) ) VOL. 1 I NO.. 8 UN I\/ E RSI T y 0 F NOTRE OAM_!;E:_ ________~----------....:M....:..;...A.:..:.R...:..C=..:...:H:_9~, _1~9~6_:_7 .. t! Rembusch Reveals i!-~' ? ~.; ' / /' Soph Class Debt Soars Past $2000 Traces of federal government yearbook debts had taken their deficit spending have filtered in­ toll. to the financial picture of Notre Class debts are not newtoNotre Dame class government as the Dam:' student government. ln the sophomore class announced a past years, several classes have debt of $2,090.000 this week. Rick. mounted de"!:J~s of considerable a­ Rem\:lusch, sophomore class pre­ mo;rnts -- esj)ecially th:? S·J;>ho­ sident, disclosed that because of more governments because of the two large bills, his class govern­ nature of the difficult year. How­ m•~-lt is now •lp::Jrating in the red, ever, for the past threa years The debt of over twJ gran.d co.l­ class governments have m:l!iaged to stay out of the red. sists of $12·)0,00 ow·~d to the camp­ us press for publicity, $550,00 Father Charles McCarragher, billed to the class by a yearbook Vice President for Student Affairs. commented on the present sopho­ company, $240.00 still owed to two more debt, saying that it W!lS a bad rock and roll groups, and $100.00 for miscellaneous expenses. situatio:u and that th: debt wi.ll stay The announcem.lnt cam.: as a wi.th the class of '6~ and will not surprise to most stu:ient govera­ be inherited by next year's sopho­ m.:nt observers, co.:tsidering the mores. M~Carragher said, "The widely acknowledged fact that this sop~omore class has carried on a year's so;>1lomore class was hav­ well-inteationed but over am .. ing one of the mo3t successful bitious ·program this year. It was second year governm0nts in his­ misled by its early successes and tory. Boasting top flight academic figured that continued success and social programs, the sopho­ throughout the winter would be more class now finds itself over­ automatic. And of course, there extended financially. w·~re mmy failures such as the re.::ent m:.xer.'' The know~edge of the del:Jt had The vice president recalled that been ap:;>arent to Remh:tsch for the S9,;J:-tom0re year has been tra­ several w·~eks, as he studied ways ditioaally a difficult time for class to begin the climh frum the deficit (Continued on Page 7) le•j,5er and continually witnessed his efforts crushed by circum·· ;~;~;~;~;~;~;;;;;~;m;~;~mm;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~~;~;~;m;I;~~;;;~~;~;~~~~;m~~~ stances. A recent mixer atStepan Center figured in greatly with the debt, as it was projected to make Inside .... $350,00 and instead lost that sam•1 SNOltJOn- The downpour of snow which has strangled the ground of Notre Dame since semes­ amount due to weather and brok­ • After ravaging through all ofthe tl'f break has created some unusual effects, including its n;asquerade of tloe statue of Fr. Sorin on en transportation agreements. campaign propaganda and inter­ thl' :\lain quadrangle. The solemn meek priest cast in iron, through the docile touch of tJw sn~": is viewing all of the candidates, tlw transformed into a hl'lmeted, caped ghost lurking through the grey Sl\.Vline. Other snow atrocttlcs Rem'JJsch further noted that the sales for se::.J.J.d sem2ster key Observer Editors selected their like the job on the junior parents this \\eek-end, Ule halt in construction and the "almost" cancel­ choice for Notre Dame Student Body ing of clasS{'S are not so artsy, not so craftsy as the masking of Fr. Sorin. club cards fell far short of the President. Read about the man projected estim,lte. The so;>!lo­ more exo:!cutive further witnessed and the reason, page 6. the failure of a projecte-d money­ • That nasty Yellow Sheet has done Laetare Winner Lauds ·Students, Asks 'Help' it again. This time chastizing the mak.ng basketball exhibition be­ University and the Observer for J.P. Grace is this year's Laf'­ tween the Detroit Lions and a Faculty, and Students, While not dents ''either irresponsible or im­ leading students to hell. See the tare Medal winner. The Laetare team of Notre Dame football play­ seeing and immediate possibility mature." Dowd felt that a stu­ Yell ow Sheet reparduction on page is an annual award given the out­ ers when arrangements for the for the inclusion ot a student or dent on the Board of Trustees 6 and then see RobertSamAnson's standing Catholic layman as cho­ Bengal Bouts conflicted with the faculty seat on the Trustee Board, would disprove this long-held Ad­ commentary, page 8. sen by Notre Dame. Grace's ere~ Grace said that neither should be ministration theory. proposed date. Starting the year dentials are particularly