■■ K - 'f V if- ■-^'^iS(aSi•’ 1I--.-^i^[ft^•Two •■ T ip jR S ]-DAY, APRIL 5, 196S |H{mirI|[»Btn 1Et»nihg l$rrallk AYWege 0 $ % Net Prhag Ran • {» ■ ■ '-■u i i ■ ■■ For tte Week Badrt Tht Waather ' . MarohAL lSSa Feeaeast ot V . Weather . 1-—S.... Bampa Aliout Town 1 3 ,5 5 9 Cloudy mlM tooight. Lew 40 to ' The Zipeer Club will hold a card 46. Saturday oecaafonal light raia. NOT party Saturday, April 7 at S d’cleck FARM teS*y*<S5ij2iSw High bi 86s. flharp. Cdme and brinf a friend. ' ^ npkekee^r^A CUy of vaiage Charm SECONDS! The public ie invited, ^ • ' ■ ■ - - ■ ■ --............ ■ ■ - ________ Mrs,' Edward Oava$naro, re$ent FRESH CHICKENS ^ VOL. LXXXI, NO. 168 (TWSNTY.FOUR PAGCR-IN TWO SBCnONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL «, 1M2 of St. 8tar$aret'a dbcle. DauRh- (UaMlfMI AiTwtM ai tm M) PRICE FIVE CENTS NOT lers oi ier-bella, waa elected aa eecond Ruide of -the OonneoUcut State Clrclf. I>aughtere of leabcl- HERE IS CHICKEN as you like iL Note the pink-white firmness that :OETREADS' la, at ita aeml-annual, mcetlnR a t promises fresh, delicate flavor!,,Note the plump meatiness. These pam­ 824 SmaU Units U.S., Reds End the Hotel Bond in Hartford Sun­ pered young birds have been carefully fed, well fed for juicy, tender eating. StaieNews day. Oth'ere' from St.- MaPRarat'a CSrcIe who attended the atatc Note the price. How could anything so good be so reasonable! Travel Dispute, meeUnR were Mre. Jamea Lemon; n vice regent; Mlai Anna LaGace and Mr*, ^ m u n d Kelly, past reRente.' Tensioii Holds Two Mancheater MaHnea recent- Your Best Buy in Br^lrfield 8 ckbol By CAIUU R. HARTMAN ly x^pleted recruit training at the Mlarlne Corps Recnilt Etepot, RERUN (AP)—One dia- 6.70XW Bl»rk TUUKLCtt lire|KAtiti« ''Cases put« between United States Tiib^ T>'P^. PIu* ^ Parris Island. S.C. TTiey are Ma- a t 5 8 , 0 0 0 RMiAppahlp Tire ONLY .rine Pvts. Gilbert W. Dupimt. apn. Luoked to WaW and Russia has been settled. Off Your Car $2.00 of Mr. and Mre. George F.« Dupont, As a result, the U.S. liaison 117 Ridge St., and Leon P. Wal­ mission in East Germany and MORE lace. son of Mr.', and Mrs. John.E. By e b e O b c w t m a n '^whlch have been tot eRdi- CHICAGO (A P )— Madicai Wallace, 79 Foster St. InaUon. the Soviet miseion at U.S. Plump to^ 3% lb. roast, WASHINGTON (AP) — A new Army. rencgsnlMHw invM^igfiton uanad contami­ T^e Army ia planning to dis­ nated whtar from a w dl today headquarters in West Ger­ fry or broil them. (Freezer or plan, announced Wednaeday. con­ many may once again move The SO-SO Club of St. MarY'* large family special buy in band about 824 small uoita all templates r<$i,iiindna.;niaB «t the •s .tbo probable, causa of «n Elplscopal ChurchNwlil meet Fri­ four Chiard and anmJBeswrve di- about without restriction. day at 7 p.m, in Neill Hal! for a lots of 4 for 36Vic lb.) around the nation in paring tic of infecUous h f^ ti- Ike agreement Thursday be­ Precautions pibUuck. The Rev. and ,Mra. Paul its Reserve-Guard strength by vlatona Into algltt flm&ribelwdeo , 0t TfmbmpA 4,006 oMs eaeh/ . iioa|d!icld,Op>BMin th< tween U.8. Geo..Bruce CClarke Bartxmr will ahow alldea and talk 68,000 men, infonned eourcea Sinmdrtiag units. kuiBiiiiiMir «4 :19iKI. > ' and Soviet Marshal Ivan S- Konev w 5J*^nof. about their 30 .vaara of living with said today. TtHf GsOi niilatftlf»-is arvtnnNmitoed liver eased the atmosphere somewhat O nPossible the American Indian in South Da­ These are unlts--aome'ai small a ready Aittielh^ *hc la ta e CKaun W Vhk& the hut brought no rijpiUloant change v * g V E » kota and their work ta Christian as . two-man ■ detachments—which ilHlsienei fieir. ihCul^. and two —. or even hope of Immediate *4ftfy bducatlon there. the Army feels It no longer needs. armored-wtikh would The taiveetigiiton said M eases change—In the general teneien They repment about 1$ per cent larged from their peaoant or the infection anperent hanging over West BerUn. Infiltration C. Elmore Watkln.* of Watkins ef the 8,800 leaser outfits main­ ot about 8,000 men to pedum U,-. eteeamad A«w a ’wiHl driOOd ih Clarke, the U.S. Army com­ Bros. Inc., .Manchester, will serve tained by the Guard and Reeefve. 000 each, m th the tvlgidaii, tMeae 19$r to supply w ater .goadee mander in Europe, and Konev, the By ia>WIN B. HAAKINSON ttnoe thnuga ate eC Zhe Ctonsoli- Soviet commander tai East Ger­ ’.'i/iV . a* a Judge of a "Jurying of Room 1h« > Army is getUng ready to dhietons would bpmlt ap-~flM IS WASHINGTON . (AP)— NO MONEY DOWN Proflles," arranged-by students of Start 4Uii' exhaustive atudy aimed regular Andy dhriakau. ' dated PnhBe geImM to Bmekfleld. many, met In Itoadam, Bast Ger­ ROAD HAZARD the University of Connecticut’s in­ in eddittM to/tke.