebola virus, I take heart NMUN•NY Secretariat B ................................................................... 16 - 17 Youfrom gather the riseat a momentof a new of generation challenge andof global opportunity citizens for learningthe human about family. our work. Thank you for your interest in the United Nations. Committee Topics ............................................................................ 18 - 19 th Delegations A ................................................................................. 20 - 23 The United Nations marked its 70 anniversary in 2015 by taking landmark steps to advance sustainable developmentYour meeting and comes combat at climate a critical change. moment for our common future. Not since the Delegations B ................................................................................. 24 - 27 end of the Second World War have there been so many refugees, displaced people and Recognition: Long-Time NMUN Participants ..................................... 28 - 29 Inasylum December, seekers. governments Never beforecame together has the toUnited sign the Nations Paris Agreement been asked on to Climate reach soChange. many Codes of Conduct and Policies ....................................................... 30 - 31 people with emergency food assistance and other life-saving supplies. The impacts of Threeclimate months change earlier, are allgrowing 193 Member more pronounced.States of the United Diplomacy Nations is agreed on the on defensive, the 2030 Agenda for Delegates • Faculty Advisors • Head Delegates • Dress Code Sustainableundermined Development by those to who end povertybelieve andin violence. build a life Diversity of dignity is for under all on assault a healthy by extremists.planet. The 17 Sexual Harassment/Discrimination Policy • Delegation Awards SustainableDisarmament Development is viewed Goals as are a far-off transformative dream. and universal, and they will demand action from all About NCCA/NMUN ................................................................................ 32 partners, including young people. NCCA/NMUN Leadership ........................................................................ 33 Hope may be distant, but it is there: in changing mindsets; in new coalitions; and I amin clinics, also pleased classrooms that the andSecurity other Council places recentlywhere the passed development a landmark agenda resolution is making on Youth, Peace Thanks and Appreciation ........................................................................ 34 and Security. That means young peacebuilders have the full support of the United Nations. Young remarkable progress. Donor Recognition .................................................................................. 35 people have the greatest stake in the future so you must have a voice in building it. Advertisers/Opportunity Fair Participants ................................................ 36 Global poverty has been cut in half. More children are spared death from Committee Locations/Hotel Maps .................................... Inside Back Cover These agreements open up promising new horizons for our common progress. At the same time, our gainspreventable and hopes are diseases, threatened and by more the conflicts,women survive exploitation pregnancy and despair and childbirth.that characterize There much is of Rules Short Form ...................................................................... Back Cover today’sstill global much landscape. work ahead, Violent but these extremists and other are carrying gains show out appalling the power crimes. of the Fighting Millennium is forcing peopleDevelopment from their homes Goals, and the destroying ambitious, the 15-year lives of anti-povertymillions of young campaign people launched like you. Someat the countries are puttingUnited up Nations new barriers, in the bothyear physical2000. and legal, to prevent refugees from entering. Some people are stoking fear and hatred. Huge sums of money continue to be squandered on weapons of war, while life- NCCA/NMUN Information saving humanitarian programmes struggleToday, for an resources. inspiring and inclusive global conversation is taking place on a new development agenda for the next 15 years. MoreThe than United five Nations million stands people with have the votedvulnerable. online Every in the day, My we World strive to Mailing Address: makesurvey. a difference: I encourage delivering all of youfood; to providing log on and clean chime water in. and healthcare; 2945 44th Ave. S., Suite 600 promoting equal rights; advancing the empowerment of women and girls; NMUN nmun.org bringing enemies together around a peace table; helping countries build Minneapolis, MN 55406 People around the world are crying out for protection from effective institutions and move towards prosperity and stability. Phone: 612.353.5649 violence, greed and inequality. They understand that the world Email: info nmun.org needs greater international cooperation for the common good. The @ facebook.com/NationalModelUN By taking part in this Model United Nations, you are demonstrating your commitmentUnited Nations to peace, is striving justice, to human answer rights this andcall, human but we dignity. need your I hope this Conferenceengagement. will I continuehope you to learn inspire all you that to you be a can lifelong in Model global UN, citizen. and The information presented in this program apply those lessons in actions to create a better world. was correct at the time of printing. @theOfficialNMUN Ban Ki-moon Ban Ki-moon 2 © 2016 NCCA/National Model United Nations THE 2016 NATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS Volunteer with NMUN NMUN•NY SPONSORED BY THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION New York City, 20 - 24 March and 27 - 31 March Join our volunteer staff - committed Kristina Getty & Beatrice L. Soler Dear Delegates, Faculty Advisors, Guests, and Friends: to the ideals of the United Nations! Secretaries-General Ardis K. Smith & Cara Wagner We seek enthusiastic NMUN alumni from Deputy Secretaries-General UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon opened the most recent General Assembly Session around the globe, who are willing to help Doug Arseneault & Sara Johnsson stating that it must be one of “compassion, prevention and, above all, action.” It is in this same Chiefs of Staff organize the world’s largest university- spirit that we are honored to welcome you to the 2016 National Model United Nations New York Nguyen Cao & Camille Ellison level simulation of the United Nations. Many Assistant Chiefs of Staff (NMUN•NY) Conference. Together, over the next two weeks, more than 5,000 students from all of our volunteer staff members are current Sonia Patel & Felipe Ante over the world will come to New York City to participate in NMUN. Though our conference is a Assistant Secretaries-General undergraduate or graduate students. simulation, we believe that students will gain both a deeper understanding of the issues and Sabrina Grover & Patrick Parsons Under-Secretaries-General solutions before the international community and a firm commitment to achieving the goals of We need volunteers with expertise in General Assembly the United Nations. Dinah Douglas & Lauren Shaw research, committee facilitation, and Under-Secretaries-General conference organization. Economic and Social Council Despite the Sustainable Development Goals being officially adopted in 2015, the real work Michael Buechl & Andrea Wong begins in 2016 to ensure ideas become action, and hope becomes change. None of this Under-Secretaries-General You will build skills in facilitation of debate, Development will be easy. Global peace today requires our courage to overcome depleted resources, conflict resolution, and customer service Moritz Müller & Claudia Sanchez inaction, and apathy; it asks us to embrace our differences, and not allow fear and extremism Under-Secretaries-General while learning alongside delegates
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