impres­ mute or .indifferent to University virtually from scratch, the class • Two speakers, Selective Ser­ sive: he owns Grace Lines and the Affairs. Rather, said Grace, an When asked about their reaction saw its reserves soar to $1700,00 vice leader Lewis Hershey and United States' fourth largest bank, ad hoc committee could ·serve as to the Grace letter and the entire by the end of fall and then contin­ Stanford's Dave Harris cancelled Marine Midland Grace Bank. ln a meeting place for the three ele­ realm of student-faculty-adminis­ ually dwindle throughout the winter speaking engagements this week, addition, Grace is Chairman ofthe ments of Notre Dame. From the tration shaping of policy for the until the present state of affairs. A page 2, leaving Academic Com­ Board of the University's Lay respective viewpoints would result University, Rev. Edmund Joyce, m1jor error in the area of pro­ missioner Jim Wiser and Aca­ Trustees. the best possible conclusions to C.S.C., Executive Vice-President jections can. be attrib'.lte;:! to the demic Co-ordinator Bill Staszak lt was to Grace that Sophomore a given problem. This type of and Rev. Jerome Wilson, C.S.C., fact that the sop~s pla.rm e;:! 0:1. in a quandry, page 5. Pat Dowd wrote concerning the cooperation, said Grace, can and Vice President for Business Af­ bringing in more m<"ll~Y during th:? • Sports Columnist w. Hudson feasibility of admitting a student to should be encouraged. fairs, both concurred with Grace's winter throu6h parties and mix<:!rs Giles reviews the terror of bas­ th e Lay Trustee Board. Sur­ ln his reply, Grace referred in­ suggestion on a cooperative effort, and instead c::utinually lo3t mo~l­ ketball, a la Indiana. See Giles' prisingly, Grace replied. credulously to Dowd's complaint but did not state that the notion ey. HJw.,;ver, by th? time a clear Hoosier Hysteric Irish Eye, page He began by differentiating three that the Administration at Notre of ad hoc committees would nec­ picture of the financial situation 12. distinct groups: Administration, Dame considers most of its stu- essarily be the means. could be attained, publicity and Action Students Forming Party at Saint Mary's "We are not the first to z•oice butes her belief in the need for the just that we are most familiar with platform Jf the party. There will refers to the type of atmosphere: this di~;content. our a~;set is SMo:-A '>P to a NSA Student Con­ these classes and were able to co.l­ be no publicized membership drive where the students "w~uld wan.t to the strength of organization. \\ e gress that ~he attended last sum­ tact pe-ople w:n w·~ th::JUght would in the near future since the accep­ ani wo1ld get involved in dis~uss­ u ill act to support these mers. ''I was exposed to much have an interest.'' tance of the group is still, at best, 1'ieu·s . .. " io_ls about som0thing outside of discussion among the delegates," "uncertain", according to M ss Using this statem:'ilt to coacluje SMC." ~ trying to create this she said, "dealing with student DJerr. situation, the ASP is calling for U1eir Op::!.ii letter to th? stuients, opinion on their campuses on such Tne m;:t_'lifesto th1t the party pre­ the Saint Muy's Actioa Stui2at the administration to show how the topics as, the draft, black pow·~r seilted Monday night to the :students rules, such as early hours on week Party revealed M).1jay their exis­ an::! the like. And, it occurred to affirms the belief that Saint M:J.ry's te,1ce to the SMC student body. nights, regulations on dress and the mo~ that there was little such coJ.- · must change. It w•dnt on to speci­ While this new group has the sup­ like, contribute to an academ'.c cern at Saint Muy's ..• " fy such areas at S MC. Quoting COffiiTI'illity. port of and is patterning itself on As a consequence, Mtss DJerr from the letter: the Notre Dam,• ASP, it emphati­ The second plank oftheprogram "saw a need for change" at Saint • Printing justification of present is included in hopes of getting somt) cally states that it is an S MC groJ.o, Mary's and an Action Student Par­ cqllege rules as to their effective­ organiz~d to jeal w:th Saint Mhry's statem2nt on the background ofthe ty seemed to be the best vehicle. ness in creating atmosphere of pro"Jlem?.. an · fiscal setup at SMC. The present Although she refused to nam 2 her academ:c miturity. gripe over things monetary is the Despite the fact that they are cohorts, Miss D:Jerr described the • Stat em -:-at of allo;:atio.1 of tuition re~ent hike in stujent activities calling them:;elves action students, leadeship of the group as five and fees.
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