|$ CewiSdat- many, to settls^the dispute that Two Am y generals testified Ihiy M U*am M $f.25 par irMk •UARANTEt at .spread^, the cutback evenly Tha -detatls were dtodM>md as 1 5 lyiONTH terior design program at a con­ «veir the nation. the Army sent. TIiitoiseLietary developed after Beat German po­ today that all U.S. aoldierg rilE K INSTALLATION! ference at the UConn Student ' The etudy, which. miw h»*Yln- Stephen AHaa bafM rkB aata aubi. lice shot up a U.S- mission ear. and officers now undergo spe­ Union Monday. The two commanders agreed 4she<f I n . a ■ month, wfll consider committee io'-a9tota .^m rsneosal cial training and indo^rina- population dlatrlbuUon and wheth­ which slready hiu dHiwiurttri ht their mlseions at each others’ rnsreoME’' Town Fire. Chief William C. er spedfie conimuntUes have ia- congress. headquarters would resume nor­ tlon on Communist tactics. Mason and Eighth District Firs cUlUes cuch u armories to sup­ Bqbo^ gyu0Htii»JUityfeenK^ nrm- mal 'activity today. There was no The aim, the generals said, la The Army knows it will have a tw tbem IMpt a-fifkiatf^ dMOtag to avoid a sUtMtlon like that dur-. Chief Francis lAmerlck will Join port Reserve ds Guard groupe. rough Urn's goOtog state governors — the w)l^ . ,. public mention ot the shooting In­ m sr s E u m i other lire marshals throuighout The Army also Is counting on to Boncur. Althoui^ m m ot the cident. ' Ing the Korean war when some OonnccUcut at the Eighth Annual attrition from existing units to eon- . I..- Kenw said, after the shooting American prisoners collaborated four Guard divlalm is split he. In-Uw dAWri- with their Oammunist captors. ConnecUcut Fire Marsbala Con­ tribuie to the planned drop. tween two or more ata^ gov- Urs. on March 90 that he was sorry ference to be held next Tuesdav Sourdee atresaed that virtually emore muat agZoe betore any unit about it, but Clarke termed this Gen. Barksdale Hamlett, Vied m^-'m-;>«iBdia^ .-cg4er.’-..«gidemi.. inautflelent because the Russian chief ot staff, said "Uie aoldlcrt through Thursday at th# Univsr- none of the manpower reduction ef such divtateoB wholly wtUdn tdi eeetteiL^436»lietie^. Stats New Travel Camfert alty of Connecticut. The group would on»e out -of eight Guard did not guarantee the artety rt are not being trained to-hlKoms fill ucuft, wui in front or will hear speakers ftora b o ^ In­ and Reeerva Infantry divlslona tha U.S. miasion members. , prisoners of war, but rathu: wMB roar atatf for cuiMonad com­ dustry and government, agencies Yes, we buy only e« vaga M m) teetindUeable The American commander or­ their behavior should be if they fort on loni tripi. discuss preventing. liamTt Bi­ dered a military escort to shadow unfortunately become prismers." chickens from the fin­ >— ..........................— ................ lik! 'Realth t Servlee, WtiBHa*. D. <!.. all movements ot the Soviet mis­ MeJ. Gen. Alva R. Fftch, aa- The annual dinner dance of th* est Connecticut poul­ Dempsey Pledges Action sion in Frankfurt, West Germany. ststont chief of staff intelli­ Nayaug Yacht aub will take place ' The Ruaeiani( retaliated by ban- gence, said Bpeclal at the Marine Corps Memorial' try farms. These These 3'/2 lb. Chickens rpast in ho time. .tender as b u tte r.. .stuff S S t o S S nine any movement of the U.S. provided for all Army ptoapn Hall, Glastonbury, on Saturday chickens are cleaned in with Pepperidgd Farm stuffing or roast without stuffing... Pap- HARTFORD (AP)'—The BUtS mission out of Potsdam without a stationed overseas where C ^ m rt April 14, at 6:30 p.m. The SUr an immaculate plant Motor'VeMele Oepartmant’e daily special permit. nist Infiltration and espionage ' Lighters orchestra will provide peridga Farm Stuffing 29e...Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce, Spe­ io s iv e s reoord ef autetawUe MUUtlea ad Britain and France kept hands likely. M N Y E M music for dancing. A special meet­ under government in­ cial 2 for 39c. of midnight and the totals en off the U.8.-8ovlet diepiAe and This fishing bo$p eonverted for « skin-diving hobby was rsported captured by Cubans The testimony of the generala ing of the board of directors will he the adfese date Mat year: their mission* went-about their who aeized seFen peraons including the skipper, Gapt. Gondon Patton of Ocean City, Md.
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