In the course of this challenging research project, we had the kind assistance of a host of committed individuals, organisations and international develop- development agencies. list being too long to cite, we would like to express our special gratitude to the numerous women’s organisations in ment agencies. list being too long to cite, we would like to express our special gratitude to the numerous women’s organisations in Africa,the Caribbeanbbeaan & PacifiPacifi c who shared their contacts and insightsinsights and assisted in puttingputting togethertogether this publication.publication. The ppurposeurpose of thisthi publicatio is to Africa,the Caribbean & Pacifi cwho shared their contacts and insights and assisted in putting together this publication. The purpose of this highlightght thethe keykkey roleroolee womenwommeenn playp in achieving human sustainable development. It showcases the outstanding contributions of grassrootsg women publicatio is to highlight the key role women play in achieving human sustainable development. It showcases the outstanding contributions of to equitableuiittaabble andand sustainablessusttaiinan bble developmentdevelopment on the ground,ground, and in their respectiverespective countries across the Sub-Saharan Africa,Africa, CaribbeanCari and Paci- fi c regions.ions. outstanding challenges and opportunitiespp for advancingg women’s rightsg in thethe economic,eeconommiicc, politicalpop littiiccaal and social dimensionsd of grassroots women to equitable and sustainable development on the ground, and in their respective countries across the Sub-Saharan Africa, life. Lastly,stly, it sheds newneew lightliighht on women’swwoommen’s agencyaaggenncyy inin humanhuuman sustainablessustaainablle dedevelopmentvev loopmennt as a critical factorfactor forfor stimulatingstim learning, Caribbean and Pacifi c regions. outstanding challenges and opportunities for advancing women’s rights in the economic, political and social knowledgeedgACPe sharingsharing andand innovation in developmentdevelo pmentWomen programmes,programmes, pprojects,rojects, andand interventions. sectors bbroadlyroadly coverecoveredd by thethe ggoodood pprracticeactice initiativesi include dimensions of life. Lastly, it sheds new light on women’s agency in human sustainable developmentt as a critical factor Women’smen’s PoliticalPolitical ParticipationParticippatioon ; Women’s EconomicEconomic EmpowermentEmpowerment ; HealthHeealthth ; EndingEEndding ViolenceViiollence agagainstainst WomWomen ; Culture ; Migrationration ; UrbanisationUrbanisatioonn ; Education ; and Natural Disaster Management and Mitigation. examine good practice initiatives whichwhic are making re- for stimulating learning, knowledge sharing and innovation in development programmes, projects, and interventions. sectors broadly covered by the markableble stristridesdes on women’s rirightght to equitableeeqquuitabble developmentdeeveloloppmment, to women’s rights,rights, while effectivelyeffectively iimprovingmproving women’s status and livelihoods. Draw good practice initiatives include Women’s Political Participation ; Women’s Economic Empowerment ; Health ; Ending Violence on thee knowledge and expertise of women’s development organisations on the ground.Women are key actors and sources to guideg policypop dialogue and decision-makingecision-making onon aidaiid distributiondisistrt ibbutu ioon, managementandmanagementand imimpactpact assessment. SupportSupport existingexisting local agendasagendas forfor women’swomen rights that against Women ; Culture ; Migration ; Urbanisation; Education ; and Natural Disaster Management and Mitigation. examine good prac- refl ect thethe prioritiespriorities ofof womenwomeActorsn themselves and connect with and support theof needs of grassroots women, including those in remote areasar who are least tice initiatives which are making remarkable strides on women’s right to equitable development, to women’s rights, while effectively improving able too makemake theirtheir pprioritiesriorities heard.heard. DevelopDDeevelop mechanismsmem chanisms to ensure that fundingfunding reaches grassrootsgrassroots women’s organisationsorganisations in remoteremot rural areas and poor urban areas. This could be done throughg scalingg upp fundingg to women’s funds or grassrootsg organisationsg that have links with grassrootsgrass civil society. women’s status and livelihoods. Draw on the knowledge and expertise of women’s development organisations on the ground.Women are key actors and Promoteote the consolidation and emergenceemergence ofo womenwommenen inin leadershiplleada errsshiipp positionspositions in economicecoonnomic socialsoocciiaal andand politicalpop lliititicaal lifeliliffee. PromotePromo development sources to guide policy dialogue and decision-making on aid distribution, managementand impact assessment. Support existing local projectsts andand programmesprogrammes tthathat are contributingcontributing to thethe strengtheningsttrerenggtheninng of locallocal marketsmarkets andand toto women’swomen’s capacityccaapaacity ttoo generategenenerraatete incomeinncco . Ensure that the projectsojects can show popotentialtential for replicationreDevelopmentplication and scalinscalingg upup,, in particularparticular to the local policypoliliccy levelleve ell where grassrootsgrassroots women are mostmos active. Support agendas for women’s rights that refl ect the priorities of women themselves and connect with and support the needs of grassroots women, the publication,ublication, dissemination and scaling up of the knowledge that grassrootsg women are producing. They are capably investigating showing viable including those in remote areas who are least able to make their priorities heard.Develop mechanisms to ensure that funding reaches grassroots alterna to achieveh equitableibl anddibl sustainable developmentdl goals.In lIh the course of fhll challenging research project, women’s organisations in remote rural areas and poor urban areas. This could be done through scaling up funding to women’s funds or grassroots orga- we had the kind assistance of a host of co individuals, organisations and international development agencies. The list bei, we our special gratitude to the women’s organisations in Africa, nisations that have links with grassroots civil society. Promote the consolidation and emergence of women in leadership positions in economic the Caribbean and the Pacifi c who shared their contacts and insights and assisted social and political life. Promote development projects and programmes that are contributing to the strengthening of local markets and to in putting together this publication. The purpose of this publication is to women’s capacity to generate income. Ensure that the projects can show potential for replication and scaling up, in particular to the local policy highlight the key role women play in achieving human sustainable develop- ment.It showcases the outstanding contributions level where grassroots women are most active. Support the publication, dissemination and scaling up of the knowledge that grassroots women are of women to equitable and sustainable producing. They are capably investigating showing viable alterna to achieve equitable and sustainable development goals.In the course of deve- lopment on the ground, and in their respective countries across the Sub-Saharan Africa, challenging research project, we had the kind assistance of a host of co individuals, organisations and international development agencies. The list bei, Caribbean and Pacifi c regions. outstanding challenges we our special gratitude to the women’s organisations in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacifi c who shared their contacts and insights and assisted and oppor- tunities for advancing women’s rights in in putting together this publication. The purpose of this publication is to highlight the key role women play in achieving human sustainable develop- the econo- mic, political and social dimensions of life. Lastly, it sheds new light on women’s agency in ment.It showcases the outstanding contributions of women to equitable and sustainable development on the ground, and in their human sustai- nable development as a critical factor respective countries across the Sub-Saharan Africa, Caribbean and Pacifi c regions. outstanding challenges and opportunities for advancing women’s for stimulating learning, knowledge sharing and innovation in deve- lopment programmes, projects, rights in the economic, political and social dimensions of life. Lastly, it sheds new light on women’s agency in human sustainable development as a criti- and interventions. sec- tors broadly covered by the cal factor for stimulating learning, knowledge sharing and innovation in development programmes, projects, and interventions. sectors broadly covered good practice initiatives include Women’s Poli- by the good practice initiatives include Women’s Political Participation; Women’s Economic Empowerment ; Health ; Ending Violence tical Participation ; Women’s Economic Empowerment ; Health ; Ending against Women ; Culture ; Migration ; Urbanisation; Culture Education ; and Natural Disaster Management and Mitigation. examine good Violence against Women ; Culture ; Migra- practice initiatives which are making remarkable strides on women’s right to equitable development, to women’s rights, while effectively improving tion ; Urbanisation; Culture Education ; and Natural Disaster Management and Mitigation. women’s status and livelihoods. Draw on the knowledge and expertise of women’s development
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